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# file opened: incbin80k.asm
 1    0000                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUMNEXT
 1    0000                SLOT 7
 1    0000                LABELSLIST "incbin80k.lbl"
 2    0000                  ; incbin80k.bin is from offset 2 letters 'a' to 't' with linux newlines (byte 10)
 3    0000                  ; for each letter, there's 80 of them + newline, repeated 51 times
 4    0000                  ; such one letter block = 51*81 = 4131 bytes (just over 4ki), there's 20 letters
 5    0000                  ; = 82620 bytes (plus 2 bytes at beginning making it "binary" file for git)
 6    0000
 7    0000                  ; try short incbin (no paging) first into page 20
 8    0000                  ORG 0xE000
 9    E000                  MMU 7 n, 20
10    E000              short_start:
11    E000                  INCBIN "incbin80k/incbin80k.bin",2,81
12    E051              short_end:
13    E051                  ASSERT $$ == 20 && $ == 0xE000 + 81
14    E051                  ASSERT {0xE000} == "aa" && {0xE000+79} == "\na"
15    E051
16    E051                  ; try 3-page long incbin into pages 21, 22, 23
17    E051                  MMU 7 n, 21
18    E051                  ORG 0xE000
19    E000              p3_start:
20    E000                  INCBIN "incbin80k/incbin80k.bin",2,81*51*4      ; include four letters (16524 bytes)
21    E08C              p3_end:
22    E08C                  PAGE 21
22    E08C                ASSERT {0xE000} == "aa" && {0xE000+79} == "\na" && {0xE000+81*51} == "bb" && {0xFFFE} == "bb"
23    E08C                  PAGE 22
23    E08C                ASSERT {0xE000} == "bb" && {0xE000+81*102-0x2000-2} == "\nb"
24    E08C                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*102-0x2000} == "cc" && {0xE000+81*153-0x2000-2} == "\nc"
25    E08C                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*153-0x2000} == "dd" && {0xFFFE} == "dd"
26    E08C                  PAGE 23
26    E08C                ASSERT {0xE000} == "dd" && {0xE000+81*204-0x4000-2} == "\nd"
27    E08C                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*204-0x4000} == 0
28    E08C
29    E08C                  ; try error by including beyond device RAM range
30    E08C                  MMU 7, 23       ; reset wrapping behaviour for slot 7, keep page 23
31    E08C              err_start:
incbin80k.asm(32): error: Write outside of device memory at: 65536
32    E08C                  INCBIN "incbin80k/incbin80k.bin",2,81*51*2      ; include two letters (8+ki)
33    00D2              err_end:
34    00D2
35    00D2                  ; try full length 80+ki binary include
36    00D2                  MMU 7 n, 30     ; map pages 30, 31, 32, .., 40 (11 pages long)
37    00D2                  ORG 0xE000
38    E000              long_start:
39    E000                  INCBIN "incbin80k/incbin80k.bin",2          ; include 20 letters from offset 2
40    E2BC              long_end:
41    E2BC                  PAGE 30
41    E2BC                ASSERT {0xE000} == "aa" && {0xE000+79} == "\na" && {0xE000+81*51} == "bb" && {0xFFFE} == "bb"
42    E2BC                  PAGE 31
42    E2BC                ASSERT {0xE000} == "bb" && {0xE000+81*102-0x2000-2} == "\nb"
43    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*102-0x2000} == "cc" && {0xE000+81*153-0x2000-2} == "\nc"
44    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*153-0x2000} == "dd" && {0xFFFE} == "dd"
45    E2BC                  PAGE 32
45    E2BC                ASSERT {0xE000} == "dd" && {0xE000+81*204-0x4000-2} == "\nd"
46    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*204-0x4000} == "ee" && {0xE000+81*255-0x4000-2} == "\ne"
47    E2BC                  PAGE 37
47    E2BC                ASSERT {0xE000} == "nn" && {0xE000+81*51*14-0xE000-2} == "\nn"
48    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*51*14-0xE000} == "oo" && {0xE000+81*51*15-0xE000-2} == "\no"
49    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*51*15-0xE000} == "pp" && {0xFFFE} == "pp"
50    E2BC                  PAGE 38
50    E2BC                ASSERT {0xE000} == "pp" && {0xE000+81*51*16-0x10000-2} == "\np"
51    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*51*16-0x10000} == "qq" && {0xE000+81*51*17-0x10000-2} == "\nq"
52    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*51*17-0x10000} == "rr" && {0xFFFE} == "rr"
53    E2BC                  PAGE 40
53    E2BC                ASSERT {0xE000} == "tt" && {0xE000+81*51*20-0x14000-2} == "\nt"
54    E2BC                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*51*20-0x14000} == 0 && {0xFFFE} == 0
55    E2BC
56    E2BC                  ; incbin in no-device mode: includes whole file, addressing goes into 16+ bit realm
57    E2BC                  DEVICE NONE
58    E2BC                  ORG 0xE000
59    E000              nodevice_start:
incbin80k.asm(60): warning: RAM limit exceeded 0x10000 by ORG
60    E000                  INCBIN "incbin80k/incbin80k.bin",2          ; include 20 letters from offset 2
61    22BC              nodevice_end:                                   ; emits warning about going over 0x10000
62    22BC
63    22BC                  ; switch back to ZX Next to produce labels list
64    22BC                  ORG 0
64    0000                DEVICE ZXSPECTRUMNEXT   ; slot 7 is still in "wrap", but $ is beyond (error) => org 0 needed
65    0000
66    0000                  ; one more test of case when even wrapping MMU runs out of next pages
67    0000                  MMU 7 n, 222                    ; two pages left: 222, 223, try to include 3 pages
68    0000                  ORG 0xE000
69    E000              noram_start:                        ; emit error of running out of free memory pages
incbin80k.asm(70): error: No more memory pages to map next one into slot: 7
70    E000                  INCBIN "incbin80k/incbin80k.bin",2,81*51*4  ; include four letters (16524 bytes)
71    008C              noram_end:
72    008C                  PAGE 222
72    008C                ASSERT {0xE000} == "aa" && {0xE000+79} == "\na" && {0xE000+81*51} == "bb" && {0xFFFE} == "bb"
73    008C                  PAGE 223
73    008C                ASSERT {0xE000} == "bb" && {0xE000+81*102-0x2000-2} == "\nb"
74    008C                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*102-0x2000} == "cc" && {0xE000+81*153-0x2000-2} == "\nc"
75    008C                  ASSERT {0xE000+81*153-0x2000} == "dd" && {0xFFFE} == "dd"
76    008C
incbin80k.asm(77): error: Write outside of device memory at: 65676
77    008C 00               nop                             ; check error message wording in case of further write
78    008D
# file closed: incbin80k.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x100D2 X err_end
0xE08C X err_start
0xE2BC X long_end
0xE000 X long_start
0x222BC X nodevice_end
0xE000 X nodevice_start
0x1008C X noram_end
0xE000 X noram_start
0xE08C X p3_end
0xE000 X p3_start
0xE051 X short_end
0xE000 X short_start