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        include SUPER_C.inc
        BAK_INIT 'tb_001a',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          12
        DB      "*Yawn* Well, guess it's time to get up..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I'll get dressed, and get off to school."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I finish dressing, and head down to the dining kitchen."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT 'tb_002',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          9
        DB      "Motoka and Akemi-san are here."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG 'tt_10_02',MOT_A3,0
        T_CG 'tt_20_02',AKE_A1,0
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Good morning."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Good morning, Kenjirou-kun."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Motoka:  Oniichan, good morning."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Motoka:  Well, I'll be off to school now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Have a nice day."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  You're going already?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Motoka:  Yes. See you later."
        DB      NEXT
        TATI_ERS        ;Tt_10
        CDPLAY          6
        T_CG 'tt_20_02',AKE_A2,0
        DB      "I wonder what's wrong with her?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Motoka left for school."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  She's got to meet a friend from school, she said."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...I see."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I pretended to be disinterested."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Are you wondering what kind of friend it is?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  W- What do you mean?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  I mean, are you wondering if it's a female friend, or a man?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ah-ha, I knew you were interested."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  N- No, I wasn't. I don't care who she..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  It's a male friend."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh?!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ...Just kidding."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi-san smiled an evil smile."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Well, I've got to get going now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I took my bag and stood up."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Well, see you later."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Have a nice day."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT 'tb_006',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          2
        DB      "I'm at the convenience store."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What'll I get for lunch today?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Talking to myself, I walk through the door."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT 'tb_007',B_NORM
        DB      "I buy some rice balls and bread to each for lunch."
        DB      NEXT
        CDPLAY          3
        DB      "Voice:  What are you getting?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I turn around at the voice."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG 'tt_05_07',TER2,0
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Ah, Terumi-senpai. Good morning. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Morning."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Buying lunch at the convenience store again? Why don't you ask your mother to make bento for you?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, I should. It's kind of hard to come out and say it, though..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Even if you're not related to her, she is your mother. I'm sure she'll agree."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Well, she does a lot for me already."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Are you sure you're not thinking of her as a woman, instead of as a mother?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ........... (She's 100% right)"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  No, of course not. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Really?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She looked at me with doubt in her eyes. I feel like I want to run away."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A- Anyway, why don't we go to school now?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Okay, that's a good idea. I can tease you while we walk."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I leave the convenience store with Terumi-senpai."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT 'tb_009',B_NORM
        T_CG 'tt_05_09',TER2,0
        DB      "Terumi:  Ah, I hate this crowded train..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  There's nothing we can do about it. It can't be helped."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  The train is always really full when I go to school with you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Are you saying it's my fault?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I wonder. Maybe you should come a little earlier."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Almost all the trains at this time are crowded like this. What time is there "
        DB      "a train that's not crowded in the morning?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Around 11 am."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Voice:  Ah, Kenjirou-kun."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Both Terumi-senpai and I turn around at the same instant."
        DB      NEXT
        T_CG 'tt_02_09',SIH_A3,0
        T_CG 'tt_05_09',TER1,0
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Ah, Shiho. Good morning."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shiho.  Good morning."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Kenjirou, I can't turn my back on you for a minute. Look at this pretty girlfriend you've got."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shiho's cheeks turned red at Terumi-senpai's words, and she looked at her feet."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  T- Terumi-senpai!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Am I wrong? Oh, I guess I must be. She's really too pretty for you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Leave her alone. She just transferred to this school. She's just a classmate of mine, nothing more."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shiho looked up at that, and I thought she looked a little sad."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shiho:  Nice to meet you. My name is Shiho Kashima."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Hi, I'm Terumi Kinouchi. Nice to meet you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  Well, I'll leave you two alone."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Are you running away, Terumi-senpai?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Terumi:  I don't want to bother you two lovebirds any longer."
        DB      NEXT
        TATI_ERS        ;Tt_05
        T_CG 'tt_02_09',SIH_A2,0
        DB      "She disappeared, leaving Shiho and me alone."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shiho's cheeks were red again. I tried to laugh it off, lamely."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Then Shiho and I started walking for school."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "We walked in silence, each too shy to say anything. Then we were at the school."
        DB      NEXT
        SINARIO 'MON_16.OVL'