; Moonblaster Wave Replayer
; https://www.teambomba.net/mbwave.html
; https://www.teambomba.net/download/WAVEDRV.LZH
; You need to add implementation of the following functions and macro to compile:
; selbank_FE
; load_file
; opl4_wait
;* *
;* MoonBlaster for MoonSound Wave BASIC driver *
;* *
;* Author :R. Schrijvers & M. Delorme *
;* Versiom:1.14 - Plays MBWAVE 0.92 until MBWAVE 1.14 songs *
;* Date :10/10/98 (DDMMYY) *
;* *
;* Comments: *
;* ML-programmers should have no trouble ripping the replayer from this *
;* source. Therefore, no seperate ML-source will be released. *
;--- Defines ---
RAMHEADERS equ 1 ; don't change ROM headers
; When this is switched OFF the
; replayer will be faster, but only do
; this when you really need the speed!
; It will affect the sound quality.
WVIO equ MOON_WREG ; wave I/O base port
FMIO equ MOON_BASE ; FM ports
PTW_SIZE equ 20 ; size of Wave playtable line
WAVCHNS equ 24
macro add_hl_a ; add A to HL
add a,l ; notice: A is modified!
jr nc,$+3
inc h
ld l,a
macro add_de_a ; add A to DE
add a,e ; notice: A is modified!
jr nc,$+3
inc d
ld e,a
macro ld_bc bv, cv
ld bc, 256 * bv + cv
macro opl4_wait_keep_af
ex af,af'
ex af,af'
;--- Load MWM file ---
; Note: The routine below is a bit complex because it supports
; songs > 16K. However, if you know that your song will always be < 16K you
; can simplify it a lot:
; - read the header and trash it!
; - read the rest of the file
; - modify the play_nextpos routine so that 3 is added to the pattern address
ld hl,songdata_bank1 ; select first song bank
ld (load_bank),hl
ld a,(hl)
call selbank_FE
ld hl,6
ld de,(songdata_adres)
call load_file ; read header
ld a,8 ; file type 8 = wave user song
call check_header
ret nz
ld hl,278
ld de,(songdata_adres) ; read settings
call load_file
ld a,(de)
add hl,de
ex de,hl
inc a
ld l,a
ld h,0
call load_file ; read positions
call check_pats
add hl,de
ex de,hl
add a,a
ld l,a
ld h,0
call load_file ; read pattern addresses
add hl,de
ld (load_adres),hl
ld de,load_buffer
ld hl,3
call load_file
ld a,(load_buffer + 2)
or a
jr z,mbload2
ld de,(load_adres)
ld hl,(load_buffer)
call load_file
ld de,08000h
ld (load_adres),de
ld hl,(load_bank)
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld (load_bank),hl
call selbank_FE
jr mbload_lp
call load_xlfo_data
xor a
;--- load xlfo data ---
ld de,xlfo_data
ld hl,4
call load_file ; hl stays 4 after this
ld b,4
ld hl,xlfo_label
call chk_headerlus
ret nz
ld de,xls_tabel
ld hl,18
jp load_file
xlfo_label: db "XLFO"
xlfo_data: ds 4
load_buffer: ds 3
;--- Load MWK file ---
; Note: This will clear the first song bank!!
ld hl,songdata_bank1
ld (load_bank),hl ; select first bank as buffer
ld a,(hl)
call selbank_FE
ld hl,6
ld de,(songdata_adres)
call load_file ; read header
ld a,13 ; file type 13 = user wavekit
call check_header
ret nz
call init_opl4
call load_mwkdata ; load tone and wave data
call load_mwktones ; load tones
xor a
;--- Load tone info bytes and wave tables ---
; In: wavekit file is open
; Out: tones_data: contains tone info bytes
; waves: contains wave tables
load_mwkdata: ld hl,4 + 64
ld de,08000h
call load_file ; load tone info bytes
ld hl,08000h + 4
ld de,tones_data
ld bc,64
ld a,(08000h + 3) ; #waves
ld b,a
ld hl,0
ld de,25
mwkload_lp1: add hl,de
djnz mwkload_lp1
push hl
ld de,08000h
call load_file ; load wave tables
pop bc
ld hl,08000h
ld de,waves
;--- Load all tones ---
; In: tones_data is filled with tone info bytes
; wavekit file is open
; Out: sample headers and data is set in sample RAM
load_mwktones: ld de,0 ; tone header start at 200000h
ld ix,sample_address
ld (ix + 0),d ; reg 'DE' is filles with 0
ld (ix + 1),3
ld (ix + 2),20h ; sample start at 200300h
ld hl,tones_data
ld b,64
load_mwktonesl: push bc
push hl
bit 0,(hl)
call nz,load_mwktone
ex de,hl
ld de,12
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
inc hl
pop bc
djnz load_mwktonesl
ld c,2
ld a,10000b
jp opl4_out_wave ; disable SRAM access mode
;--- Load one tone ---
; In: tones_data is filled with tone info bytes
; wavekit file is open
; IX = pointer to current sample address
; HL = pointer to tone info byte
; DE = pointer to tone header SRAM address
; Out: sample header and data is set in sample RAM
; contents of IX is increased by sample size
load_mwktone: push de
push hl
ld de,08000h + 1
ld hl,11 + 2
call load_file
pop hl
push hl
ld a,(hl)
bit 5,a
jp nz,loadRomTone
ld hl,(08000h + 1)
ld a,(ix + 0) ; add relative start address
add a,l
ld (08000h + 2),a
ld a,(ix + 1)
add a,h
ld (08000h + 1),a
pop hl
push af
ld a,(hl) ; include sample type bits
and 11000000b
or (ix + 2)
ld (08000h),a
pop af
jr nc,load_mwktone2 ; Carry from add a,h?
ld hl,08000h
inc (hl)
load_mwktone2: pop hl
push hl
ld e,020h
call set_opl4_wrt ; set write to address for header
ld hl,08000h
ld de,12
call ramtosram ; move header to Sample RAM
ld l,(ix + 0) ; current sample RAM address
ld h,(ix + 1)
ld e,(ix + 2)
call set_opl4_wrt
ld hl,(08000h + 1 + 11) ; sample size
push hl
ld (sample_size),hl
load_mwktonelp: ld de,04000h
ld hl,(sample_size)
or a
sbc hl,de
ld (sample_size),hl
jr c,load_mwktone3 ; < 4000h
ld a,l
or h
jr z,load_mwktone3 ; == 4000h
ld de,08000h ; buffer address
ld hl,04000h
call load_file ; load 04000h bytes
ex de,hl
call ramtosram ; and put them in SRAM
jr load_mwktonelp
load_mwktone3 add hl,de
ld de,08000h ; buffer address
call load_file ; load last bytes
ex de,hl
call ramtosram ; and put them in SRAM
pop hl
ld a,(ix + 0)
add a,l
ld (ix + 0),a
ld a,(ix + 1)
adc a,h
ld (ix + 1),a
jr nc,load_mwktone4
inc (ix + 2)
load_mwktone4: pop de
sample_address: ds 3,0
sample_size: dw 0
pop hl
and a,%11000000
ld hl,(08000h + 1 + 11) ; sample size
or a,h
ld hl,#8000
ld (hl),a
ld de,(#8001)
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
ld (hl),e
pop hl
push hl
ld e,020h
call set_opl4_wrt ; set write to address for header
ld hl,08000h
ld de,12
call ramtosram ; move header to Sample RAM
jr load_mwktone4
;--- put samples in SRAM ---
; In: HL = RAM address DE = length
push hl
push de
ld a,6
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(hl)
out (WVIO + 1),a
inc hl
dec de
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,ramtosram_lp
pop de
pop hl
;--- Set OPL4 for SRAM read/write ---
; In: EHL = SRAM address
ld c,2 ; enable SRAM access
ld a,10001b
call opl4_out_wave
inc c
ld a,e
and 111111b
call opl4_out_wave
inc c
ld a,h
call opl4_out_wave
inc c
ld a,l
jp opl4_out_wave
;--- check header ---
; In: A = file type
; Out: Z for Ok, NZ for error
check_header: ld (header_txt + 5),a
ld hl,header_txt
ld b,6
chk_headerlus: ld a,(de)
cp (hl)
ret nz
inc hl
inc de
djnz chk_headerlus
;--- search highest pattern ---
; In: L = #positions, DE = pointer to patterns
; Out: A = highest pattern
check_pats: push hl
push de
ld b,l
ex de,hl
xor a
check_patslp: cp (hl)
jr nc,check_pats2
ld a,(hl)
check_pats2: inc hl
djnz check_patslp
inc a
pop de
pop hl
load_adres: dw 0
load_bank: dw 0
header_txt: db "MBMS",010h,8
;-------------------------------- PLAYROUTINE --------------------------------
; start_music = start music
; stop_music = stop music
; cont_music = continues music after pause
; halt_music = halts/pauses music
play_busy db 0 ; 0 = not playing, 255 = playing
songdata_bank1 ds 3
songdata_adres dw 08000h ; address of song data
play_pos db 0 ; current position
play_step db 0 ; current step
status ds 3 ; status bytes (0 = off)
step_buffer ds 25 ; decrunched step, played next int
;--- Start music ---
; In : -
; Out: -
; Mod: all
ld a,(play_busy)
or a
ret nz ; already playing?
ld hl,0
ld (status),hl
ld (status+1),hl ; clear status bytes
ld a,0ffh
ld (play_busy),a ; set busy playing
ld (play_pos),a
ld a,15
ld (play_step),a ; set step and position
ld a,(songdata_bank1)
call selbank_FE
ld hl,(songdata_adres)
ld de,xleng
ld bc,220
ldir ; copy song settings
ld de,58
add hl,de ; skip name/wavekit
ld (pos_address),hl
ld a,(xleng)
inc a
ld e,a
add hl,de
ld (pat_address),hl
call init_opl4 ; initialise OPL4
call init_voices ; set start voices
ld a,(xtempo)
ld (play_speed),a ; set tempo
ld a,(play_speed)
sub 3
ld (play_timercnt),a ; initialise timer (tempo)
xor a
ld (play_tspval),a ; transpose off
ld a,2
out (FMIO),a
ld a,(xhzequal)
or a
jr z,Speed60Hz
cp 1
jr nz,Speedxhz
ld a,248
jr Speedxhz
ld a,208
out (FMIO+1),a
ld a,4
out (FMIO),a
ld a,0100001b
out (FMIO+1),a
;--- initialise OPL4 registers ---
ld a,5
out (FMIO+2),a
ld a,3
out (FMIO+3),a
ld c,2
ld a,10000b
jp opl4_out_wave ; init Wave ROM stuff
;--- Stel Start Voices in ---
ld b,WAVCHNS ; # wave channels
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld ix,xbegwav
ld de,PTW_SIZE
push de
push bc
ld a,(ix - 72) ; xdetune!
add a,a
ld (iy + 5),a ; detune!
ld (iy + 12),0 ; Reverb off
ld a,(ix + 0) ; wave/patchnr
push af
call play_wwavevt2
pop af
ld hl,xwavvols - 1
ld a,(hl) ; volume
ld (iy + 15),a
call play_wchgvol2
ld a,(ix - 98) ; stereo preset
call play_wchgste2
inc ix
pop bc
pop de
add iy,de
djnz init_wavesl
;--- Continue muziek ---
; In : -
; Out: -
; Mod: all
ld a,(play_busy) ; already playing?
or a
ret nz
dec a
ld (play_busy),a
jp start_mus_cnt
;--- Stop muziek ----
; In : -
; Out: -
; Mod: all
;--- Halt music ---
ld a,(play_busy) ; already stopped?
or a
ret z
ld a,4
out (FMIO),a
ld a,128
out (FMIO+1),a ; Reset Opl4 flags to prevent a crash
xor a
out (FMIO+1),a ; Stop timers
ld (play_busy),a
ld b,WAVCHNS ; # wave channels
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld de,PTW_SIZE
call play_woffevt
call play_chgdmp
add iy,de
djnz halt_musicl3
;--- Music interrupt routine ---
ld a,4
out (FMIO),a
ld a,10000001b
out (FMIO+1),a ; reset opl4 IRQ
call play_pitch ; pitch-bend/modulation handler
ld a,(play_speed) ; speed
ld hl,play_timercnt
inc (hl)
cp (hl)
jp nz,play_int_sec ; almost there?
ld (hl),0
ld a,(songdata_bank)
call selbank_FE
call play_wtones ; select tones in advance
ld hl,step_buffer ; songdata-adres
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld b,WAVCHNS ; # Wave channels!
ld de,PTW_SIZE
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,play_int_wend2 ; empty
ex af,af'
ld a,b
ld b,a
ex af,af'
ld de,play_int_wend
push de
cp 97
jp c,play_wonevt ; wave on
jp z,play_woffevt ; wave off
cp 146
jp c,play_wwavevt ; wave
cp 178
jp c,play_wchgvol ; volume
cp 193
jp c,play_wchgste ; stereo
cp 212
jp c,play_wlnk ; link
cp 231
jp c,play_wchgpit ; pitch bending
cp 238
jp c,play_wchgdet ; detune
cp 241
jp c,play_wchgmod ; modulation
jp z,play_chgpsr ; pseudo reverb on
cp 243
jp c,play_chgdmp ; damp
jp z,play_chglfo ; LFO
cp 245
jp c,play_chgpso ; pseudo reverb off
cp 255
jp c,play_chgxls ; eXtra Lfo Settings
add iy,de
inc hl
djnz play_int_wlus
ld a,(hl) ; command line
or a
jr z,play_cmdcnt
ld ix,play_cmdcnt
cp 24
jp c,play_chgtmp ; change tempo
jp z,play_endop ; end of pattern
cp 28
jr c,play_cmdcnt ; status
cp 76 + 1
jp c,play_chgtrs ; transpose
cp 211
jp c,play_chgbasefr ; base frequency
;--- Interrupt routine BEFORE play-interrupt ---
play_int_sec: dec a
cp (hl)
jp z,play_int_secit
dec a
cp (hl)
jp nz,play_int_fin
ld a,(play_step) ; increase current step
inc a
and 01111b
ld (play_step),a
ld hl,(songdata_ptr)
call z,play_nextpos ; step 0 => new position
ld a,(songdata_bank)
call selbank_FE
;--- decrunch one step ---
ld de,step_buffer
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
cp 0ffh ; 0FFh => completely empty
jp nz,decr_step_2
ld hl,step_buffer
ld de,step_buffer + 1
ld bc,25 - 1
ld (hl),b
jp decr_step_end
ld (de),a ; 1st byte uncrunched
inc de
push hl
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
pop hl
ld b,3 ; decrunch 3 * 8 bytes
ld a,(hl)
ld b,8 ; decrunch 8 bytes
ld c,a
xor a
rlc c
jr nc,decr_step_3 ; no carry? then empty event
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld (de),a
inc de
djnz decr_step_lp2
inc hl
djnz decr_step_lp1
ld (songdata_ptr),hl
;--- Calculate freq. & note nr of wave to play ---
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld hl,step_buffer ; third interrupt
ld_bc (WAVCHNS/2),96 ; Wave channels
jr play_int_seclp
ld hl,step_buffer
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld de,PTW_SIZE
ld a,(hl)
dec a
cp 96
jr nc,play_int_secpb
ld (iy + 2),0
inc hl
add iy,de
djnz play_int_secl2
ld iy,play_table_wav + (WAVCHNS/2) * PTW_SIZE
ld hl,step_buffer + WAVCHNS / 2 ; second interrupt
ld_bc (WAVCHNS/2),96 ; Wave channels
jr play_int_seclp
ld de,PTW_SIZE
ld a,(hl)
dec a
cp c ; 96
jp c,calc_wave ; JP to and fro for extra speed
add iy,de
inc hl
djnz play_int_secwl
jp play_int_fin
;--- calc wave stuff ---
ld d,a
ld hl,patch_table ; dit stuk verandert A niet!
ld b,0
ld c,(iy + 10)
ld a,c
cp 175
jp z,calc_drm ; gm drum patch
cp 176
jp nc,calc_own ; own wave
calc_drm_cnt: ld a,d
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ; pointer to patch
ex de,hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
inc hl
ld (iy + 13),c ; pointer to header bytes
ld (iy + 14),b
; search right patch part
bit 0,e ; transpose
jr z,keyb_wonwav7
ld b,a
ld a,(play_tspval)
add a,b
keyb_wonwav7: ld b,0
ld de,3 + 2
calc_wave_lp: cp (hl)
jr c,calc_wave_2
ld b,(hl)
add hl,de
cp (hl) ; 4 * the same, saves 30 T-states!
jr c,calc_wave_2 ; (Anything for some extra speed)
ld b,(hl)
add hl,de
cp (hl)
jr c,calc_wave_2
ld b,(hl)
add hl,de
cp (hl)
jr c,calc_wave_2
ld b,(hl)
add hl,de
jp calc_wave_lp
calc_wave_2: ld d,a ; save note...
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; low byte tone
ld (iy + 7),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
and 1 ; also resets carry!
ld (iy + 6),a ; high byte tone
ld a,(hl) ; tone-note
rra ; note that carry was set 0 earlier!!
add a,d
sub b
ld (iy + 0),a ; last note
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ld (iy + 17),d ; pointer to freqtab
ld (iy + 16),e
ld hl,tabdiv12
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ex de,hl
add_hl_a ; right ptr to freq
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ; DE = freq
sla e ; freq fine
ld a,d
rla ; freq rotated 1 left
add a,c ; octave
ld d,a ; high byte freq
ld h,b ; LD H,0!
calc_drmcnt2: ld l,(iy + 5)
bit 7,l
jr z,calc_wave_6
dec h
add hl,hl ; detune...
calc_wave_7: add hl,de
res 3,h
ld (iy + 8),l ; freq fine
ld (iy + 9),h
exx ; Yes! Finally, finished...
jp play_int_secwe
calc_wave_6: ex de,hl
add hl,de ; detune...
ld d,1000b
jr calc_wave_7
;--- Calc GM drums ---
calc_drm: ld a,d
cp 36
jp c,calc_drm_cnt ; < 36 => first drum handled as patch
cp 85 + 5 + 1
jp c,calc_drm2
ld a,84 + 4 + 1 ; > 89 => 89
ld hl,gmdrm_c4
sub 36
ld b,a
add a,a
add a,a
ld e,a
ld d,0
add hl,de
ld e,b
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
ld (iy + 7),a
ld (iy + 6),0
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld (iy + 13),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld (iy + 14),a
ld h,0
jp calc_drmcnt2
sub 176
ld c,a
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
ld l,a
ld h,0
add hl,hl
add_hl_a ; * 24
ld a,c
add_hl_a ; * 25
ld bc,waves
add hl,bc ; pointer to patch
ld e,(hl) ; transpose
inc hl
; zoek juiste patch-deel
ld a,d
bit 0,e ; transpose
jr z,calc_own2
ld a,(play_tspval)
add a,d
calc_own2: ld d,0
ld bc,3
calc_own_lp: cp (hl)
jr c,calc_own_2
ld d,(hl)
add hl,bc
jp calc_own_lp
calc_own_2: ld b,a ; save note...
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; low byte tone
ld e,a
add a,128 ; tone 384 and above
ld (iy + 7),a
ld (iy + 6),1 ; RAM wave is altijd > 256
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; tone-note
add a,b
sub d
ld (iy + 0),a ; last note
push af
ld (iy + 14),0 ; no header
ld hl,tones_data
ld d,0
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
and 110b
ld hl,frqtab_amiga
jr z,calc_own3
ld hl,frqtab_441khz
cp 2
jr z,calc_own3
ld hl,frqtab_turbo
calc_own3: pop af
ld (iy + 16),l
ld (iy + 17),h
ld e,a ; D is still 0
add hl,de
add hl,de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ld h,0
jp calc_drmcnt2
;--- WAVE Event routines ---
play_wtones: ld hl,step_buffer ; songdata address
ld b,WAVCHNS ; # channels
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld de,PTW_SIZE
play_wtonesl: ld a,(hl)
dec a
cp 96
jp nc,play_wtonese
ld a,068h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
xor a
out (WVIO+1),a ; off
ld a,050h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
ld c,a
ld a,11111111b
out (WVIO+1),a ; volume 0!
ld a,20h - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(iy + 8)
ld (iy + 18),a
or (iy + 6)
out (WVIO+1),a ; freq + tone
ld a,8 - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(iy + 7)
out (WVIO+1),a ; tone
ld a,38h - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(iy + 9)
ld (iy + 19),a
or (iy + 12) ; pseude reverb
out (WVIO+1),a ; freq
inc hl
add iy,de
djnz play_wtonesl
;--- Play ON-event ---
dec b
ld l,(iy + 13)
ld h,(iy + 14)
ld a,h
or a ; Check only on high byte of pointer
jr z,play_wonevtlp2 ; own voice, no header...
ld a,80h
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(hl)
out (WVIO+1),a
inc hl
in a,(MOON_STAT) ; wait till Wave Load ready
and $03
jr nz,play_wvwait
ld a,(hl)
cp 0ffh
jr z,play_wonevtlp2
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
out (WVIO+1),a ; header byte
inc hl
jp play_wonevtlp
ld a,050h ; set volume back to normal
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(iy + 15)
or 1 ; level direct
out (WVIO+1),a
ld a,068h
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,10000000b
or (iy + 11) ; pan pot
out (WVIO+1),a ; key on
;--- Play OFF event ---
ld a,068h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
ld (iy+2),0 ; pb/mod off
in a,(WVIO + 1)
and 1111111b
out (WVIO + 1),a
;--- Play Wave event ---
play_wwavevt: sub 98 - 1
play_wwavevt2: ld (iy + 2),0 ; pb off
ld c,a
ld hl,xwavnrs - 1
ld a,(hl)
ld (iy + 10),a
ld a,c
ld hl,xwavvols - 1
ld a,(iy + 15)
and 1
ld d,a
ld a,(hl)
add a,a
add a,a
or d
ld (iy + 15),a
play_wavevtfd: ld a,(hl)
add a,a
add a,a
or d
cp (iy + 15)
ret c
ld (iy + 15),a
;--- Play volume event ---
play_wchgvol: sub 146
xor 31
add a,a
play_wchgvol2: add a,a ; * 4, OPL4 can handle 0-127
add a,a
ld c,a
ld a,050h - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(iy + 15) ; level direct
and 1
or c
ld (iy + 15),a
out (WVIO+1),a
;--- Link note ---
play_wlnk: ld (iy + 2),0
push bc
sub 202
add a,(iy + 0)
ld (iy + 0),a
bit 0,(iy + 6)
jr z,play_wlnk2
bit 7,(iy + 7)
jr nz,play_wlnk3
play_wlnk2: ld hl,tabdiv12
ld c,a
ld b,0
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld l,(iy + 16)
ld h,(iy + 17)
add_hl_a ; ptr to freq
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl ; HL = freq
add hl,hl
ld a,h
add a,c
ld h,a
play_wlnk_7: ld d,0
ld e,(iy + 5)
bit 7,e
jr z,play_wlnk_6
dec d
play_wlnk_6: add hl,de ; detune...
add hl,de
ld (iy + 18),l ; freq fine
ld (iy + 19),h
pop bc
ld a,20h - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,l
or (iy + 6)
out (WVIO+1),a ; freq + tone
ld a,38h - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld a,h
or (iy + 12)
out (WVIO+1),a ; freq
play_wlnk3: ld l,(iy + 16) ; link own wave
ld h,(iy + 17)
ld e,a
ld d,0
add hl,de
add hl,de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl ; freq
jp play_wlnk_7
;--- Play stereo event ---
play_wchgste: sub 178 + 7
play_wchgste2: and 1111b
ld d,a
ld a,(iy+11)
and 11110000b
or d
ld (iy+11),a
ld a,68h - 1
add a,b
out (WVIO),a
ld (iy + 2),0
in a,(WVIO + 1)
and 11110000b
or d
out (WVIO + 1),a
;--- Pitch bending ---
play_wchgpit: sub 221
ld (iy+2),1 ; Pitch bending on
add a,a
add a,a
ld (iy+3),a ; Set pitch bend speed
rlca ; bit 7,a
jr c,play_wchgpit2
ld (iy+4),0
play_wchgpit2: ld (iy+4),0ffh
;--- Modulation event ---
play_wchgmod: sub 238 - 2
ld (iy + 2),a
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
ld hl,xmodtab - 2 * 16
ld (iy + 3),l
ld (iy + 4),h
;--- Set detune ---
play_wchgdet: sub 234
add a,a
add a,a ; * 4
ld (iy + 5),a
;--- Damp ---
ld a,068h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
ld (iy+2),0 ; pb/mod off
in a,(WVIO+1)
or 1000000b
out (WVIO + 1),a
;--- Pseudo reverb on ---
play_chgpsr: set 3,(iy+12)
;--- Pseudo reverb off ---
play_chgpso: res 3,(iy+12)
;--- LFO ---
ld a,068h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
in a,(WVIO+1)
xor 100000b
out (WVIO+1),a
;--- eXtra Lfo Settings
sub 246
add a,a
ld hl,xls_tabel
ld a,068h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
ld d,a ; Save calculation for later
in a,(WVIO+1)
ld c,a
set 5,a
out (WVIO+1),a
ld a,080h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(hl)
out (WVIO+1),a
inc hl
ld a,0E0h - 1
add a,b ; calc. register
out (WVIO),a
ld a,(hl)
out (WVIO+1),a
ld a,d ; Reg d = #68
out (WVIO),a
ld a,c ; Reg c = contents reg #68
res 5,a
out (WVIO+1),a
db 49,0
db 50,0
db 51,0
db 52,0
db 53,0
db 54,0
db 55,0
db 58,5
db 03,0
;--- CMD Event routines ---
;-- change tempo --
play_chgtmp: cpl
add a,25 +1
ld (play_speed),a
jp (ix)
;-- change base frequency --
ld c,a
ld a,2
out (FMIO),a
ld a,c
sub 77
out (FMIO+1),a
ld (xhzequal),a
jp (ix)
;-- end of pattern --
play_endop: ld a,15
ld (play_step),a
jp (ix)
;--- set transpose ---
play_chgtrs: sub 52
ld (play_tspval),a
jp (ix)
;--- Go to next position ---
play_nextpos: ld a,(songdata_bank1)
call selbank_FE ; this bank contains pattern addresses
ld a,(xleng)
inc a
ld b,a
ld a,(play_pos)
inc a
cp b
jp c,play_nextpos2
ld a,(xloop)
cp 255
call z,play_nextstop ; stop song, want loop OFF
ld (play_pos),a
ld hl,(pos_address)
ld a,(hl)
ld (current_pat),a
add a,a
ld hl,(pat_address)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl
ld a,h
and 011b
ld de,songdata_bank1
ld a,(de)
ld (songdata_bank),a
ld a,h
and 00111111b
ld h,a
ld de,(songdata_adres)
add hl,de
call stop_music
xor a
;--- Pitch interrupt routines ---
;----- pitch bending/modulation -----
ld iy,play_table_wav
ld de,PTW_SIZE
ld hl,play_pitchwvl2
ld b,WAVCHNS ; wave channels
ld a,(iy+2)
or a
jp nz,play_pitch_wdo
add iy,de
djnz play_pitchwlus
;--- pitch bending ---
play_pitch_wdo: exx
ld c,a
ld l,(iy + 3) ; pitch bend speed
ld h,(iy + 4)
dec c
jp nz,play_mod_wdo ; modulation
ex de,hl
ld h,(iy + 19)
ld l,(iy + 18)
add hl,de ; sliding
bit 3,h
jr z,play_pitch_wd5
bit 7,d
jr nz,play_pitch_wd6
ld a,h
add a,1000b
ld h,a
jr play_pitch_wd5
res 3,h
ld (iy + 18),l ; freq fine
ld (iy + 19),h
ld a,(iy + 1)
ld c,a
out (WVIO),a
ld a,l
or (iy + 6)
out (WVIO+1),a ; freq + tone
ld a,c
add a,24
out (WVIO),a
ld a,h
out (WVIO+1),a ; freq
jp (hl)
;---- modulation ----
ld d,0
ld a,(hl)
add a,a
add a,a
ld e,a
jr nc,play_mod_wdo3
dec d
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp 10
jp nz,play_mod_wdo2
ld a,c
ld hl,xmodtab - 16
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
ld (iy + 3),l
ld (iy + 4),h
jp play_pitch_wd4
;--- OPL4 out ---
ex af,af'
ld a,c
out (WVIO),a
ex af,af'
out (WVIO+1),a
;--- smart table: --
; - last note played 01: + 0
; - frequency register 01: + 1
; - pitch bending on/off 01: + 2
; - pitch bend speed 02: + 3
; - detune value 01: + 5
; - tone nr for next interrupt 02: + 6
; - freq for next interrupt 02: + 8
; - current patch 01 + 10
; - current stereo setting 01 + 11
; - pseudo reverb 01 + 12
; - Pointer to header bytes 02 + 13
; - Volume 01 + 15
; - Pointer to used freq table 01 + 16
; - Current pitch freq. 02 + 18
; --
; Total: 20
db 0,037h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch1
db 0,036h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch2
db 0,035h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch3
db 0,034h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch4
db 0,033h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch5
db 0,032h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch6
db 0,031h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch7
db 0,030h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch8
db 0,02fh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch9
db 0,02eh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch10
db 0,02dh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch11
db 0,02ch,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch12
db 0,02bh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch13
db 0,02ah,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch14
db 0,029h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch15
db 0,028h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch16
db 0,027h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch17
db 0,026h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch18
db 0,025h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch19
db 0,024h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch20
db 0,023h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch21
db 0,022h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch22
db 0,021h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch23
db 0,020h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ch24
songdata_bank: db 0
play_speed: db 0 ; current play speed
play_tspval: db 0 ; current transpose
play_timercnt: db 0 ; tempo counter
current_pat: db 0
xleng ds 1 ; Song length
xloop ds 1 ; Loop position
xwvstpr ds 24 ; Stereo settings Wave
xtempo ds 1 ; Tempo
xhzequal ds 1 ; Base frequency
xdetune ds 24 ; Detune settings
xmodtab ds 3*16 ; Modulation tables
xbegwav ds 24 ; Start waves
xwavnrs ds 48 ; Wave numbers
xwavvols ds 48 ; Wave volumes
pat_address: dw 0
pos_address: dw 0
songdata_ptr: dw 0
db -5*16,0,-5*16,2*1,-5*16,2*2,-5*16,2*3,-5*16,2*4,-5*16,2*5
db -5*16,2*6,-5*16,2*7,-5*16,2*8,-5*16,2*9,-5*16,2*10,-5*16,2*11
db -4*16,0,-4*16,2*1,-4*16,2*2,-4*16,2*3,-4*16,2*4,-4*16,2*5
db -4*16,2*6,-4*16,2*7,-4*16,2*8,-4*16,2*9,-4*16,2*10,-4*16,2*11
db -3*16,0,-3*16,2*1,-3*16,2*2,-3*16,2*3,-3*16,2*4,-3*16,2*5
db -3*16,2*6,-3*16,2*7,-3*16,2*8,-3*16,2*9,-3*16,2*10,-3*16,2*11
db -2*16,0,-2*16,2*1,-2*16,2*2,-2*16,2*3,-2*16,2*4,-2*16,2*5
db -2*16,2*6,-2*16,2*7,-2*16,2*8,-2*16,2*9,-2*16,2*10,-2*16,2*11
db -1*16,0,-1*16,2*1,-1*16,2*2,-1*16,2*3,-1*16,2*4,-1*16,2*5
db -1*16,2*6,-1*16,2*7,-1*16,2*8,-1*16,2*9,-1*16,2*10,-1*16,2*11
db 0*16,0,0*16,2*1,0*16,2*2,0*16,2*3,0*16,2*4,0*16,2*5
db 0*16,2*6,0*16,2*7,0*16,2*8,0*16,2*9,0*16,2*10,0*16,2*11
db 1*16,0,1*16,2*1,1*16,2*2,1*16,2*3,1*16,2*4,1*16,2*5
db 1*16,2*6,1*16,2*7,1*16,2*8,1*16,2*9,1*16,2*10,1*16,2*11
db 2*16,0,2*16,2*1,2*16,2*2,2*16,2*3,2*16,2*4,2*16,2*5
db 2*16,2*6,2*16,2*7,2*16,2*8,2*16,2*9,2*16,2*10,2*16,2*11
db 3*16,0,3*16,2*1,3*16,2*2,3*16,2*3,3*16,2*4,3*16,2*5
db 3*16,2*6,3*16,2*7,3*16,2*8,3*16,2*9,3*16,2*10,3*16,2*11
db 4*16,0,4*16,2*1,4*16,2*2,4*16,2*3,4*16,2*4,4*16,2*5
db 4*16,2*6,4*16,2*7,4*16,2*8,4*16,2*9,4*16,2*10,4*16,2*11
db 5*16,0,5*16,2*1,5*16,2*2,5*16,2*3,5*16,2*4,5*16,2*5
db 5*16,2*6,5*16,2*7,5*16,2*8,5*16,2*9,5*16,2*10,5*16,2*11
db 6*16,0,6*16,2*1,6*16,2*2,6*16,2*3,6*16,2*4,6*16,2*5
db 6*16,2*6,6*16,2*7,6*16,2*8,6*16,2*9,6*16,2*10,6*16,2*11
db 7*16,0,7*16,2*1,7*16,2*2,7*16,2*3,7*16,2*4,7*16,2*5
db 7*16,2*6,7*16,2*7,7*16,2*8,7*16,2*9,7*16,2*10,7*16,2*11
db 8*16,0,8*16,2*1,8*16,2*2,8*16,2*3,8*16,2*4,8*16,2*5
db 8*16,2*6,8*16,2*7,8*16,2*8,8*16,2*9,8*16,2*10,8*16,2*11
db 9*16,0,9*16,2*1,9*16,2*2,9*16,2*3,9*16,2*4,9*16,2*5
db 9*16,2*6,9*16,2*7,9*16,2*8,9*16,2*9,9*16,2*10,9*16,2*11
db 10*16,0,10*16,2*1,10*16,2*2,10*16,2*3,10*16,2*4,10*16,2*5
db 10*16,2*6,10*16,2*7,10*16,2*8,10*16,2*9,10*16,2*10,10*16,2*11
;--- freq. table for 44.1 kHz
frqtab_441khz: dw (-4 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (+4 * 2048 + 909) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 0) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 61) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 125) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 194) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 266) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 343) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 424) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 510) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 601) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 698) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 801) * 2
dw (+5 * 2048 + 909) * 2
;--- freq table for Amiga ---
dw (-5 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 447) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 529) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 621) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 721) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 823) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 937) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 14) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 76) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 142) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 211) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 284) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 361) * 2
dw (+3 * 2048 + 447) * 2
;--- freq table for Turbo-R ---
dw (-5 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (-5 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 357) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (-4 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 357) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (-3 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 357) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (-2 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 357) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (-1 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 357) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (-0 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 357) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 439) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 526) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 618) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 716) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 819) * 2
dw (+1 * 2048 + 929) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 10) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 72) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 137) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 206) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 279) * 2
dw (+2 * 2048 + 357) * 2
waves: ds 48 * 25
tones_data: ds 64
include "patches.asm"