; idea is from NEO SPECTRUMAN, who was trying to speed up "opcode" jumptable.
; implementation of Lua scripts and macros for sjasmplus is from Ped7g
device zxspectrum48
; example of usage of the produced table (code provided by NEO SPECTRUMAN)
org $C000
; A = operation (alias "opcode") number 0..255
ld l,a ;4
ld h,high opJpTab ;7
ld h,(hl) ;7
jp (hl) ;4
; define LUA functions for memory allocations for opcodes functions
; (the ";" ahead of "end" and some "--" is not needed for Lua, but for my text
; editor sjasmplus syntax highlight, as it gets confused by lua source)
; Opcodes *must* be allocated in sequence (0,1,2 ...) to avoid large empty
; areas in memory, or even running out of memory completely. Also opcode
; implementation subroutines must be reasonably short (few bytes, not hundreds)
lua pass1
function allocateOpMemory(opcode)
-- search for free "page" (512B pages starting at opRoutines address)
freePage = _c("high opRoutines")
while allocatedPages[freePage] and opcode < allocatedPages[freePage] do
freePage = freePage + 2
-- +2 to operate over 512 bytes, with 256B pages high opcodes like FE
-- may overwrite following page where early opcodes like 01 resides
; -- remember it for "finishOpAllocate" function
_G.lastFreePage = freePage
; -- free page found, emit it into jump table
_pc(string.format("org $%04x", _c("opJpTab") + opcode))
_pc(string.format("db $%02x", freePage))
; -- and reset ORG to target memory for opcode function body
_pc(string.format("org $%04x", freePage*256 + opcode))
_pl(string.format("opcode_%02x_impl:", opcode))
;end -- ";" to make my Kate editor syntax highlight survive "end" in lua
function finishOpAllocate()
assert(_G.lastFreePage, "allocateOpMemory not called yet")
allocatedPages[_G.lastFreePage] = _c("$ & $1FF")
function setOrgAfterLastAllocated()
checkPage = _c("high opRoutines")
while allocatedPages[checkPage] do
lastAdr = checkPage*256 + allocatedPages[checkPage]
checkPage = checkPage + 2
assert(lastAdr, "no memory was allocated yet")
_pc(string.format("org $%04x", lastAdr))
; helper macros to make the lua calls one-liners in asm
macro allocateOpMemory _opcode?
@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = _opcode?
lua allpass
macro finishOpAllocate
lua allpass
; global definitions and variables used to generate jump table
; jump table with "high" bytes of opcode function addresses
opJpTab equ $7F00 ; must be 256B aligned, size 256B
; opcode functions will go into memory starting from $8000
opRoutines equ $8000 ; must be 256B aligned, size dynamic (N * 512)
; reset all Lua global variables ahead of each assembling pass
lua allpass
allocatedPages = {} -- reset allocated pages for every pass
lastFreePage = nil
; define opcode functions (builds also jump table and labels like "opcode_a1_impl")
allocateOpMemory 0
db 1, 2 ; fake "implementation" (just 1,2,3,4,... byte values)
allocateOpMemory 1
db 3, 4, 5
allocateOpMemory 2
db 6, 7, 8
allocateOpMemory 3
db 9, 10
allocateOpMemory 4
db 11
allocateOpMemory 253
db 12, 13, 14, 15, "this goes over into page $8100..81FF"
allocateOpMemory 255
db 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 ; another going into second half
lua allpass
; store result as binary blob for simple verification in hexa editor
align 512, 0 ; fill also last page to full 512B first
savebin "lua_build_jp_table.bin", opJpTab, $ - opJpTab