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# file opened: op_C0_FF.asm
 1    0000                  OUTPUT "op_C0_FF.bin"
 1    0000                OPT --syntax=a
 2    0000
 3    0000 C0               ret     nz
 4    0001 C1               pop     bc
 5    0002 C2 41 42         jp      nz,$4241
 6    0005 C3 41 42         jp      $4241
 7    0008 C4 41 42         call    nz,$4241
 8    000B C5               push    bc
 9    000C C6 43            add     a,$43
10    000E C7               rst     00h
11    000F C8               ret     z
12    0010 C9               ret
13    0011 CA 41 42         jp      z,$4241
14    0014 CB 44            bit     0,h     ; BITS 0xCB prefix + 0x44
15    0016 CC 41 42         call    z,$4241
16    0019 CD 41 42         call    $4241
17    001C CE 43            adc     a,$43
18    001E CF               rst     0x08
19    001F D0               ret     nc
20    0020 D1               pop     de
21    0021 D2 41 42         jp      nc,$4241
22    0024                  ;; D3 = *nothing*
23    0024 D4 41 42         call    nc,$4241
24    0027 D5               push    de
25    0028 D6 43            sub     $43
26    002A D7               rst     $10
27    002B D8               ret     c
28    002C                  ;; D9 = reti
29    002C DA 41 42         jp      c,$4241
30    002F                  ;; DB = *nothing*
31    002F DC 41 42         call    c,$4241
32    0032                  ;; DD = *nothing*
33    0032 DE 43            sbc     a,$43
34    0034 DF               rst     #18
35    0035                  ;; E0 = ldh (a8),a
36    0035 E1               pop     hl
37    0036                  ;; E2 = ld (c),a
38    0036                  ;; E3 = *nothing*
39    0036                  ;; E4 = *nothing*
40    0036 E5               push    hl
41    0037 E6 43            and     $43
42    0039 E7               rst     32
43    003A                  ;; E8 = add sp,r8
44    003A E9               jp      (hl)
45    003B                  ;; EA = ld (a16),a
46    003B                  ;; EB = *nothing*
47    003B                  ;; EC = *nothing*
48    003B                  ;; ED = *nothing*
49    003B EE 43            xor     $43
50    003D EF               rst     28h
51    003E                  ;; F0 = ldh a,(a8)
52    003E F1               pop     af
53    003F                  ;; F2 = ld a,(c)
54    003F F3               di
55    0040                  ;; F4 = *nothing*
56    0040 F5               push    af
57    0041 F6 43            or      $43
58    0043 F7               rst     #30
59    0044                  ;; F8 = ld hl,sp+r8
60    0044 F9               ld      sp,hl
61    0045                  ;; FA = ld a,(a16)
62    0045 FB               ei
63    0046                  ;; FC = *nothing*
64    0046                  ;; FD = *nothing*
65    0046 FE 43            cp      $43
66    0048 FF               rst     $38
67    0049
68    0049                  ; illegal on LR35902
op_C0_FF.asm(69): error: Unrecognized instruction: out     ($43),a
69    0049                  out     ($43),a
op_C0_FF.asm(70): error: Unrecognized instruction: exx
70    0049                  exx
op_C0_FF.asm(71): error: Unrecognized instruction: in      a,($43)
71    0049                  in      a,($43)
op_C0_FF.asm(72): error: Illegal instruction:     inc     ix  ; IX 0xDD prefix + 0x44
72    0049                  inc     ix  ; IX 0xDD prefix + 0x44
op_C0_FF.asm(73): error: Unexpected: po
73    0049 C9               ret     po
op_C0_FF.asm(74): error: Label not found: po
op_C0_FF.asm(74): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
74    004A C3 00 00         jp      po,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(75): error: Unrecognized instruction: ex      (sp),hl
75    004D                  ex      (sp),hl
op_C0_FF.asm(76): error: Label not found: po
op_C0_FF.asm(76): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
76    004D CD 00 00         call    po,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(77): error: Unexpected: pe
77    0050 C9               ret     pe
op_C0_FF.asm(78): error: Label not found: pe
op_C0_FF.asm(78): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
78    0051 C3 00 00         jp      pe,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(79): error: Unrecognized instruction: ex      de,hl
79    0054                  ex      de,hl
op_C0_FF.asm(80): error: Label not found: pe
op_C0_FF.asm(80): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
80    0054 CD 00 00         call    pe,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(81): error: Unrecognized instruction: neg
81    0057                  neg         ; EXTD 0xED prefix + 0x44
op_C0_FF.asm(82): error: Unexpected: p
82    0057 C9               ret     p
op_C0_FF.asm(83): error: Label not found: p
op_C0_FF.asm(83): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
83    0058 C3 00 00         jp      p,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(84): error: Label not found: p
op_C0_FF.asm(84): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
84    005B CD 00 00         call    p,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(85): error: Unexpected: m
85    005E C9               ret     m
op_C0_FF.asm(86): error: Label not found: m
op_C0_FF.asm(86): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
86    005F C3 00 00         jp      m,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(87): error: Label not found: m
op_C0_FF.asm(87): error: Unexpected: ,$4241
87    0062 CD 00 00         call    m,$4241
op_C0_FF.asm(88): error: Illegal instruction:     dec     iy  ; IY 0xFD prefix + 0x44
88    0065                  dec     iy  ; IY 0xFD prefix + 0x44
89    0065
90    0065                  ; different opcode on LR35902
91    0065
# file closed: op_C0_FF.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------