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# file opened: lua_build_jp_table.asm
  1   0000                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
  2   0000                      ; idea is from NEO SPECTRUMAN, who was trying to speed up "opcode" jumptable.
  3   0000                      ; implementation of Lua scripts and macros for sjasmplus is from Ped7g
  4   0000                          device zxspectrum48
  5   0000
  6   0000                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
  7   0000                      ; example of usage of the produced table (code provided by NEO SPECTRUMAN)
  8   0000                          org     $C000
  9   C000                      ; A = operation (alias "opcode") number 0..255
 10   C000 6F                       ld      l,a                 ;4
 11   C001 26 7F                    ld      h,high opJpTab      ;7
 12   C003 66                       ld      h,(hl)              ;7
 13   C004 E9                       jp      (hl)                ;4
 14   C005                                                      ;=22t
 15   C005
 16   C005                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
 17   C005                      ; define LUA functions for memory allocations for opcodes functions
 18   C005                      ;
 19   C005                      ; (the ";" ahead of "end" and some "--" is not needed for Lua, but for my text
 20   C005                      ; editor sjasmplus syntax highlight, as it gets confused by lua source)
 21   C005                      ;
 22   C005                      ; Opcodes *must* be allocated in sequence (0,1,2 ...) to avoid large empty
 23   C005                      ; areas in memory, or even running out of memory completely. Also opcode
 24   C005                      ; implementation subroutines must be reasonably short (few bytes, not hundreds)
 25   C005
 26   C005                      lua pass1
 27   C005 ~                        function allocateOpMemory(opcode)
 28   C005 ~                            -- search for free "page" (512B pages starting at opRoutines address)
 29   C005 ~                            freePage = _c("high opRoutines")
 30   C005 ~                            while allocatedPages[freePage] and opcode < allocatedPages[freePage] do
 31   C005 ~                                freePage = freePage + 2
 32   C005 ~                                -- +2 to operate over 512 bytes, with 256B pages high opcodes like FE
 33   C005 ~                                -- may overwrite following page where early opcodes like 01 resides
 34   C005 ~                            ;end
 35   C005 ~                            ; -- remember it for "finishOpAllocate" function
 36   C005 ~                            _G.lastFreePage = freePage
 37   C005 ~                            ; -- free page found, emit it into jump table
 38   C005 ~                            _pc(string.format("org $%04x", _c("opJpTab") + opcode))
 39   C005 ~                            _pc(string.format("db $%02x", freePage))
 40   C005 ~                            ; -- and reset ORG to target memory for opcode function body
 41   C005 ~                            _pc(string.format("org $%04x", freePage*256 + opcode))
 42   C005 ~                            _pl(string.format("opcode_%02x_impl:", opcode))
 43   C005 ~                        ;end    -- ";" to make my Kate editor syntax highlight survive "end" in lua
 44   C005 ~
 45   C005 ~                        function finishOpAllocate()
 46   C005 ~                            assert(_G.lastFreePage, "allocateOpMemory not called yet")
 47   C005 ~                            allocatedPages[_G.lastFreePage] = _c("$ & $1FF")
 48   C005 ~                        ;end
 49   C005 ~
 50   C005 ~                        function setOrgAfterLastAllocated()
 51   C005 ~                            checkPage = _c("high opRoutines")
 52   C005 ~                            while allocatedPages[checkPage] do
 53   C005 ~                                lastAdr = checkPage*256 + allocatedPages[checkPage]
 54   C005 ~                                checkPage = checkPage + 2
 55   C005 ~                            ;end
 56   C005 ~                            assert(lastAdr, "no memory was allocated yet")
 57   C005 ~                            _pc(string.format("org $%04x", lastAdr))
 58   C005 ~                        ;end
 59   C005                      endlua
 60   C005
 61   C005                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
 62   C005                      ; helper macros to make the lua calls one-liners in asm
 63   C005                      macro allocateOpMemory _opcode?
 64   C005 ~            @__allocateOpMemory_opcode = _opcode?
 65   C005 ~                        lua allpass
 66   C005 ~                            allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
 67   C005 ~                        endlua
 68   C005                      endm
 69   C005                      macro finishOpAllocate
 70   C005 ~                        lua allpass
 71   C005 ~                            finishOpAllocate()
 72   C005 ~                        endlua
 73   C005                      endm
 74   C005
 75   C005                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
 76   C005                      ; global definitions and variables used to generate jump table
 77   C005
 78   C005                      ; jump table with "high" bytes of opcode function addresses
 79   C005              opJpTab     equ     $7F00               ; must be 256B aligned, size 256B
 80   C005                      ; opcode functions will go into memory starting from $8000
 81   C005              opRoutines  equ     $8000               ; must be 256B aligned, size dynamic (N * 512)
 82   C005                      ; reset all Lua global variables ahead of each assembling pass
 83   C005                      lua allpass
 84   C005 ~                        allocatedPages = {}     -- reset allocated pages for every pass
 85   C005 ~                        lastFreePage = nil
 86   C005                      endlua
 87   C005
 88   C005                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
 89   C005                      ; define opcode functions (builds also jump table and labels like "opcode_a1_impl")
 90   C005
 91   C005                          allocateOpMemory 0
 91   C005             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 0
 91   C005             >            lua allpass
 91   C005 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
 91   C005             >org $7f00
 91   7F00 80          >db $80
 91   7F01             >org $8000
 91   8000             >opcode_00_impl:
 91   8000             >            endlua
 92   8000 01 02                    db      1, 2            ; fake "implementation" (just 1,2,3,4,... byte values)
 93   8002                          finishOpAllocate
 93   8002             >            lua allpass
 93   8002 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
 93   8002             >            endlua
 94   8002
 95   8002                          allocateOpMemory 1
 95   8002             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 1
 95   8002             >            lua allpass
 95   8002 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
 95   8002             >org $7f01
 95   7F01 82          >db $82
 95   7F02             >org $8201
 95   8201             >opcode_01_impl:
 95   8201             >            endlua
 96   8201 03 04 05                 db      3, 4, 5
 97   8204                          finishOpAllocate
 97   8204             >            lua allpass
 97   8204 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
 97   8204             >            endlua
 98   8204
 99   8204                          allocateOpMemory 2
 99   8204             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 2
 99   8204             >            lua allpass
 99   8204 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
 99   8204             >org $7f02
 99   7F02 80          >db $80
 99   7F03             >org $8002
 99   8002             >opcode_02_impl:
 99   8002             >            endlua
100   8002 06 07 08                 db      6, 7, 8
101   8005                          finishOpAllocate
101   8005             >            lua allpass
101   8005 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
101   8005             >            endlua
102   8005
103   8005                          allocateOpMemory 3
103   8005             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 3
103   8005             >            lua allpass
103   8005 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
103   8005             >org $7f03
103   7F03 84          >db $84
103   7F04             >org $8403
103   8403             >opcode_03_impl:
103   8403             >            endlua
104   8403 09 0A                    db      9, 10
105   8405                          finishOpAllocate
105   8405             >            lua allpass
105   8405 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
105   8405             >            endlua
106   8405
107   8405                          allocateOpMemory 4
107   8405             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 4
107   8405             >            lua allpass
107   8405 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
107   8405             >org $7f04
107   7F04 82          >db $82
107   7F05             >org $8204
107   8204             >opcode_04_impl:
107   8204             >            endlua
108   8204 0B                       db      11
109   8205                          finishOpAllocate
109   8205             >            lua allpass
109   8205 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
109   8205             >            endlua
110   8205
111   8205                          allocateOpMemory 253
111   8205             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 253
111   8205             >            lua allpass
111   8205 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
111   8205             >org $7ffd
111   7FFD 80          >db $80
111   7FFE             >org $80fd
111   80FD             >opcode_fd_impl:
111   80FD             >            endlua
112   80FD 0C 0D 0E 0F              db      12, 13, 14, 15, "this goes over into page $8100..81FF"
112   8101 74 68 69 73
112   8105 20 67 6F 65
112   8109 73 20 6F 76
112   810D 65 72 20 69
112   8111 6E 74 6F 20
112   8115 70 61 67 65
112   8119 20 24 38 31
112   811D 30 30 2E 2E
112   8121 38 31 46 46
113   8125                          finishOpAllocate
113   8125             >            lua allpass
113   8125 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
113   8125             >            endlua
114   8125
115   8125                          allocateOpMemory 255
115   8125             >@__allocateOpMemory_opcode = 255
115   8125             >            lua allpass
115   8125 ~           >                allocateOpMemory(_c("__allocateOpMemory_opcode"))
115   8125             >org $7fff
115   7FFF 82          >db $82
115   8000             >org $82ff
115   82FF             >opcode_ff_impl:
115   82FF             >            endlua
116   82FF FF FF FF FF              db      255, 255, 255, 255, 255     ; another going into second half
116   8303 FF
117   8304                          finishOpAllocate
117   8304             >            lua allpass
117   8304 ~           >                finishOpAllocate()
117   8304             >            endlua
118   8304
119   8304                          lua allpass
120   8304 ~                            setOrgAfterLastAllocated()
121   8304              org $8405
121   8405                          endlua
122   8405
123   8405                      ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
124   8405                      ; store result as binary blob for simple verification in hexa editor
125   8405 00 00 00...              align   512, 0              ; fill also last page to full 512B first
126   8600                          savebin "lua_build_jp_table.bin", opJpTab, $ - opJpTab
127   8600
# file closed: lua_build_jp_table.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x00FF   __allocateOpMemory_opcode
0x8000 X opcode_00_impl
0x8201 X opcode_01_impl
0x8002 X opcode_02_impl
0x8403 X opcode_03_impl
0x8204 X opcode_04_impl
0x80FD X opcode_fd_impl
0x82FF X opcode_ff_impl
0x7F00   opJpTab
0x8000   opRoutines