
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


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operators.asm(70): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: abs
operators.asm(71): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: and
operators.asm(72): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: high
operators.asm(73): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: low
operators.asm(74): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: mod
operators.asm(75): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: norel
operators.asm(76): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: not
operators.asm(77): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: or
operators.asm(78): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: shl
operators.asm(79): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: shr
operators.asm(80): warning[opkeyword]: Label collides with one of the operator keywords, try capitalizing it or other name: xor
# file opened: operators.asm
 1    0000                  ; simple tests of each operator
 2    0000 34 12 CC ED      DW  +0x1234, -0x1234
 3    0004 CB ED            DW  ~0x1234
 4    0006 00 00 00 00      DW  !0x1234, not 0x1234
 5    000A 34 00 12 00      DW  low 0x1234, high 0x1234
 6    000E 83 46 C3 BB      DW  0x123 + 0x4560, 0x123 - 0x4560
 7    0012 A8 03 E8 02      DW  0x12 * 0x34, 0x3456 / 0x12
 8    0016 06 00 06 00      DW  0x3456 % 0x12, 0x3456 mod 0x12
 9    001A A0 91 A0 91      DW  0x1234 << 3, 0x1234 shl 3
10    001E 53 F7 53 F7      DW  -17768 >> 3, -17768 shr 3   ; -17768 = 0xFFFFBA98
11    0022 53 17 53 17      DW  0xBA98 >> 3, 0xBA98 shr 3   ; expressions are calculated in 32b! 0xBA98 => positive
operators.asm(12): warning: value 0x1FFFF753 is truncated to 16bit value: 0xF753
12    0026 53 F7 53 17      DW  -17768 >>> 3, 0xBA98 >>> 3  ; first is 0xFFFFBA98u>>3 (warning!)
13    002A 30 12 30 12      DW  0x1234 & 0x5678, 0x5678 and 0x1234
14    002E 4C 44 4C 44      DW  0x1234 ^ 0x5678, 0x5678 xor 0x1234
15    0032 7C 56 7C 56      DW  0x1234 | 0x5678, 0x5678 or 0x1234
16    0036 34 12 34 12      DW  0x1234 <? 0x5678, 0x5678 <? 0x1234
17    003A 78 56 78 56      DW  0x1234 >? 0x5678, 0x5678 >? 0x1234
18    003E FF 00 00         DB  0x1234 < 0x5678, 0x5678 < 0x1234, 0x1234 < 0x1234
19    0041 00 FF 00         DB  0x1234 > 0x5678, 0x5678 > 0x1234, 0x1234 > 0x1234
20    0044 FF 00 FF         DB  0x1234 <= 0x5678, 0x5678 <= 0x1234, 0x1234 <= 0x1234
21    0047 00 FF FF         DB  0x1234 >= 0x5678, 0x5678 >= 0x1234, 0x1234 >= 0x1234
22    004A 00 00 FF         DB  0x1234 = 0x5678, 0x5678 = 0x1234, 0x1234 = 0x1234
23    004D 00 00 FF         DB  0x1234 == 0x5678, 0x5678 == 0x1234, 0x1234 == 0x1234
24    0050 FF FF 00         DB  0x1234 != 0x5678, 0x5678 != 0x1234, 0x1234 != 0x1234
25    0053 FF 00 00 00      DB  0x0012 && 0x3400, 0 && 0x3400, 0x0012 && 0, 0 && 0
26    0057 FF FF FF 00      DB  0x0012 || 0x3400, 0 || 0x3400, 0x0012 || 0, 0 || 0
27    005B 0A 00 0E 00      DW  (2 * 3) + 4, 2 * (3 + 4)
28    005F 5F 00            DW  $
29    0061
30    0061                  ; shifts vs 32bit evaluator, more (tricky) tests:
operators.asm(31): warning: value 0x5E6891A0 is truncated to 16bit value: 0x91A0
operators.asm(31): warning: value 0x5E6891A0 is truncated to 16bit value: 0x91A0
31    0061 A0 91 A0 91      DW  0xABCD1234 << 3, 0xABCD1234 shl 3
32    0065 53 F7 53 F7      DW  -1164413356 >> 19, -1164413356 shr 19   ; -1164413356 = 0xBA987654
33    0069 53 F7 53 F7      DW  0xBA987654 >> 19, 0xBA987654 shr 19
34    006D 53 17 53 17      DW  -1164413356 >>> 19, 0xBA987654 >>> 19
35    0071
36    0071                  ; simple error states
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                  DB !
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                DB not
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                DB ~
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                DB +
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                DB -
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                DB low
operators.asm(37): error: Syntax error:
37    0071                DB high
operators.asm(38): error: Syntax error:
38    0071                  DB 4 *
operators.asm(38): error: Syntax error:
38    0071                DB 5 /
operators.asm(38): error: Syntax error:
38    0071                DB 6 %
operators.asm(38): error: Syntax error:
38    0071                DB 7 mod
operators.asm(39): error: Division by zero
39    0071 00               DB 8 / 0
operators.asm(39): error: Division by zero
39    0072 00             DB 9 % 0
operators.asm(39): error: Division by zero
39    0073 00             DB 10 mod 0
operators.asm(40): error: Syntax error:
40    0074                  DB 11 +
operators.asm(40): error: Syntax error:
40    0074                DB 12 -
operators.asm(41): error: Syntax error:
41    0074                  DB 13 <<
operators.asm(41): error: Syntax error:
41    0074                DB 14 shl
operators.asm(41): error: Syntax error:
41    0074                DB 15 >>
operators.asm(41): error: Syntax error:
41    0074                DB 16 shr
operators.asm(41): error: Syntax error:
41    0074                DB 17 >>>
operators.asm(42): error: Syntax error:
42    0074                  DB 18 &
operators.asm(42): error: Syntax error:
42    0074                DB 19 and
operators.asm(42): error: Syntax error:
42    0074                DB 20 ^
operators.asm(42): error: Syntax error:
42    0074                DB 21 xor
operators.asm(42): error: Syntax error:
42    0074                DB 22 |
operators.asm(42): error: Syntax error:
42    0074                DB 23 or
operators.asm(43): error: Syntax error:
43    0074                  DB 24 <?
operators.asm(43): error: Syntax error:
43    0074                DB 25 >?
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                  DB 26 <
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                DB 27 >
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                DB 28 <=
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                DB 29 >=
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                DB 30 =
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                DB 31 ==
operators.asm(44): error: Syntax error:
44    0074                DB 32 !=
operators.asm(45): error: Syntax error:
45    0074                  DB 33 &&
operators.asm(45): error: Syntax error:
45    0074                DB 34 ||
operators.asm(45): error: ')' expected
operators.asm(45): error: Syntax error:
45    0074                DB (
operators.asm(45): error: Syntax error: )
45    0074                DB )
46    0074
47    0074                  DEVICE NONE
48    0074                  ORG 0
49    0000 34 12            DW  0x1234
operators.asm(50): error: Unexpected: $
50    0002 02 00            DW  $$      ; error when not in device mode
operators.asm(51): error: [DW/DEFW/WORD] Syntax error: { 0 }
51    0004                  DW  { 0 }
operators.asm(52): error: [DW/DEFW/WORD] Syntax error: {b 0 }
52    0004                  DW  {b 0 }
53    0004                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM48
54    0004                  ORG 0
55    0000 34 12            DW  0x1234
56    0002 00 00            DW  $$      ; should be OK
57    0004 34 12            DW  { 0 }
58    0006 34 00            DW  {b 0 }
59    0008
60    0008
operators.asm(61): warning: ?<symbol> operator is deprecated and will be removed in v2.x: ?not
61    0008 21 25 00         ld  hl,?not     ; deprecated, use "@not" with full global name, or don't use keywords for label names at all
62    000B
63    000B                  ; new in v1.18.0
operators.asm(64): warning: value 0x100 is truncated to 8bit value: 0x00
operators.asm(64): warning: value 0x100 is truncated to 8bit value: 0x00
64    000B 10 10 20 20      DB  abs 16,abs -16,abs(32),abs(-32), abs ( 128 ) , abs ( -128 ),abs(256),abs(-256)
64    000F 80 80 00 00
operators.asm(65): warning: value 0x10000 is truncated to 16bit value: 0x0000
operators.asm(65): warning: value 0x10000 is truncated to 16bit value: 0x0000
65    0013 10 00 10 00      DW  abs 16,abs -16,abs(32),abs(-32), abs ( 128 ) , abs ( -128 ),abs(65536),abs(-65536)
65    0017 20 00 20 00
65    001B 80 00 80 00
65    001F 00 00 00 00
66    0023
67    0023 25 00            DW  @abs        ; fallback parsing of "abs" as label removed in v1.20.0 (requires @abs now)
68    0025
69    0025              ; check all operator keywords to warn about their usage as labels
70    0025              abs:
71    0025              and:
72    0025              high:
73    0025              low:
74    0025              mod:
75    0025              norel:
76    0025              not:
77    0025              or:
78    0025              shl:
79    0025              shr:
80    0025              @xor:   ; also global prefix "@" shouldn't matter, should still warn about it!
81    0025
82    0025              ; Capitalized variant is ok. It's actually ok also all-caps variant, which should NOT be ok,
83    0025              ; but whoever uses label like XOR is beyond any good taste and I don't care about him.
84    0025              Abs:
85    0025              And:
86    0025              High:
87    0025              Low:
88    0025              Mod:
89    0025              Norel:
90    0025              Not:
91    0025              Or:
92    0025              Shl:
93    0025              Shr:
94    0025              Xor:
95    0025
# file closed: operators.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0025 X Abs
0x0025   abs
0x0025 X And
0x0025   and
0x0025 X High
0x0025   high
0x0025 X Low
0x0025   low
0x0025 X Mod
0x0025   mod
0x0025 X Norel
0x0025   norel
0x0025 X Not
0x0025   not
0x0025 X Or
0x0025   or
0x0025 X Shl
0x0025   shl
0x0025 X Shr
0x0025   shr
0x0025 X Xor
0x0025   xor