;@ @
;@ S Y M B O S S Y S T E M L I B R A R Y @
;@ @
;Author Prodatron / SymbiosiS
;Date 11.07.2015
;This library supports you in using all network daemon functions.
;The existance of
;- "App_PrcID" (a byte, where the ID of the applications process is stored)
;- "App_MsgBuf" (the message buffer, 14 bytes, which are placed in the transfer
; ram area)
;- "App_BnkNum" (a byte, where the number of the applications' ram bank (0-15)
; is stored)
;is required.
;### SUMMARY ##################################################################
;; SyNet_NETINI ;...
;use_SyNet_NETEVT equ 0 ;check for network events
;use_SyNet_CFGGET equ 0 ;Config get data
;use_SyNet_CFGSET equ 0 ;Config set data
;use_SyNet_CFGSCK equ 0 ;Config socket status
;use_SyNet_TCPOPN equ 0 ;TCP open connection
;use_SyNet_TCPCLO equ 0 ;TCP close connecton
;use_SyNet_TCPSTA equ 0 ;TCP status of connection
;use_SyNet_TCPRCV equ 0 ;TCP receive from connection
;use_SyNet_TCPSND equ 0 ;TCP send to connection
;use_SyNet_TCPSKP equ 0 ;TCP skip received data
;use_SyNet_TCPFLS equ 0 ;TCP flush send buffer
;use_SyNet_TCPDIS equ 0 ;TCP disconnect connection
;use_SyNet_TCPRLN equ 0 ;TCP receive textline from connection
;use_SyNet_UDPOPN equ 0 ;UDP open
;use_SyNet_UDPCLO equ 0 ;UDP close
;use_SyNet_UDPSTA equ 0 ;UDP status
;use_SyNet_UDPRCV equ 0 ;UDP receive
;use_SyNet_UDPSND equ 0 ;UDP send
;use_SyNet_UDPSKP equ 0 ;UDP skip received data
;use_SyNet_DNSRSV equ 0 ;DNS resolve
;use_SyNet_DNSVFY equ 0 ;DNS verify
;### GLOBAL VARIABLES #########################################################
SyNet_PrcID db 0 ;network daemon process ID
;### GENERAL FUNCTIONS ########################################################
;*** Name Network_Init
;*** Input -
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = Network daemon not running)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** (SyNet_PrcID) = Network daemon process ID
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description ...
ld e,0
ld hl,snwdmnt
ld a,(App_BnkNum)
call SySystem_PRGSRV
or a
ret nz
ld a,h
ld (SyNet_PrcID),a
or a
snwdmnt db "Network Daem"
if use_SyNet_NETEVT=1
;*** Name Network_Event
;*** Input -
;*** Output CF = Flag, if network event occured (1=no)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** L = Status (1=TCP opening, 2=TCP established, 3=TCP
;*** close waiting, 4=TCP close,
;*** 16=UDP sending,
;*** 128=data received)
;*** IX,IY= Remote IP
;*** DE = Remote port
;*** BC = Received bytes
;*** Destroyed F,HL
;*** Description ...
ld a,(App_PrcID)
db #dd:ld l,a
ld a,(SyNet_PrcID)
db #dd:ld h,a
ld iy,App_MsgBuf
rst #18 ;check for message
db #dd:dec l
ret nz ;no message available
ld a,(App_MsgBuf)
jp z,snwmsgo_afbcdehlixiy
jp z,snwmsgo_afbcdehlixiy
scf ;senseless message
;### CONFIG FUNCTIONS #########################################################
if use_SyNet_CFGSET=1
;*** ID 001 (CFGGET)
;*** Name Config_GetData
;*** Input A = Type
;*** HL = Config data buffer
;*** Output CF = status (CF=1 invalid type)
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description ...
ld de,(App_BnkNum)
call snwmsgi_afdehl
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_CFGGET=1
;*** ID 002 (CFGSET)
;*** Name Config_SetData
;*** Input A = Type
;*** HL = New config data
;*** Output CF = status (CF=1 invalid type)
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description ...
ld de,(App_BnkNum)
call snwmsgi_afdehl
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_CFGSCK=1
;*** ID 003 (CFGSCK)
;*** Name Config_SocketStatus
;*** Input A = first socket
;*** C = number of sockets
;*** HL = data buffer
;*** Output CF = status (CF=1 invalid range)
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description ...
ld de,(App_BnkNum)
call snwmsgi_afbcdehl
jp snwmsgo_afhl
;### TCP FUNCTIONS ############################################################
if use_SyNet_TCPOPN=1
;*** ID 016 (TCPOPN)
;*** Name TCP_Open
;*** Input A = Type (0=active/client, 1=passive/server)
;*** HL = Local port (-1=dynamic client port)
;*** - if A is 0:
;*** IX,IY= Remote IP
;*** DE = Remote port
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Opens a TCP connection as a client (active) or as a server
;*** (passive). If it's an active connection you have to specify
;*** the remote IP address and port number as well.
;*** The local port number always has to be set. For client
;*** network applications you should set HL to -1 (65535) to get
;*** a dynamic port number. This will automaticaly generated by
;*** the network daemon in the range of 49152-65535 (official
;*** range for dynamic ports).
;*** This function will fail, if there is no free socket left.
;*** It returns the connection handle if it was successful.
call snwmsgi_afbcdehlixiy
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_TCPCLO=1
;*** ID 017 (TCPCLO)
;*** Name TCP_Close
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Closes a TCP connection and releases the used socket. It
;*** will not send a disconnect signal to the remote host (see
;*** TCPDIS). Use this, after the remote host already
;*** closed the connection.
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_TCPSTA=1
;*** ID 018 (TCPSTA)
;*** Name TCP_Status
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** L = Status (1=TCP opening, 2=TCP established, 3=TCP
;*** close waiting, 4=TCP close; +128=data received)
;*** - if L is >1:
;*** IX,IY= Remote IP
;*** DE = Remote port
;*** - if L is >=128:
;*** BC = Received bytes (which are available in the RX
;*** buffer)
;*** Destroyed F,H
;*** Description Returns the actual status of the TCP connection. Usually
;*** this is exactly the same as received in the last event
;*** message (see TCPEVT). The number of received bytes in BC
;*** may have been increased during the last event, if it was
;*** already larger than 0.
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afbcdehlixiy
if use_SyNet_TCPRCV=1
;*** ID 019 (TCPRCV)
;*** Name TCP_Receive
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** E = Destination bank
;*** HL = Destination address
;*** BC = Length (has to be >0)
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** BC = Number of transfered bytes (which have been copied
;*** to the destination)
;*** HL = Number of remaining bytes (which are still left in
;*** the RX buffer)
;*** ZF = 1 -> no remaining bytes (RX buffer is empty)
;*** Destroyed F,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Copies data, which has been received from the remote host,
;*** to a specified destination in memory. The length of the
;*** requested data is not limited, but this function will only
;*** receive the available one.
;*** Please note, that a new TCPEVT event only occurs on new
;*** incoming bytes, if this function returned HL=0 (no
;*** remaining bytes). It may happen, that during the last
;*** TCPEVT/TCPSTA status the number of remaining bytes has been
;*** increased, so you always have to check HL, even if you
;*** requested all incoming bytes known from the last status.
call snwmsgi_afbcdehl
jp snwmsgo_afbchl
if use_SyNet_TCPSND=1
;*** ID 020 (TCPSND)
;*** Name TCP_Send
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** E = Source bank
;*** HL = Source address
;*** BC = Length
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** BC = Number of transfered bytes
;*** HL = Number of remaining bytes (which couldn't be
;*** transfered, as the TX buffer is full at the moment)
;*** ZF = 1 -> no remaining bytes
;*** Destroyed F,DE,IX,IY
;*** Description Sends data to the remote host. The length of the data is
;*** not limited, but this function may send only a part of it.
;*** In case that not all data have been send, the application
;*** should idle for a short time and send the remaining part
;*** at another attempt.
call snwmsgi_afbcdehl
jp snwmsgo_afbchl
if use_SyNet_TCPSKP=1
;*** ID 021 (TCPSKP)
;*** Name TCP_Skip
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** BC = Length
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Skips data, which has been received from the remote host.
;*** This can be used if the application is sure, that the
;*** following bytes are not needed and the data transfer can be
;*** skipped to save resources. The amount of bytes must be
;*** equal or smaller than the total amount of received data.
call snwmsgi_afbcdehl
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_TCPFLS=1
;*** ID 022 (TCPFLS)
;*** Name TCP_Flush
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Flushes the send buffer. This maybe used to send data
;*** immediately, as some network hardware or software
;*** implementations may store it first in the send buffer for a
;*** while until it is full or a special amount of time has
;*** passed.
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_TCPDIS=1
;*** ID 023 (TCPDIS)
;*** Name TCP_Disconnect
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Sends a disconnect signal to the remote host, closes the
;*** TCP connection and releases the used socket. Use this, if
;*** you want to close the connection by yourself.
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_TCPRLN=1
;*** ID 024 (TCPRLN)
;*** Name TCP_ReceiveLine
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** E = Destination bank
;*** HL = Destination address
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** D = Line length (-1=no complete line received, ZF=1)
;*** ZF = 1 -> no complete line received
;*** Destroyed AF,E,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description ...
SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer ds 256 ;buffer
SyNet_TCPRLN_Length db 0 ;length (always <255)
ld (snwrln3+1),a
ld a,e
add a:add a:add a:add a
ld (snwrlnb+1),a
ld (snwrlna+1),hl
call snwrln0
ld a,d
inc a
jr z,snwrln8
snwrln9 ld a,d
inc a
or a
snwrlnc ld a,(snwrln3+1)
snwrln8 ld a,(SyNet_TCPRLN_Length)
ld c,a
ld b,0
cpl ;A=255-buflen
ld hl,SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer
add hl,bc
ld c,a
snwrln3 ld a,0
ld de,(App_BnkNum)
call snwmsgi_afbcdehl ;receive data
call snwmsgo_afbchl
ret c
ld hl,SyNet_TCPRLN_Length
ld a,(hl)
add c
ld (hl),a ;update buffer length
call snwrln0
jr snwrln9
snwrln0 ld a,(SyNet_TCPRLN_Length)
cp 255
sbc 0
ld d,-1
ret z
ld e,a ;e,bc=search length (max 254)
ld c,a
ld b,0
ld hl,SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer
ld a,13
jr z,snwrln5
ld a,e
cp 254
ret c ;** not found and <254 chars -> no complete line received
inc d
snwrln4 call snwrln7 ;** not found and =254 chars -> send line anyway
ld d,254
snwrln5 ld a,c ;** found -> HL=behind 13-char, BC=remaining length
or b
ld d,-1
ret z ;found at the last position -> no complete line received
ld d,1
ld a,10
cp (hl)
jr nz,snwrln6
inc d
snwrln6 ld bc,SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer+1
or a
sbc hl,bc
ld e,l
push de
call snwrln7
pop de
ld d,e
;e=line length, d=bytes to skip -> copy line to destination and remove it from the buffer
snwrln7 push de
ld d,0
ld hl,SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer
push hl
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
pop hl
ld c,e
inc c
ld b,0
ld a,(App_BnkNum)
snwrlnb add 0
snwrlna ld de,0
rst #20:dw jmp_bnkcop
pop de
ld hl,SyNet_TCPRLN_Length
ld a,(hl)
sub e
sub d
ld (hl),a
ret z
ld c,a
ld b,0
ld a,e
add d
ld e,a
ld d,0
ld hl,SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer
add hl,de
ld de,SyNet_TCPRLN_Buffer
;### UDP FUNCTIONS ############################################################
if use_SyNet_UDPOPN=1
;*** ID 032 (UDPOPN)
;*** Name UDP_Open
;*** Input A = Type
;*** HL = Local port
;*** E = Source/destination bank for receive/send
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Opens an UDP session. Already with this functions you have
;*** to specify the ram bank number of the source and
;*** destination memory areas for upcoming data transfer.
;*** This function will fail, if there is no free socket left.
;*** It returns the session handle if it was successful.
call snwmsgi_afdehl
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_UDPCLO=1
;*** ID 033 (UDPCLO)
;*** Name UDP_Close
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Closes an UDP session and releases the used socket.
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_UDPSTA=1
;*** ID 034 (UDPSTA)
;*** Name UDP_Status
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** L = Status
;*** - if L is ???:
;*** BC = Received bytes
;*** IX,IY= Remote IP
;*** DE = Remote port
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Returns the actual status of the UDP session. This is
;*** always exactly the same as received in the last event
;*** message (see UDPEVT).
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afbcdehlixiy
if use_SyNet_UDPRCV=1
;*** ID 035 (UDPRCV)
;*** Name UDP_Receive
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** HL = Destination address
;*** (bank has been specified by the UDPOPN function)
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Copies the package data, which has been received from a
;*** remote host, to a specified destination in memory. Please
;*** note, that this function will always transfer the whole
;*** data at once, so there should be enough place at the
;*** destination address. The destination ram bank number has
;*** already been specified with the UDPOPN function.
call snwmsgi_afhl
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_UDPSND=1
;*** ID 036 (UDPSND)
;*** Name UDP_Send
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** HL = Source address
;*** (bank has been specified by the UDPOPN function)
;*** BC = Length
;*** IX,IY= Remote IP
;*** DE = Remote port
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Sends a data package to a remote host. It may happen, that
;*** the send buffer is currently full, and this function will
;*** the return the appropriate error code. In this case the
;*** application should idle for a short time and try to send
;*** the package again at another attempt.
call snwmsgi_afbcdehlixiy
jp snwmsgo_afhl
if use_SyNet_UDPSKP=1
;*** ID 037 (UDPSKP)
;*** Name UDP_Skip
;*** Input A = Handle
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** A = Handle
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Skips a received data package. This can be used if the
;*** application is sure, that the data is not needed or has
;*** sent from the wrong remote host, so the data transfer can
;*** be skipped to save resources.
call snwmsgi_af
jp snwmsgo_afhl
;### DNS FUNCTIONS ############################################################
if use_SyNet_DNSRSV=1
;*** ID 112 (DNSRSV)
;*** Name DNS_Resolve
;*** Input HL = string address (0-terminated)
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - if CF is 0:
;*** IX,IY= IP
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL
;*** Description ...
ld de,(App_BnkNum)
call snwmsgi_afdehl
jp snwmsgo_afbcdehlixiy
if use_SyNet_DNSVFY=1
;*** ID 113 (DNSVFY)
;*** Name DNS_Verify
;*** Input HL = string address (0-terminated)
;*** Output L = type of address (0=no valid address, 1=IP address,
;*** 2=domain address)
;*** - if L is 1:
;*** IX,IY= IP
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL
;*** Description ...
ld de,(App_BnkNum)
call snwmsgi_afdehl
jp snwmsgo_afbcdehlixiy
;### SUB ROUTINES #############################################################
ld (App_MsgBuf+10),ix ;store registers to message buffer
ld (App_MsgBuf+12),iy
ld (App_MsgBuf+04),bc
ld (App_MsgBuf+06),de
ld (App_MsgBuf+08),hl
push af:pop hl
ld (App_MsgBuf+02),hl
pop hl
ld a,(hl) ;set command
inc hl
push hl
ld (App_MsgBuf+0),a
ld (snwmsg2+1),a
ld iy,App_MsgBuf
ld a,(App_PrcID)
db #dd:ld l,a
ld a,(SyNet_PrcID)
db #dd:ld h,a
ld (snwmsg1+2),ix
rst #10 ;send message
snwmsg1 ld ix,0 ;wait for response
rst #08
db #dd:dec l
jr nz,snwmsg1
ld a,(App_MsgBuf)
sub 128
snwmsg2 cp 0
ret z
ld a,(App_PrcID) ;wrong response code -> re-send and wait for correct one
db #dd:ld h,a
ld a,(SyNet_PrcID)
db #dd:ld l,a
rst #10
rst #30
jr snwmsg1
ld ix,(App_MsgBuf+10) ;get registers from the message buffer
ld iy,(App_MsgBuf+12)
ld de,(App_MsgBuf+06)
ld bc,(App_MsgBuf+04)
ld hl,(App_MsgBuf+02)
push hl
pop af
ld hl,(App_MsgBuf+08)