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localising_error_line.asm(20): error: [LUA] asm:20 pass1
./localising_error_line.lua(25): error: [LUA] lua:25 pass1 emit from asm:23/24
localising_error_line.asm(23): ^ emitted from here
localising_error_line.lua(25): error: [LUA] lua:25 pass1 emit from asm:23/24
localising_error_line.asm(24): ^ emitted from here
# file opened: localising_error_line.asm
 1    0000                  LUA PASS3
 2    0000 ~                    f1()
localising_error_line.asm(14): error: [LUA] f1 asm:14 invoked from asm:2
localising_error_line.asm(2): ^ emitted from here
localising_error_line.asm(15): error: [LUA] f1 assert fail -> asm:15 invoked from asm:2
 3    0000                  ENDLUA
 4    0000                  LUA PASS3
 5    0000 ~                    f2()
localising_error_line.lua(19): error: [LUA] f2 lua:19 invoked from asm:5
localising_error_line.asm(5): ^ emitted from here
localising_error_line.lua(20): error: [LUA] f2 assert fail -> lua:20 invoked from asm:5
 6    0000                  ENDLUA
 7    0000                  LUA PASS1
 8    0000 ~                    -- few extra lines to make the assert line number 15
 9    0000 ~                    -- and one useless local var
10    0000 ~                    --
11    0000 ~                    local x = 1
12    0000 ~
13    0000 ~                    function f1()
14    0000 ~                        sj.error("f1 asm:14 invoked from asm:2")       -- reports invokation, but at least correctly placed (asm:2) OK
15    0000 ~                        assert(false, "f1 assert fail -> asm:15 invoked from asm:2")   -- FAIL asm:9
16    0000 ~                    end
17    0000 ~
18    0000 ~                    -- one error invoked during pass1
19    0000 ~
20    0000 ~                    sj.error("asm:20 pass1")    -- OK
21    0000                  ENDLUA
22    0000
23    0000                  INCLUDELUA "./localising_error_line.lua"
24    0000                  INCLUDELUA "localising_error_line.lua"
25    0000
# file closed: localising_error_line.asm

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