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        include SUPER_C.inc
        EVENT_CG        'th_013',B_NORM,1
        CDPLAY          7
        DB      "Terumi-senpai closes her eyes, and brings her lips towards mine."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  *gulp*"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "To my embarrassment, the sound of my gulping carried quite far."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Now that I'd chosen Terumi-senpai, there was no longer any reason to wait."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Without saying anything, I placed my lips against Terumi-senpai's."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        DB      "Terumi:  Mm.. Mmmm..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I caress her lips with the tip of my tongue, and slowly part them, moving into her mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The warm taste of her greets me, filling me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Just then, Terumi-senpai ends our sweet kiss."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_032b',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          8
        T_CG    'tt_05_32b',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  Kenjirou! I can't believe you..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Did what?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi-senpai's gaze moves down towards my crotch."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Ah..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "My cock, hard and throbbing through my pants, was making a shape like a tent."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Haha... Well, this is... This is..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Unable to hide my hard cock, I tried to laugh it off."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  It's because... It's because you're so beautiful, Terumi-senpai."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Do you want to...sleep with me?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ..................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I nodded to her, slowly."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  ................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ..............."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  D- Do you really..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "love me?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  If I didn't... I mean, I wouldn't have gone through all that. I mean, I did it all for you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  In that case..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I'll let you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Don't make me say it again. Women are shy about these things."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi-senpai's face was rosy with embarrassment as I pulled her to me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh, wait a minute..."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_025',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          22
        T_CG    'tt_05_25',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  Let's go in."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Without a reply, I follow her into the hotel."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_026',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          7
        T_CG    'tt_05_26',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  ....................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ..................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Hmmm... This is kind of hard... I mean, how do we start?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I'll take a shower."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Ah, okay."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi-senpai goes into the shower room, as I try to make myself comfortable in the hotel."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG    'tt_05_26',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  I forgot to mention it, but don't peek."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With that, she closed the door of the bathroom."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ......................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "This is terrible. I just can't relax."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I start to look around the room, at all the things in the hotel room."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Hmm, she told me not to peek at her. Maybe she really wants to take a shower with me, but she was too shy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "That's right! That's got to be right!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Continuing my rationalizing, I tiptoe towards the shower room."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "With one motion, I take my clothes off, leaving them on the floor beneath me."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_016',B_NORM,3
        DB      "Terumi:  W- What? Kenjirou..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Covering her breasts, Terumi-senpai stares at me, shocked."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I told you not to peek at me...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  So I won't peek."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Yes, but..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Can I take a shower with you?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Okay..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "...if you promise not to peek."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With that, I reached for her to pull her towards me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  W- Wait... What's that..?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "My cock, hard and pointing towards the horizon, bumps into the soft, clean skin of her body."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, you're beautiful."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Bringing my hand to her face, I touch her wet hair softly, and push my lips against it."
    DB  " The soft, clean smell of her hair assaults me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Kenjirou..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I bring one hand down to the fullness of her breasts, and another to her slit."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ah... Kenjirou, no..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tracing gentle lines over her beautiful black mound, I slide one finger into her crack."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  N- No! Don't rush me...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Gently, I lower her to the floor of the shower room."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_017',B_NORM,4
        DB      "Playing with her slit, I rub her breasts from underneath, slowly."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Yaa...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "As I touched her, her breath slowly started to increase in urgency."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  *pant* *pant*  Kenjirou..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I trace tiny circles on the whiteness of her breasts."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Kenjirou... Oh..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Enjoying the feel of her soft, warm breasts, I continue my gentle massaging."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ah...! D- Don't go too fast...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, does it feel good?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  You jerk! Don't ask me to answer that...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her words trailed off."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai,  I want you to touch yourself."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I want to see you, touching yourself."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  T- There's no way I could do that!"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I mean, in front of the man I love."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her last words trailed off, barely audible."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Please, Terumi-senpai. I want to see you touching yourself. Because I love you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Softly, I bit into her ear lobe."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  O- Okay, but only this one time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With that, she started to touch her own wet slit, unsurely at first."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I peeked at her, from under her legs. The sight of her red-painted fingernails flashing"
    DB  " inside her private place was something I won't soon forget."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  H- Hey, I told you not to peek..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Embarrassed, Terumi nevertheless started masturbating faster and faster."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, you're pretty good at that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  N- No, I'm not! I've never done this before..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She continued fingering herself, making a slurping wet sound as she stimulated her clit."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Firmly, I brought her up onto four legs."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Oh no...!"
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_018',B_NORM,5
        DB      "Terumi:  No...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, keep doing that..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Still making that beautiful slurping noise, Terumi-senpai continued stimulating her fleshy gash."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ah... Kenjirou's... Kenjirou's watching me..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Still in full view of her, her masturbation continued, making me more and more excited in turn."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I bend down and take a tiny taste of her pussy. The sweet taste of honey, with a pinch of saltiness, greets me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhn..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, open your legs, so I can see a little better."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Haah! O- Okay..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi-senpai opened her legs further for me, allowing me to fully see her pink slit."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi-senpai's pussy was pink and wet, and irresistible."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, you're beautiful."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhn! I'm so embarrassed..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Peeling back the tiny hood, I look at her blood-engorged clit."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Oh, no...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai, what is this called...?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "As I spoke, I fingered her clit with tiny movements."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Y- You know...! Why are you...asking me?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I want to hear it from your mouth. Answer me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I touched her clit again, with the flat part of my finger this time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhn!"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Wait! That's my... my..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "clitoris!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay, and how about this?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I asked again, moving my finger to her urethra."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  No! Don't touch that...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Wanting to toy with it all the more after being told no, I lashed her pee-hole with my tongue."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  No...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What is it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  It's my...urethra."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Embarrassed, she answered with a small voice."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Wow, she really likes this kind of thing..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  And what is the urethra for?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I- I can't say it..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay, I'll just imagine it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Bringing my tongue to a tiny point, I pushed it hard against her hole."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  No! I'll tell you...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay, I'll ask again. What is this for?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  It's for peeing."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I pushed Terumi-senpai's steaming hot pussy open more, putting my mouth deep into her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhnnn!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With a high-pitch half-scream, I feel her pussy get even wetter."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Taking my mouth from Terumi-senpai's slit, a string of saliva mixed with her honey follows my mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  And what's this?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I indicated the engorged area that was her pussy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  T- That's... ah! That's where you fuck me..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      " Please! Fuck me now!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Hearing her pleading words, my cock stiffened anew, filled with yearning to be inside her."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_019a',B_NORM,6
        SCR_SET "th_019a","th_019b",0,0,0,EVENT_YSIZE
        SCR_SET "th_019a","th_019b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        DB      "Moving unsurely because of the intense pleasure she was feeling, she leaned against a wall."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhn! Kenjirou! Kenjirou...!! It's good!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-senpai!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With every push in between her warm walls, her breasts rose and fell with more urgency, echoing my own."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Han! Ahhn! Ahhn!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I bent to kiss the soft flesh of her neck, as I pumped in and out of her hold."
    DB  " My cock was clasped in full tightness, and the sensation was driving me wild."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Each thrust into her brought us both closer and closer to the point we sought."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "This is terrible! I don't know if I can wait for her...!"
        DB      NEXT
        SCR_SET "th_019a","th_019b",0,0,0,EVENT_YSIZE
        SCR_SET "th_019a","th_019b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        DB      "I slowly dropped the speed of my thrusts, and moved to stimulate her hot clit with my thumb as we moved together."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhn! N- No! Not there...! It's too good...!!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The pitch of her voice went up sharply, and I knew she was nearing the end. Her fleshy"
    DB  " walls were hot around me as I continued my assault into her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Suddenly, it was building, the unstoppable swelling inside my legs."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  T- Terumi-senpai! I'm coming...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Me too!  Me too!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Uuuuu...!!"
        DB      NEXT
        MC_FLASH        3,C_SIRO
        B_O     B_FADE,C_SIRO
        FLG_KI  YOKU,'=',0
        FLG_KI  TER_YATT,'=',1
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Quickly, I pulled my cock out of her pussy, and spewed hot semen on her stomach."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Ahhh... It's hot... It's so hot..."
        DB      NEXT
        FLG_IF  AKE_YARU,'=',1,UMAI
        FLG_IF  RISA_SYO,'=',1,UMAI
        DB      "Terumi:  Kenjirou..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Yes?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  How does it feel to be a man now?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What? You knew? That it was my first time?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I suspected it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "After that, we did it one more time, this time on the bed. Then we went home."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_025',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          19
        T_CG    'tt_05_25',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  Well, I guess I'll be going."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I'll walk you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I can get there by myself, don't worry."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh. Okay."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I'm a big girl, you know."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, I've noticed that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Oh, by the way..."  
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Do you think you could stop using polite Japanese with me? It's like there's some barrier between us."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Okay, er, Terumi."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Er, is that okay?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Hahahaha!"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Hmm, maybe you should forget I said anything."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-sen-"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " She's gone."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Guess I'll go home, too."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001b',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          12
        DB      "Who would have thought I'd be lucky enough to be with a great girl like Terumi-senpai my first time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "...I can't believe how happy I feel right now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Heh. Well, guess I'll get some sleep."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        FLG_KI  HIDUKE,'+',1
        SINARIO 'MON_41.OVL'
        DB      "Terumi:  Kenjirou..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  That wasn't your first time, was it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh? Did it show?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Oh, I just new. I mean, you seemed...used to this..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Oh! You're such a pervert!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Once again, my cock had started to grow in size."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  This time, let's do it on the bed."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi and I made love one more time on the bed, then left the hotel."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_025',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          22
        T_CG    'tt_05_25',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  Well, I'll go home, I guess."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I'll walk you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  No, I'm okay by myself."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Really? Okay."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I'll be fine, don't worry."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  By the way..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Do you think you could stop using polite Japanese with me? It's like there's some sort of barrier between us or something."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Er, okay, Terumi..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Is that okay?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Hahaha!"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "On second thought, forget I said anything."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Terumi-sen-"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " She's gone."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Guess I'll get back too."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001b',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          12
        DB      "Wow, I never thought I'd get to be with a great girl like Terumi-senpai..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I almost wish I had waited, to lose my virginity with Terumi-senpai instead."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Oh well. Time to sleep."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        FLG_KI  HIDUKE,'+',1
        SINARIO 'MON_41.OVL'
        DB      EXIT