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  SjASMPlus Z80 Cross Compiler

  This is modified sources of SjASM by Aprisobal - aprisobal@tut.by

  Copyright (c) 2006 Sjoerd Mastijn

  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
  use of this software.

  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
  subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
         that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product,
         an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is
         not required.

  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
         misrepresented as being the original software.

  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


#ifndef __SJASM
#define __SJASM

enum EOutputVerbosity { OV_ALL = 0, OV_WARNING, OV_ERROR, OV_NONE, OV_LST };

namespace Options {

        // structure to group all options affecting parsing syntax
        typedef struct SSyntax {
                bool            IsPseudoOpBOF;
                bool            IsReversePOP;
                bool            FakeEnabled;
                bool            FakeWarning;
                bool            IsListingSuspended;
                bool            CaseInsensitiveInstructions;
                bool            WarningsAsErrors;
                bool            Is_M_Memory;
                bool            IsLowMemWarningEnabled;
                int                     MemoryBrackets; // 0 = [] enabled (default), 1 = [] disabled, 2 = [] required
                int                     IsNextEnabled;  // 0 = OFF, 1 = ordinary NEXT, 2 = CSpect emulator extensions
                bool            (*MultiArg)(char*&);    // function checking if multi-arg delimiter is next

                SSyntax() : IsPseudoOpBOF(false), IsReversePOP(false), FakeEnabled(true), FakeWarning(false),
                                        IsListingSuspended(false), CaseInsensitiveInstructions(false), WarningsAsErrors(false),
                                        Is_M_Memory(false), IsLowMemWarningEnabled(true),
                                        MemoryBrackets(0), IsNextEnabled(0), MultiArg(&comma) {}
                bool isMultiArgPlainComma() const { return &comma == MultiArg; }

        // preservation utils, the push will also reset current syntax to defaults
                static void resetCurrentSyntax();       // resets current syntax to defaults
                static void pushCurrentSyntax();        // pushes current syntax
                static bool popSyntax();                        // restores the syntax from previous push
                static void restoreSystemSyntax();      // restores the syntax (ahead of pass), and empties the syntax stack
                static std::stack<SSyntax> syxStack;    // previous syntax
        } SSyntax;

        extern char OutPrefix[LINEMAX];
        extern char SymbolListFName[LINEMAX];
        extern char ListingFName[LINEMAX];
        extern char ExportFName[LINEMAX];
        extern char DestinationFName[LINEMAX];
        extern char RAWFName[LINEMAX];
        extern char UnrealLabelListFName[LINEMAX];
        extern char CSpectMapFName[LINEMAX];
        extern int CSpectMapPageSize;
        extern char SourceLevelDebugFName[LINEMAX];
        extern bool IsDefaultSldName;

        extern EOutputVerbosity OutputVerbosity;
        extern bool IsLabelTableInListing;
        extern bool IsDefaultListingName;
        extern bool IsShowFullPath;
        extern bool AddLabelListing;
        extern bool NoDestinationFile;
        extern SSyntax syx;
        extern bool IsI8080;                    // "i8080" CPU mode (must be set at CLI, blocks others)
        extern bool IsLR35902;                  // "Sharp LR35902" CPU mode (must be set at CLI, blocks others)
        extern bool IsLongPtr;

        extern bool EmitVirtualLabels; // emit virtual labels in LABELSLIST, that tied to Z80 address space,
                                       // not to physical address (PG:ADDR). Format is ":ADDR label", staring
                                       // from colon, then 16bit address, then label.

        extern CStringsList* IncludeDirsList;
        extern CDefineTable CmdDefineTable;

        // returns true if fakes are completely disabled, false when they are enabled
        // showMessage=true: will also display error/warning (use when fake ins. is emitted)
        // showMessage=false: can be used to silently check if fake instructions are even possible
        bool noFakes(bool showMessage = true);

        int parseSyntaxOptions(int n, char** options);  // returns index of failed option or "n"==OK
                //options[n] must contain nullptr (and it must be valid index)
} // eof namespace Options

extern CDevice *Devices;
extern CDevice *Device;
extern CDevicePage *Page;
extern char* DeviceID;
extern int deviceDirectivesCounter;

//*current* full file name (used as full for CurSourcePos when `--fullpath`)
//content at this pointer is immutable and valid till assembler exits, so you can archive/reuse it
//for example SLD tracing remembers original file where macro was defined by using pointer into this
extern const char* fileNameFull;

// extend
extern char* lp, line[LINEMAX], temp[LINEMAX], ErrorLine[LINEMAX2], ErrorLine2[LINEMAX2], * bp;
extern char sline[LINEMAX2], sline2[LINEMAX2], * substitutedLine, * eolComment, ModuleName[LINEMAX];
// the "substitutedLine" may be overriden to point back to un-substituted line, it's only "decorative" for Listing purposes

typedef struct SSource {
        char fname[MAX_PATH];
        stdin_log_t* stdin_log; // buffer for STDIN option, to replay input in 2nd+ pass

//      SSource();
        SSource() = delete;
        SSource(SSource && src);
        SSource(const char* fname);
        SSource(int);           // constructor for "stdin" type of source ("int" just to distinct it)
} SSource;

extern std::vector<SSource> sourceFiles;
extern std::vector<std::string> openedFileNames;        // archive of all files opened (also includes!) (fullname!)

extern int ConvertEncoding;
extern int pass, IsLabelNotFound, ErrorCount, WarningCount, IncludeLevel, IsRunning, donotlist, listmacro;
extern int adrdisp, PseudoORG, dispPageNum, StartAddress;
extern byte* MemoryPointer;
extern int macronummer, lijst, reglenwidth;
extern TextFilePos CurSourcePos, DefinitionPos;
extern uint32_t maxlin;
extern aint CurAddress, CompiledCurrentLine, LastParsedLabelLine, PredefinedCounter;
extern aint destlen, size, PreviousErrorLine, comlin;

extern char* vorlabp, * macrolabp, * LastParsedLabel;

enum EEncoding { ENCDOS, ENCWIN };
extern char* CurrentDirectory;

void ExitASM(int p);
extern CStringsList* lijstp;
extern std::stack<SRepeatStack> RepeatStack;

extern CLabelTable LabelTable;
extern CLocalLabelTable LocalLabelTable;
extern CDefineTable DefineTable;
extern CMacroDefineTable MacroDefineTable;
extern CMacroTable MacroTable;
extern CStructureTable StructureTable;

#ifdef USE_LUA

extern lua_State *LUA;
extern TextFilePos LuaStartPos;

#endif //USE_LUA

//eof sjasm.h