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  4. <title>Mappy - Win32 Version History</title>
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  8. <p><a name="vhistory"></a></p>
  10. <h3>Version History</h3>
  12. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.23</strong><br>
  13. Fixed getObjectFilename not working unless Textstrings were loaded<br>
  14. Added getLayerName to get the name of a layer<br>
  15. Added holding shift key scrolls ten blocks when arrow keys are pressed<br>
  16. Removed geocities references<br>
  17. Added Show lower layers to onionskin options<br>
  18. Added Object Layer field to show info on tiles (This associates objects with<br>
  19. a layer and only shows it on the layer specified in a user field).<br>
  20. Mousewheel now scrolls the window the mouse is over<br>
  22. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.22</strong><br>
  23. Placer.lua can now smooth as you draw the map (see quickstart docs)<br>
  24. Area.lua now places a solid rectangle of blocks<br>
  25. Layers increased to 100<br>
  26. Layers can be named (shown in map window titlebar)<br>
  27. The tl,tr,bl,br field labels can now be set<br>
  28. Pro: Fixed drag map and block coords<br>
  29. Fixed too long labels<br>
  30. Fixed wrong block diplayed on onionskin when flag1 is set on block<br>
  31. Onionskin can edit layer when not at front<br>
  32. Pro: Unselected object show text in bordercolour property<br>
  33. Pro: Object user values can be displayed with show user info<br>
  34. mappy.setValue (mappy.MAPFILENAME, "") now updates the titlebar<br>
  35. Lua: mappy.renameLayer (LAYERNUM, "Name") added<br>
  37. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.21</strong><br>
  38. Reverted to lua 5.0.3 due to a possible bug in lua 5.1 (used in mapwin1420):<br>
  39.   It appears numbers are rounded to nearest whole number in 5.1 meaning scripts<br>
  40.   using writeIntLSB (Export binary file.lua etc) wrote incorrect files<br>
  41.   See the tilemap.co.uk forum for more details<br>
  42. If a lua script has an error, this will now be shown (thanks Merick)<br>
  43. Corrected the lua docs for mappy.setValue()<br>
  44. Fixed lua mappy.moveWindow()<br>
  45. You can set the dividers from lua with get/setValue (mappy.MAPDIVIDERS, ONOFF, X, Y, COLOUR)<br>
  46.   ONOFF is 0 or 1, COLOUR is an RGB value (if using getValue, these are returned)<br>
  48. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.20</strong><br>
  49. Fixed crash when User info is shown with 3D walls (wnesmode)<br>
  50. Added 3D walls mode to MapTools menu (wnesmode)<br>
  51. Pro: OBJGXOFF and OBJGYOFF now read and set from lua<br>
  52. Pro: Custom mousebuttons now work in Graphics editor (block0=colour0, pick, fill, line)<br>
  53. Pro: Drag map now works in Object editor<br>
  54. Fixed user info display length can now be changed<br>
  55. Compiled with latest mingw, lua (5.1.2) and libpng (1.2.24)<br>
  56. Keys i, k and m can be customised in mapwin.ini (keyi, keyk and keym)<br>
  57. ctrl-x or Edit cut can now display a warning with 'warnctrlx=1' in mapwin.ini<br>
  59. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.19</strong><br>
  60. 32bit FMPS now have true alphablend (use onionskin or move graphics from BG to FG field
  61. with 'range edit blocks')<br>
  62. Fixed several lua dialogue functions<br>
  63. Overlap maps (where stagger is 0x0, but blockgap is different from blocksize) now
  64. work properly (use onionskin on a blank layer for transparent overlap), disable
  65. grid for less depth sort artifacts<br>
  66. 'Grab Brush from block sequence' works better, size the Block Window so the area is
  67. aligned, select the top left block, then select the bottom right block, then select
  68. 'Grab Brush from block sequence' in the Brushes menu and accept the defaults.<br>
  70. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.18</strong><br>
  71. Fixed object drag bug<br>
  72. Fixed block properties from 1.4.17 (user 5,6,7 still signed)<br>
  73. Improved Dialogue example slightly<br>
  74. Fixed a mapwin.ini textexportopts comment<br>
  76. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.17</strong><br>
  77. 1.4.17 (beta 1 to 5 are now 1.4.12 to 1.4.16)<br>
  78. Any Dialogue through lua (see examples Dialogue Example and Dialogue Proc in luascr)<br>
  79. Undo for all buttons<br>
  80. Fix crash on make map from big picture<br>
  81. Set text export defaults in mapwin.ini<br>
  82. investigate atoi blank field in block properties<br>
  83. any action with mousebuttons (see mapwin.ini)<br>
  86. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.16</strong><br>
  87. Beta 5:<br>
  88. Toggling the Flip V and Flip H flags in block properties redraws the dialogue<br>
  89. BlockProp.lua and ObjectProp.lua are called each time the properties dialogue is drawn, allowing labels to be changed (see examples in luascr folder)<br>
  90. Grid no longer drawn in software zoomout (0.5 and 0.25)<br>
  91. Lua: moveWindow (WINDOW, x, y, width, height) added (WINDOW = MPY_MAINWINDOW, MPY_MAPWINDOW or MPY_BLOCKWINDOW)<br>
  92. Setting text strings is now much easier (from textfile)<br>
  94. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.15</strong><br>
  95. Beta 4:<br>
  96. Zoom 0.25 should work with bigger window sizes<br>
  97. Pro: Added duplicate current object and place with ctrl+click<br>
  98. Lua: Can run a lua script by dragging an area (luascr/Area.lua)<br>
  99. Pro: Fixed brush window so anims are displayed<br>
  100. New Block properties dialogue with settable labels<br>
  101. Pro: New Object properties dialogue with settable labels<br>
  103. Added user definable labels to Block Properties and Object Properties dialogues:<br>
  104. To set user labels, add lines like this to mapwin.ini (16labels, each end with ';')<br>
  105. blockdialoguelabels=User data:;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;tl;tr;bl;br;bg transp;flag 1;flag 2;flag 3;<br>
  106. objectdialoguelabels=Object data:;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;F1;F2;F3;F4;F5;F6;F7;F8;<br>
  107. Should also be able to set with lua:<br>
  108. mappy.setValue (mappy.BLOCKLABELS, "User data:;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;tl;tr;bl;br;bg transp;flag 1;flag 2;flag 3;")<br>
  109. mappy.setValue (mappy.OBJECTLABELS, "Object data:;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;F1;F2;F3;F4;F5;F6;F7;F8;")<br>
  111. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.14</strong><br>
  112. Beta 3:<br>
  113. Added lua function 'mappy.renameMenuItem (123, "Test rename")' number is a shortcut as in docs.<br>
  114. Lua: Added new get/setValue (MAPONION)<br>
  115. Lua: Added new get/setValue (MAPDARK)<br>
  116. Lua: Can now add 30 lua script in ini file (16 in menu, rest can be set to keys)<br>
  117. Export:Current Layer as big picture now exports 24bit if 8bit map has darken or objects displayed<br>
  118. zoom 0.25 crashes in 1280x1024 softscale<br>
  119. Resize map needs fixing (parts of map lost on some resizes. Topleft=0,0 is fine)<br>
  120. pro: add next/prev on 'graph'<br>
  121. pro: add requested select graphic of current block in 'graph' option<br>
  122. pro: Use DrawScreen for corner map view in 'graph' mode<br>
  123. wrong scroll amount with mousewheel<br>
  124. minor colour problems with output in 8bit 'Export:Current Layer as big picture' (lost background with darkened background, wrong colour dividers)<br>
  126. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.13</strong><br>
  127. Beta 2:<br>
  128. Fixed tbarinfo=5 option (TextStrings in titlebar)<br>
  129. Added support for loading unknown graphics files with MAPEXT.DLL<br>
  130. Pro: Added lua funcs getObjectFilename (index), setObjectFilename (index, string),<br>
  131. getObjectSort (index), setObjectSort (index, objnum).<br>
  132. Added new getValue (NUMFILESTR)<br>
  133. Fix export big BMP (background=crash)<br>
  134. Pro: Added Pick object under mouse with 'p'<br>
  135. Resize dialogue add new topleft coords<br>
  136. Soft scaling instead of StretchBlt (zmstyle=0 in mapwin.ini)<br>
  137. Export:Current Layer as big picture much improved, shows objects, onionskin, dividers etc if enabled, ie how it looks in the editor<br>
  138. Added extra mousebuttons in Custom:Mousebuttons<br>
  140. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.12</strong><br>
  141. Some bugs fixed<br>
  143. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.11</strong><br>
  144. Fixed problem with MSB (from MappyOSX) when saving<br>
  145. Fixed bug displaying labels on non-rectangular maps<br>
  146. Fixed bug with lua function newMap<br>
  147. TextStrings displayed in info bar (new default: tbarinfo=5 in mapwin.ini)<br>
  148. Pro: Added hold ctrl when picking a colour to find it in palette<br>
  150. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.10</strong><br>
  151. TextSrings improved, saving in FMP fixed<br>
  152. TextStrings can be displayed with 'Show user info on tile'<br>
  153. Various minor GUI fixes<br>
  154. Can stop zoom in Block window with panelzoom option in mapwin.ini<br>
  155. Pro: TextStrings for objects, areas and labels<br>
  156. Pro: Can use next/prev keys on brushes and objects<br>
  157. Pro: Can hide panel using panelpro option in mapwin.ini<br>
  159. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.9</strong><br>
  160. Fixed bug from V1.4.7 and V1.4.8 selecting a brush from the brush menu<br>
  161. Pressing 'e' with no map loaded no longer crashes<br>
  162. Non-working Tutorials option removed from Help menu (see main docs instead)<br>
  163. Experimental Text String added to Block Properties, see 'luascr/Set Text Strings'<br>
  165. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.8</strong><br>
  166. Documentation is now updated to current version (1.4.8)<br>
  167. Documentation background colour changed to make it easier
  168. to read (shouldn't affect printing)<br>
  169. Fixed 'Solid rectangle.lua' so it can use last row and column<br>
  170. Added 'Find block in map.lua' and 'Set colourkey transparency.lua'<br>
  171. New Key shortcut 'e' edits current block or anim properties<br>
  172. Map/Block window positions are preserved when minimizing<br>
  173. Tested with MemProof, fixed some minor resource problems
  174. (like the Anim Preview window not being freed)<br>
  175. 'MapTools:Useful functions:Create map from big picture'
  176. can now append to an existing map (make a new layer)<br>
  178. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.7</strong><br>
  179. mapwin147.zip is now under 400k<br>
  180. docs (and images) now in the new 'docs' folder<br>
  181. showuser, onion, curlayer, dividers status saved in new 'EPHD' chunk<br>
  182. Icon for exe is now the original one<br>
  183. Custom:Mousebuttons now lets you choose 'pick block', 'lay path', 'fill' and 'line'<br>
  184. Fixed possible conflict between F1 and F10 key binds<br>
  185. 'Background darkened' is now in the Layers menu (works with objects too)<br>
  186. Better lines (key 'l') using Bresenham's algorithm (thanks to www.brackeen.com)<br>
  187. Pro: Lines now work in Graphics editor (key 'l')<br>
  188. Pro: 4 thicknesses for drawing in Graphics editor<br>
  189. Pro: Undo now undoes last operation in Graphics editor<br>
  190. Pro: Edit button now works in Object editor<br>
  191. Pro: You can define areas in the object editor<br>
  192. Pro: Objects and areas can have a custom border colour<br>
  193. Lua: New values CMDLINE, NUMCHUNKS<br>
  194. Lua: luafilemenu=1 in mapwin.ini replaces the functions in the 'File'
  195. menu with luafilenewmap.lua, luafileopen.lua etc in the luascr
  196. folder (if they exist)<br>
  197. Lua: new funcs:<br>
  198. createChunk ("CHNK", size, position)<br>
  199. deleteChunk (chunknum)<br>
  200. getChunkValue (chunknum, offset)<br>
  201. setChunkValue (chunknum, offset, value)<br>
  202. newMap (mapwidth, mapheight, mapdepth, tilewidth, tileheight,
  203. [tilegapx, tilegapy, tilestaggerx, tilestaggery, maptype])<br>
  204. closeMap ()<br>
  205. openFMP (["filename"])<br>
  206. saveFMP (["filename"])<br>
  207. if no "filename" supplied, current filename is used.
  208. On saving, use mappy.setValue(mappy.MAPFILENAME, "filename")
  209. if you want to change the name<br>
  210. importGraphics ("imagename", starttile, numtiles)<br>
  211. numtiles can be 0 for as many as possible<br>
  212. resizeMap (mapwidth, mapheight, centering)<br>
  213. centering is 1 to 9, as in resize dialogue<br>
  216. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.6</strong><br>
  217. Fixed uppercase FMP extension loading on startup (from 1.4.5)
  218. Fixed onionskin transparency with 'All' layers (from 1.4.5)
  219. Keys 1, 2 and 3 now switch between first three layers (mapwin.ini)
  220. Pro: Fixed object position on staggered maps
  221. Pro: Added fill function to Graphics editor (press 'f')
  222. Some other minor fixes/improvements
  224. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.5</strong><br>
  225. Export as text, number of objects bug fixed<br>
  226. Object highlight in map window when zoomed bug fixed<br>
  227. Double click edit wrong structure bug fixed (bug in 1.4.4 only)<br>
  228. Custom:Mousebuttons:Drag map 2 now drags map properly<br>
  229. Some minor things fixed<br>
  230. You can now run a Lua script from commandline, example:<br>
  231. mapwin "luascr/Test tile graphic.lua" test.fmp<br>
  232. (note filenames with spaces must be in quotes. A handy hint, use:<br>
  233. mappy.sendMessage (106, 0) to exit the editor from a lua script,
  234. the '106' is the FILEEXIT code, see 'Key Shortcuts' for more)<br>
  235. Added CUROBJECT and NUMOBJECTS to getValue()<br>
  236. Added XMAPOFFSET, YMAPOFFSET and MAPFILENAME to setValue()<br>
  237. Added value = getObjectValue (obnum, OBVALCODE)<br>
  238. setObjectValue (obnum, OBVALCODE, value)<br>
  239. createObject (obnum)<br>
  240. deleteObject (obnum)<br>
  241. Where OBVALCODE is one of:<br>
  246. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.4</strong><br>
  248. Better window alignment<br>
  249. Added Dividers to MapTools menu (useful for flipscreen games)<br>
  250. Added 'All' option to onionskin (shows all layers)<br>
  251. Incorporated MapWin32 Pro Preview 3 (demo and full version),
  252. see mapwin32pro.html for details<br>
  253. Added 'Export binary file.lua' thanks to Jerzy Kut<br>
  254. removed unused graphics from hextst.fmp and hextst2.fmp to reduce zipfile size<br>
  256. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.3</strong><br>
  257. PNG library now runtime linked, you need LIBPNG12.DLL if you want
  258. to import a PNG format file, otherwise you don't need it<br>
  259. Added rotated tiles support. Enabling Rotated tiles mode (from
  260. mapwin.ini or MapTools menu) lets you rotate tiles by 90, 180 and
  261. 270 degrees by setting USER7 in block properties to 1, 2 or 3<br>
  262. This is supported by MappyGL (R3) if you uncomment MPYROTATE near
  263. the top of mappygl.c<br>
  264. tilemodes (flipped, rotated, pillars, wnesmode) are now saved in
  265. the FMP file and set when reloaded (experimental)<br>
  267. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.2</strong><br>
  268. Added 'Halve block dimensions' to MapTools:Useful functions<br>
  270. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4.1</strong><br>
  271. Grab Block from sequence should now work better<br>
  272. Export as text allows graphics export without cmap<br>
  273. Autofringe lua script is undocumented, see GBAMappy for instructions<br>
  275. New Lua additions (not in 1.4 docs):<br>
  276. Anim Test.lua and Brush Test.lua provided as examples<br>
  278. New values for use with getValue()<br>
  283. Values for use with getAnimValue()<br>
  288. createAnim (animnum)<br>
  289. deleteAnim (animnum)<br>
  290. getAnimFrame (animnum, framenum)<br>
  291.  'framenum' can be ANMREFFRAME<br>
  292. setAnimFrame (animnum, framenum, blockval)<br>
  293.  'framenum' can be ANMREFFRAME<br>
  294. insertAnimFrame (animnum, framenum, blockval)<br>
  295. cutAnimFrame (animnum, framenum)<br>
  296. numAnimFrames (animnum)<br>
  297. getAnimValue (VAL)<br>
  298.  VAL is:<br>
  300. setAnimValue (VAL, val)<br>
  301.  VAL is:<br>
  303. createBrush (brshnum, x, y, w, h)<br>
  304. deleteBrush (brshnum)<br>
  305. renameBrush (brshnum, "Brushname")<br>
  306. getBrushBlock (brshnum, x, y)<br>
  307. setBrushBlock (brshnum, x, y, blk)<br>
  308. getBrushValue (VAL)<br>
  309.  VAL is:<br>
  311. shellExecute (action, file, params, dir, style)<br>
  312. sendMessage (code, 0)<br>
  313.  code is one of the key shortcuts listed in mapwin.htm<br>
  314.  for example sendMessage (119, 0) shows the helpfile<br>
  316. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.4</strong><br>
  317. Convert 16x16 blocks to 8x8 now orders blocks differently in flipped tiles
  318. mode (for island16b in GBAMappy release 2)<br>
  319. Export GBA 16x16 table LUA script corrected (again)<br>
  320. New copyLayer and updateScreen functions available to lua scripts<br>
  321. Some Lua scripts modified to support undo and screen update<br>
  322. New Lua script 'Show mouse coords'<br>
  323. You can now drag and drop .lua scripts on the editor to run them<br>
  324. You can set wlayout to -1 in mapwin.ini to stop windows autoresizing<br>
  325. New Map now goes straight to easy map dialogue<br>
  326. Import now uses default options (change with 'simpleimport' in mapwin.ini)<br>
  327. Added 'Save FMP without graphics' to Useful functions<br>
  328. Documentation updated<br>
  330. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.27</strong><br>
  331. Autofringe LUA script modified with different order blocks (see GBAMappy)<br>
  332. Export GBA 16x16 table LUA script corrected<br>
  333. Map limits removed (now warnings)<br>
  334. textfile blockgfx export fixed for bitdepths above 8<br>
  335. textfile cmap type fixed<br>
  337. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.26</strong><br>
  338. Stopped drag and drop renaming the map with non-map files<br>
  339. Fixed Custom menu names on scripts over 8<br>
  340. Fixed 16 colour tiles GBA text output (was reversed)<br>
  341. Fixed remove unused/duplicate with flipped tiles<br>
  342. PNG support for 4,8,24 and 32 bit PNG files<br>
  343. New option File:Export textfile<br>
  344. Textfile output updated<br>
  345. New Lua scripts:<br>
  346. *Autofringe by Robert Edwards (use a 32x32map made with images/fringe.tga)<br>
  347. *Read textfile<br>
  348. *Export GBA 16x16 table (for use with forthcoming GBAMappy)<br>
  350. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.25</strong><br>
  351. Bugfix release to fix reading of mapwin.ini<br>
  353. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.24</strong><br>
  354. MapTools:Show info on tiles now works (select it and see)<br>
  355. Map name in titlebar (tbarname in mapwin.ini)<br>
  356. .CSV values now taken from BG by default (csvusebg in mapwin.ini)<br>
  357. Number keys now work like functionkeys (see mapwin.ini)<br>
  358. Map Editor window now updates while dragging scrollbars (thumbtrack in mapwin.ini)<br>
  359. New example LUA script 'Merge layers.lua' (custom menu)<br>
  360. Placer.lua can be used for placing blocks<br>
  361. Can set mousebutton behaviour in custom menu (including drag map)<br>
  362. Mousewheel now scrolls blockwindow (unpressed), and current block (pressed)<br>
  363. Remove duplicate is much faster and 'MapTools: Import big picture' improved<br>
  364. Other tweaks and fixes<br>
  366. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.23</strong><br>
  367. Added showuser to the mapwin.ini file, you can now view a user field
  368. overlaying the blocks in the map window (useful for markers)<br>
  369. Right mousebutton now sets block 0 in the map window<br>
  370. Robert Edwards kindly contributed a random distribution LUA script
  371. (more lua scripts please :)<br>
  372. Block number now shown in blocks window titlebar<br>
  373. MapTools: Import big picture and convert to map (make a new map, then select
  374. it for instructions)<br>
  375. You can now map Functionkeys to most MappyWin32 functions (Zoom, save etc)<br>
  377. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.22</strong><br>
  378. Added 'drag and drop' support (Opens .FMP and .MAP, imports .BMP, .PCX and .MAR)<br>
  379. Added LUA script support (see Custom Menu) this makes the EXE much bigger though<br>
  381. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.21</strong><br>
  382. Flipped tiles now work with onionskin mode<br>
  383. Block Properties now show mode specific boxes in flippedtiles or isopillars mode<br>
  384. Flipped tiles mode can now be toggled in the MapTools menu<br>
  385. Added 'Duplicate Layer' to Layers menu<br>
  386. Now compiled with mingw 2.0 (www.mingw.org)<br>
  387. A few minor fixes<br>
  389. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.20</strong><br>
  390. Zoom 0.5 and 0.25 added (may be quite slow and have some visual artifacts)<br>
  391. You can set amount for graphicsmem in mapwin.ini<br>
  392. Layer number now shown in titlebar (toggle with tbarinfo in mapwin.ini)<br>
  393. Exporting a map array in a .txt only multiplies values by 4 with a 16x16 map when block graphics (for GBA) is also checked<br>
  394. Dialog options in export .txt are remembered for the session<br>
  395. Export .CSV re-added<br>
  396. Can now double click .MAP files if you associate them with MappyWin32 (just like FMP files)<br>
  398. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.19</strong><br>
  399. 'Resize Map' moved from Edit menu to MapTools menu<br>
  400. 'Auto set BG transparency' moved from Range edit blocks to MapTools menu<br>
  401. 'Change block size/depth' added to MapTools menu<br>
  402. Can now export 16 colour GBA tiles (see 'Exporting map for GBA')<br>
  403. NOTE: on exporting a 16x16 map with merged bits bgoff is now multiplied by 4<br>
  405. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.18</strong><br>
  406. lines can now be drawn with anims<br>
  407. file: export: arrays as text, take bg as index when no structures exported<br>
  408. fix backups<br>
  409. wnesmode show vertical wall positions in red (for use with 3d playback libs like MappyGL)<br>
  411. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.17</strong><br>
  412. Can draw lines by pressing 'l'<br>
  413. Can Import .MAP files as layers<br>
  414. Two new ini file options, backups and hexordec<br>
  415. 32 bit maps now use alpha channel (32 bit TGA only, alpha not rendered in editor)<br>
  416. flipbits can now be merged in export .txt<br>
  418. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.16</strong><br>
  419. Fixed problem with brushes introduced in 1.3.15<br>
  420. Changed brush grabbing and menu display a bit<br>
  422. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.15</strong><br>
  423. Brush handles (4 corners) and paste off edges<br>
  424. Should now have 'correct' folder for file dialogues<br>
  425. Layers: Adjust Values useful for removing marker blocks in .MAPs<br>
  426. Layers: Remove Marker graphics useful for removing marker blocks in .FMPs<br>
  427. Layers that don't exist now appear grey in menu<br>
  428. A few doc updates (inc hex/iso howto)<br>
  429. Save/Load multiple layers in .MAP files<br>
  431. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.14</strong><br>
  432. Fixed export map as big screen BMP (8bit) also exact index (8bit)<br>
  433. Can now export from .MAP files<br>
  434. If you set mapdefbw=0 in mapwin.ini a requester is used every time a .MAP is opened<br>
  436. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.13</strong><br>
  437. Added const keyword option to export data as text<br>
  438. corrected maparray type to short in export data as text<br>
  439. Busy cursor for long operations<br>
  441. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.12</strong><br>
  443. Lots of GBA goodies, including convert 16x16 map to 8x8 (see
  444. 'Exporting map for GBA' in the docs)<br>
  445. some doc updates<br>
  446. some tweaks and fixes<br>
  447. remove unused/duplicates improved<br>
  448. mapwin.ini has useful comments in now<br>
  450. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.11</strong><br>
  452. used MemProof (www.automatedqa.com) to find and fix resource leaks:<br>
  453. Added a couple of ReleaseDC() calls<br>
  454. Removed -fomit-frame-pointer (caused exceptions in memproof, though was probably ok)<br>
  455. File Export ?scrn.bmp will now produce an 8bit BMP file for 8bit maps <br>
  457. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.10</strong><br>
  459. new wlayout in mapwin.ini, when '1' block ed window is on left, map ed on right<br>
  460. fixed PCX import (again), last graphics line wasn't imported<br>
  461. Exporting a CSV now produces enough data for GBA developers (more docs soon)<br>
  462. You can now 'screenshot' the entire current layer in export (inc onionskin)<br>
  463. Some bugs fixed, some added ;)<br>
  465. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3.9</strong><br>
  467. Fixed logical update rate in anim preview<br>
  468. Added simpler 'New Map' dialogue<br>
  469. Changed URL and email in About box<br>
  470. Added TEST2.FMP map<br>
  471. Included blprop.gif which gives labels and iso/flip info<br>
  472. New grid style (to revert to old style, change 'grid = 2' in mapwin.ini)
  473. (This now means changing grid in menu or Ctrl+g toggles between 3 styles)<br>
  475. New import style (to revert to old style, change 'importskip = 1' in mapwin.ini)
  476. (This is the most intuitive I can think of, 1st block is skipped if black, all
  477. blocks thereon are imported until all following blocks are black)<br>
  479. You can now use flipped tiles (change 'flippedtiles = 1' in mapwin.ini)<br>
  480. IMPORTANT: You must set 'flippedtiles = 0' to work with isometric pillar maps,
  481. flipped tiles are also unsupported by the playback libraries and anim preview
  482. and are mainly for GameBoy developers.<br>
  484. 1.3.8: Increased number of brushes to 16  <br>
  485. 1.3.7: Slide layers, increment in range edit, import requester fix<br>
  486. 1.3.6: Split layer support, pick layer<br>
  487. 1.3.5: Unknown<br>
  488. 1.3.4: Added PCX support<br>
  489. 1.3.3: Isometric grid, isometric onionskin<br>
  490. 1.3.2: Auto resize windows<br>
  491. 1.3.1: Added pillar support<br>
  492. </p>
  494. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.3</strong><br>
  495. Fixed some bugs in the .MAP loader<br>
  496. Transparent BG colour is now drawn as black (not 8bit)<br>
  497. Support for Isometric/Hexagonal/other shaped tiles<br>
  498. Fixed wrong colour 'DirectX feature' in 8bit Anim Preview<br>
  499. You can add an alternate 8bit graphics set to 15/16/24/32 bit maps<br>
  500. 15/16bit to 8/24/32 bit is now 100% accurately scaled<br>
  501. Added auto-set BG transparency to Range Edit Blocks<br>
  502. You can now edit block properties in signed decimal as well as hexadecimal<br>
  503. Added FMP1.0 file format<br>
  504. Changed 'Map Information' to 'Map Properties' and moved colourkey and other things there<br>
  505. Upped limit for blocks to 30000 (from 1024), requires FMP1.0<br>
  506. </p>
  508. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.2</strong><br>
  509. Now supports swapped mousebuttons<br>
  510. Fixed remaining alignment problems with BMP padding<br>
  511. You can now use any colour index (0-255) for 8bit transparency<br>
  512. Changed animprev.cpp to animprev.c, so source is now all in C<br>
  513. Compiled with mingw compiler (www.mingw.org, smaller exe)<br>
  514. Added user definable .MAP format<br>
  515. You can now name brushes<br>
  516. Various mapwin.ini additions<br>
  517. Colourkeys are now stored in FMP and can be changed from MapTools menu<br>
  518. More options for Range Edit Blocks<br>
  519. </p>
  521. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.1</strong><br>
  522. Expanded max number of graphics for anim preview (now 4096)<br>
  523. Fixed outline when grabbing a brush in zoom mode<br>
  524. Upped graphics buffer from 2Mb to 4Mb<br>
  525. Added a few options to do with brushes<br>
  526. Tidied up display functions to cope with non-multiple of 4 graphics<br>
  527. Added more information to map window titlebar<br>
  528. Block Editor window now displays more than one column of blocks<br>
  529. </p>
  531. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.0</strong><br>
  532. Finally got rid of the bug that meant if you clicked LMButton in Mappy,
  533. but released it outside the window it wasn't detected and stayed on<br>
  534. Added Range Edit Blocks to MapTools (apply changes to many blocks at once)<br>
  535. Added Clear Layer function to Layers<br>
  536. Added Import At function to File<br>
  537. Added ability to re-import .MAR files<br>
  538. Added Logic FPS setting to anim preview<br>
  539. You can now import Map Arrays (.MAR) with Import<br>
  540. </p>
  542. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.0BETA3</strong><br>
  543. Have altered menus and dialogues to be more 'Windows-like'<br>
  544. Loading and saving now preserves unknown chunks<br>
  545. Improved documentation about 'edit menu'<br>
  546. Onion Skin feature (see Layers Menu)<br>
  547. </p>
  548. <p>&nbsp;<strong>1.0BETA2</strong><br>
  549. Altered info in 'About' box<br>
  550. Import now warns of incorrect bitdepth<br>
  551. You can now undo after using arrow keys<br>
  552. Menu functions now don't crash when no map is loaded<br>
  553. High/TrueColour transparency colour is now selectable via .ini file<br>
  554. 4x Zoom added<br>
  555. You can now associate .FMP files with Mappy and double click them to start<br>
  556. DirectX preview now works properly in High/TrueColour<br>
  557. DirectX Preview colour depth default is the depth of the map<br>
  558. Fixed Map Information, Layers were being ignored<br>
  559. </p>
  561. <p><a href="#vhistory">(top of doc)</a> </p>
  563. <p><a href="MAPWIN.HTM">Main Contents</a> </p>
  565. <hr>
  566. </body>
  567. </html>