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        include SUPER_C.inc
        CDPLAY          0
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Nnn... My head is splitting."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I guess I should go to the nurse's office."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_072',B_NORM,35
        CDPLAY 15
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Shizuka-sensei..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Ah, if it isn't Kondo-kun. What's wrong?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I've got a hell of a headache..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  And?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Can I lie down on the bed for a while?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Hmm..."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " I guess it's okay. Go lie down over there."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I open the curtain, and lie down on the bed."
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Damn... Why did I have to get a headache like this?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Suddenly, the curtain opens, and Shizuka-sensei's head appears."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Let's take your temperature."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Say 'ahh.'"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  I said, say 'ahh.'"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Like this?"
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " Ahhh..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I open my mouth, and Sihzuka-sensei puts a thermometer in my mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_073',B_NORM,36
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her panties... Red is such a good color for her... So grown-up."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "It sure seems like she's inviting me to do something."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Okay, that's fine."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She takes the thermometer from my mouth, and reads the mercury in it."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Hmm... 98.6 degrees."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      " You don't have a temperature. I guess you should go back to class. I'll give you some medicine for the headache."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Now, because of the odd arrangement of my fully hard cock, I find myself unable to get out of bed."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Can I lie here for just a few more minutes?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  No, you have to go."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Well, I'll do my best."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Unable to resist her will, I start to get up, aware of my stiff cock hidden under the sheets. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Hurry back to class."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I don't want to go."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Listen, I'm the one who gets in trouble if you play hooky like this."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She moves to pull the sheet off me and push me out the door."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Ah..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Too late, she sees the little tent made by my cock in the sheets."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ....Haha...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  ..............."
        DB      T_WAIT, 3
        DB      "!!!!!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She looks at me with a wry look, as I try to laugh the problem away."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Are you masturbating enough? It's unhealthy to let it build up too much, you know."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I know. I guess I haven't had time to..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  You're a young man, so you have to take care of it quite often."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Ah, I know. But I haven't had a girlfriend for a while, and..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  .....I see."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Will you...be my girlfriend, sensei?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  W- What are you...?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  But the reason you found out that I had an erection was because you tried to take the sheet off by force."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Yes, but...!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  If you had only let me lie down for a while, I wouldn't be in this position."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Yes, but... I didn't know you had such a..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Sensei, take off your clothes. You have to take responsibility for this."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  You sure make a convincing argument. Well... You can just look, right?"
        DB      NEXT
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Shizuka-sensei unfastens the zipper on the back of her nurse's uniform, "
        DB      "and removes her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts to me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  And the bottom, too."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  It's not enough to just see your tits. Men today need more."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I take my cock out of my pants, as Shizuka-sensei pulls off her panties, exposing her slit to me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  I- Is this okay?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Her red panties hanging over one leg, I look up to see her sex in all its glory."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I want you to show me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  This is getting out of hand, Kondo-kun!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  It's okay, since you came this far."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  How about this?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She takes a chair and sits down in it backwards, opening her legs for me."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_074',B_NORM,37
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Your nipples... They're really beautiful. Great color."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Gripping my cock, I look at her full, soft breasts."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Don't talk, just get it over with."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ................."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Continuing my stroking, I focus on the shards of flesh poking out from her pussy lips."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I want to see your pussy a little better. Will you open a little more?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  No way. This has to be enough."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Hmmph!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Staring at her beautiful naked body, I continue my hand action."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "What? Shizuka-sensei's pussy... it's glistening."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Out of her pussy a clear liquid was leaking slowly."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Seeing that, I neared the point I sought."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Kuu!!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Are you going to come already?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Looking at her beautiful body, I couldn't hold back any longer."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Uuu!!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "My cock starts to spit white come, a spurt of it nearly reaching Shizuka-sensei."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Make sure you clean it up!"
        DB      NEXT
        FLG_IF  YOKU,'>=',75,TUGI_1
        MC_FLASH        1,C_SIRO
        B_O     B_FADE,C_SIRO
        FLG_KI  YOKU,'=',0
        FLG_KI  ONANI,'+',1
        CDPLAY          0
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ...Well, that will never happen."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Guess I'll go out now."
        DB      NEXT
        GO SHORI
        DB      EXIT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I wonder what's wrong with Shizuka-sensei... What the...? Why is something like that in her office?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Behind Shizuka-sensei, I see an enema kit on a shelf."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I didn't know you had an interest in things like that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  What?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  ........................"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Saying nothing, I point to the device behind her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "She turns around, and shrugs self-consciously."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  That's, you know... For female students who have really bad constipation. "
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I see. So do you administer the enema to these students?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Is there something wrong with it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Of course. I don't think I've ever seen one of them in a nurse's office."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  You think so?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I wonder what the Dean would think about it..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Well, I don't..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  You don't? Don't what?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Well, let's make a deal."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  A deal? What kind of deal?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  I'll let you do it with me, if you keep quiet about that."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I don't care about sex. But there's something I want to try."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  What? I'll do anything. Fellatio? Titty-fucking?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Those aren't bad, but I want to try something different."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Standing up, I take the enema out of the cabinet, and fill it with the liquid used in these things."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  W- What are you going to...?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  You said you'd do anything, right?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "With the full enema in my hand, I approach Shizuka-sensei."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I've wanted to try this for a long time."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  No, no way."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  It's too late to say no."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_075b',B_NORM,38
        SCR_SET "th_075a","th_075b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        SCR_SET "th_075a","th_075b",0,0,0,EVENT_YSIZE
        DB      "Lifting her ass up in the air, I slide the tip of the enema between the cheeks of her ass."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  T- That hurts! Don't do it so hard."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  But your asshole is so nice and tight..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Ku..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  I'm going to put it the rest of the way in now."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Wait a second. What did you put inside the thing?"
        DB      NEXT
        SCR_SET "th_075a","th_075b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        SCR_SET "th_075a","th_075b",0,0,0,EVENT_YSIZE
        DB      "Shizuka:  It isn't the enema liquid concentrate, is it?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  No, it's just what was in the bottle."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  You idiot! You have to dilute it with water!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ignoring her, I slowly push the back of the enema, pushing the syrupy liquid inside her."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Guu..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Then, all the liquid was inside her, and the enema's plunger was empty."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  ...Uguu...take it out, now..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Ignoring her still, I pushed the device into her more."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  S- Stop!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Even as she experienced tearing pain in her ass, I could see that her pussy was wet with excitement."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  You're wet, sensei."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I touched her hot pussy, and my finger came away glistening."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Don't worry about that! Take the water out of me, quickly!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  You want me to? I knew it -- you love this."
        DB      NEXT
        SCR_SET "th_075a","th_075b",0,EVENT_YSIZE,0,0
        DB      "Shizuka:  The pressure... it's too much! Take it out!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Okay."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Really? You'll take it out?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  If you get me off."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I bring my cock, now alive again, up to sensei's mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Wasting no time, Shizuka-sensei began licking and sucking my cock, with a desperation I have never seen before."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I had just came a few minutes ago, yet now my cock was flaring up to full hardness."
        DB      NEXT
        FLG_IF  YOKU,'>=',100,TUGI_2
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Uuu! It, it's coming!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The next moment, my cock was pumping white-hot semen into Shizuka-sensei's mouth."
        DB      NEXT
        MC_FLASH        2,C_SIRO
        B_O     B_FADE,C_SIRO
        FLG_KI  YOKU,'=',0
        FLG_KI  ONANI,'+',1
        CDPLAY          0
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Kenjirou:  It's fun to get a little abnormal every once in a while."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  But I should be careful. It might become a habit."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Guess I'll leave."
        DB      NEXT
        GO SHORI
        DB      EXIT
        DB      "Oh no! I'm coming already!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Not wanting it to end, I pull my cock out of her mouth at the last second."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Please, let me keep doing it... The pressure is just too much..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  You'll be okay."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  I'm serious!"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Around the edges of the enema device, still inside her ass, coffee-colored water was beginning to leak out."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Maybe she's at the limit?"
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "I pick Shizuka-sensei up and put her on all fours, and place my cock "
        DB      "at the door of her cherry-red lips again, sliding it inside."
        DB      NEXT
        EVENT_CG        'th_076',B_NORM,39
        DB      "Suddenly, the glass cylinder of the enema device falls out, and breaks on the floor of the nurse's office."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Unngh..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Unable to hold the liquid in her bowels any longer, Shizuka-sensei released it. "
        DB      "The brown liquid gurgled out of her, staining the floor."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "The once-white floor is stained brown, and a fowl smell wafts through the room."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka:  Fumu...."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Trying to rid herself of the rest of the liquid, Shizuka-sensei tenses her muscles even more."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Shit..."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Shizuka-sensei now eagerly sucks my cock in eagerness to please."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  S- Sensei, wait...!!"
        DB      NEXT
        MC_FLASH        3,C_SIRO
        B_O     B_FADE,C_SIRO
        FLG_KI  YOKU,'=',0
        FLG_KI  ONANI,'+',1
        FLG_KI  SIZU_NET,'=',0
        CDPLAY          0
        F_O     B_NORM,C_KURO
        DB      "Kenjirou:  .....Mmm. That was a little too weird for me."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  Oh well, it's just a fantasy."
        DB      NEXT
        DB      "Kenjirou:  But I wouldn't want to try it in real life."
        DB      NEXT
        JTBL HAND
        DW      FF_0,FF_1,FF_2,FF_3,FF_4,FF_5,FF_6,-1
        DB      EXIT
        SINARIO 'MON_14.OVL'
        DB      EXIT
        SINARIO 'MON_18.OVL'
        DB      EXIT
        SINARIO 'MON_23.OVL'
        DB      EXIT
        DB      EXIT
        DB      EXIT