;@ @
;@ S y m b O S - C o n s t a n t s @
;@ @
;@ (c) 2000-2015 by Prodatron / SymbiosiS (JЎrn Mika) @
;@ @
;P R O C E S S - I D S
PRC_ID_KERNEL equ 1 ;kernel process
PRC_ID_DESKTOP equ 2 ;desktop manager process
PRC_ID_SYSTEM equ 3 ;system manager process
;M E S S A G E S
MSC_GEN_QUIT equ 0 ;application is beeing asked, to quit itself
MSC_GEN_FOCUS equ 255 ;application is beeing asked, to focus its window
;Kernel Commands
MSC_KRL_MTADDP equ 1 ;add process (P1/2=stack, P3=priority (7 high - 1 low), P4=ram bank (0-8))
MSC_KRL_MTDELP equ 2 ;delete process (P1=ID)
MSC_KRL_MTADDT equ 3 ;add timer (P1/2=stack, P4=ram bank (0-8))
MSC_KRL_MTDELT equ 4 ;delete timer (P1=ID)
MSC_KRL_MTSLPP equ 5 ;set process to sleep mode
MSC_KRL_MTWAKP equ 6 ;wake up process
MSC_KRL_TMADDT equ 7 ;add counter service (P1/2=address, P3=ram bank, P4=process, P5=frequency)
MSC_KRL_TMDELT equ 8 ;delete counter service (P1/2=address, P3=ram bank)
MSC_KRL_TMDELP equ 9 ;delete all counter services of one process (P1=process ID)
MSC_KRL_MTPRIO equ 10 ;changes the priority of a process (P1=ID, P2=new priority)
;Kernel Responses
MSR_KRL_MTADDP equ 129 ;process has been added (P1=0/1->ok/failed, P2=ID)
MSR_KRL_MTDELP equ 130 ;process has been deleted
MSR_KRL_MTADDT equ 131 ;timer process has been deleted (P1=0/1->ok/failed, P2=ID)
MSR_KRL_MTDELT equ 132 ;timer has been removed
MSR_KRL_MTSLPP equ 133 ;process is sleeping now
MSR_KRL_MTWAKP equ 134 ;process has been waked up
MSR_KRL_TMADDT equ 135 ;counter service has been added (P1=0/1->ok/failed)
MSR_KRL_TMDELT equ 136 ;counter service has been deleted
MSR_KRL_TMDELP equ 137 ;all counter services of a process have been deleted
MSR_KRL_MTPRIO equ 138 ;priority of a process has been changed
;System Manager Commands
MSC_SYS_PRGRUN equ 16 ;load application or document (P1/2=address filename, P3=ram bank filename)
MSC_SYS_PRGEND equ 17 ;quit application (P1=ID)
MSC_SYS_SYSWNX equ 18 ;open dialogue to change current window (next) (-)
MSC_SYS_SYSWPR equ 19 ;open dialogue to change current window (previouse) (vorheriges) (-)
MSC_SYS_PRGSTA equ 20 ;open dialogue to load application or document (-)
MSC_SYS_SYSSEC equ 21 ;open system secuity dialogue (-)
MSC_SYS_SYSQIT equ 22 ;open shut shown dialogue (-)
MSC_SYS_SYSOFF equ 23 ;shut down (-)
MSC_SYS_PRGSET equ 24 ;start control panel (P1=submodul -> 0=main window, 1=display settings, 2=date/time)
MSC_SYS_PRGTSK equ 25 ;start taskmanager (-)
MSC_SYS_SYSFIL equ 26 ;call filemanager function (P1=number, P2-13=AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY)
MSC_SYS_SYSHLP equ 27 ;start help (-)
MSC_SYS_SYSCFG equ 28 ;call config function (P1=number, 0=load, 1=save, 2=reload background)
MSC_SYS_SYSWRN equ 29 ;open message/confirm window (P1/2=adresse, P3=ram bank, P4=number of buttons)
MSC_SYS_PRGSRV equ 30 ;shared service function (P4=type [0=search, 1=start, 2=release], P1/2=addresse 12char ID, P3=ram bank 12char ID or P3=program ID, if type=2)
MSC_SYS_SELOPN equ 31 ;open fileselect dialogue (P6=filename ram bank, P8/9=filename address, P7=forbidden attributes, P10=max entries, P12=max buffer size)
;System Manager Responses
MSR_SYS_PRGRUN equ 144 ;application has been started (P1=result -> 0=ok, 1=file doesnt exist, 2=file is not executable, 3=error while loading [P8=filemanager error code], 4=memory full, P8=app ID, P9=process ID)
MSR_SYS_SYSFIL equ 154 ;filemanager function returned (P1=number, P2-13=AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY)
MSR_SYS_SYSWRN equ 157 ;message/confirm window response (P1 -> 0=already in use, 1=opened [P2=number], 2=ok, 3=yes, 4=no, 5=cancel/close)
MSR_SYS_PRGSRV equ 158 ;shared service function response (P1=state [5=not found, other codes see MSR_SYS_PRGRUN], P8=app ID, P9=process ID)
MSR_SYS_SELOPN equ 159 ;message from fileselect dialogue (P1 -> 0=Ok, 1=cancel, 2=already in use, 3=no memory free, 4=no window free, -1=open ok, modal window has been opened [P2=number])
;Desktop Manager Commands
MSC_DSK_WINOPN equ 32 ;open window (P1=ram bank, P2/3=address data record)
MSC_DSK_WINMEN equ 33 ;redraw menu bar (P1=window ID) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WININH equ 34 ;redraw window content (P1=window ID, P2=-1/-Num/Object, P3=Object) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINTOL equ 35 ;redraw window toolbar (P1=window ID) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINTIT equ 36 ;redraw window title (P1=window ID) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINSTA equ 37 ;redraw window status lien (P1=window ID) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINMVX equ 38 ;set content x offset (P1=window ID, P2/3=XPos) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINMVY equ 39 ;set content y offset (P1=window ID, P2/3=XPos) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINTOP equ 40 ;takes window to the front (P1=window ID) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINMAX equ 41 ;maximize window (P1=window ID) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINMIN equ 42 ;minimize window (P1=window ID) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINMID equ 43 ;restore window size (P1=window ID) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINMOV equ 44 ;moves window to a new position (P1=window ID, P2/3=XPos, P4/5=YPos) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINSIZ equ 45 ;resize the window (P1=window ID, P2/3=XPos, P4/5=YPos) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINCLS equ 46 ;closes and removes window (P1=window ID) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINDIN equ 47 ;redraw window content, even if it hasnt focus (P1=window ID, P2=-1/-Num/Objekt, P3=Object) [always]
MSC_DSK_DSKSRV equ 48 ;desktop service request (P1=type, P2-P5=parameters)
MSC_DSK_WINSLD equ 49 ;redraw window scrollbars (P1=window ID) [only if focus]
MSC_DSK_WINPIN equ 50 ;redraw window content part (P1=window ID, P2=-1/-Num/Object, P3=Object, P4/5=Xbeg, P6/7=Ybeg, P8/9=Xlen, P10/11=Ylen) [always]
MSC_DSK_WINSIN equ 51 ;redraw content of a super control (P1=window ID, P2=super control ID, P3=SubObject) [always]
MSC_DSK_MENCTX equ 52 ;opens context menu (P1=ram bank, P2/3=address data record, P4/5=Xbeg [-1=mouse position], P6/7=Ybeg) ##!!## doc+lib
MSC_DSK_STIADD equ 53 ;adds systray-icon (P1=ram bank, P2/3=address, P4=ID)
MSC_DSK_STIREM equ 54 ;removes systray-icon (P1=number)
MSC_DSK_STIUPD equ 55 ;updates systray-icon (P1=number)
MSC_DSK_CONPOS equ 56 ;move a virtual control to a new position (P2/3=xpos, P4/5=ypos, P6/7=xlen, P8/9=ylen)
;Desktop Manager Responses
MSR_DSK_WOPNER equ 160 ;open window failed; the maximum of 32 windows has been reached
MSR_DSK_WOPNOK equ 161 ;open window successfull (P4=number)
MSR_DSK_WCLICK equ 162 ;window has been clicked (P1=window number, P2=action, P3=subspezification, P4/5,P6/7,P8/9=parameters)
MSR_DSK_DSKSRV equ 163 ;desktop service answer (P1=type, P2-P5=parameters)
MSR_DSK_WFOCUS equ 164 ;window got/lost focus (P1=window number, P2=type [0=blur, 1=focus])
MSR_DSK_CFOCUS equ 165 ;control focus changed (P1=window number, P2=control number, P3=reason [0=mouse click/wheel, 1=tab key])
MSR_DSK_WRESIZ equ 166 ;window has been resized (P1=window number)
MSR_DSK_WSCROL equ 167 ;window content has been scrolled (P1=window number)
MSR_DSK_MENCTX equ 168 ;menu has been clicked or canceled (P1=1 ok, P2/3=value, P4=type [0=normal, 1=check]) ##!!## doc+lib
MSR_DSK_STIADD equ 169 ;result of adding systray-icon (P1=1 ok, P2=number)
MSR_DSK_EVTCLK equ 170 ;defined event click (P1=event, P2=mouse key)
MSR_DSK_CONPOS equ 171 ;virtual control has been moved or canceled (P1=1 ok, P2/3=new xpos, P4/5=new ypos) ##!!## doc+lib
MSR_DSK_EXTDSK equ 191 ;command for extended desktop (used internally; P1=command, P2-x=parameters)
FNC_DXT_DSKBGR equ 001 ;background has been updated
FNC_DXT_FILRUN equ 002 ;file has been opened via prgrun (P2/3=address, P4=bank)
FNC_DXT_FILBRW equ 003 ;file has been selected via file browser (P2/3=address, P4=bank)
FNC_DXT_MENCLK equ 004 ;startmenu has been clicked (P2/3=value)
FNC_DXT_DSKCLK equ 005 ;desktop window has been clicked (P2=action, P3=subspezification, P4/5,P6/7,P8/9=parameters)
FNC_DXT_CFGLOD equ 006 ;load configuration
FNC_DXT_CFGSAV equ 007 ;save configuration
FNC_DXT_WDGOKY equ 008 ;widget is prepared and (re)sized (P2/3=data record address, P4=bank)
FNC_DXT_STMDAT equ 009 ;askes for data area (answer -> P2/3=address behind 256 byte header)
FNC_DXT_STMCOP equ 010 ;memory should be copied
FNC_DXT_STMIIN equ 011 ;icons should be reinitialized
;Shell Commands
MSC_SHL_CHRINP equ 64 ;char is requested (P1=channel [0=standard, 1=keyboard])
MSC_SHL_STRINP equ 65 ;line is requested (P1=channel [0=standard, 1=keyboard], P2=ram bank, P3/4=address)
MSC_SHL_CHROUT equ 66 ;char should be writtten (P1=channel [0=standard, 1=screen], P2=char)
MSC_SHL_STROUT equ 67 ;line should be writtten (P1=channel [0=standard, 1=screen], P2=ram bank, P3/4=address, P5=length)
MSC_SHL_EXIT equ 68 ;application released focus or quit itself (P1 -> 0=quit, 1=blur)
MSC_SHL_PTHADD equ 69 ;add additional path to current one (P1=base path, P3=addition path, P5=final path, P7=ram bank)
;Shell Responses
MSR_SHL_CHRINP equ 192 ;char has been received (P1=EOF-flag [0=no EOF], P2=char, P3=error status)
MSR_SHL_STRINP equ 193 ;line has been received (P1=EOF-flag [0=no EOF], P3=error status)
MSR_SHL_CHROUT equ 194 ;char has been written (P3=error status)
MSR_SHL_STROUT equ 195 ;line has been written (P3=error status)
MSR_SHL_PTHADD equ 197 ;path has been combined (P1=total end address, P3=directory end address, P5=flags)
;Screensaver Messages
MSC_SAV_INIT equ 1 ;initialises the screen saver (P1=bank of config data, P2/3=address of config data [64bytes])
MSC_SAV_START equ 2 ;start screen saver
MSC_SAV_CONFIG equ 3 ;open screen savers own config window (at the end the screen saver has to send the result back to the sender)
MSR_SAV_CONFIG equ 4 ;returns user adjusted screen saver config data (P1=bank of config data, P2/3=address of config data [64bytes])
;Widget Messages
MSC_WDG_SIZE equ 188 ;widget must prepare and (re)size (P1=desktop window ID, P2=control collection ID, P3=size)
MSC_WDG_CLICK equ 189 ;widget has been clicked (P1=desktop window ID, P2=action, P3=subspezification, P4/5,P6/7,P8/9=parameters)
MSC_WDG_PROP equ 190 ;widget should open property dialogue
;D E S K T O P - A C T I O N S
DSK_ACT_CLOSE equ 5 ;close button has been clicked or ALT+F4 has been pressed
DSK_ACT_MENU equ 6 ;menu entry has been clicked (P8/9=menu entry value)
DSK_ACT_CONTENT equ 14 ;a control of the content has been clicked (P3=sub spec [see dsk_sub...], P4=key or P4/5=Xpos within the window, P6/7=Ypos, P8/9=control value)
DSK_ACT_TOOLBAR equ 15 ;a control of the toolbar has been clicked (see DSK_ACT_CONTENT)
DSK_ACT_KEY equ 16 ;key has been pressed without touching/modifying a control (P4=Ascii Code)
DSK_SUB_MLCLICK equ 0 ;left mouse button has been clicked
DSK_SUB_MRCLICK equ 1 ;right mouse button has been clicked
DSK_SUB_MDCLICK equ 2 ;double click with the left mouse button
DSK_SUB_MMCLICK equ 3 ;middle mouse button has been clicked
DSK_SUB_KEY equ 7 ;keyboard has been clicked and did modify/click a control (P4=Ascii Code)
DSK_SUB_MWHEEL equ 8 ;mouse wheel has been moved (P4=Offset)
;D E S K T O P - S E R V I C E S
DSK_SRV_MODGET equ 1 ;get screen mode (output P2=mode, P3=virtual desktop)
DSK_SRV_MODSET equ 2 ;set screen mode (input P2=mode, P3=virtual desktop)
DSK_SRV_COLGET equ 3 ;get colour (input P2=number, output P2=number, P3/4=RGB value)
DSK_SRV_COLSET equ 4 ;set colour (input P2=number, P3/4=RGB value)
DSK_SRV_DSKSTP equ 5 ;freeze desktop (input P2=type [0=Pen0, 1=Raster, 2=background, 255=no screen modification, switch off mouse])
DSK_SRV_DSKCNT equ 6 ;continue desktop
DSK_SRV_DSKPNT equ 7 ;clear desktop (Eingabe P2=Typ [0=Pen0, 1=Raster, 2=background])
DSK_SRV_DSKBGR equ 8 ;initialize and redraw desktop background
DSK_SRV_DSKPLT equ 9 ;redraw the complete desktop
DSK_SRV_DSKOPN equ 11 ;open desktop background window
DSK_SRC_SCRCNV equ 12 ;converts 4 colour graphics to 4/16 indexed graphics (input P2/3=table address, P4=banknumber)
DSK_SRC_DSKBIN equ 13 ;initialize desktop background (no redraw)
;C L I P B O A R D - T Y P E S
CLPTYP_TEXT equ 1 ;plain text
CLPTYP_GRAPHIC equ 2 ;graphic with extended header
CLPTYP_ITEMS equ 3 ;item list (*not defined yet*)
CLPTYP_ICON equ 4 ;desktop icon shortcut
;J U M P S
jmp_memsum equ #8100 ;MEMSUM
jmp_sysinf equ #8103 ;SYSINF
jmp_clcnum equ #8106 ;CLCNUM
jmp_mtgcnt equ #8109 ;MTGCNT
jmp_timget equ #810C ;TIMGET
jmp_timset equ #810F ;TIMSET
jmp_memget equ #8118 ;MEMGET
jmp_memfre equ #811B ;MEMFRE
jmp_memsiz equ #811E ;MEMSIZ
jmp_meminf equ #8121 ;MEMINF
jmp_bnkrwd equ #8124 ;BNKRWD
jmp_bnkwwd equ #8127 ;BNKWWD
jmp_bnkrbt equ #812A ;BNKRBT
jmp_bnkwbt equ #812D ;BNKWBT
jmp_bnkcop equ #8130 ;BNKCOP
jmp_bnkget equ #8133 ;BNKGET
jmp_scrset equ #8136 ;SCRSET (cpc only)
jmp_scrget equ #8139 ;SCRGET
jmp_mosget equ #813C ;MOSGET
jmp_moskey equ #813F ;MOSKEY
jmp_bnk16c equ #8142 ;BNK16C
jmp_keytst equ #8145 ;KEYTST
jmp_keysta equ #8148 ;KEYSTA
jmp_keyput equ #814B ;KEYPUT
jmp_bufput equ #814E ;BUFPUT
jmp_bufget equ #8151 ;BUFGET
jmp_bufsta equ #8154 ;BUFSTA
jmp_iominp equ #8157 ;IOMINP (cpc only)
jmp_iomout equ #815A ;IOMOUT (cpc only)
jmp_txtlen equ #815D ;TXTLEN
jmp_bnkcll equ #ff03 ;BNKCLL
jmp_bnkret equ #ff00 ;BNKRET
;Filemanager Functions (call via MSC_SYS_SYSFIL)
FNC_FIL_STOINI equ 000 ;Storage Init (Removes all mass storage devices)
FNC_FIL_STONEW equ 001 ;Storage New (Adds a new mass storage device)
FNC_FIL_STORLD equ 002 ;Storage Reload (Reloads a mass storage device, if its "removeable media" status is activated)
FNC_FIL_STODEL equ 003 ;Storage Delete (Removes an existing mass storage device)
FNC_FIL_STOINP equ 004 ;Storage ReadSector (Reads a sector from a mass storage device (no memory banking))
FNC_FIL_STOOUT equ 005 ;Storage WriteSector (Write a sector to a mass storage device (no memory banking))
FNC_FIL_STOACT equ 006 ;Storage Activate (Loads the format and the file system type of a mass storage device)
FNC_FIL_STOINF equ 007 ;Storage Information (Returns information about a mass storage device)
FNC_FIL_STOTRN equ 008 ;Storage DataTransfer (Reads or writes a number of sectors (512 bytes) from/to the mass storage device)
FNC_FIL_DEVDIR equ 013 ;
FNC_FIL_DEVINI equ 014 ;
FNC_FIL_DEVSET equ 015 ;
FNC_FIL_FILINI equ 016 ;File Init (Initialises the whole file manager)
FNC_FIL_FILNEW equ 017 ;File New (Creates a new file and opens it for read/write access)
FNC_FIL_FILOPN equ 018 ;File Open (Opens an existing file for read/write access)
FNC_FIL_FILCLO equ 019 ;File Close (Closes an opened file)
FNC_FIL_FILINP equ 020 ;File Input (Reads a specified amount of bytes out of an opened file)
FNC_FIL_FILOUT equ 021 ;File Output (Writes a specified amount of bytes into an opened file)
FNC_FIL_FILPOI equ 022 ;File Pointer (Moves the file pointer to another position)
FNC_FIL_FILF2T equ 023 ;File Decode Timestamp (Decodes the file timestamp, which is used for the file system)
FNC_FIL_FILT2F equ 024 ;File Encode Timestamp (Encodes the file timestamp, which is used for the file system)
FNC_FIL_FILLIN equ 025 ;File LineInput (Reads one text line out of an opened file)
FNC_FIL_DIRDEV equ 032 ;Directory Device (Selects the current drive)
FNC_FIL_DIRPTH equ 033 ;Directory Path (Selects the current path for the current or a different drive)
FNC_FIL_DIRPRS equ 034 ;Directory Property Set (Changes a property of a file or a directory)
FNC_FIL_DIRPRR equ 035 ;Directory Property Get (Reads a property of a file or a directory)
FNC_FIL_DIRREN equ 036 ;Directory Rename (Renames a file or a directory)
FNC_FIL_DIRNEW equ 037 ;Directory New (Creates a new directory)
FNC_FIL_DIRINP equ 038 ;Directory Input (Reads the content of a directory)
FNC_FIL_DIRDEL equ 039 ;Directory Delete (Deletes one or more files)
FNC_FIL_DIRRMD equ 040 ;Directory Delete Directory (Deletes a sub directory)
FNC_FIL_DIRMOV equ 041 ;Directory Move (Moves a file or sub directory into another directory of the same drive)
FNC_FIL_DIRINF equ 042 ;Directory Drive Information (Returns information about one drive)
;Network Daemon Functions
FNC_NET_CFGGET equ 001 ;config information
FNC_NET_CFGSET equ 002 ;config setting
FNC_NET_CFGSCK equ 003 ;config socket status
FNC_NET_TCPOPN equ 016 ;TCP open
FNC_NET_TCPCLO equ 017 ;TCP close
FNC_NET_TCPSTA equ 018 ;TCP status
FNC_NET_TCPRCV equ 019 ;TCP receive
FNC_NET_TCPSND equ 020 ;TCP send
FNC_NET_TCPSKP equ 021 ;TCP skip received data
FNC_NET_TCPFLS equ 022 ;TCP flush send buffer
FNC_NET_TCPDIS equ 023 ;TCP disconnect
FNC_NET_TCPRLN equ 024 ;TCP receive line
MSR_NET_TCPEVT equ 159 ;TCP event
FNC_NET_UDPOPN equ 032 ;UDP open
FNC_NET_UDPCLO equ 033 ;UDP close
FNC_NET_UDPSTA equ 034 ;UDP status
FNC_NET_UDPRCV equ 035 ;UDP receive
FNC_NET_UDPSND equ 036 ;UDP send
FNC_NET_UDPSKP equ 037 ;UDP skip received data
MSR_NET_UDPEVT equ 175 ;UDP event
FNC_NET_DNSRSV equ 112 ;DNS resolve
FNC_NET_DNSVFY equ 113 ;DNS verify