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# file opened: savenexSyntax.asm
  1   0000              ;;; docs design (missing the changes after V1.3 introduction, added directly in docs.xml)
  2   0000              ;     SAVENEX <command> <command arguments>
  3   0000              ;  Works only in ZXSPECTRUMNEXT device emulation mode. See DEVICE.
  4   0000              ;
  5   0000              ;  For file format details, check https://specnext.dev/wiki/NEX_file_format
  6   0000              ;
  7   0000              ;  As the file is designed for self-contained distribution of whole applications/games,
  8   0000              ; its configuration and assembling is a bit too complex for single directive, and the
  9   0000              ; configuration is instead divided into multiple commands, and the assembling goes
 10   0000              ; through multiple stages, so some commands must be used in correct sequence.
 11   0000              ;
 12   0000              ; While the format technically allows to include multiple screen types data, they are
 13   0000              ; all loaded at the beginning over each other, so it makes sense to provide only single
 14   0000              ; loading screen (sjasmplus enforces that).
 15   0000              ;
 16   0000              ; More detailed description of each command follows:
 17   0000              ;
 18   0000              ;     SAVENEX OPEN <filename>[,<startAddress>[,<stackAddress>[,<entryBank 0..111>]]]
 19   0000              ; Opens a NEX file, defines start address and stack address (if omitted, start address is
 20   0000              ; zero = no start, stack address is 0xFFFE, entryBank is zero), and 16k bank to be mapped
 21   0000              ; at 0xC000 before code is started.
 22   0000              ;
 23   0000              ; Only single NEX file can be open at the same time, and to finalize the header content
 24   0000              ; the command CLOSE has to be used (does auto-close if source ends).
 25   0000              ;
 26   0000              ; Entry bank is number of 16k bank (0..111), not native 8k page, default is zero, i.e.
 27   0000              ; the default memory map is identical to ZX 128 (ROM, RAM banks 5, 2 and 0).
 28   0000              ;
 29   0000              ; Make sure your new stack has at least tens of bytes available as those will be used
 30   0000              ; already by the NEX loader before executing your entry point (although released back).
 31   0000              ;
 32   0000              ;     SAVENEX CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>
 33   0000              ; Set minimum required Next core version, can be set any time before CLOSE.
 34   0000              ;
 35   0000              ;     SAVENEX CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]
 36   0000              ; Set border colour (during loading), whether the machine should be set to default state
 37   0000              ; (PreserveNextRegs = 0 = default), if the app requires extended RAM (224 8k pages) and
 38   0000              ; how the file handle of the NEX file should be treated: 0 = default = close, 1 = keep
 39   0000              ; open and pass in BC, $4000..$FFFE = keep open, and write into memory at provided address
 40   0000              ; (after entry bank is paged in). This can be set any time before CLOSE.
 41   0000              ;
 42   0000              ;     SAVENEX BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>]]
 43   0000              ; Loading-bar related setup ("colour" usage depends on screen mode), can be set any time
 44   0000              ; before CLOSE.
 45   0000              ;
 46   0000              ;     SAVENEX SCREEN L2 [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]
 47   0000              ; Layer 2 loading screen, can be used between OPEN and first AUTO/BANK command.
 48   0000              ;
 49   0000              ; Palette consists of 512 bytes (256 palette items from index 0), in 9b colour format:
 50   0000              ; first byte is %RRRGGGBB, second byte is %P000000B (P is priority flag for Layer 2 colours).
 51   0000              ;
 52   0000              ; Image data are 48kiB block of memory, the loader will use always banks 9..11 to display
 53   0000              ; it (8k pages 18..23), but if you will prepare the data there, it will be also re-saved
 54   0000              ; by AUTO command, so either use other banks, and overwrite them with valid data/code
 55   0000              ; after using the SCREEN command, or reset pages 18..23 to zero after SCREEN.
 56   0000              ;
 57   0000              ; If no memory address is specified, the pages 18..23 are stored in file, and if no
 58   0000              ; palette address is specified, no-palette flag is set in NEX file.
 59   0000              ;
 60   0000              ;     SAVENEX SCREEN LR [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]
 61   0000              ; LoRes (128x96) loading screen, can be used between OPEN and first AUTO/BANK command.
 62   0000              ;
 63   0000              ; Palette is similar to Layer 2 mode, just LoRes mode doesn't have priority bit.
 64   0000              ;
 65   0000              ; Image data are 12288 bytes memory block - either consecutive block if specific address
 66   0000              ; is provided, or without address the actual bank 5 memory is stored (taking 6144 bytes
 67   0000              ; from address 0x4000 and 6144 bytes from address 0x6000).
 68   0000              ;
 69   0000              ;     SAVENEX SCREEN (SCR|SHC|SHR) [<hiResColour 0..7>]
 70   0000              ; ULA/Timex modes loading screen, can be used between OPEN and first AUTO/BANK command.
 71   0000              ;
 72   0000              ; The actual bank 5 memory (pages 10..11) is stored as if the image is displayed, in
 73   0000              ; these modes the palette can't be specified.
 74   0000              ;
 75   0000              ; SCR is classic ZX 6912 bytes long screen from address 0x4000 (page 10 is used, even
 76   0000              ; if the slot 1 is modified to other page, so you must prepare the image "in place").
 77   0000              ;
 78   0000              ; SHC and SHR are Timex HiColor (8x1 attribute) and HiRes (512x192 bitmap) modes, prepare
 79   0000              ; data "in place", i.e. 6144 bytes into page 10 and 6144 bytes into page 11 (0x4000 and
 80   0000              ; 0x6000 addresses in default memory setup). For HiRes mode you should specify ink colour
 81   0000              ; (the paper is complement of ink).
 82   0000              ;
 83   0000              ;     SAVENEX BANK <bank 0..111>[,...]
 84   0000              ; Can be used after OPEN or SCREEN and before CLOSE, but the 16ki banks must be saved in
 85   0000              ; correct order: 5, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, ..., 111
 86   0000              ;
 87   0000              ;     SAVENEX AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]
 88   0000              ; Can be used after OPEN or SCREEN and before CLOSE. The sjasmplus will save every
 89   0000              ; 16k bank containing at least one non-zero byte; detected in the correct order
 90   0000              ; (automatically starting from first possible bank after previous BANK/AUTO commands,
 91   0000              ; or from provided "fromBank").
 92   0000              ;
 93   0000              ; For "fromBank" value use the specified order above in BANK command, i.e. 5, 2, 0, ...
 94   0000              ;
 95   0000              ;     SAVENEX CLOSE [<fileToAppend>]
 96   0000              ; Can be used after OPEN. The currently open NEX file will be finalized (header adjusted),
 97   0000              ; and optional extra file just appended to the end of NEX file.
 98   0000
 99   0000                  DEVICE NONE     ; correct commands, but outside of NEXT device
savenexSyntax.asm(100): error: [SAVENEX] is allowed only in ZXSPECTRUMNEXT device mode
100   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,$FFE0,    15  ; not in NEXT mode
101   0000
102   0000                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUMNEXT
savenexSyntax.asm(103): error: [SAVENEX] unknown command (commands: OPEN, CORE, CFG, BAR, SCREEN, BANK, AUTO, CLOSE): NEPO
103   0000                  SAVENEX NEPO    ; wrong command
104   0000
105   0000              ;; OPEN <filename>[,<startAddress>,<stackAddress>[,<entryBank 0..111>]]
106   0000                  ; errors - [un]expected arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(107): error: [SAVENEX] unknown command (commands: OPEN, CORE, CFG, BAR, SCREEN, BANK, AUTO, CLOSE):
107   0000                  SAVENEX
savenexSyntax.asm(108): error: [SAVENEX] unknown command (commands: OPEN, CORE, CFG, BAR, SCREEN, BANK, AUTO, CLOSE):
108   0000                  SAVENEX                 ; no command, but with comment
savenexSyntax.asm(109): error: [SAVENEX] Error opening file for write:
109   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN
savenexSyntax.asm(110): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is OPEN <filename>[,<startAddress>[,<stackAddress>[,<entryBank 0..111>[,<fileVersion 2..3>]]]]: SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",
110   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",
savenexSyntax.asm(111): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is OPEN <filename>[,<startAddress>[,<stackAddress>[,<entryBank 0..111>[,<fileVersion 2..3>]]]]: SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,
111   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,
savenexSyntax.asm(112): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is OPEN <filename>[,<startAddress>[,<stackAddress>[,<entryBank 0..111>[,<fileVersion 2..3>]]]]: SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,$FFE0,
112   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,$FFE0,
savenexSyntax.asm(113): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is OPEN <filename>[,<startAddress>[,<stackAddress>[,<entryBank 0..111>[,<fileVersion 2..3>]]]]: SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,$FFE0,    15,
113   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $8000,$FFE0,    15,
savenexSyntax.asm(114): error: [SAVENEX] entry bank can be 0..111 value only: 112
114   0000                  SAVENEX OPEN "savenexSyntax.nex", $7170, $F1F0, 112 ; error entryBank
115   0000
116   0000                  ; one correct NEX file to verify simple case (but induce all sorts of warnings)
savenexSyntax.asm(117): warning: [SAVENEX] Start address was also defined by END, OPEN argument used instead
savenexSyntax.asm(117): warning: value 0x18180 is truncated to 16bit value: 0x8180
savenexSyntax.asm(117): warning: value 0x1F1F0 is truncated to 16bit value: 0xF1F0
117   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex",    $18180,$1F1F0,  'B'
118   0000
119   0000                  ; error = NEX file is already open
savenexSyntax.asm(120): error: [SAVENEX] NEX file is already open: SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex", $8180, $F1F0, 'B'
120   0000                  SAVENEX     OPEN    "savenexSyntax.nex", $8180, $F1F0, 'B'
121   0000
122   0000              ;; CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>
123   0000                  ; errors - [un]expected arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(124): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>: SAVENEX     CORE
124   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE
savenexSyntax.asm(125): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>: SAVENEX     CORE    0
125   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    0
savenexSyntax.asm(126): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>: SAVENEX     CORE    0,
126   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    0,
savenexSyntax.asm(127): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>: SAVENEX     CORE    0,0
127   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    0,0
savenexSyntax.asm(128): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>: SAVENEX     CORE    0,0,
128   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    0,0,
savenexSyntax.asm(129): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CORE <major 0..15>,<minor 0..15>,<subminor 0..255>: SAVENEX     CORE    0,0,0,
129   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    0,0,0,
130   0000
131   0000                  ; one correct + one with warnings
132   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    15,15,255
savenexSyntax.asm(133): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0..15,0..15,0..255 ranges
133   0000                  SAVENEX     CORE    'a','b',$100+'c'    ; warn about values
134   0000
135   0000              ;; CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]
136   0000                  ; errors - [un]expected arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(137): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]: SAVENEX     CFG
137   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG
savenexSyntax.asm(138): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]: SAVENEX     CFG     5,
138   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,
savenexSyntax.asm(139): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]: SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,
139   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,
savenexSyntax.asm(140): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]: SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,  1,
140   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,  1,
savenexSyntax.asm(141): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is CFG <border 0..7>[,<fileHandle 0/1/$4000+>[,<PreserveNextRegs 0/1>[,<2MbRamReq 0/1>]]]: SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,  1,  1,
141   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,  1,  1,
142   0000
143   0000                  ; correct ones with value warnings, and omitting optional arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(144): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0..7,0..65534,0/1,0/1 ranges
144   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     9
savenexSyntax.asm(145): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0..7,0..65534,0/1,0/1 ranges
145   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  -1
savenexSyntax.asm(146): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0..7,0..65534,0/1,0/1 ranges
146   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  1,  2
147   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  "hf",  1,  1    ; one completely correct (no warning)
savenexSyntax.asm(148): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0..7,0..65534,0/1,0/1 ranges
148   0000                  SAVENEX     CFG     5,  "hf",  1,  'R'
149   0000
150   0000              ;; BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>]]
151   0000                  ; errors - [un]expected arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(152): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>[,<posY 0..255>]]]: SAVENEX     BAR
152   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR
savenexSyntax.asm(153): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>[,<posY 0..255>]]]: SAVENEX     BAR     1
153   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1
savenexSyntax.asm(154): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>[,<posY 0..255>]]]: SAVENEX     BAR     1,
154   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,
savenexSyntax.asm(155): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>[,<posY 0..255>]]]: SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',
155   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',
savenexSyntax.asm(156): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>[,<posY 0..255>]]]: SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',    'D',
156   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',    'D',
savenexSyntax.asm(157): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is BAR <loadBar 0/1>,<barColour 0..255>[,<startDelay 0..255>[,<bankDelay 0..255>[,<posY 0..255>]]]: SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',    'D',    'd',
157   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',    'D',    'd',
158   0000
159   0000                  ; correct ones with value warnings, and omitting optional arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(160): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0/1 or 0..255 ranges
160   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     2,  255
savenexSyntax.asm(161): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0/1 or 0..255 ranges
161   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  256
savenexSyntax.asm(162): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0/1 or 0..255 ranges
162   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  255, 256
savenexSyntax.asm(163): warning: [SAVENEX] values are not within 0/1 or 0..255 ranges
163   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  255, 255, 256
164   0000                  SAVENEX     BAR     1,  'L',    'D',    'd' ; one fully valid (no warning)
165   0000
166   0000              ;; SCREEN L2 [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]
167   0000                  ; errors - [un]expected arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(168): error: [SAVENEX] unknown screen type (types: BMP, L2, L2_320, L2_640, LR, SCR, SHC, SHR, TILE):
168   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN
savenexSyntax.asm(169): error: [SAVENEX] unknown screen type (types: BMP, L2, L2_320, L2_640, LR, SCR, SHC, SHR, TILE): NEERCS
169   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  NEERCS
savenexSyntax.asm(170): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9
170   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9
savenexSyntax.asm(171): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,
171   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,
savenexSyntax.asm(172): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,
172   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,
savenexSyntax.asm(173): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,  10
173   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,  10
savenexSyntax.asm(174): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,
174   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,
savenexSyntax.asm(175): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,    $1800,
175   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2  9 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,    $1800,
176   0000
177   0000                  ; errors - wrong values
savenexSyntax.asm(178): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 224, 0, 0, 0
178   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 224, 0, 0, 0     ; pagenum outside of range
savenexSyntax.asm(179): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, 0, 224, 0
179   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, 0, 224, 0     ; pagenum outside of range
savenexSyntax.asm(180): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 218, 1, 0, 0
180   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 218, 1, 0, 0     ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(181): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, $1B4001, 0, 0
181   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, $1B4001, 0, 0 ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(182): error: [SAVENEX] palette data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, 0, 223, 7681
182   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, 0, 223, 7681  ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(183): error: [SAVENEX] palette data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, 0, 0, $1BFE01
183   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, 0, 0, $1BFE01 ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(184): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 218, 1
184   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 218, 1           ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(185): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, $1B4001
185   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2 0, $1B4001       ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
186   0000                  ; not testing correct variants, because it would make impossible to test other types
187   0000
188   0000              ;; SCREEN LR [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]
189   0000                  ; errors - [un]expected arguments
savenexSyntax.asm(190): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5
190   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5
savenexSyntax.asm(191): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,
191   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,
savenexSyntax.asm(192): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,
192   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,
savenexSyntax.asm(193): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,  10
193   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,  10
savenexSyntax.asm(194): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,
194   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,
savenexSyntax.asm(195): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,    $1800,
195   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR  5 ,    $1FFF ,  10 ,    $1800,
196   0000
197   0000                  ; errors - wrong values
savenexSyntax.asm(198): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 224, 0, 0, 0
198   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 224, 0, 0, 0     ; pagenum outside of range
savenexSyntax.asm(199): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is ... [<Page8kNum 0..223>,<offset>[,<palPage8kNum 0..223>,<palOffset>]]: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, 0, 224, 0
199   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, 0, 224, 0     ; pagenum outside of range
savenexSyntax.asm(200): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 222, $1001, 0, 0
200   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 222, $1001, 0, 0 ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(201): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, $1BD001, 0, 0
201   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, $1BD001, 0, 0 ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(202): error: [SAVENEX] palette data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, 0, 223, 7681
202   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, 0, 223, 7681  ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(203): error: [SAVENEX] palette data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, 0, 0, $1BFE01
203   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, 0, 0, $1BFE01 ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(204): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 222, $1001
204   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 222, $1001       ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
savenexSyntax.asm(205): error: [SAVENEX] pixel data address range is outside of Next memory: SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, $1BD001
205   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR 0, $1BD001       ; values in range, but leaks out of memory
206   0000                  ; not testing correct variants, because it would make impossible to test other types
207   0000
208   0000              ;; SCREEN (SCR|SHC|SHR) [<hiResColour 0..7>]
209   0000                  ; there's basically no syntax error possible with these
210   0000
211   0000              ;; BANK <bank 0..111>[,...]
212   0000                  ; errors - invalid/missing arguments (will eventually also save some banks correctly)
savenexSyntax.asm(213): error: [SAVENEX] expected bank number 0..111:     ()
213   0000                  SAVENEX     BANK    ()
savenexSyntax.asm(214): error: [SAVENEX] expected bank number 0..111:     -1
214   0000                  SAVENEX     BANK    -1
savenexSyntax.asm(215): error: [SAVENEX] expected bank number 0..111:     112
215   0000                  SAVENEX     BANK    112
savenexSyntax.asm(216): error: [SAVENEX] expected bank number 0..111:
216   0000                  SAVENEX     BANK    5,                  ; bank 5 will be stored
savenexSyntax.asm(217): error: [SAVENEX] it's too late to save this bank (correct order: 5, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, ...): 2
217   0000                  SAVENEX     BANK    0, 2, 3             ; bank 0 will be stored, 2 = wrong order
218   0000
219   0000                  ; revisit screen errors - here no screen should work because bank was written already
savenexSyntax.asm(220): error: [SAVENEX] some bank was already stored (store screen ahead)
220   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  L2
savenexSyntax.asm(221): error: [SAVENEX] some bank was already stored (store screen ahead)
221   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  LR
savenexSyntax.asm(222): error: [SAVENEX] some bank was already stored (store screen ahead)
222   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  SCR
savenexSyntax.asm(223): error: [SAVENEX] some bank was already stored (store screen ahead)
223   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  SHC
savenexSyntax.asm(224): error: [SAVENEX] some bank was already stored (store screen ahead)
224   0000                  SAVENEX     SCREEN  SHR 10
225   0000
226   0000              ;; AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]
savenexSyntax.asm(227): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]: SAVENEX     AUTO    21,
227   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    21,
savenexSyntax.asm(228): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]: SAVENEX     AUTO    21,     25,
228   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    21,     25,
savenexSyntax.asm(229): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]: SAVENEX     AUTO    -1, 20
229   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    -1, 20
savenexSyntax.asm(230): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]: SAVENEX     AUTO    112, 20
230   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    112, 20
savenexSyntax.asm(231): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]: SAVENEX     AUTO    21, -1
231   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    21, -1
savenexSyntax.asm(232): error: [SAVENEX] expected syntax is AUTO [<fromBank 0..111>[,<toBank 0..111>]]: SAVENEX     AUTO    21, 112
232   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    21, 112
savenexSyntax.asm(233): error: [SAVENEX] 'toBank' is less than 'fromBank': SAVENEX     AUTO    21, 20
233   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    21, 20
savenexSyntax.asm(234): error: [SAVENEX] it's too late to save this bank (correct order: 5, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, ...): 5
234   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    5, 1                ; already stored by BANK above
savenexSyntax.asm(235): error: [SAVENEX] it's too late to save this bank (correct order: 5, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, ...): 0
235   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    0, 1
236   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    1, 1                ; correct one (but bank is zeroed = no output)
savenexSyntax.asm(237): error: [SAVENEX] it's too late to save this bank (correct order: 5, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, ...): 1
237   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO    1, 1                ; but disabled for second try
238   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO                        ; correct (but all zeroes = no output)
savenexSyntax.asm(239): error: [SAVENEX] all banks are already stored
239   0000                  SAVENEX     AUTO                        ; but all are disabled now
240   0000
241   0000              ;; CLOSE [<fileToAppend>]
242   0000                  SAVENEX     CLOSE   "savenexSyntax.asm" ; correct one (there's not much to do wrong
savenexSyntax.asm(243): error: [SAVENEX] NEX file is not open
243   0000                  SAVENEX     CLOSE                       ; should be error (no NEX is open)
244   0000
245   0000              ;; create small NEX for BIN comparison, if the thing at least somewhat works
246   0000              ;; also verify it works twice per source (in sequential order)
savenexSyntax.asm(247): warning: [SAVENEX] Start address was also defined by END, OPEN argument used instead
247   0000                  SAVENEX OPEN "savenexSyntax.bin", $5000
248   0000                  SAVENEX CORE 2,0,28
248   0000                SAVENEX CFG 4,0,0,1
248   0000                SAVENEX BAR 0,0,100,0
249   0000                  ORG $4800
249   4800 45 5F F5 44    DB $45, $5F, $F5, $44
250   4804                  ORG $5000
250   5000 18 FE          jr $                        ; infinite JR loop
251   5002                  SAVENEX AUTO 5, 5                       ; should store bank5
252   5002                  ; let it close automatically by ending source
253   5002
254   5002                  END $7170       ; invoke warning about different start address
# file closed: savenexSyntax.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------