;@ @
;@ S Y M B O S S Y S T E M L I B R A R Y @
;@ @
;Author Prodatron / Symbiosis
;Date 28.03.2015
;SymShell provides a program environment with a text terminal. The input and
;output can be redirected from and to different sources and destinations.
;This library supports you in using the SymShell functions.
;The existance of
;- "App_PrcID" (a byte, where the ID of the applications process is stored)
;- "App_MsgBuf" (the message buffer, 14 bytes, which are placed in the transfer
; ram area)
;- "App_BnkNum" (a byte, where the number of the applications' ram bank (0-15)
; is stored)
;- "App_BegCode" (the first byte/word of the header/code area, which also
; includes the total length of the code area)
;is required.
;### SUMMARY ##################################################################
;; SyShell_PARALL ;Fetches parameters/switches from command line
;; SyShell_PARSHL ;Parses SymShell info switch
;use_SyShell_PARFLG equ 0 ;Validates present switches
;use_SyShell_CHRINP equ 0 ;Reads a char from the input source
;use_SyShell_STRINP equ 0 ;Reads a string from the input source
;use_SyShell_CHROUT equ 0 ;Sends a char to the output destination
;use_SyShell_STROUT equ 0 ;Sends a string to the output destination
;use_SyShell_PTHADD equ 0 ;...
;; SyShell_EXIT ;Informs SymShell about an exit event
;### GLOBAL VARIABLES #########################################################
SyShell_CmdParas ds 8*3 ;command line parameters (1W address, 1B length)
SyShell_CmdSwtch ds 8*3 ;command line switches
SyShell_PrcID db 0 ;shell process ID
SyShell_TermX db 0 ;x length in chars of the text terminal window
SyShell_TermY db 0 ;y length in chars of the text terminal window
SyShell_Vers db 0 ;SymShell version (e.g. 21 decimal for 2.1)
;### MAIN FUNCTIONS ###########################################################
;*** Name SymShell_Parameters_All
;*** Input -
;*** Output (SyShell_CmdParas) = list of parameters; 3 bytes/entry
;*** Byte0,1 = pointer
;*** Byte2 = length
;*** (SyShell_CmdSwtch) = list of switches (see above; a switch
;*** is recognized with a % at the
;*** beginning, which is skipped in this
;*** list)
;*** D = number of parameters
;*** E = number of switches
;*** ZF = if 1, no parameters and switches
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description This function fetches all parameters and switches from the
;*** command line and generates two pointer tables. A switch is
;*** recognized with a leading "%" char. A pointer to a switch
;*** links to the first char behind the %. All parameters and
;*** switches are zero terminated.
;*** Example A\>EXAMPLE.COM filename.ext %x %all hello123
;*** This will generate two entries in the parameter table:
;*** - pointer to "filename.ext", length=12
;*** - pointer to "hello123", length=8
;*** And two entries in the switch table:
;*** - pointer to "x", length=1
;*** - pointer to "all", length=3
;*** Please note, that SymShell itself will add an own switch to
;*** the command line (see "SymShell_Parameters_Shell").
ld hl,(App_BegCode)
ld de,App_BegCode
dec h
add hl,de ;HL = CodeEnd = Command line
ld ix,SyShell_CmdParas ;IX = Parameter List
ld iy,SyShell_CmdSwtch ;IY = Switch List
ld bc,8*256+8 ;B=8-number of parameters, C=8-number of switches
SyHPAl1 push bc
call SyHPAl2
pop bc
jr z,SyHPAl7
ld a,(hl)
cp "%"
jr z,SyHPAl6
ld (ix+0),l ;Parameter
ld (ix+1),h
push hl
call SyHPAl4
pop hl
ld (ix+2),e
ld de,3
add ix,de
dec b
jr nz,SyHPAl1
jr SyHPAl7
SyHPAl6 inc hl ;Switch
ld (iy+0),l
ld (iy+1),h
push hl
call SyHPAl4
pop hl
ld (iy+2),e
ld de,3
add iy,de
dec c
jr nz,SyHPAl1
SyHPAl7 ld a,8
sub c
ld e,a
ld a,8
sub b
ld d,a
or e
;HL=position inside the string -> jump to next string -> HL=next string, ZF=1 end reached
SyHPAl2 ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
ret z
cp " "
jr nz,SyHPAl2
dec hl
ld (hl),0
SyHPAl3 inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp " "
jr z,SyHPAl3
ld a,1
or a
;HL=position inside the string -> E=length until the end
SyHPAl4 ld e,0
SyHPAl5 ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
cp " "
ret z
inc e
inc hl
jr SyHPAl5
;*** Name SymShell_Parameters_Shell
;*** Input (SyShell_CmdSwtch) = list of switches
;*** E = number of switches
;*** Output CF = error state (0 = ok, 1 = no valid shell parameters
;*** found; application should quit itself at once)
;*** (SyShell_PrcID) = shell process ID
;*** (SyShell_TermX) = width in chars of the terminal window
;*** (SyShell_TermY) = height in chars of the terminal window
;*** (SyShell_Vers) = shell version (e.g. 21 decimal for 2.1)
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX
;*** Description This function parses the SymShell info switch from the
;*** command line. The info switch is built like this:
;*** %spPPXXYYVV
;*** PP is the process ID of SymShell itself, XX and YY is the
;*** size of the text terminal window and VV is the version of
;*** SymShell. If VV is not present, it is a version below 2.0
;*** and (SyShell_Vers) will stay 0.
;*** Every SymShell-based application has to parse this switch
;*** with the help of this function, as at least the process ID
;*** is required for any communication with SymShell. You have
;*** to call SyShell_PARALL first before you call this function,
;*** as the switch table already has to be present.
;*** For additional information see also "Symshell Command Line
;*** Information" in the chapter "SymShell Text Terminal" of the
;*** Symbos Developer Documentation.
ld a,e
or a
jr z,SyHPSh6 ;no switches -> error
ld ix,SyShell_CmdSwtch
ld bc,3
SyHPSh1 ld l,(ix+0)
ld h,(ix+1)
ld a,(hl)
cp "s"
jr nz,SyHPSh2
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp "p"
jr z,SyHPSh3
SyHPSh2 add ix,bc
dec e
jr nz,SyHPSh1
SyHPSh6 scf ;no Shell-Data -> error
SyHPSh3 inc hl
call SyHPSh4
ld (SyShell_PrcID),a
call SyHPSh4
ld (SyShell_TermX),a
call SyHPSh4
ld (SyShell_TermY),a
ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
call SyHPSh4
ld (SyShell_Vers),a
or a
;(HL)=2digit number -> A=number, HL=HL+2
SyHPSh4 call SyHPSh5
add a
ld d,a
add a:add a
add d
ld d,a
call SyHPSh5
add d
SyHPSh5 ld a,(hl)
sub "0"
cp 10
inc hl
ret c
pop hl ;clear stack
pop hl
scf ;wrong number -> error
if use_SyShell_PARFLG=1
;*** Name SymShell_Parameters_Switches
;*** Input (SyShell_CmdSwtch) = list of switches
;*** E = number of present switches
;*** IY = list with allowed switches
;*** word 0 = points to valid switch string
;*** (terminated by 0 or colon)
;*** word 1 = will be filled with pointer
;*** behind colon, if found
;*** list is terminated by a 0-word
;*** Output CF = 0 -> all switches are valid; HL = bitfield of detected
;*** switches
;*** CF = 1 -> invalid switch found; HL points to invalid switch
;*** string (including the % char)
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description This function validates the present switches with a list of
;*** allowed switches. Switches can have a parameter attached
;*** which is separated by a colon from the switch. If such a
;*** switch is found, the function will insert the pointer to
;*** its parameter into the validation list. If only valid
;*** switches have been found the function returns with a
;*** bitfield in HL of the present switches (bit0=1 -> first
;*** switch in the validation list is present), therefore the
;*** maximum amount of switches is 16.
;*** The function returns with an error, if an invalid switch
;*** has been found.
ld hl,0
ld (SyHPFlb),hl
ld a,e
or a
ret z
ld b,e ;b=number of present switches
ld ix,SyShell_CmdSwtch
SyHPFl1 push iy ;** present switch loop
ld c,0 ;iy=validation list, c=number of valid switch
SyHPFl2 ld l,(iy+0) ;** valid switch loop
ld h,(iy+1) ;hl=next valid switch
ld e,(ix+0) ;de=next present switch
ld d,(ix+1)
ld a,l
or h
jr nz,SyHPFl3
pop hl
dec de ;switch not found in validation switch -> error
ex de,hl
SyHPFl3 ld a,(de) ;test, if shell switch
cp "s"
jr nz,SyHPFl9
inc de
ld a,(de)
dec de
cp "p"
jr z,SyHPFla ;yes -> ignore
SyHPFl8 ld a,(de) ;compare switches
SyHPFl9 cp "A"
jr c,SyHPFlc
cp "Z"+1
jr nc,SyHPFlc
add "a"-"A"
SyHPFlc cp (hl)
jr nz,SyHPFl7 ;not equal, compare with next valid
inc hl
inc de
or a
jr z,SyHPFl4
cp ":"
jr nz,SyHPFl8
ld (iy+2),e ;switch contains colon -> set pointer to parameter
ld (iy+3),d
SyHPFl4 ld hl,1 ;switch found -> set bit
inc c
SyHPFl5 dec c
jr z,SyHPFl6
add hl,hl
jr SyHPFl5
SyHPFl6 ld de,(SyHPFlb)
add hl,de
ld (SyHPFlb),hl
SyHPFla ld de,3
add ix,de
pop iy
djnz SyHPFl1
ld hl,(SyHPFlb)
ret ;all present switches are valid -> CF=0, HL=switch-bitfield
SyHPFl7 ld de,4 ;continue with next valid
add iy,de
inc c
jr SyHPFl2
SyHPFlb dw 0 ;recognized switches
if use_SyShell_CHRINP=1
SyShell_CHRINP0 ld e,0
;*** Name SymShell_CharInput_Command
;*** Input E = Channel (0=Standard, 1=Keyboard)
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - If error status is 0
;*** ZF = EOF status (0=EOF)
;*** - If error status is 0 and there is no EOF:
;*** A = Char
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Reads a char from an input source. The input source can be
;*** the standard channel or the console keyboard. Usually the
;*** standard channel is the console keyboard, too, but it can also
;*** be a textfile or another source, if redirection or piping is
;*** active.
;*** If the keyboard is used, this function won't return as long as
;*** no key is pressed. If the user pressed Control+C or if the end
;*** of the file (EOF) has been reached, the EOF flag will be set.
call SyShell_DoCommand
ret c
ld a,(iy+2)
if use_SyShell_STRINP=1
SyShell_STRINP0 ld e,0
;*** Name SymShell_StringInput_Command
;*** Input E = Channel (0=Standard, 1=Keyboard)
;*** HL = String buffer address (must have a size of 256 bytes)
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** - If error status is 0
;*** ZF = EOF status (0=EOF)
;*** - If error status is 0 and there is no EOF, the string
;*** buffer contains the read line.
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Reads a string from an input source. The input source can be
;*** the standard channel or the console keyboard. Usually the
;*** standard channel is the console keyboard, too, but it can also
;*** be a textfile or another source, if redirection or piping is
;*** active.
;*** The maximum lenght of a string is 255 chars, so the buffer must
;*** have a size of 256 bytes (255 + terminator). A string is always
;*** terminated by 0.
;*** If the keyboard is used, this function won't return until the
;*** user typed in a text line and pressed the Return key. If the
;*** user pressed Control+C or if the end of the file (EOF) has been
;*** reached, the EOF flag will be set.
ld a,(App_BnkNum)
ld d,a
jp SyShell_DoCommand
if use_SyShell_CHROUT=1
SyShell_CHROUT0 ld e,0
;*** Name SymShell_CharOutput_Command
;*** Input E = Channel (0=Standard, 1=Screen)
;*** D = Char
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Sends a char to the output destination. The output destination
;*** can be the standard channel or the console text screen. Usually
;*** the standard channel is the console text screen, too, but it
;*** can also be a textfile or another destination, if redirection
;*** or piping is active.
jp SyShell_DoCommand
if use_SyShell_STROUT=1
SyShell_STROUT0 ld e,0
;*** Name SymShell_StringOutput_Command
;*** Input E = Channel (0=Standard, 1=Screen)
;*** HL = String address (terminated by 0)
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error; A = error code)
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Sends a string to the output destination. The output
;*** destination can be the standard channel or the console text
;*** screen. Usually the standard channel is the console text
;*** screen, too, but it can also be a textfile or another
;*** destination, if redirection or piping is active.
;*** A string has always to be terminated by 0.
ld a,(App_BnkNum)
ld d,a
push hl
xor a
ld bc,255
ld a,254
sub c ;A=string length
pop hl
ret z
jp SyShell_DoCommand
if use_SyShell_PTHADD=1
;*** Name SymShell_PathAdd_Command
;*** Input DE = address of base path (0=actual shell path)
;*** HL = address of additional path component
;*** BC = buffer address for new full path
;*** (must have a size of 256 bytes)
;*** Output DE = position behind last char in new path
;*** HL = position behind last / in new path
;*** A = Bit[0]=1 -> new path ends with /
;*** Bit[1]=1 -> new path contains wildcards
;*** Destroyed F,BC,IX,IY
;*** Description ...
ld a,(App_BnkNum)
ld (App_MsgBuf+7),a
ld a,b
ld (App_MsgBuf+6),a
ld b,c
call SyShell_SendMessage
SyHPtA1 call SyShell_WaitMessage
jr nz,SyHPtA1
ld de,(App_MsgBuf+1)
ld hl,(App_MsgBuf+3)
ld a,(App_MsgBuf+5)
;*** Name SymShell_Exit_Command
;*** Input E = Exit type (0 = quit, 1 = blur)
;*** Output -
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description The application informs SymShell about an exit event.
;*** If an application quits itself, SymShell has to be informed
;*** about that, so that it can remove the application from its
;*** internal management table. In this case the exit type has to be
;*** 0 ("quit").
;*** If an application doesn't require the focus inside the text
;*** terminal anymore, it has to send exit type 1 ("blur"). The
;*** background is, that SymShell can run multiple applications in
;*** the same text terminal at the same time. User text inputs will
;*** only be sent to the application which has been started at first
;*** until it releases the focus and goes into blur mode. In this
;*** case the next application or the command line interpreter of
;*** the shell itself will receive the focus (the user can force the
;*** shell to get back focus at once by appending "&" at the end of
;*** the command line).
jp SyShell_SendMessage
;### SUB ROUTINES #############################################################
;*** Input C = Command
;*** DE = Parameter 1/2
;*** HL = Parameter 3/4
;*** B = Parameter 5
;*** Output -
;*** Destroyed AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Sends a message to the SymShell process
ld iy,App_MsgBuf
ld (iy+0),c
ld (App_MsgBuf+1),de
ld (App_MsgBuf+3),hl
ld (iy+5),b
ld a,(SyShell_PrcID)
db #dd:ld h,a
ld a,(App_PrcID)
db #dd:ld l,a
rst #10
;*** Input -
;*** Output IY = message buffer
;*** A = first byte in the Message buffer (IY+0)
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX
;*** Description Waits for a response message from the SymShell process.
ld iy,App_MsgBuf
SyHWMs1 ld a,(SyShell_PrcID)
db #dd:ld h,a
ld a,(App_PrcID)
db #dd:ld l,a
rst #08 ;wait for a SymShell message
db #dd:dec l
jr nz,SyHWMs1
ld a,(iy+0)
;*** Input C = Command
;*** DE,HL,A = additional parameters
;*** B = Response type
;*** Output CF = Error state (0 = ok, 1 = error, A = error code)
;*** ZF = EOF status (0=EOF) [optional]
;*** Destroyed F,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
;*** Description Executes a complete SymShell command.
push bc
ld b,a
call SyShell_SendMessage
pop bc
SyHGRs1 push bc
call SyShell_WaitMessage
pop bc
cp b
jr nz,SyHGRs2
ld a,(iy+3) ;Error state
ld c,(iy+1) ;EOF (0=no eof)
cp 1
ccf ;CF=0 no error
inc c
dec c ;ZF=0 EOF
SyHGRs2 push bc ;wrong message (from another event) -> re-send
ld a,(SyShell_PrcID)
db #dd:ld l,a
ld a,(App_PrcID)
db #dd:ld h,a
rst #10
rst #30
pop bc
jr SyHGRs1