DEVICE zxspectrum128
; check syntax error report for virtual labels argument
LABELSLIST "PR122_LABELSLIST_virtualAdr.lbl", @
ADR_0: ; at ROM addresses the "bank 7" is paged in ZX128 device, so page 7
ADR_1 EQU $FEDC, 2 ; force page 2 to the label ADR_1
ADR_2 EQU $1FEDC, 3 ; out of 64ki range, and page 3
ADR_3 EQU -123 ; "out of bounds" page
; verify that labels have the designed pages
ASSERT 7 == $$ADR_0
ASSERT 2 == $$ADR_1
ASSERT 3 == $$ADR_2
ASSERT 8 <= $$ADR_3 ; "out of bounds" is currently $7F80, but that may change in future, just check for >= 8
; emit labelslist with "virtual labels", so:
; * the page info should be not listed at all
; * the values are truncated to full 64ki range
LABELSLIST "PR122_LABELSLIST_virtualAdr.lbl", 1
;;;; the expected output is (no pages, 64ki range):
:0000 ADR_0
:FF85 ADR_3
;;;; without virtual labels the output would look like this (pages + truncated to 16ki range)
07:0000 ADR_0
02:3EDC ADR_1
03:3EDC ADR_2
:3F85 ADR_3