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        include SUPER_C.inc
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        DB      "I go to Akemi-san's room and knock on the door."
        DB      NEXT
        ;WAV    'Se_no'
        DB      "Akemi:  It's open."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I slowly opened the door to Akemi-san's room."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_100',B_NORM,60
        CDPLAY  6
        DB      "Akemi-san was in her clothes, lying on the bed."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  What's wrong?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A- Akemi-san..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "I just had a phone call..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Really? From who?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "For some reason, from the way she was lying on the bed, I got the sudden idea that Akemi-san was offering herself to me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What's wrong?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh?"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Oh, it's something about Motoka..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She tried to hide it, but I could see the shadow that crossed her face."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  What about Motoka?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  W- Well, she's not home, and..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  I know that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  It's already 1 am."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Yes, that's right..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, well... Aren't you worried about her?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ...No, I'm not. I'm..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  That because you trust her, right?"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " That's what you said before."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Yes. I think you should listen closely to what I said."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I do trust her. But I think that trust and being worried about someone are two different things."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  .............."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The shadow came again, crossing over Akemi-san's face. She was worried, I knew it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I just got a call from Terumi-senpai."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  From Kinouchi-san?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, I asked her to help find Motoka, but she wasn't able to find her at all."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  And besides..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Kenjirou-kun..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Do you really want to make me worry about Motoka?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  No, that's not what I wanted to do..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I just..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Do you really think..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "that I'm not already worried about Motoka?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...I didn't..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ...I'm worried. I'm so worried I could die..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "that Motoka will become like me..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She bowed her head in anguish."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Akemi-san?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Kenjirou-kun, you probably don't know this, but Motoka's real father is...gone..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...I know. I had heard that he died. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  That's wrong..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  That's what your father told you, right?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, Dad told me that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  He's so kind. He told you that to spare you from the truth. But in reality, I don't even know who Motoka's father is."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ......................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  When I was about Motoka's age, I..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Please, stop. I can see now how worried you are about Motoka..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Yes..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Why did you say you weren't worried about Motoka, when you really were?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Tomoki-san is away, working to feed all of us. So I thought, I've got to be the strong one in the family...and..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Also, I didn't want you to see how worried I was."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  But I didn't want you to hide anything from me, for my sake."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Kenjirou-kun, have you ever..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "comforted a woman?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She smiled the devil's smile, and I knew what she was asking of me. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A- Akemi-san..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Come here, Kenjirou-kun."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Pulled by her offering smile, I went over to her."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Akemi:  Lie down."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I did as I was told. My back still hurt from where I was kicked, but I endured it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Wait just a second."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She then began to undress, down to her underwear. She then stradled my face."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_101',B_NORM,61
        DB      "Feeling the soft feel of Akemi-san's panties, and the ridges of the flesh they hid beneath, started to excite me in no time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  You can touch me, if you want..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I began to softly stroke the soft flesh on the inside of her thighs, petting her lightly with my fingers."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Is that where you really want to touch?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Then Akemi-san took her own left hand and made to open her own pussy before me, through her underwear."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Kenjirou-kun...have you ever seen a woman?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Just in my... you know, fantasies."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  What about in the flesh?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ..............."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  You haven't, is that right?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Seeing the slight nod of my head, Akemi-san moved herself up, and slowly pulled her panties down, "
        DB      "exposing the fleshy folds of her pussy before me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lewder than any of my fantasies, Akemi-san thrust her pussy out at me, parting the lips so I could see the pink innards."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "When I reached my hand out to open the folds of her pussy, she suddenly blocked my movement with her panties."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  No, not yet. After you've satisfied me..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "My hand, blocked from touching her pussy by her panties, floated without direction."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi-san took my hand and pushed it to the warm spot between her legs, stimulating herself with my fingers."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ah...ahhhhnnn..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "A throaty sigh came out of her mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her pussy, now completely wet, was staining her panties with lubricant. I reached out to touch her wet spot."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ahhn..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "My finger stroked slowly over her slit, felling its crevices through the underwear."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Wanting my finger more and more, Akemi-san thrust her hips out at me again and again."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Harder and harder she pushed, nearly forcing my finger inside her pussy even "
        DB      "though the underwear material still barred its entry."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Akemi-san, I want to see it now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ...Okay, I'll show it to you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi-san slowly lowered her panties, and got up onto her hands and legs, showing her pussy to me in all its glory."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_102',B_NORM,62
        DB      "I opened the hot folds of her with my fingers, gazing inside her. The wet pinkness of her "
        DB      "lay open to me, and I found the hot red knob that was her clit."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I touched her clit with my finger and thumb, pinching lightly. "
        DB      "Then I licked with lightly with the tip of my tongue, tasting her salty taste."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  T- That's good! Ahhhn!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her body quivered at my stimulation, so I did it again."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Next I parted her outer lips to find the delicate fleshy inner lips, hidden deep inside her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Haa...ahhn..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She let out another satisfied sound, and started petting her own tits, desperately."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I took my fingers away from her pussy proper, and started touching her stiff clitoris."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ahhn! Ahhh..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi's back arched in pleasure. I slowly slid my finger down her pussy, deep inside. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi-san's pussy produced more and more lubricant, wetting the inside of her thighs and the bed beneath her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ahhn! T- That's good!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I added a finger, and then another. Akemi-san had no trouble accepting three."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I pushed my three fingers deeper into her, probing the inside of her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi-san's sounds of pleasure filled the room, as I continued to stimulate her pussy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  P- Please! Give it to me! I can't wait any longer!"
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "I removed my fingers from her pussy, and moved her hips around so that they were in front of me. "
        DB      "I moved my rock-hard cock to the gate of Akemi-san's womanhood and pushed inside."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_103b',B_NORM,63
        SCR_SET "th_103a","th_103b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        DB      "Akemi:  Haaah! Ah! Ahhhn! It's good!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I forgot about the pain in my back, and pushed deeper and deeper into Akemi-san and again."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ah! Ah! Haan!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Each time I plunged into Akemi-san, she emitted tiny yelps of pleasure. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Finally, the warm walls of her pussy rubbing against my cock started the warm feeling building."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A- Akemi-san! I'm going to...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  No! Not yet! Don't come yet!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I stopped my hip movement, and gritted my teeth in an effort to keep the feeling at bay. But it was too late."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A- Akemi-san! I...!!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Unable to bear the build-up, my cock spat hot come inside her pussy."
        DB      NEXT
        SCR_SET "th_103a","th_103b",0,0,0,EVENT_YSIZE
        MC_FLASH        2,C_SIRO
        DB      "Akemi:  It's so hot..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I started to pull my cock out of her folds, but she held me in place with her legs."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her flesh held my cock firm in its grasp, as the last drips of my semen went into her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The feeling of her warm walls against my cock started to bring my hard on back."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Fufu... You're inexperienced. I forgot for a moment."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I started to move my once-again hard cock in and out of her pussy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "As I pumped in and out of her, my semen lubricated our sex more and more, eventually starting to foam like soap."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Ahh! Ahhhn! It's good! It's good!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The walls of Akemi-san's pussy gripped my cock harder and harder, as I pumped."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  It's good! Yes! Kenjirou-kun's inside me!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Once again my cock was nearing the limit, as I fucked her harder and harder."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A- Akemi-san! It's happening again...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  N- No! Not yet! Wait just a second, and I'll come...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The feeling built more and more, try as I did to hold it off. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Still unwilling to surrender my wad, I pumped harder still, trying to stave my second orgasm. But then I was there."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Yes! Yes, do it inside me...!!"
        DB      NEXT
        SCR_SET "th_103a","th_103b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        SCR_SET "th_103a","th_103b",0,0,0,EVENT_YSIZE
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Uuu!!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "It came, then, causing a shudder to race up and down my body. My semen pumped inside her a second time."
        DB      NEXT
        MC_FLASH        3,C_SIRO
        B_O     B_FADE,C_SIRO
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        FLG_KI  YOKU,'=',0
        FLG_KI  AKE_YARU,'=',1
        DB      "After it was finished, we both collapsed in bed, lying next to each other."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Akemi-san, I..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  ...You're sorry you did it, aren't you?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Maybe."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Why?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Well, I mean, I feel like I made it with my own mother."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Do you really feel that way?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  And I feel bad, I feel like I took something away from Dad."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Fufu... I don't believe that for a second."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...I do feel bad, though. I feel guilty."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Well, I think that's..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " because of the way you really feel for Motoka."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  T- That's not true!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Even though you can be thick-headed at time, I know you've noticed the way Motoka feels about you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Well..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " She loves me as a brother?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Fufu... You're kidding, right?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Well, I can't pretend not to have noticed. But we're brother and sister."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  If you're going to say that, then we must really be mother and child."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Well, not really. But..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  I won't say I want you to take Motoka, but I do want you to see her as a woman, not just as your sister."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Even though you're not related by blood, but even if you were, you're still a man, and she's a woman."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A man and a woman..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Yes. That's really all that matters."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...I'm going back to my room now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Don't you want to sleep here?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  I'm kidding. If Motoka saw us here, it would tear her apart. She might even commit suicide."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  D- Don't say things like that!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Fufu... Now I'm sure you know how deeply Motoka cares for you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Well, good night."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Good night."
        DB      NEXT
;       --B_O   B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001b',B_NORM
        CDPLAY          12
        DB      "Kenjirou:  So I should think of Motoka as a woman?"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " That's not going to be easy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Well, if I can have sex with Akemi-san, then maybe anything is possible."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Oh no, I just realized something."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I've become brothers with my own father!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I'm glad I was able to lose my virginity this way."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I just hope things don't get more complex in the future."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Well, there's no point in brooding. Guess I'll sleep."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        FLG_KI HIDUKE,'+',1
        SINARIO 'MON_30.OVL'
        DB      EXIT