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        include SUPER_C.inc
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001a',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  12
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Hey, it's a nice day out."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Time for some video games!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I turn on the video game console and pick up a controller."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Staring at the TV screen, I begin to play."
        DB      NEXT
        FLG_IF  TET_KAIS,'>=',25,RANP
        F_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        DB      "Suddenly, I look up, and notice that it's gotten dark outside."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001b',B_NORM
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What the..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " It's dark out."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        DB      "I took a bath, and then headed for bed."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        FLG_KI  HIDUKE,'+',1
        FLG_IF  ONANI,'>=',5,DEKINAI
        FLG_KI  ONANI,'=',0
        SINARIO 'MON_47.OVL'
        DB      EXIT
        F_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        ;WAV    'Se_no'
        DB      "I hear a knock on the door."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Kenjirou, are you up? Telephone."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay, I'll be right there."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Telephone? Who would be calling me?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I pause my game and leave the room."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
;-- I see in this section, he's talking to Tetsuya on the phone, so really,
;-- we;d rather have no face for tetsuya at all. Is this possible?
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Hello?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Voice:  Ah, Kenjirou?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh, Tetsuya. What's up?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  What do you mean, 'Oh, Tetsuya?'"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Sorry."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  And? Why are you calling?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  You want to know the reason?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Sure. Tell me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Okay, I'll tell you. At 5:30, put on some grown-up clothes and come to my house."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Your house?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Bye!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Wait! Tetsuya!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The phone was dead."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "What is he talking about?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I guess I'll go play some more video games."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001a',B_NORM
        DB      "I pick up the controller and un-pause my game."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        DB      "Hmm, stupid game."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I look at the clock, which reports that it's a little past 4 pm."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Oh, that reminds me, Tetsuya was saying something to me on the phone..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "What should I do?"
        DB      NEXT
        FLG_KI W,'=',-1
        MENU_S  1,W,-1
        MENU_SET        YAME,"DON'T BOTHER"
        DB      EXIT
        DB      "Guess I'll go with Tetsuya."
        DB      NEXT
        GO MAN
        DB      EXIT
        DB      "Nah, it's not worth my trouble."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I turn back to my video games."
        DB      NEXT
        GO GAME
        DB      EXIT
        DB      "As Tetsuya instructed me, I dressed in my best clothes."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I guess this is good enough."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Leaving my room, I head for the dining kitchen."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_002',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  9
        T_CG    'tt_11_02',MOT_C3,0
        T_CG    'tt_20_02',AKE_A1,0
        DB      "Motoka:  W- What are you dressed up like that for?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh? Does it look funny?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Motoka:  No, it's just a little strange..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Are you going out?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, I'm going to Tetsuya's house."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  You're dressed up like that to go to a guy's house?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh, well... He told me to dress like this."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Akemi:  Don't do anything stupid."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Haha, yeah..."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        DB      "I leave the house and head for Tetsuya's place."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_033',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  17
        T_CG    'tt_07_33',TET_B2,0
        DB      "He's waiting for me in front of his house."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Kenjirou! You're late!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I am?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Anyway, let's go."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Go where?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "He starts walking without me, forcing me to run to catch him."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Where are we going?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Hehe..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Someplace good."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "He stop, turns around at me, and smiles slyly."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  So?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Just follow me, hehe."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "What the...? I don't know about this."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Come, my friend, to walk the road where only real men can walk!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "He starts walking again."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Are you feeling okay? You might have a fever."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Growing all the more confused, I follow behind him."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_018c',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  22
        T_CG    'tt_07_18c',TET_B2,0
        DB      "The sun sinks low on the horizon."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  My friend, tomorrow is almost here."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yes, yes."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Faster and faster Tetsuya walks."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_027',B_NORM
        T_CG    'tt_07_27',TET_B2,0
        DB      "He stops in front of the lingerie pub, and turns an evil grid towards me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "O- Oh no!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  My friend, this is our destination."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh? This place?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Yes. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Tetsuya, you're not serious about going in here, are you?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  He he he..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With another evil grin, he brings out a card from his pocket."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Are you serious about this?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Well, let's go in."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Yeah, let's."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        DB      "Inside, an odd man wearing a black suit and a tie appears."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Man in Black:  Hello, may I help you?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Here you go, sir."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I think you'll enjoy this, Kenjirou."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "He shows the card to the man."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Man in black:  W- Why this is our platinum card! I- I'm so sorry, sir."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The man led us into the pub."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_028',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  16
        DB      "Inside the room were several beautiful women, clad only in stunningly sexy lingerie. We're lead to a special VIP area."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Kenjirou, isn't it great to be alive?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Yep..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 1:  Oh, sir!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "A beautiful lingerie-clad waitress was suddenly sitting on Tetsuya's lap, laughing."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  What's so amazing?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 1:  I've never seen such a young, good-looking man in the VIP corner."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Oh, I'm only here because my father is who he is."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Please introduce your papa to me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Man, he's lucky to be getting all the attention."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I feel a little sad to be left out. I look around the room."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "All around the room, girls were sitting on customers' laps, putting their breasts in the men's' faces, and so on."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Damn! I want some of that..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Suddenly, a girl's eyes meet mine."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Sir, what's wrong?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh? What do you mean?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  You've been so quiet, and you're looking around the room."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh, it's nothing. Just a little envious, perhaps."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I pointed to a customer, eating out one of the girl's pussies at another table."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Oh, sir, you're such a pervert."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Well, I'm a man."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Shall I do that for you?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Eh? Are you serious?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  If you promise to introduce your father to me next time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I will, I will."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Then I'll do it for you."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The hostess got up onto the sofa, and straddled me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Relax your back, and put your face down like this, sir."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I did as I was told, and she moved up to straddle my face with her pussy."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Slowly, she pushed her slit towards my face, allowing me to lick it through her panty bottoms."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Fo, fooaha."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Oh! Sir, try not to talk."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She moved her lower back, stroking my face with her entire pussy region."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I could tell there was dampness in her crotch."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Okay, that's all."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_028',B_NORM
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  How was it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Great."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  I've got to change my panties. I'll be right back."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Why do that?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Oh! You know..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I like you just the way you are now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  Oh, you're such a bad man. Okay, I'll keep these on then, just...for...you."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        DB      "I was quite for a while, then."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Hey, Kenjirou."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What is it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Let's go home."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Hmm, I wanted to do a little more here. Oh well, we can come back, I guess."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Okay, let's go."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 1:  Oh, are you leaving already?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Haha, sorry."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Lingerie girl 2:  These two are going home."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "At her words, the man in the black suit reappeared."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        DB      "Man in black:  Will you be going home then, sirs?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Yes."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Man in black:  That comes to $1,280, then."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya handed the man the card."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Put it on our tab."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Man in black:  Excuse me?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  I said, put it on our tab."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Man in black:  We don't have a service like that at this establishment, sir."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Oh."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya pretends to open his wallet, and quietly makes eye contact with me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I- Is he serious?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I knew what he was going to do."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "He looked at me one more time to check if I had caught the meaning of his glance, "
        DB      "then he dropped his wallet on the floor. The moment the man in black's eyes moved "
        DB      "towards the dropped object, we ran out of the pub."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_027',B_NORM
        T_CG    'tt_07_27',TET_B2,0
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Run, man!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I'm running!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "We both sprinted as fast as we could away from there."
        DB      NEXT
        BAK_INIT        'tb_018c',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  22
        T_CG    'tt_07_18c',TET_B2,0
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Oh, that was dangerous!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I can't believe you!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  You're right, Kenjirou. I'm sorry. But it was fun, wasn't it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  So where did you get that platinum card from, anyway?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  I picked it up in front of the pub. Someone had dropped it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  Well, I was going there every day. I guess God took pity on me and sent it to me as a gift."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I see. I don't think it was God, though."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Tetsuya:  I'm sure it was. God, please let me go steady with Kashima-san..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "He made praying gestures at the sky."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Anyway, I'm going home now."
        DB      NEXT
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        BAK_INIT        'tb_001b',B_NORM
        CDPLAY  12
        DB      "That Tetsuya, he's such a card..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Running away without paying like that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Oh well, let's go to sleep."
        DB      NEXT
        FLG_KI  RAYABA,'=',1
        B_O     B_FADE,C_KURO
        CDPLAY          0
        FLG_IF  ONANI,'>=',5,DEKINAI_1
        FLG_KI  ONANI,'=',0
        FLG_KI HIDUKE,'+',1
        SINARIO 'MON_47.OVL'
        DB      EXIT