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  SjASMPlus Z80 Cross Compiler

  This is modified sources of SjASM by Aprisobal - aprisobal@tut.by

  Copyright (c) 2006 Sjoerd Mastijn

  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
  use of this software.

  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
  subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
         that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product,
         an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is
         not required.

  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
         misrepresented as being the original software.

  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


// sjio.cpp

#include "termcolor.hpp"

#include "sjdefs.h"

#include <fcntl.h>

#define DESTBUFLEN 8192

static void CloseBreakpointsFile();

// ReadLine buffer and variables around
char rlbuf[4096 * 2]; //x2 to prevent errors
char * rlpbuf, * rlpbuf_end, * rlppos;
bool colonSubline;
int blockComment;

constexpr int LIST_EMIT_BYTES_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 64;
int ListEmittedBytes[LIST_EMIT_BYTES_BUFFER_SIZE], nListBytes = 0;
char WriteBuffer[DESTBUFLEN];
int tape_seek = 0;
int tape_length = 0;
int tape_parity = 0x55;
FILE* FP_tapout = NULL;
FILE* FP_Input = NULL, * FP_Output = NULL, * FP_RAW = NULL;
FILE* FP_ListingFile = NULL,* FP_ExportFile = NULL;
int ListAddress;
aint WBLength = 0;
bool IsSkipErrors = false;

static void initErrorLine() {           // adds filename + line of definition if possible
        *ErrorLine = 0;
        *ErrorLine2 = 0;
        // when OpenFile is reporting error, the filename is still nullptr, but pass==1 already
        if (pass < 1 || LASTPASS < pass || nullptr == CurSourcePos.filename) return;
        // during assembling, show also file+line info
        TextFilePos errorPos = DefinitionPos.line ? DefinitionPos : CurSourcePos;
        bool isEmittedMsgEnabled = true;
#ifdef USE_LUA
        if (LuaStartPos.line) {
                errorPos = LuaStartPos;
                lua_Debug ar;

                // find either top level of lua stack, or standalone file, otherwise it's impossible
                // to precisely report location of error (ASM can have 2+ LUA blocks defining functions)
                int level = 1;                  // level 0 is "C" space, ignore that always
                // suppress "is emitted here" when directly inlined in current code
                isEmittedMsgEnabled = (0 < listmacro);
                while (true) {
                        if (!lua_getstack(LUA, level, &ar)) break;      // no more lua stack levels
                        if (!lua_getinfo(LUA, "Sl", &ar)) break;        // no more info about current level
                        if (strcmp("[string \"script\"]", ar.short_src)) {
                                // standalone definition in external file found, pinpoint it precisely
                                errorPos.filename = ar.short_src;
                                errorPos.line = ar.currentline;
                                isEmittedMsgEnabled = true;                             // and add "emitted here" in any case
                                break;  // no more lua-stack traversing, stop here
                        // if source was inlined script, update the possible source line
                        errorPos.line = LuaStartPos.line + ar.currentline;
                        // and keep traversing stack until top level is found (to make the line meaningful)
#endif //USE_LUA
        SPRINTF2(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2, "%s(%d): ", errorPos.filename, errorPos.line);
        // if the error filename:line is not identical with current source line, add ErrorLine2 about emit
        if (isEmittedMsgEnabled &&
                (strcmp(errorPos.filename, CurSourcePos.filename) || errorPos.line != CurSourcePos.line)) {
                SPRINTF2(ErrorLine2, LINEMAX2, "%s(%d): ^ emitted from here\n", CurSourcePos.filename, CurSourcePos.line);

static void outputErrorLine(const EOutputVerbosity errorLevel) {
        // always print the message into listing file (the OutputVerbosity does not apply to listing)
        if (GetListingFile()) {
                fputs(ErrorLine, GetListingFile());
                if (*ErrorLine2) fputs(ErrorLine2, GetListingFile());
        // print the error into stderr if OutputVerbosity allows this type of message
        if (Options::OutputVerbosity <= errorLevel) {
                _CERR ErrorLine _END;
                if (*ErrorLine2)  _CERR ErrorLine2 _END;

void Error(const char* message, const char* badValueMessage, EStatus type) {
        // check if it is correct pass by the type of error
        if (type == EARLY && LASTPASS <= pass) return;
        if ((type == SUPPRESS || type == IF_FIRST || type == PASS3) && pass < LASTPASS) return;
        // check if this one should be skipped due to type constraints and current-error-state
        if (FATAL != type && PreviousErrorLine == CompiledCurrentLine) {
                // non-fatal error, on the same line as previous, maybe skip?
                if (IsSkipErrors || IF_FIRST == type) return;
        // update current-error-state (reset "skip" on new parsed-line, set "skip" by SUPPRESS type)
        IsSkipErrors = (IsSkipErrors && (PreviousErrorLine == CompiledCurrentLine)) || (SUPPRESS == type);
        PreviousErrorLine = CompiledCurrentLine;
        ++ErrorCount;                                                   // number of non-skipped (!) errors

        DefineTable.Replace("__ERRORS__", ErrorCount);

        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "error: ");
#ifdef USE_LUA
        if (LuaStartPos.line) STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "[LUA] ");
        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, message);
        if (badValueMessage) {
                STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, ": "); STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, badValueMessage);
        if (!strchr(ErrorLine, '\n')) STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "\n");      // append EOL if needed
        // terminate whole assembler in case of fatal error
        if (type == FATAL) {

void ErrorInt(const char* message, aint badValue, EStatus type) {
        char numBuf[24];
        SPRINTF1(numBuf, 24, "%d", badValue);
        Error(message, numBuf, type);

void ErrorOOM() {               // out of memory
        Error("Not enough memory!", nullptr, FATAL);

void Warning(const char* message, const char* badValueMessage, EWStatus type)
        // check if it is correct pass by the type of error
        if (type == W_EARLY && LASTPASS <= pass) return;
        if (type == W_PASS3 && pass < LASTPASS) return;

        // turn the warning into error if "Warnings as errors" is switched on
        if (Options::syx.WarningsAsErrors) switch (type) {
                case W_EARLY:   Error(message, badValueMessage, EARLY); return;
                case W_PASS3:   Error(message, badValueMessage, PASS3); return;
                case W_ALL:             Error(message, badValueMessage, ALL); return;


        DefineTable.Replace("__WARNINGS__", WarningCount);

        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "warning: ");
#ifdef USE_LUA
        if (LuaStartPos.line) STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "[LUA] ");
        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, message);
        if (badValueMessage) {
                STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, ": "); STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, badValueMessage);
        if (!strchr(ErrorLine, '\n')) STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "\n");      // append EOL if needed

// find position of extension in filename (points at dot char or beyond filename if no extension)
// filename is pointer to writeable format containing file name (can be full path) (NOT NULL)
// if initWithName and filenameBufferSize are explicitly provided, filename will be first overwritten with those
char* FilenameExtPos(char* filename, const char* initWithName, size_t initNameMaxLength) {
        // if the init value is provided with positive buffer size, init the buffer first
        if (0 < initNameMaxLength && initWithName) {
                STRCPY(filename, initNameMaxLength, initWithName);
        // find start of the base filename
        const char* baseName = FilenameBasePos(filename);
        // find extension of the filename and return position of it
        char* const filenameEnd = filename + strlen(filename);
        char* extPos = filenameEnd;
        while (baseName < extPos && '.' != *extPos) --extPos;
        if (baseName < extPos) return extPos;
        // no extension found (empty filename, or "name", or ".name"), return end of filename
        return filenameEnd;

const char* FilenameBasePos(const char* fullname) {
        const char* const filenameEnd = fullname + strlen(fullname);
        const char* baseName = filenameEnd;
        while (fullname < baseName && '/' != baseName[-1] && '\\' != baseName[-1]) --baseName;
        return baseName;

void ConstructDefaultFilename(char* dest, size_t dest_size, const char* ext, bool checkIfDestIsEmpty) {
        if (nullptr == dest || nullptr == ext || !ext[0]) exit(1);      // invalid arguments
        // if the destination buffer has already some content and check is requested, exit
        if (checkIfDestIsEmpty && dest[0]) return;
        size_t extSz = strlen(ext);
        dest[0] = 0;
        // construct the new default name - search for explicit name in sourcefiles
        for (SSource & src : sourceFiles) {
                if (!src.fname[0]) continue;
                STRNCPY(dest, dest_size, src.fname, dest_size-1-extSz);
                dest[dest_size-1-extSz] = 0;
        if (!dest[0]) STRNCPY(dest, dest_size, "asm", dest_size-1);             // no explicit, use "asm" base
        // replace the extension
        STRCPY(FilenameExtPos(dest), dest_size, ext);

void CheckRamLimitExceeded() {
        if (Options::IsLongPtr) return;         // in "longptr" mode with no device keep the address as is
        static bool notWarnedCurAdr = true;
        static bool notWarnedDisp = true;
        char buf[64];
        if (CurAddress >= 0x10000) {
                if (LASTPASS == pass && notWarnedCurAdr) {
                        SPRINTF2(buf, 64, "RAM limit exceeded 0x%X by %s", (unsigned int)CurAddress, PseudoORG ? "DISP":"ORG");
                        notWarnedCurAdr = false;
                if (PseudoORG) CurAddress &= 0xFFFF;    // fake DISP address gets auto-wrapped FFFF->0
        } else notWarnedCurAdr = true;
        if (PseudoORG && adrdisp >= 0x10000) {
                if (LASTPASS == pass && notWarnedDisp) {
                        SPRINTF1(buf, 64, "RAM limit exceeded 0x%X by ORG", (unsigned int)adrdisp);
                        notWarnedDisp = false;
        } else notWarnedDisp = true;

void WriteDest() {
        if (!WBLength) {
        destlen += WBLength;
        if (FP_Output != NULL && (aint) fwrite(WriteBuffer, 1, WBLength, FP_Output) != WBLength) {
                Error("Write error (disk full?)", NULL, FATAL);
        if (FP_RAW != NULL && (aint) fwrite(WriteBuffer, 1, WBLength, FP_RAW) != WBLength) {
                Error("Write error (disk full?)", NULL, FATAL);

        if (FP_tapout)
                int write_length = tape_length + WBLength > 65535 ? 65535 - tape_length : WBLength;

                if ( (aint)fwrite(WriteBuffer, 1, write_length, FP_tapout) != write_length) Error("Write error (disk full?)", NULL, FATAL);

                for (int i = 0; i < write_length; i++) tape_parity ^= WriteBuffer[i];
                tape_length += write_length;

                if (write_length < WBLength)
                        WBLength = 0;
                        Error("Tape block exceeds maximal size");
        WBLength = 0;

void PrintHex(char* & dest, aint value, int nibbles) {
        if (nibbles < 1 || 8 < nibbles) ExitASM(33);    // invalid argument
        const char oldChAfter = dest[nibbles];
        const aint mask = (int(sizeof(aint)*2) <= nibbles) ? ~0L : (1L<<(nibbles*4))-1L;
        if (nibbles != sprintf(dest, "%0*X", nibbles, value&mask)) ExitASM(33);
        dest += nibbles;
        *dest = oldChAfter;

void PrintHex32(char*& dest, aint value) {
        PrintHex(dest, value, 8);

void PrintHexAlt(char*& dest, aint value)
        char buffer[24] = { 0 }, * bp = buffer;
        sprintf(buffer, "%04X", value);
        while (*bp) *dest++ = *bp++;

static char pline[4*LINEMAX];

// buffer must be at least 4*LINEMAX chars long
void PrepareListLine(char* buffer, aint hexadd)
        // Line numbers to 1 to 99999 are supported only  //
        // For more lines, then first char is incremented //

        int digit = ' ';
        int linewidth = reglenwidth;
        aint linenumber = CurSourcePos.line % 10000;
        if (linewidth > 5)
                linewidth = 5;
                digit = CurSourcePos.line / 10000 + '0';
                if (digit > '~') digit = '~';
                if (CurSourcePos.line >= 10000) linenumber += 10000;
        memset(buffer, ' ', 24);
        if (listmacro) buffer[23] = '>';
        sprintf(buffer, "%*u", linewidth, linenumber); buffer[linewidth] = ' ';
        memcpy(buffer + linewidth, "++++++", IncludeLevel > 6 - linewidth ? 6 - linewidth : IncludeLevel);
        sprintf(buffer + 6, "%04X", hexadd & 0xFFFF); buffer[10] = ' ';
        if (digit > '0') *buffer = digit & 0xFF;
        // if substitutedLine is completely empty, list rather source line any way
        if (!*substitutedLine) substitutedLine = line;
        STRCPY(buffer + 24, LINEMAX2-24, substitutedLine);
        // add EOL comment if substituted was used and EOL comment is available
        if (substitutedLine != line && eolComment) STRCAT(buffer, LINEMAX2, eolComment);

static void ListFileStringRtrim() {
        // find end of currently prepared line
        char* beyondLine = pline+24;
        while (*beyondLine) ++beyondLine;
        // and remove trailing white space (space, tab, newline, carriage return, etc..)
        while (pline < beyondLine && White(beyondLine[-1])) --beyondLine;
        // set new line and new string terminator after
        *beyondLine++ = '\n';
        *beyondLine = 0;

// returns FILE* handle to either actual file defined by --lst=xxx, or stderr if --msg=lst, or NULL
// ! do not fclose this handle, for fclose logic use the FP_ListingFile variable itself !
FILE* GetListingFile() {
        if (NULL != FP_ListingFile) return FP_ListingFile;
        if (OV_LST == Options::OutputVerbosity) return stderr;
        return NULL;

void ListFile(bool showAsSkipped) {
        if (LASTPASS != pass || NULL == GetListingFile() || donotlist || Options::syx.IsListingSuspended) {
                donotlist = nListBytes = 0;
        int pos = 0;
        do {
                if (showAsSkipped) substitutedLine = line;      // override substituted lines in skipped mode
                PrepareListLine(pline, ListAddress);
                if (pos) pline[24] = 0;         // remove source line on sub-sequent list-lines
                char* pp = pline + 10;
                int BtoList = (nListBytes < 4) ? nListBytes : 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < BtoList; ++i) {
                        if (-2 == ListEmittedBytes[i + pos]) pp += sprintf(pp, "...");
                        else pp += sprintf(pp, " %02X", ListEmittedBytes[i + pos]);
                *pp = ' ';
                if (showAsSkipped) pline[11] = '~';
                fputs(pline, GetListingFile());
                nListBytes -= BtoList;
                ListAddress += BtoList;
                pos += BtoList;
        } while (0 < nListBytes);
        nListBytes = 0;

void ListSilentOrExternalEmits() {
        // catch silent/external emits like "sj.add_byte(0x123)" from Lua script
        if (0 == nListBytes) return;            // no silent/external emit happened
        char silentOrExternalBytes[] = "; these bytes were emitted silently/externally (lua script?)";
        substitutedLine = silentOrExternalBytes;
        eolComment = nullptr;
        substitutedLine = line;

static bool someByteEmitted = false;

bool DidEmitByte() {    // returns true if some byte was emitted since last call to this function
        bool didEmit = someByteEmitted;         // value to return
        someByteEmitted = false;                        // reset the flag
        return didEmit;

static void EmitByteNoListing(int byte, bool preserveDeviceMemory = false) {
        someByteEmitted = true;
        if (LASTPASS == pass) {
                WriteBuffer[WBLength++] = (char)byte;
                if (DESTBUFLEN == WBLength) WriteDest();
        // the page-checking in device mode must be done in all passes, the slot can have "wrap" option
        if (DeviceID) {
                if (MemoryPointer) {
                        if (LASTPASS == pass && !preserveDeviceMemory) *MemoryPointer = (char)byte;
        } else {
        if (PseudoORG) ++adrdisp;

void EmitByte(int byte) {
        byte &= 0xFF;
        if (nListBytes < LIST_EMIT_BYTES_BUFFER_SIZE-1) {
                ListEmittedBytes[nListBytes++] = byte;          // write also into listing
        } else {
                if (nListBytes < LIST_EMIT_BYTES_BUFFER_SIZE) {
                        // too many bytes, show it in listing as "..."
                        ListEmittedBytes[nListBytes++] = -2;

void EmitWord(int word) {
        EmitByte(word % 256);
        EmitByte(word / 256);

void EmitBytes(const int* bytes) {
        if (*bytes == -1) {
                Error("Illegal instruction", line, IF_FIRST);
        while (*bytes != -1) EmitByte(*bytes++);

void EmitWords(int* words) {
        while (*words != -1) EmitWord(*words++);

void EmitBlock(aint byte, aint len, bool preserveDeviceMemory, int emitMaxToListing) {
        if (len <= 0) {
                CurAddress = (CurAddress + len) & 0xFFFF;
                if (PseudoORG) adrdisp = (adrdisp + len) & 0xFFFF;
                if (DeviceID)   Device->CheckPage(CDevice::CHECK_NO_EMIT);
                else                    CheckRamLimitExceeded();
        if (LIST_EMIT_BYTES_BUFFER_SIZE <= nListBytes + emitMaxToListing) {     // clamp emit to list buffer
                emitMaxToListing = LIST_EMIT_BYTES_BUFFER_SIZE - nListBytes;
        while (len--) {
                int dVal = (preserveDeviceMemory && DeviceID && MemoryPointer) ? MemoryPointer[0] : byte;
                EmitByteNoListing(byte, preserveDeviceMemory);
                if (LASTPASS == pass && emitMaxToListing) {
                        // put "..." marker into listing if some more bytes are emitted after last listed
                        if ((0 == --emitMaxToListing) && len) ListEmittedBytes[nListBytes++] = -2;
                        else ListEmittedBytes[nListBytes++] = dVal&0xFF;

char* GetPath(const char* fname, char** filenamebegin, bool systemPathsBeforeCurrent)
        char fullFilePath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
        CStringsList* dir = Options::IncludeDirsList;   // include-paths to search
        // search current directory first (unless "systemPathsBeforeCurrent")
        if (!systemPathsBeforeCurrent) {
                // if found, just skip the `while (dir)` loop
                if (SJ_SearchPath(CurrentDirectory, fname, nullptr, MAX_PATH, fullFilePath, filenamebegin)) dir = nullptr;
                else fullFilePath[0] = 0;       // clear fullFilePath every time when not found
        while (dir) {
                if (SJ_SearchPath(dir->string, fname, nullptr, MAX_PATH, fullFilePath, filenamebegin)) break;
                fullFilePath[0] = 0;    // clear fullFilePath every time when not found
                dir = dir->next;
        // if the file was not found in the list, and current directory was not searched yet
        if (!fullFilePath[0] && systemPathsBeforeCurrent) {
                //and the current directory was not searched yet, do it now, set empty string if nothing
                if (!SJ_SearchPath(CurrentDirectory, fname, NULL, MAX_PATH, fullFilePath, filenamebegin)) {
                        fullFilePath[0] = 0;    // clear fullFilePath every time when not found
        if (!fullFilePath[0] && filenamebegin) {        // if still not found, reset also *filenamebegin
                *filenamebegin = fullFilePath;
        // copy the result into new memory
        char* kip = STRDUP(fullFilePath);
        if (kip == NULL) ErrorOOM();
        // convert filenamebegin pointer into the copied string (from temporary buffer pointer)
        if (filenamebegin) *filenamebegin += (kip - fullFilePath);
        return kip;

// if offset is negative, it functions as "how many bytes from end of file"
// if length is negative, it functions as "how many bytes from end of file to not load"
void BinIncFile(char* fname, int offset, int length) {
        // open the desired file
        FILE* bif;
        char* fullFilePath = GetPath(fname);
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(bif, fullFilePath, "rb")) Error("Error opening file", fname, FATAL);

        // Get length of file
        int totlen = 0, advanceLength;
        if (fseek(bif, 0, SEEK_END) || (totlen = ftell(bif)) < 0) Error("telling file length", fname, FATAL);

        // process arguments (extra features like negative offset/length or INT_MAX length)
        // negative offset means "from the end of file"
        if (offset < 0) offset += totlen;
        // negative length means "except that many from end of file"
        if (length < 0) length += totlen - offset;
        // default length INT_MAX is "till the end of file"
        if (INT_MAX == length) length = totlen - offset;
        // verbose output of final values (before validation may terminate assembler)
        if (LASTPASS == pass && Options::OutputVerbosity <= OV_ALL) {
                char diagnosticTxt[MAX_PATH];
                SPRINTF4(diagnosticTxt, MAX_PATH, "include data: name=%s (%d bytes) Offset=%d  Len=%d", fname, totlen, offset, length);
                _CERR diagnosticTxt _ENDL;
        // validate the resulting [offset, length]
        if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || totlen < offset + length) {
                Error("file too short", fname, FATAL);
        if (0 == length) {
                Warning("include data: requested to include no data (length=0)");

        // Seek to the beginning of part to include
        if (fseek(bif, offset, SEEK_SET) || ftell(bif) != offset) {
                Error("seeking in file to offset", fname, FATAL);

        if (pass != LASTPASS) {
                while (length) {
                        advanceLength = length;         // maximum possible to advance in address space
                        if (DeviceID) {                         // particular device may adjust that to less
                                if (MemoryPointer) {    // fill up current memory page if possible
                                        advanceLength = Page->RAM + Page->Size - MemoryPointer;
                                        if (length < advanceLength) advanceLength = length;
                                        MemoryPointer += advanceLength;         // also update it! Doh!
                        length -= advanceLength;
                        if (length <= 0 && 0 == advanceLength) Error("BinIncFile internal error", NULL, FATAL);
                        if (PseudoORG) adrdisp = adrdisp + advanceLength;
                        CurAddress = CurAddress + advanceLength;
        } else {
                // Reading data from file
                char* data = new char[length + 1], * bp = data;
                if (NULL == data) ErrorOOM();
                size_t res = fread(bp, 1, length, bif);
                if (res != (size_t)length) Error("reading data from file failed", fname, FATAL);
                while (length--) EmitByteNoListing(*bp++);
                delete[] data;

static void OpenDefaultList(const char *fullpath);

static stdin_log_t::const_iterator stdin_read_it;
static stdin_log_t* stdin_log = nullptr;

void OpenFile(const char* nfilename, bool systemPathsBeforeCurrent, stdin_log_t* fStdinLog)
        const char* oFileNameFull = fileNameFull;
        TextFilePos oSourcePos = CurSourcePos;
        char* oCurrentDirectory, * fullpath;
        TCHAR* filenamebegin;

        if (++IncludeLevel > 20) {
                Error("Over 20 files nested", NULL, FATAL);
        if (!*nfilename && fStdinLog) {
                fullpath = STRDUP("console_input");
                filenamebegin = fullpath;
                FP_Input = stdin;
                stdin_log = fStdinLog;
                stdin_read_it = stdin_log->cbegin();    // reset read iterator (for 2nd+ pass)
        } else {
                fullpath = GetPath(nfilename, &filenamebegin, systemPathsBeforeCurrent);

                if (!*fullpath || !FOPEN_ISOK(FP_Input, fullpath, "rb")) {
                        Error("Error opening file", nfilename, FATAL);
        // archive the filename (for referencing it in SLD tracing data or listing/errors)
        auto ofnIt = std::find(openedFileNames.cbegin(), openedFileNames.cend(), fullpath);
        if (ofnIt == openedFileNames.cend()) {          // new filename, add it to archive
                ofnIt = --openedFileNames.cend();
        fileNameFull = ofnIt->c_str();                          // get const pointer into archive
        CurSourcePos.newFile(Options::IsShowFullPath ? fileNameFull : FilenameBasePos(fileNameFull));

        // refresh pre-defined values related to file/include
        DefineTable.Replace("__INCLUDE_LEVEL__", IncludeLevel);
        DefineTable.Replace("__FILE__", fileNameFull);
        if (0 == IncludeLevel) DefineTable.Replace("__BASE_FILE__", fileNameFull);

        // open default listing file for each new source file (if default listing is ON)
        if (LASTPASS == pass && 0 == IncludeLevel && Options::IsDefaultListingName) {
                OpenDefaultList(fullpath);                      // explicit listing file is already opened
        // show in listing file which file was opened
        FILE* listFile = GetListingFile();
        if (LASTPASS == pass && listFile) {
                fputs("# file opened: ", listFile);
                fputs(fileNameFull, listFile);
                fputs("\n", listFile);

        oCurrentDirectory = CurrentDirectory;
        *filenamebegin = 0;
        CurrentDirectory = fullpath;

        rlpbuf = rlpbuf_end = rlbuf;
        colonSubline = false;
        blockComment = 0;


        if (stdin != FP_Input) fclose(FP_Input);
        else {
                if (1 == pass) {
                        stdin_log->push_back(0);        // add extra zero terminator
                        clearerr(stdin);                        // reset EOF on the stdin for another round of input
        CurrentDirectory = oCurrentDirectory;

        // show in listing file which file was closed
        if (LASTPASS == pass && listFile) {
                fputs("# file closed: ", listFile);
                fputs(fileNameFull, listFile);
                fputs("\n", listFile);

                // close listing file (if "default" listing filename is used)
                if (FP_ListingFile && 0 == IncludeLevel && Options::IsDefaultListingName) {
                        if (Options::AddLabelListing) LabelTable.Dump();
                        FP_ListingFile = NULL;


        // Free memory

        if (CurSourcePos.line > maxlin) {
                maxlin = CurSourcePos.line;
        fileNameFull = oFileNameFull;
        CurSourcePos = oSourcePos;

        // refresh pre-defined values related to file/include
        DefineTable.Replace("__INCLUDE_LEVEL__", IncludeLevel);
        DefineTable.Replace("__FILE__", fileNameFull ? fileNameFull : "<none>");
        if (-1 == IncludeLevel) DefineTable.Replace("__BASE_FILE__", "<none>");

void IncludeFile(const char* nfilename, bool systemPathsBeforeCurrent)
        auto oStdin_log = stdin_log;
        auto oStdin_read_it = stdin_read_it;
        FILE* oFP_Input = FP_Input;
        FP_Input = 0;

        char* pbuf = rlpbuf, * pbuf_end = rlpbuf_end, * buf = STRDUP(rlbuf);
        if (buf == NULL) ErrorOOM();
        bool oColonSubline = colonSubline;
        if (blockComment) Error("Internal error 'block comment'", NULL, FATAL); // comment can't INCLUDE

        OpenFile(nfilename, systemPathsBeforeCurrent);

        colonSubline = oColonSubline;
        rlpbuf = pbuf, rlpbuf_end = pbuf_end;
        STRCPY(rlbuf, 8192, buf);

        FP_Input = oFP_Input;
        stdin_log = oStdin_log;
        stdin_read_it = oStdin_read_it;

typedef struct {
        char    name[12];
        size_t  length;
        byte    marker[16];
} BOMmarkerDef;

const BOMmarkerDef UtfBomMarkers[] = {
        { { "UTF8" }, 3, { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF } },
        { { "UTF32BE" }, 4, { 0, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF } },
        { { "UTF32LE" }, 4, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0, 0 } },             // must be detected *BEFORE* UTF16LE
        { { "UTF16BE" }, 2, { 0xFE, 0xFF } },
        { { "UTF16LE" }, 2, { 0xFF, 0xFE } }

static bool ReadBufData() {
        // check here also if `line` buffer is not full
        if ((LINEMAX-2) <= (rlppos - line)) Error("Line too long", NULL, FATAL);
        // now check for read data
        if (rlpbuf < rlpbuf_end) return 1;              // some data still in buffer
        // check EOF on files in every pass, stdin only in first, following will starve the stdin_log
        if ((stdin != FP_Input || 1 == pass) && feof(FP_Input)) return 0;       // no more data in file
        // read next block of data
        rlpbuf = rlbuf;
        // handle STDIN file differently (pass1 = read it, pass2+ replay "log" variable)
        if (1 == pass || stdin != FP_Input) {   // ordinary file is re-read every pass normally
                rlpbuf_end = rlbuf + fread(rlbuf, 1, 4096, FP_Input);
                *rlpbuf_end = 0;                                        // add zero terminator after new block
        if (stdin == FP_Input) {
                // store copy of stdin into stdin_log during pass 1
                if (1 == pass && rlpbuf < rlpbuf_end) {
                        stdin_log->insert(stdin_log->end(), rlpbuf, rlpbuf_end);
                // replay the log in 2nd+ pass
                if (1 < pass) {
                        rlpbuf_end = rlpbuf;
                        long toCopy = std::min(8000L, (long)std::distance(stdin_read_it, stdin_log->cend()));
                        if (0 < toCopy) {
                                memcpy(rlbuf, &(*stdin_read_it), toCopy);
                                stdin_read_it += toCopy;
                                rlpbuf_end += toCopy;
                        *rlpbuf_end = 0;                                // add zero terminator after new block
        // check UTF BOM markers only at the beginning of the file (source line == 0)
        if (CurSourcePos.line) return (rlpbuf < rlpbuf_end);    // return true if some data were read
        //UTF BOM markers detector
        for (const auto & bomMarkerData : UtfBomMarkers) {
                if (rlpbuf_end < (rlpbuf + bomMarkerData.length)) continue;     // not enough bytes in buffer
                if (memcmp(rlpbuf, bomMarkerData.marker, bomMarkerData.length)) continue;       // marker not found
                if (&bomMarkerData != UtfBomMarkers) {  // UTF8 is first in the array, other markers show error
                        Error("Invalid UTF encoding detected (only ASCII and UTF8 works)", bomMarkerData.name, FATAL);
                rlpbuf += bomMarkerData.length; // skip the UTF8 BOM marker
        return (rlpbuf < rlpbuf_end);                   // return true if some data were read

void ReadBufLine(bool Parse, bool SplitByColon) {
        // if everything else fails (no data, not running, etc), return empty line
        *line = 0;
        bool IsLabel = true;
        // try to read through the buffer and produce new line from it
        while (IsRunning && ReadBufData()) {
                // start of new line (or fake "line" by colon)
                rlppos = line;
                substitutedLine = line;         // also reset "substituted" line to the raw new one
                eolComment = NULL;
                if (colonSubline) {                     // starting from colon (creating new fake "line")
                        colonSubline = false;   // (can't happen inside block comment)
                        *(rlppos++) = ' ';
                        IsLabel = false;
                } else {                                        // starting real new line
                        IsLabel = (0 == blockComment);
                bool afterNonAlphaNum, afterNonAlphaNumNext = true;
                // copy data from read buffer into `line` buffer until EOL/colon is found
                while (
                                ReadBufData() && '\n' != *rlpbuf && '\r' != *rlpbuf &&  // split by EOL
                                // split by colon only on 2nd+ char && SplitByColon && not inside block comment
                                (blockComment || !SplitByColon || rlppos == line || ':' != *rlpbuf)) {
                        // copy the new character to new line
                        *rlppos = *rlpbuf++;
                        afterNonAlphaNum = afterNonAlphaNumNext;
                        afterNonAlphaNumNext = !isalnum((byte)*rlppos);
                        // Block comments logic first (anything serious may happen only "outside" of block comment
                        if ('*' == *rlppos && ReadBufData() && '/' == *rlpbuf) {
                                if (0 < blockComment) --blockComment;   // block comment ends here, -1 from nesting
                                ++rlppos;       *rlppos++ = *rlpbuf++;          // copy the second char too
                        if ('/' == *rlppos && ReadBufData() && '*' == *rlpbuf) {
                                ++rlppos, ++blockComment;                               // block comment starts here, nest +1 more
                                *rlppos++ = *rlpbuf++;                                  // copy the second char too
                        if (blockComment) {                                                     // inside block comment just copy chars
                        // check if still in label area, if yes, copy the finishing colon as char (don't split by it)
                        if ((IsLabel = IsLabel && islabchar(*rlppos))) {
                                ++rlppos;                                       // label character
                                if (ReadBufData() && ':' == *rlpbuf) {  // colon after label, add it
                                        *rlppos++ = *rlpbuf++;
                                        IsLabel = false;
                        // not in label any more, check for EOL comments ";" or "//"
                        if ((';' == *rlppos) || ('/' == *rlppos && ReadBufData() && '/' == *rlpbuf)) {
                                eolComment = rlppos;
                                ++rlppos;                                       // EOL comment ";"
                                while (ReadBufData() && '\n' != *rlpbuf && '\r' != *rlpbuf) *rlppos++ = *rlpbuf++;
                        // check for string literals - double/single quotes
                        if (afterNonAlphaNum && ('"' == *rlppos || '\'' == *rlppos)) {
                                const bool quotes = '"' == *rlppos;
                                int escaped = 0;
                                do {
                                        if (escaped) --escaped;
                                        ++rlppos;                               // previous char confirmed
                                        *rlppos = ReadBufData() ? *rlpbuf : 0;  // copy next char (if available)
                                        if (!*rlppos || '\r' == *rlppos || '\n' == *rlppos) *rlppos = 0;        // not valid
                                        else ++rlpbuf;                  // buffer char read (accepted)
                                        if (quotes && !escaped && '\\' == *rlppos) escaped = 2; // escape sequence detected
                                } while (*rlppos && (escaped || (quotes ? '"' : '\'') != *rlppos));
                                if (*rlppos) ++rlppos;          // there should be ending "/' in line buffer, confirm it
                        // anything else just copy
                        ++rlppos;                               // previous char confirmed
                } // while "some char in buffer, and it's not line delimiter"
                // line interrupted somehow, may be correctly finished, check + finalize line and process it
                *rlppos = 0;
                // skip <EOL> char sequence in read buffer
                if (ReadBufData() && ('\r' == *rlpbuf || '\n' == *rlpbuf)) {
                        char CRLFtest = (*rlpbuf++) ^ ('\r'^'\n');      // flip CR->LF || LF->CR (and eats first)
                        if (ReadBufData() && CRLFtest == *rlpbuf) ++rlpbuf;     // if CRLF/LFCR pair, eat also second
                        // if this was very last <EOL> in file (on non-empty line), add one more fake empty line
                        if (!ReadBufData() && *line) *rlpbuf_end++ = '\n';      // to make listing files "as before"
                } else {
                        // advance over single colon if that was the reason to terminate line parsing
                        colonSubline = SplitByColon && ReadBufData() && (':' == *rlpbuf) && ++rlpbuf;
                // do +1 for very first colon-segment only (rest is +1 due to artificial space at beginning)
                size_t advanceColumns = colonSubline ? (0 == CurSourcePos.colEnd) + strlen(line) : 0;
                CurSourcePos.nextSegment(colonSubline, advanceColumns);
                // line is parsed and ready to be processed
                if (Parse)      ParseLine();    // processed here in loop
                else            return;                 // processed externally
        } // while (IsRunning && ReadBufData())

static void OpenListImp(const char* listFilename) {
        // if STDERR is configured to contain listing, disable other listing files
        if (OV_LST == Options::OutputVerbosity) return;
        if (NULL == listFilename || !listFilename[0]) return;
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(FP_ListingFile, listFilename, "w")) {
                Error("Error opening file", listFilename, FATAL);

void OpenList() {
        // if STDERR is configured to contain listing, disable other listing files
        if (OV_LST == Options::OutputVerbosity) return;
        // check if listing file is already opened, or it is set to "default" file names
        if (Options::IsDefaultListingName || NULL != FP_ListingFile) return;
        // Only explicit listing files are opened here

static void OpenDefaultList(const char *fullpath) {
        // if STDERR is configured to contain listing, disable other listing files
        if (OV_LST == Options::OutputVerbosity) return;
        // check if listing file is already opened, or it is set to explicit file name
        if (!Options::IsDefaultListingName || NULL != FP_ListingFile) return;
        if (NULL == fullpath || !*fullpath) return;             // no filename provided
        // Create default listing name, and try to open it
        char tempListName[LINEMAX+10];          // make sure there is enough room for new extension
        char* extPos = FilenameExtPos(tempListName, fullpath, LINEMAX); // find extension position
        STRCPY(extPos, 5, ".lst");                      // overwrite it with ".lst"
        // list filename prepared, open it

void CloseDest() {
        // Flush buffer before any other operations
        // does main output file exist? (to close it)
        if (FP_Output == NULL) return;
        // pad to desired size (and check for exceed of it)
        if (size != -1L) {
                if (destlen > size) {
                        ErrorInt("File exceeds 'size' by", destlen - size);
                memset(WriteBuffer, 0, DESTBUFLEN);
                while (destlen < size) {
                        WBLength = std::min(aint(DESTBUFLEN), size-destlen);
                size = -1L;
        FP_Output = NULL;

void SeekDest(long offset, int method) {
        if (FP_Output != NULL && fseek(FP_Output, offset, method)) {
                Error("File seek error (FPOS)", NULL, FATAL);

void NewDest(char* newfilename, int mode) {
        // close previous output file

        // and open new file (keep previous/default name, if no explicit was provided)
        if (newfilename && *newfilename) STRCPY(Options::DestinationFName, LINEMAX, newfilename);

void OpenDest(int mode) {
        destlen = 0;
        if (mode != OUTPUT_TRUNCATE && !FileExists(Options::DestinationFName)) {
                mode = OUTPUT_TRUNCATE;
        if (!Options::NoDestinationFile && !FOPEN_ISOK(FP_Output, Options::DestinationFName, mode == OUTPUT_TRUNCATE ? "wb" : "r+b")) {
                Error("Error opening file", Options::DestinationFName, FATAL);
        Options::NoDestinationFile = false;
        if (NULL == FP_RAW && '-' == Options::RAWFName[0] && 0 == Options::RAWFName[1]) {
                FP_RAW = stdout;
        if (FP_RAW == NULL && Options::RAWFName[0] && !FOPEN_ISOK(FP_RAW, Options::RAWFName, "wb")) {
                Error("Error opening file", Options::RAWFName);
        if (FP_Output != NULL && mode != OUTPUT_TRUNCATE) {
                if (fseek(FP_Output, 0, mode == OUTPUT_REWIND ? SEEK_SET : SEEK_END)) {
                        Error("File seek error (OUTPUT)", NULL, FATAL);

void CloseTapFile()
        char tap_data[2];

        if (FP_tapout == NULL) return;

        tap_data[0] = tape_parity & 0xFF;
        if (fwrite(tap_data, 1, 1, FP_tapout) != 1) Error("Write error (disk full?)", NULL, FATAL);

        if (fseek(FP_tapout, tape_seek, SEEK_SET)) Error("File seek end error in TAPOUT", NULL, FATAL);

        tap_data[0] =  tape_length     & 0xFF;
        tap_data[1] = (tape_length>>8) & 0xFF;
        if (fwrite(tap_data, 1, 2, FP_tapout) != 2) Error("Write error (disk full?)", NULL, FATAL);

        FP_tapout = NULL;

void OpenTapFile(char * tapename, int flagbyte)

        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(FP_tapout,tapename, "r+b"))     Error( "Error opening file in TAPOUT", tapename, FATAL);
        if (fseek(FP_tapout, 0, SEEK_END))                      Error("File seek end error in TAPOUT", tapename, FATAL);

        tape_seek = ftell(FP_tapout);
        tape_parity = flagbyte;
        tape_length = 2;

        char tap_data[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
        tap_data[2] = (char)flagbyte;

        if (fwrite(tap_data, 1, 3, FP_tapout) != 3) {
                Error("Write error (disk full?)", NULL, FATAL);

int FileExists(char* file_name) {
        int exists = 0;
        FILE* test;
        if (FOPEN_ISOK(test, file_name, "r")) {
                exists = 1;
        return exists;

void Close() {
        if (*ModuleName) {
                Warning("ENDMODULE missing for module", ModuleName, W_ALL);

        if (FP_ExportFile != NULL) {
                FP_ExportFile = NULL;
        if (FP_RAW != NULL) {
                if (stdout != FP_RAW) fclose(FP_RAW);
                FP_RAW = NULL;
        if (FP_ListingFile != NULL) {
                FP_ListingFile = NULL;

int SaveRAM(FILE* ff, int start, int length) {
        //unsigned int addadr = 0,save = 0;
        aint save = 0;
        if (!DeviceID) return 0;                // unreachable currently
        if (length + start > 0x10000) {
                length = -1;
        if (length <= 0) {
                length = 0x10000 - start;

        CDeviceSlot* S;
        for (int i=0;i<Device->SlotsCount;i++) {
                S = Device->GetSlot(i);
                if (start >= (int)S->Address  && start < (int)(S->Address + S->Size)) {
                        if (length < (int)(S->Size - (start - S->Address))) {
                                save = length;
                        } else {
                                save = S->Size - (start - S->Address);
                        if ((aint) fwrite(S->Page->RAM + (start - S->Address), 1, save, ff) != save) {
                                return 0;
                        length -= save;
                        start += save;
                        if (length <= 0) {
                                return 1;
        return 0;               // unreachable (with current devices)

unsigned int MemGetWord(unsigned int address) {
        return MemGetByte(address) + (MemGetByte(address+1)<<8);

unsigned char MemGetByte(unsigned int address) {
        if (!DeviceID || pass != LASTPASS) {
                return 0;

        CDeviceSlot* S;
        for (int i=0;i<Device->SlotsCount;i++) {
                S = Device->GetSlot(i);
                if (address >= (unsigned int)S->Address  && address < (unsigned int)S->Address + (unsigned int)S->Size) {
                        return S->Page->RAM[address - S->Address];

        ErrorInt("MemGetByte: Error reading address", address);
        return 0;

int SaveBinary(char* fname, int start, int length) {
        FILE* ff;
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(ff, fname, "wb")) {
                Error("Error opening file", fname, FATAL);
        int result = SaveRAM(ff, start, length);
        return result;

// all arguments must be sanitized by caller (this just writes data block into opened file)
bool SaveDeviceMemory(FILE* file, const size_t start, const size_t length) {
        return (length == fwrite(Device->Memory + start, 1, length, file));

// start and length must be sanitized by caller
bool SaveDeviceMemory(const char* fname, const size_t start, const size_t length) {
        FILE* ff;
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(ff, fname, "wb")) Error("Error opening file", fname, FATAL);
        bool res = SaveDeviceMemory(ff, start, length);
        return res;

int SaveHobeta(char* fname, char* fhobname, int start, int length) {
        unsigned char header[0x11];
        int i;

        if (length + start > 0x10000) {
                length = -1;
        if (length <= 0) {
                length = 0x10000 - start;

        memset(header,' ',9);
        i = strlen(fhobname);
        if (i > 1)
                char *ext = strrchr(fhobname, '.');
                if (ext && ext[1])
                        header[8] = ext[1];
                        i = ext-fhobname;
        memcpy(header, fhobname, std::min(i,8));

        if (header[8] == 'B')   {
                header[0x09] = (unsigned char)(length & 0xff);
                header[0x0a] = (unsigned char)(length >> 8);
        } else  {
                header[0x09] = (unsigned char)(start & 0xff);
                header[0x0a] = (unsigned char)(start >> 8);

        header[0x0b] = (unsigned char)(length & 0xff);
        header[0x0c] = (unsigned char)(length >> 8);
        header[0x0d] = 0;
        if (header[0x0b] == 0) {
                header[0x0e] = header[0x0c];
        } else {
                header[0x0e] = header[0x0c] + 1;
        length = header[0x0e] * 0x100;
        int chk = 0;
        for (i = 0; i <= 14; chk = chk + (header[i] * 257) + i,i++) {
        header[0x0f] = (unsigned char)(chk & 0xff);
        header[0x10] = (unsigned char)(chk >> 8);

        FILE* ff;
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(ff, fname, "wb")) {
                Error("Error opening file", fname, FATAL);

        int result = (17 == fwrite(header, 1, 17, ff)) && SaveRAM(ff, start, length);
        return result;

EReturn ReadFile() {
        while (ReadLine()) {
                const bool isInsideDupCollectingLines = !RepeatStack.empty() && !RepeatStack.top().IsInWork;
                if (!isInsideDupCollectingLines) {
                        char* p = line;
                        if ('.' == *p) ++p;
                        if (cmphstr(p, "endif")) {
                                lp = ReplaceDefine(p);          // skip any empty substitutions and comments
                                substitutedLine = line;         // override substituted listing for ENDIF
                                return ENDIF;
                        } else if (cmphstr(p, "else")) {
                                lp = ReplaceDefine(p);          // skip any empty substitutions and comments
                                substitutedLine = line;         // override substituted listing for ELSE
                                return ELSE;
        return END;

EReturn SkipFile() {
        int iflevel = 0;
        while (ReadLine()) {
                char* p = line;
                if ('.' == *p) ++p;
                if (cmphstr(p, "if") || cmphstr(p, "ifn") || cmphstr(p, "ifused") ||
                        cmphstr(p, "ifnused") || cmphstr(p, "ifdef") || cmphstr(p, "ifndef")) {
                } else if (cmphstr(p, "endif")) {
                        if (iflevel) {
                        } else {
                                lp = ReplaceDefine(p);          // skip any empty substitutions and comments
                                substitutedLine = line;         // override substituted listing for ENDIF
                                return ENDIF;
                } else if (cmphstr(p, "else")) {
                        if (!iflevel) {
                                lp = ReplaceDefine(p);          // skip any empty substitutions and comments
                                substitutedLine = line;         // override substituted listing for ELSE
                                return ELSE;
        return END;

int ReadLineNoMacro(bool SplitByColon) {
        if (!IsRunning || !ReadBufData()) return 0;
        ReadBufLine(false, SplitByColon);
        return 1;

int ReadLine(bool SplitByColon) {
        DefinitionPos = TextFilePos();
        if (IsRunning && lijst) {               // read MACRO lines, if macro is being emitted
                if (!lijstp) return 0;
                DefinitionPos = lijstp->definition;
                STRCPY(line, LINEMAX, lijstp->string);
                substitutedLine = line;         // reset substituted listing
                eolComment = NULL;                      // reset end of line comment
                lijstp = lijstp->next;
                return 1;
        return ReadLineNoMacro(SplitByColon);

int ReadFileToCStringsList(CStringsList*& f, const char* end) {
        // f itself should be already NULL, not resetting it here
        CStringsList** s = &f;
        while (ReadLineNoMacro()) {
                char* p = line;
                if ('.' == *p) ++p;
                if (cmphstr(p, end)) {          // finished, read rest after end marker into line buffers
                        lp = ReplaceDefine(p);
                        return 1;
                *s = new CStringsList(line);
                s = &((*s)->next);
        return 0;

void WriteExp(char* n, aint v) {
        char lnrs[16],* l = lnrs;
        if (FP_ExportFile == NULL) {
                if (!FOPEN_ISOK(FP_ExportFile, Options::ExportFName, "w")) {
                        Error("Error opening file", Options::ExportFName, FATAL);
        STRCPY(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2, n);
        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, ": EQU ");
        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "0x");
        PrintHex32(l, v); *l = 0;
        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, lnrs);
        STRCAT(ErrorLine, LINEMAX2-1, "\n");
        fputs(ErrorLine, FP_ExportFile);

/////// source-level-debugging support by Ckirby

static FILE* FP_SourceLevelDebugging = NULL;
static char sldMessage[LINEMAX];
static const char* WriteToSld_noSymbol = "";
static char sldMessage_sourcePos[80];
static char sldMessage_definitionPos[80];
static const char* sldMessage_posFormat = "%d:%d:%d";   // at +3 is "%d:%d" and at +6 is "%d"

static void WriteToSldFile_TextFilePos(char* buffer, const TextFilePos & pos) {
        int offsetFormat = !pos.colBegin ? 6 : !pos.colEnd ? 3 : 0;
        snprintf(buffer, 79, sldMessage_posFormat + offsetFormat, pos.line, pos.colBegin, pos.colEnd);

static void OpenSldImp(const char* sldFilename) {
        if (nullptr == sldFilename || !sldFilename[0]) return;
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(FP_SourceLevelDebugging, sldFilename, "w")) {
                Error("Error opening file", sldFilename, FATAL);
        fputs("|SLD.data.version|0\n", FP_SourceLevelDebugging);

// will write directly into Options::SourceLevelDebugFName array
static void OpenSld_buildDefaultNameIfNeeded() {
        // check if SLD file name is already explicitly defined, or default is wanted
        if (Options::SourceLevelDebugFName[0] || !Options::IsDefaultSldName) return;
        // name is still empty, and default is wanted, create one (start with "out" or first source name)
        ConstructDefaultFilename(Options::SourceLevelDebugFName, LINEMAX, ".sld.txt", false);

// returns true only in the LASTPASS and only when "sld" file was specified by user
// and only when assembling is in "virtual DEVICE" mode (for "none" device no tracing is emitted)
bool IsSldExportActive() {
        return (nullptr != FP_SourceLevelDebugging && DeviceID);

void OpenSld() {
        // check if source-level-debug file is already opened
        if (nullptr != FP_SourceLevelDebugging) return;
        // build default filename if not explicitly provided, and default was requested
        // try to open it if not opened yet

void CloseSld() {
        if (!FP_SourceLevelDebugging) return;
        FP_SourceLevelDebugging = nullptr;

void WriteToSldFile(int pageNum, int value, char type, const char* symbol) {
        // SLD line format:
        // <file name>|<source line>|<definition file>|<definition line>|<page number>|<value>|<type>|<data>\n
        // * string <file name> can't be empty (empty is for specific "control lines" with different format)
        // * unsigned <source line> when <file name> is not empty, line number (in human way starting at 1)
        // The actual format is "%d[:%d[:%d]]", first number is always line. If second number is present,
        // that's the start column (in bytes), and if also third number is present, that's end column.
        // * string <definition file> where the <definition line> was defined, if empty, it's equal to <file name>
        // * unsigned <definition line> explicit zero value in regular source, but inside macros
        // the <source line> keeps pointing at line emitting the macro, while this value points
        // to source with actual definitions of instructions/etc (nested macro in macro <source line>
        // still points at the top level source which initiated it).
        // The format is again "%d[:%d[:%d]]" same as <source line>, optionally including the columns data.
        // * int <value> is not truncated to page range, but full 16b Z80 address or even 32b value (equ)
        // * string <data> content depends on char <type>:
        // 'T' = instruction Trace, empty data
        // 'D' = EQU symbol, <data> is the symbol name ("label")
        // 'F' = function label, <data> is the symbol name
        // 'Z' = device (memory model) changed, <data> has special custom formatting
        // 'Z' device <data> format:
        // pages.size:<page size>,pages.count:<page count>,slots.count:<slots count>[,slots.adr:<slot0 adr>,...,<slotLast adr>]
        // unsigned <page size> is also any-slot size in current version.
        // unsigned <page count> and <slots count> define how many pages/slots there are
        // uint16_t <slotX adr> is starting address of slot memory region in Z80 16b addressing
        // specific lines (<file name> string was empty):
        // |SLD.data.version|<version number>
        // <version number> is SLD file format version, currently should be 0
        // ||<anything till EOL>
        // comment line, not to be parsed
        if (nullptr == FP_SourceLevelDebugging || !type) return;
        if (nullptr == symbol) symbol = WriteToSld_noSymbol;
        const char* macroFN = DefinitionPos.filename && strcmp(DefinitionPos.filename, CurSourcePos.filename) ?
                                                        DefinitionPos.filename : "";
        WriteToSldFile_TextFilePos(sldMessage_sourcePos, CurSourcePos);
        WriteToSldFile_TextFilePos(sldMessage_definitionPos, DefinitionPos);
        snprintf(sldMessage, LINEMAX, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%d|%d|%c|%s\n",
                                CurSourcePos.filename, sldMessage_sourcePos, macroFN, sldMessage_definitionPos,
                                pageNum, value, type, symbol);
        fputs(sldMessage, FP_SourceLevelDebugging);

/////// Breakpoints list (for different emulators)
static FILE* FP_BreakpointsFile = nullptr;
static EBreakpointsFile breakpointsType;
static int breakpointsCounter;

void OpenBreakpointsFile(const char* filename, const EBreakpointsFile type) {
        if (nullptr == filename || !filename[0]) {
                Error("empty filename", filename, EARLY);
        if (FP_BreakpointsFile) {
                Error("breakpoints file was already opened", nullptr, EARLY);
        if (!FOPEN_ISOK(FP_BreakpointsFile, filename, "w")) {
                Error("Error opening file", filename, FATAL);
        breakpointsCounter = 0;
        breakpointsType = type;

static void CloseBreakpointsFile() {
        if (!FP_BreakpointsFile) return;
        FP_BreakpointsFile = nullptr;

void WriteBreakpoint(const aint val) {
        if (!FP_BreakpointsFile) {
                if (warningNotSuppressed()) Warning("breakpoints file was not specified");
        switch (breakpointsType) {
                case BPSF_UNREAL:
                        fprintf(FP_BreakpointsFile, "x0=0x%04X\n", val&0xFFFF);
                case BPSF_ZESARUX:
                        if (1 == breakpointsCounter) fputs(" --enable-breakpoints ", FP_BreakpointsFile);
                        if (100 < breakpointsCounter) {
                                Warning("Maximum amount of 100 breakpoints has been already reached, this one is ignored");
                        fprintf(FP_BreakpointsFile, "--set-breakpoint %d \"PC=%d\" ", breakpointsCounter, val&0xFFFF);

//eof sjio.cpp