;; test to exercise instructions which are not Z80-identical into greater depth
;; focus is mostly on IDA syntax variants, the goal is to have it thoroughly tested
OPT --syntax=abf ; but this is expected "default" mode of syntax for new sources
;; example macro to get "halt" which emits automatically halt+nop like rgbasm does
halt MACRO
halt ; = halt+nop
@halt ; = halt (only)
; "variables" crossing into the $FF00 area, so some of them can be accessed with LDH
STRUCT struct1
a BYTE 1
b BYTE 2
ORG $FF00-4
varSX struct1
var1 db 0x34
var2 dw 0x5678
var3 db 0xAB
var4 dw 0xCDEF
varS struct1
ORG $8000
ld a,[var1] ; like LD a,(a16) on Z80
ld a,[var3]
ldh a,[low var3]
ldh a,[var3]
ldh a,[var1] ; should warn about truncating value (bug in source)
ld [var1],a ; like LD (a16),a on Z80
ld [var3],a
ldh [low var3],a
ldh [var3],a
ldh [var1],a ; should warn about truncating value (bug in source)
; repeat the same exercise, but with parentheses
ld a,(var1)
ld a,(var3)
ldh a,(low var3)
ldh a,(var3)
ldh a,(var1)
ld (var1),a
ld (var3),a
ldh (low var3),a
ldh (var3),a
ldh (var1),a
; the uselessly more explicit syntax (but should work)
ld a,[$ff00 + low var3]
ld [$ff00 + low var3],a
; these should warn, this is not correct way of writing it (bug in source)
ld a,[$ff00 + var3]
ld [$ff00 + var3],a
; accessing the structure members
ldh a,[varS.a]
ldh [varS.b],a
ldh a,[varSX.a] ; warning, outside of $FFxx area
ldh [varSX.b],a ; warning, outside of $FFxx area
ld a,[varS.a] ; regular LD is optimized if possible
ld [varS.b],a ; regular LD is optimized if possible
ld a,[varSX.a]
ld [varSX.b],a
; whitespace parsing in "(c)" operand (not much else to test)
ld a , ( c )
ld ( c ) , a
; illegal register combinations, all should produce some error (mostly "illegal instruction")
ld a , ( b )
ld ( b ) , a
ld b , ( c ) ; error, illegal instruction; --syntax=b reports "ld b,(mem)"
ld ( c ) , b
ld hl,(c)
ld (c),hl
ld a,(123) ; check if low-memory warning is off in LR35902 mode (good idea?? not sure)
ldi a,(hl+) ; error, mixed invalid syntax
ldi a , ( hl )
ld a , [ hl+ ]
ld a , [ hl + ] ; error, the "hl+" must be together
ld a,(hl+0) ; error, there's no such thing
ldd a,(hl-) ; error, mixed invalid syntax
ldd a , ( hl )
ld a , [ hl- ]
ld a , [ hl - ] ; error, the "hl-" must be together
ld a,(hl-0) ; error, there's no such thing
ldi (hl+),a ; error, mixed invalid syntax
ldi ( hl ) , a
ld [ hl+ ] , a
ld [ hl + ] , a ; error, the "hl+" must be together
ld (hl+0),a ; error, there's no such thing
ldd (hl-),a ; error, mixed invalid syntax
ldd ( hl ) , a
ld [ hl- ] , a
ld [ hl - ] , a ; error, the "hl-" must be together
ld (hl-0),a ; error, there's no such thing
; wrong registers => errors
ldi a,(de)
ldd a,(de)
ld a,(de+)
ld a,(de-)
ldi l,(hl)
ldd l,(hl)
ld l,(hl+)
ld l,(hl-)
ldi (de),a
ldd (de),a
ld (de+),a
ld (de-),a
ldi (hl),l
ldd (hl),l
ld (hl+),l
ld (hl-),l
ldi (hl),1
ldd (hl),2
ld (hl+),3
ld (hl-),4
ld hl,sp ; implicit +0
ld hl , sp + 0
ld hl , sp - 0
ld hl , sp + 1
ld hl , sp - 1
ld hl , sp + +1
ld hl , sp + -1
ld hl , sp + +1
ld hl , sp (+1) ; error, there must be + or - right after "sp"
ld hl , sp + struct1 ; hl = sp + sizeof(struct1)
ld hl , sp + 127
ld hl , sp + 128 ; error, value is beyond range
ld hl , sp - 128
ld hl , sp - 129 ; error, value is beyond range
ld hl , de + 1 ; invalid
ld de , sp + 1 ; invalid
ld ( var2 + 4 ) , sp
ld ( var2 + 4 ) , hl ; invalid
; illegal "add sp,r8" variants
add sp
add sp ,
add sp , hl
add sp , +128
add sp , -129
; legit "add sp,r8"
add sp , 0
add sp , +127
add sp , -128
add sp , struct1 ; sp += sizeof(struct1)
; some more malformed lines (intermezzo ... getting back to opcodes already above)
ld (hl+)
ld [hl+]
ld (hl+),
ld [hl+],
ld [hl+),a
ld (hl+],a
ldi (hl)
ldi [hl]
ldd (hl)
ldd [hl]
ldi (hl),
ldi [hl],
ldd (hl),
ldd [hl],
ldh a
ldh a,
ldh (var3)
ldh (var3),
ldh [var3]
ldh [var3],
ldh [var3),a
ldh (var3],a
ld hl,s
; illegal syntax of swap
swap (var3)
swap var3
swap de
swap [de]
swap (a)
swap a,b
; legit ones
swap a
swap a,,b ; multi-arg
; illegal syntax of stop
stop a
stop [0]
stop (hl)
stop 0,,1 ; no multi-arg for STOP implemented
; legit ones
stop ; implicit 0
stop 0
stop 0xE0
; more multi-args exercised (only in "--syntax=a" mode)
ldi a,[hl],,a,(hl),,[hl],a,,(hl),a
ldd a,[hl],,a,(hl),,[hl],a,,(hl),a
ld a,[hl+],,a,(hl+),,[hl+],a,,(hl+),a
ld a,[hl-],,a,(hl-),,[hl-],a,,(hl-),a
ldh a,[varS.a],,[varS.b],a,,a,(varS.a),,(varS.b),a
add sp,3,,sp,4
ld hl,sp,,hl,sp+5,,hl,sp+6
;;;; more extra tests after pushing the commit (as always)
; LDH automagic in LD - range checks
ld a,(0xFEFF+0) ; outside
ld a,(0xFEFF+1) ; LDH
ld a,(0xFEFF+256) ; LDH
ld a,(0xFEFF+257) ; outside + warning
ld (0xFEFF+0),a ; outside
ld (0xFEFF+1),a ; LDH
ld (0xFEFF+256),a ; LDH
ld (0xFEFF+257),a ; outside + warning
END ; scratcharea