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;       В│ВнВчВ╠ЛGР▀      FILENAME:CSas#_##(CS+П═+╝┼╪╡ No.(+╗╠▐┼▌╩▐░))
;               ГVБ[ГУБ@ВWВQВOБQВP
;               ГCГxГУГgВ╠ЧТ


        DW      S1, S2, S3
        DW      M1
        DW      CM1, CM2, CM3
        DW      V_FNAME,N_FNAME

        INCLUDE "V_NAME00.INC"                  ; 0=NoCommand , 1-49=NormalCommand
        INCLUDE "N_NAME00.INC"                  ; 50-99=HseenCommand

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМБ@Б@Ц╝ОММQ
CM1:    DW      VV1,    NN1,-1
CM2:    DW      VV2,    -1
CM3:    DW      VV3,    -1

;VV1:   DB      1,      'МйВщ',0
VV1:    DB      1,      'LOOK',0
;VV2:   DB      2,      'НlВжВщ',0
VV2:    DB      2,      'THINK',0
;VV3:   DB      3,      'Т▐Вш',0
VV3:    DB      3,      'TRY YOUR LUCK',0

;NN1:   DB      1,      'В▄ВэВш',0
NN1:    DB      1,      'AROUND',0

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМ Ц╝ОМ ╠╫╕▐ ╥п╛░╝▐
S1:             DW      VV1, NN1,  1, M2, M3, M4, M5            ;МйВщБ@В▄ВэВш
S2:             DW      VV2, -1,  2, M6, M7, M8         ;НlВжВщ
S3:             DW      VV3, -1,  3, M9, M10            ;Т▐Вш

        DB      BGM,24
        BAK_INIT "AB_24"
        DB      "%001:  ........I want you to know, I hate being paraded"
        DB      CR
        DB      "around for everyone like this."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        TU_CG 'CT03','W',0,20,2
        TU_CG 'CT02','W',0,0,3
        T_CG 'CT01','W',0,12,4
        DB      ANI,A_ON,2
        DB      ANI,A_ON,3
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ┌ВтВйВ╚ВвБAВ┌ВтВйВ╚ВвБB%001МNВ═В▒В╠КwНZВ╠ГqБ[ГНБ[В╚ВёВ╛ВйВчБB'
        DB      "Reiko:  There's nothing that can be done about it. You're a"
        DB      CR
        DB      "hero!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ╗В╠КДВ╔БAИ╡ВвВ╨В╟ВнВ╚ВвБH'
        DB      "%001:  ........If I'm a hero, then why am I being forced to"
        DB      CR
        DB      "go through with all of this?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Reiko:  What's the next event, Kiyomi?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ╦ВеБAУжВ░В─ВвВвБH'
        DB      "%001:  Do you guys mind if I run away ?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВвВвВжБAВвВпВ▄В╣ВёВэБB'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  No! You have to stick to the schedule!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Next is a fishing contest where students challenge"
        DB      CR
        DB      "the number one athlete in the school...%001."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Me? I don't want any part of that!"
        DB      PAUSE
;       DB      'СцИъБAЙ┤БAВаВёВ▄ВшТ▐ВшВ┴В─У╛И╙В╢ВсВ╚ВвВ╝БB'
        DB      " And what do I know"
        DB      CR
        DB      "about fishing, anyway?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFСхПфХvВ╛ВцБI%001РцФyВ╚ВчБB'
        DB      "Mio:  You'll be fine!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ│БAНsВлВ▄В╡ВхБA%001МNБB'
        DB      "Reiko:  Well, let's go, %001."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ......................"
        DB      PAUSE
        DB      "I want to run away!"
        DW      0000H

M2:             ;МйВщБ@В▄ВэВш
        DB      "Reiko, Kiyomi, and Mio are keeping an eye on me today."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I'm sure they'd rather be walking around the culture festival"
        DB      CR
        DB      "instead."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'НбВ▄В┼В╠Й┤В╚ВчБAВлВ┴В╞БuЙ┤В╠В▒В╞В═ВвВвВйВчБvВ╞М╛В┴В─ВвВщВ═В╕В╛БB'
        DB      "I'm sure that before, I would have said, 'Nevermind about"
        DB      CR
        DB      "what I want to see...' and just gone along with everyone."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'В╛ВпВ╟НбВ═БAВ╗ВъВкХKВ╕В╡ВрСКОшВЁОvВвВтВщВ▒В╞В╔В═В╚ВчВ╚ВвБAВ╞М╛ВдВ▒В╞ВЁТmВ┴В─ВвВщБB'
        DB      "But now I know that doing what others want isn't always the"
        DB      CR
        DB      "kindest thing for them, thanks to Kyoko-sensei."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'В╛ВйВчБAР\В╡ЦєВ╚ВвВ╞ОvВвВ┬В┬БAВ▒В╠ВRРlВ╔К├ВжВ│В╣В─ВрВчВ┴В─ВвВщБB'
        DB      "So I can't just do what these women tell me to do all the"
        DB      CR
        DB      "time."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ▒ВёВ╚ХЧВ╔НlВжВчВъВщВцВдВ╔В╚В┴В╜В╠ВрБAНбУ·ОqРцР╢В╠ВиВйВ░В╛В╚БB'
        DB      "I'm sure glad Kyoko-sensei set me straight."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,1,1
        DW      0000H

M3:             ;МйВщБ@В▄ВэВш
        DB      "Reiko, Kiyomi, and Mio are here."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ╖В▓ВнБAВаВшВкВ╜ВвБEБEБE'
        DB      "They're such nice people..."
        DW      0000H

M4:             ;МйВщБ@В▄ВэВш
;       DB      'БEБEБEВиБAТ▐ВшПуВ░В╜УzВкВвВщБEБEБE'
        DB      "Ah, someone caught a fish."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      BUF,B_COPY01
        T_CG "CT13","F",0,15,4
;       DB      'БyНZТ╖БzБFВ═В┴В═В┴В═БAВ▄В╛В▄В╛ОсВвГВГУВ╔В═ФsВпВёВ╝БA%001МNБI'
        DB      "Dean:  Ha ha ha! You young people can't beat a seasoned"
        DB      CR
        DB      "fisherman like me!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEНZТ╖РцР╢В╛В┴В╜БEБEБE'
        DB      ".......It was the dean."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "............................."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВаБAВ▄В╜БEБEБE'
        DB      "............................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I think I there's something fishing about all this."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,1
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,1,3
        DW      0000H

M5:             ;МйВщБ@В▄ВэВш
;       DB      'ВаБAНZТ╖РцР╢В▄В╜Т▐В┴В╜В╝БB'
        DB      "The dean managed to get a fish."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ╨ВхВ┴В╞В╡В─БAНZТ╖РцР╢В═Й┤ВцВшЧyВйВ╔БuВ╖В▓ВвБvРlВ╚ВёВ╢ВсВ╚ВвВйБH'
        DB      ".......I wonder if I can do this."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНZТ╖БzБFВ═В┴В═В┴В═БAВ╟ВдВ╡В╜В╦БA%001МNБBПнВ╡В═Ц{ЛCВЁПoВ╡В╜В▄ВжБB'
        DB      "Dean:  Ha ha ha, what's wrong, %001? A little worried?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEЙ┤ВкВвВнВчЦ{ЛCВ╛В╡В─ВрБAЛЫВ═ВйВйВ┴В┐ВсВнВъВ╦ВжВ┼В╖ВцБB'
        DB      "%001:  Now matter how hard I try, if the fish won't bite,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "it's not going to do any good."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ╞ВйМ╛В┴В─ВщК╘В╔БAВ▄В╜Т▐ВшПуВ░В─ВщВ╡БEБEБE'
        DB      "....Opps, he got another one."
        DW      0000H

M6:             ;НlВжВщ
;       DB      'ТNВ╛БHВ▒ВёВ╚ГCГxГУГgНlВжВ╜УzВ═БEБEБE'
        DB      "Who the hell thought up this event anyway?"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEНZТ╖В╡ВйВвВ╦ВжВйБEБEБE'
        DB      "..............Maybe the dean himself."
        DW      0000H

M7:             ;НlВжВщ
;       DB      'ВжВжВвБAУжВ░ВчВъВ╜БI'
        DB      "I want to run away...!"
;       DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БEБEБEВ═В┴БAВвВйВёБAГnГ}ГbВ─ВщБH'
;       DB      "This isn't good..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,2
        DW      0000H

M8:             ;НlВжВщ
;       DB      'В▒ВъВ═В▒ВъВ┼БEБEБEМЛН\БEБEБE'
        DB      "Guess there's nothing I can do about it."
        DW      0000H

M9:             ;Т▐Вш
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ................"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFРцФyБAВ╟ВдБEБEБEБH'
        DB      "Mio:  Are you having any luck, %001?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  I can see fish swimming around in there, but they're"
        DB      CR
        DB      "not biting."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFВ┼ВрБAМ№В▒ВдВ┼В╜ВнВ│ВёТ▐В┴В─ВщВцБEБEБEБH'
        DB      "Mio:  But the dean is catching a lot."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВжБEБEБEБHВаБAГzГУГgВ╛БB'
        DB      "%001:  You're right."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,1,2
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,1
;       DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,1
        DW      0000H

M10:            ;Т▐Вш
;       DB      'ВиБAВйВйВ┴В╜БI'
        DB      "Ah, I got one!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ┘ВдВшВсВаВЯБI'
        DB      "%001:  Come on, fish!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFВэВЯБA%001РцФyБAВ╖В▓ВвВ╖В▓Б[ВвБI'
        DB      "Mio:  Oh %001, that's great!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╓В╓БEБEБEТ▐ВъВ╜ВыБH'
        DB      "%001:  ......I got one, didn't I? I told you I could do it."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧщОqБzБFВ╓ВеБAМЛН\ВтВщВэВ╦БEБEБE'
        DB      "Reiko:  That's great."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВиПуОшВ┼В╖ВэБI%001В│ВёБI'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  You're wonderful, %001!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВдВёВдВёБAСхС╠ГRГcВ═Т═ВёВ╛В╝БBИ╚КOВ╞К╚ТPВ╚ГВГУВ╛В┴В╜ВёВ╛В╚БB'
        DB      "%001:  I think I've got the hang of this now. I should be"
        DB      CR
        DB      "able to beat the dean now."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНZТ╖БzБFВэВ═В═В═В═БAВ╗ВъВ┼В▒В╗ОДВ╠НDУGОшВ╞М╛ВдВрВ╠В╛БI'
        DB      "Dean:  Ha ha ha! You think you can beat me with just"
        DB      CR
        DB      "one fish?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  We're not rivals, sir."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyНZТ╖БzБFВэВ═В═В═В═БAВ│ВаБAПЯХЙВ═В▒ВъВйВчВ╛БI'
        DB      "Dean:  Yes we are! Let's see what you can do!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ..................."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O B_SUDA
        DB      "...................................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I did the best I could, but in the end, the dean won"
        DB      CR
        DB      "the contest."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "At the end of the hour time limit, he had the most fish."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "But after the event, I was able to relax a little."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyР┤Ф№БzБFВ│БAОЯВ╠ГCГxГУГgВ╓ОQВшВ▄В╡ВхВдБI'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  Okay, let's get moving for the next event."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВрБAВ╟ВдВ╔В┼ВрВ╡В─БEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ......I don't want to go..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyФ№ППБzБFВ╗ВёВ╚БAУКВ░ВтВшВ╚БEБEБE'
        DB      "Kiyomi:  There's nothing you can do about that, I'm afraid..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      SINARIO,'CS820_2.OVL',0
        DW      0000H
