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  1. ;       В│ВнВчВ╠ЛGР▀    FILENAME:CSas#_##(CS+П═+╝┼╪╡ No.(+╗╠▐┼▌╩▐░))
  2. ;               ГGГУГfГBГУГOБiМbИ╦Ф№Бj
  3. ;              
  4.         INCLUDE SUPER_S.INC
  5. ;       DB      '
  6. ;       DB      'БEБEБEВ╗В╡В─БAВRФNМуБEБEБE'
  7.         DB      "Three years passed..."
  8.         DB      NEXT
  9. ;       DB      'Й┤В╞МbИ╦Ф№В═БAМbИ╦Ф№В╠ХъРeВкВйВ┬В─ВвВ╜ГTБ[ГJГXТcВ┼КИЦЇВ╡В─ВвВ╜БB'
  10.         DB      "Meimi and I joined the circus group that Meimi's mother"
  11.         DB      CR
  12.         DB      "belonged to."
  13.         DB      NEXT
  15.         DB      "Meimi was the star, of course. I just helped out where I"
  16.         DB      CR
  17.         DB      "could."
  18.         DB      NEXT
  19. ;       DB      'ИъЙЮЙ┤ВрБAЛъРSОSрWВ╡В╜НbФуВаВ┴В─ГsГGГНВЁВтВчВ╣В─ВрВчВжВщВ▄В┼В╔В═В╚В┴В╜БB'
  20.         DB      "They're letting me fill in for one of the clowns this"
  21.         DB      CR
  22.         DB      "season."
  23.         DB      NEXT
  24. ;       DB      'БEБEБEВ╛ВпВ╟БAК╧ЛqВ╠К╜Р║В╞ГXГ|ГbГgГЙГCГgВ═МbИ╦Ф№В╠ХиВ╛БB',CR
  25. ;       DB      'В╗ВъВ┼ВвВвБAВ╞Й┤В═ОvВ┴В─ВвВщБB'
  26.         DB      "....The applause and the spotlight are all for Meimi. That's"
  27.         DB      CR
  28.         DB      "fine with me."
  29.         DB      NEXT
  30. ;       DB      'Й┤В═ВаВ╠У·В╔МИВ▀В╜ВёВ╛БBМbИ╦Ф№ВЁВ╕В┴В╞БAЙЮЙЗВ╡С▒ВпВщВ╞БB'
  31.         DB      "Ever since that day, I'd made up my mind to be there for "
  32.         DB      CR
  33.         DB      "her no matter what she did."
  34.         DB      NEXT
  35. ;       DB      'Й┤В╔В═К╧ЛqВ╠К╜Р║ВцВшБAМbИ╦Ф№В╠ВаВ╠П╬КчВкХKЧvВ╚ВёВ╛БB'
  36.         DB      "More than the cheers of the audience, I need Meimi's smile."
  37.         DB      NEXT
  38. ;       DB      'В╗В╡В─МbИ╦Ф№В═БAЙ┤ВкЦ]В▀В╬ВвВ┬В┼ВрВ╗ВъВЁМйВ╣В─ВнВъВщБB'
  39.         DB      "Meimi shows it to me whenever I ask for it."
  40.         DB      NEXT
  41. ;       DB      'С╝В╔БAЙ╜ВкЧvВщВ╞М╛ВдВ╠В╛ВыВдБH'
  42.         DB      "What else do I need out of life?"
  43.         DB      NEXT
  45.         DB      "......From the roof, pink confetti is released, falling"
  46.         DB      CR
  47.         DB      "down into the ring. It makes me think of sakura petals."
  48.         DB      NEXT
  49. ;       DB      'ОЖВ╙В╘ВлВкВ│ВнВчВ╠Й╘В╤ВчВ╔МйВжВщОЮБAЙ┤В═ВвВ┬ВрОvВвПoВ╖БB',CR
  50. ;       DB      'МbИ╦Ф№В╞Й▀В▓В╡В╜БAВаВ╠У·БXВЁБB'
  51.         DB      "I remember...the season of the sakura."
  52.         DB      NEXT
  53.         DB      CR
  55.         DB      "(That's right! That was the start of it all...!)"
  56.         DW      0000H
  59. end