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# file opened: KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm
 1    0000              ;; This is not test of sjasmplus itself, but this is used to check Kate-syntax-highlight
 2    0000              ;; The syntax highlight rules are in "asm-z80-sj.xml" file in the project root directory
 3    0000
 4    0000                  device zxspectrum48     ; directive of sjasmplus
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(5): warning[orgpage]: [ORG] page argument affects current slot while address is outside: address 0x00A8 vs slot 3 range 0xC000..0xFFFF
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(5): error: [ORG] Page number must be in range 0..3: 168
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(5): error: Unexpected: , #A8
 5    0000                  org     $A8, 0xA8, #A8  ; hexa, also: 0A8h
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(6): error: [DISP] <page number> is out of range: 43008
 6    00A8                  disp    43008, 43008d   ; decimal
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(7): error: Unrecognized instruction: relaxed syntax of Z80 assemblers, "label" is usually default result of anything
 7    00A8              With relaxed syntax of Z80 assemblers, "label" is usually default result of anything
 8    00A8
 9    00A8 21 9C 00 11      ld      hl, %10011100, de, 0b10011100   ; binary, also: 0011b
 9    00AC 9C 00
10    00AE 11 FF 0F 01      ld      de, 7777o, bc, 0q7777           ; octal, also: 77q
10    00B2 FF 0F
11    00B4 01 F0 00         ld      bc, %1111'0000  ; C++ num-group separator
12    00B7 61 70 6F 73      db      'apostrophe''s "text"', "quotes\'\\\"\? 'text'", 0
12    00BB 74 72 6F 70
12    00BF 68 65 27 73
12    00C3 20 22 74 65
12    00C7 78 74 22 71
12    00CB 75 6F 74 65
12    00CF 73 27 5C 22
12    00D3 3F 20 27 74
12    00D7 65 78 74 27
12    00DB 00
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(13): error: Unrecognized instruction: ldirx
13    00DC                  ldirx
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(14): error: Unrecognized instruction: bsra    de,b
14    00DC                  bsra    de,b            ; NEXT opcodes of course added (can have different colour)
15    00DC FE 27            cp      ''''            ;"TODO" in comments exists (also FIXME and FIX ME).
16    00DE              s:  ; some label
17    00DE              // also C line comments supported
18    00DE FC DE 00         call    s, s            ; conditional call/jp/jr/ret highlights also condition
19    00E1                      ; "s" is actually unofficial alias for "m" supported by some assembler ("ns"=p)
20    00E1 C0               ret     nz              ; control-flow instructions are extra colour
21    00E2 DD CB 80 03      rlc     (ix-128),e      ; unofficial Z80 instructions are highlighted extra
22    00E6 DD CB 06 AF      res     5,(ix+6),a      ; (but it goes also over arguments, maybe shouldn't, TODO)
23    00EA DD CB 1E AE      res     5,(ix+30)       ; compared to official instruction
24    00EE
25    00EE E6 0D            and     7+(3<<1)
26    00F0 E6 F4            and     low .localLab   ; FIXME: operators are mostly defined, but rules are missing
27    00F2
28    00F2                  MACRO leMacron _arg0?
29    00F2 ~                    defb    $DD, 1
30    00F2 ~                    nextreg $15, $0
31    00F2                  ENDM
32    00F2
33    00F2                  ; in case you accidentally write non-instruction, it will highlight as label! :D
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(34): error: Unrecognized instruction: jnz     s
34    00F2                  jnz     s               ; still makes it easier to catch
35    00F2                  leMacron arg0           ; but so do also correctly used macros
35    00F2 DD 01       >        defb    $DD, 1
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(30): error: Unrecognized instruction: nextreg $15, $0
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(35): ^ emitted from here
35    00F4             >        nextreg $15, $0
36    00F4              .localLab:
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(37): error: Missing next digit: 1
37    00F4                  hex     F32712bcd3561   ; unpaired digit or non-digit is highlighted as "error"
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(38): error: Invalid labelname: !alsoThisInvalidLabel
38    00F4              !!alsoThisInvalidLabel
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(39): warning: [DG] multiple characters used for 'ones'
KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm(39): warning: [DG] character '0' in DG works as value 1
39    00F4 33 F8            dg      ..##..##  #$01!-._  ; DG bit map is highlights as "data" (0) vs "number" (1)
40    00F6
# file closed: KateSyntaxHighLightTest.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x00DE   s
0x00F4   s.localLab
0x00A8 X With