STRUCT shortBlock
byte BYTE 'A'
block BLOCK 5, 'B'
word WORD 'DC'
STRUCT onLimitBlock
byte BYTE 'A'
block BLOCK 8, 'B' ; should be emitted without ellipsis
word WORD 'DC'
STRUCT longBlock
byte BYTE 'A'
block BLOCK 9, 'B' ; listed with ellipsis, needs fix of following address
word WORD 'DC'
; verify offsets
ASSERT 6 == shortBlock.word
ASSERT 9 == onLimitBlock.word
ASSERT 10 == longBlock.word
ORG $1000
; this should list normally
sb shortBlock ; should produce continuous 1+5+2 = 8 bytes listing
ORG $2000
mb onLimitBlock ; should produce continuous 1+8+2 = 11 bytes listing
ORG $3000
lb longBlock ; should produce ellipsis after "block" + extra "ListFile()" call
; and advance address for "word"
; one more ellipsis not aligning to the very beginning of MC byte quartet in LST
STRUCT longBlock2
byte BYTE 'A'
block1 BLOCK 9, '!'
block2 BLOCK 9, 'B'
word WORD 'DC'
ORG $8000
lb2 longBlock2 ; some eol comment
; verify final addresses
ASSERT $1006 == sb.word
ASSERT $2009 == mb.word
ASSERT $300A == lb.word
ASSERT $8001 == lb2.block1 && $800A == lb2.block2 && $8013 == lb2.word