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;       В│ВнВчВ╠ЛGР▀      FILENAME:CSas#_##(CS+П═+╝┼╪╡ No.(+╗╠▐┼▌╩▐░))
;               ГVБ[ГУБ@ВdБQВdБQВU
;               Ч┌ЧЮВgВQ

        DW      S1, S2, S3, S4
        DW      M1
        DW      CM1, CM2, CM3, CM4
        DW      V_FNAME,N_FNAME
        INCLUDE "V_NAME00.INC"                  ; 0=NoCommand , 1-49=NormalCommand
        INCLUDE "N_NAME00.INC"                  ; 50-99=HseenCommand

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМБ@Б@Ц╝ОММQ
CM1:    DW      VV1,    NN1,-1
CM2:    DW      VV2,    NN1,-1
CM3:    DW      VV3,    -1
CM4:    DW      VV4,    -1

;VV1:   DB      1,      'МйВщ',0
VV1:    DB      1,      'LOOK',0
;VV2:   DB      2,      'ШbВ╖',0
VV2:    DB      2,      'TALK',0
;VV3:   DB      3,      'ГLГX',0
VV3:    DB      3,      'KISS',0
;VV4:   DB      4,      'ИдХПВ╖Вщ',0
VV4:    DB      4,      'CARESS',0

;NN1:   DB      1,      'Ч┌ЧЮ',0
NN1:    DB      1,      'RURI',0

;       Б@Б@Б@ УоОМ Ц╝ОМ ╠╫╕▐ ╥п╛░╝▐
S1:             DW      VV1, NN1,  1, M2                ;МйВщБ@Ч┌ЧЮ
S2:             DW      VV2, NN1,  2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7                ;ШbВ╖Б@Ч┌ЧЮ
S3:             DW      VV3, -1,  3, M8, M9, M10, M11           ;ГLГX
S4:             DW      VV4, -1,  4, M12, M13, M14, M15         ;ИдХПВ╖Вщ

        DB      BGM,13
        E_CG B_FADE,'AE_185'
;       DB      'ФТРЕВ│ВёВ╠ЧЗРgВкБAМОЦ╛ВйВшВ╔П╞ВчВ│ВъВ─ВщБB'
        DB      "And then Ruri was there, her naked body shining in the"
        DB      CR
        DB      "moonlight."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ╞В─ВрВлВъВвВ╛БEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  You're beautiful."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  .....I am? I don't know what beautiful is."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЙ┤ВкОvВ┴В─В╜ВцВшВрБAВ╕В┴В╞БEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  You're more beautiful than I dreamed..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .....I mean...I didn't sit around thinking about you"
        DB      CR
        DB      "naked or anything..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБFБEБEБE'
        DB      "Ruri:  ................."
        DB C_BLD,C_V_ON,3
        DB C_BLD,C_V_ON,4
        DW      0000H

M2:             ;МйВщБ@Ч┌ЧЮ
;       DB      'Й┤В╠СOВ╔СSВ─ВЁВ│ВчВпПoВ╡В─ВвВщБEБEБE'
        DB      "She's lying in front of me, offering herself to me."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВлВъВвВ╛БEБEБE'
        DB      "She's beautiful..."
        DW      0000H

M3:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Ч┌ЧЮ
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ▄ВщВ┼Ц▓В╠ТЖВ╔ВвВщВ▌В╜ВвВ╛ВцБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  I...I feel like I'm dreaming or something..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  ......Me, too. I dreamed a lot about you, actually,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "for a long time.."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЙ┤В╠Ц▓БH'
        DB      "%001:  You did?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Yes. I dreamed you were walking with another girl..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEМ╗О└В╠Й┤В═В▒В▒В╔ВвВщВцБB'
        DB      "%001:  ...But I'm here, with you."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБFБEБEБEВ╗ВдВйВ╡ВчБB'
        DB      "Ruri:  Are you?"
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,1
        DW      0000H

M4:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Ч┌ЧЮ
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБEВ╗ВдВйВ╡ВчВ┴В─БAЙ╜ВкВ│БH'
        DB      "%001:  .....What do you mean by that?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  This could really all be a dream. Mine or...yours."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  ...................."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,2
        DW      0000H

M5:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Ч┌ЧЮ
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБFВ╗ВъВ╞ВрБAХ╩В╠ТNВйВ╠Ц▓ВйВрВ╡ВъВ╚ВвБB'
        DB      "Ruri:  Maybe it's someone else's dream."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ....Ruri?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Maybe I don't even really exist. Or maybe..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Maybe I'm the only one in the world, and everyone else"
        DB      CR
        DB      "is part of my dream."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБFХ|ВвВ╠БEБEБEНKВ╣В╖ВмВ─БB'
        DB      "Ruri:  I'm afraid, %001... I'm not supposed to be this"
        DB      CR
        DB      "happy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  I'm afraid that someone is going to turn on the "
        DB      CR
        DB      "lights and say, 'Wake up, Ruri. Your dream is over.'"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЙ┤В═В▒В▒В╔ВвВщВцБEБEБEФТРЕВ│ВёБB'
        DB      "%001:  I'm here, Ruri. I'm really here."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Й┤В═В╗В┴В╞ФТРЕВ│ВёВ╠ОшВЁОцВ┴В╜БBВ╗В╠В╨ВёВтВшВ╞В╡В╜ФзВкБAЦ▓В╢ВсВ╚ВвВ▒В╞ВЁЛ│ВжВ─ВнВъВщБB'
        DB      "I took Ruri's hand. It was physically there, in my hand. It"
        DB      CR
        DB      "wasn't a dream."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I touched her face, to let her know it. She closed her eyes"
        DB      CR
        DB      "at my touch."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  ......It's warm."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,3
        DW      0000H

M6:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Ч┌ЧЮ
        DB      "Ruri:  .....%001, thank you for not giving up on me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She looked at me with her deep brown eyes."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .......Ruri."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБF%001МNБEБEБE'
        DB      "Ruri:  %001....."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  ......I'm cold."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВиВ┴В╞БEБEБEВ╗ВъВ╢ВсБAНбВ╖ВоВаВ┴В╜В▀В─ВаВ░ВщВцБB'
        DB      "%001:  .....Come here. I'll warm you."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Й┤В═Ч┌ЧЮВЁВ╗В┴В╞Л╣В╠ТЖВ╔Х°ВлТўВ▀В╜БB'
        DB      "I took her into my arms again, holding her close to me."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,2,4
        DB C_BLD,C_V_OFF,3
        DB C_BLD,C_V_OFF,4
        DW      0000H

M7:             ;ШbВ╖Б@Ч┌ЧЮ
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЧ┌ЧЮБEБEБEЧDВ╡ВнВ╖ВщВйВчБEБEБE'
        DB      "Ruri:  I'm so happy to be here with you, I can't stand it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .....Oh, Ruri."
        DW      0000H

M8:             ;ГLГX
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВщВшБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  Ruri..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Ч┌ЧЮВ╞РOУпОmВЁРGВъВ│В╣ВщБB'
        DB      "We kissed."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Oh, I've wanted to do that for so long..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'В═В╔ВйВ▐ВцВдВ╔ФўП╬В▐Ч┌ЧЮБBЙ┤В═ВрВ┴В╞ВрВ┴В╞Ч┌ЧЮВкЧ~В╡ВнВ╚ВщБB'
        DB      "She smiled. I wanted her more and more."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,1
        DW      0000H

M9:             ;ГLГX
;       DB      'Ч┌ЧЮВ╠ФТВвМиВ╔М√В├ВпВщБB'
        DB      "I kissed her again."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Й┤В╠РOВ╠РGВъВ╜ПъПКВкБAФўВйВ╔НўРFВ╔РїВ▄ВщБB'
        DB      "The place where my lips had touched hers was sakura-colored."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,2
        DW      0000H

M10:            ;ГLГX
;       DB      'НбУxВ═БAВрВ┴В╞ГfГBБ[ГvВ╚ГLГXБB'
        DB      "I kissed her a third time, pushing my tongue into her mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her eyes opened at the unexpected intruder, but then closed"
        DB      CR
        DB      "slowly, as my tongue probed her mouth."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,3,3
        DW      0000H

M11:            ;ГLГX
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБF%001МNБEБEБEВрВдИъУxБEБEБE'
        DB      "Ruri:  %001, do it again."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Ц┌ВЁХ┬В╢В─ГLГXВЁВ╦В╛ВщЧ┌ЧЮБB'
        DB      "She closed her eyes and waited for me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I rained kisses on her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks, and "
        DB      CR
        DB      "her neck."
        DW      0000H

M12:            ;ИдХПВ╖Вщ
;       DB      'ФТОеВ╠ЧlВ╔ККВчВйВ╚Ч┌ЧЮВ╠ФзВ╔ОwВЁФЗВэВ╖БB'
        DB      "I run my fingers along her smooth body."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  That tickles..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,4,1
        DW      0000H

M13:            ;ИдХПВ╖Вщ
;       DB      'ЧтВжР╪В┴В╜Ч┌ЧЮВ╠СSРgВЁБAОшВ╠В╨ВчВ┼В│В╖ВщБB'
        DB      "I rub her with my open hand, lightly."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Mmmm..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,4,2
        DW      0000H

M14:            ;ИдХПВ╖Вщ
;       DB      'Ч┌ЧЮВ╠В╙ВнВцВйВ╚Л╣ВЁХяВ▐ВцВдВ╔ОшВЁПdВ╦ВщБB'
        DB      "I rest my hands on her breasts."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFЧ┌ЧЮВ┴В─БAМЛН\ТЕСЙВ╣В╖ВщВёВ╛В╚БEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  You've got a really beautiful body, Ruri..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  ..........."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'ВмВуВ┴'
        DB      "*DIG*"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВаВ╜БI'
        DB      "%001:  Ouch!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Ч┌ЧЮВкЙ┤В╠ОшВ╠НbВЁВ┬В╦ВщБB'
        DB      "Suddenly Ruri dug her fingernails into my hand."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  That was your punishment for seeing someone naked"
        DB      CR
        DB      "besides me."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВрВдВ╡В▄В╣ВёБIВрВдВ╡В▄В╣ВёБI'
        DB      "%001:  I won't do anything like that again, I promise!"
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'БyЧ┌ЧЮБzБFМйВщВ╚ВчОДВ╛ВпВЁМйВ─В╦БEБEБE'
        DB      "Ruri:  If you're going to look at someone, look at me, "
        DB      CR
        DB      "alright?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .....Just look?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  .........You can touch, too..."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFВ╢ВсВаБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  Okay, then..."
        DB      FLG,F_COPYI,4,3
        DW      0000H

M15:            ;ИдХПВ╖Вщ
        DB      "My hand moves down to Ruri's slit. I touched her, and"
        DB      CR
        DB      "found her wet center."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  %001..........Ahhn...."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'ЧтВжР╪В┴В─ВвВ╜Ч┌ЧЮВ╠С╠В═ФMВнПуЛCВ╡В─ВвВ╜БB'
        DB      "Ruri's body, cold from the air, began to get warm."
        DB      NEXT
;       DB      'Бy%001БzБFСхПфХvБBЛ░ВнВ╚ВвВцБEБEБE'
        DB      "%001:  It's alright, Ruri. I'll be gentle..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  %001, I have to tell you......"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  Tell me what?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  I'm not.... I mean, I've done this before."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ........................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  ......................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  .......I see."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  There was a guy...at a school I went to last year,"
        DB      CR
        DB      "and..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ........................................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "It wasn't easy for me to hear, of course. I think all men"
        DB      CR
        DB      "are the same."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I thought of Kyoko-sensei, and everything that she had"
        DB      CR
        DB      "taught me..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "......But her special lessons never prepared me for this."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri was watching me intently. Her eyes began to fill"
        DB      CR
        DB      "with tears."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Are you.....mad?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ............................................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  I'm not......dirty, am I?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I looked at her lying next to me, then. Her small body..."
        DB      CR
        DB      "so frail...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri was willing to give herself to me now. Because she"
        DB      CR
        DB      "loved me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Suddenly, it was alright."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "%001:  ............I'm not mad. And there isn't a part of"
        DB      CR
        DB      "you that's dirty."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Thank you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  Have you.....before?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I nodded."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ruri:  ....Oh."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      SINARIO,'CSE_E_7.OVL',0
        DW      0000H
