-- Set colourkey transparency
function main ()
mappy.msgBox ("Set colourkey transparency", "This will change the colourkeys to the current still block which has the transparent colour in the top left pixel of its BG graphic", mappy.MMB_OK, mappy.MMB_ICONINFO)
if (mappy.getValue(mappy.CURBLOCK) < 1) then
mappy.msgBox ("Set colourkey transparency", "You need to load or create a map first, then select a still block which has the transparent colour in the top left pixel of its BG graphic (not block 0, currently selected still block is: "..mappy.getValue(mappy.CURBLOCK)..")", mappy.MMB_OK, mappy.MMB_ICONINFO)
local tcoli, tcola, tcolr, tcolg, tcolb
if (mappy.getValue(mappy.BLOCKDEPTH) == 8) then
tcoli = mappy.getPixel(0, 0, mappy.getBlockValue (mappy.getValue(mappy.CURBLOCK), mappy.BLKBG))
tcola, tcolr, tcolg, tcolb = mappy.getValue (mappy.PALETTEARGB+tcoli)
tcoli = 0
tcola, tcolr, tcolg, tcolb = mappy.getPixel(0, 0, mappy.getBlockValue (mappy.getValue(mappy.CURBLOCK), mappy.BLKBG))
mappy.setValue(mappy.TRANS8, tcoli)
mappy.setValue(mappy.TRANSRED, tcolr)
mappy.setValue(mappy.TRANSGREEN, tcolg)
mappy.setValue(mappy.TRANSBLUE, tcolb)
mappy.msgBox ("Set colourkey transparency", "Colourkeys set:\n\n8bit now index "..tcoli.."\n24bit now RGB "..tcolr..", "..tcolg..", "..tcolb, mappy.MMB_OK, mappy.MMB_ICONINFO)
test, errormsg = pcall( main )
if not test then
mappy.msgBox("Error ...", errormsg, mappy.MMB_OK, mappy.MMB_ICONEXCLAMATION)