
Subversion Repositories NedoOS


Rev 539 | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | Download

# file opened: dir_align.asm
 1    0000                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM48
 2    0000                  org     $8000
 3    8000                  ; 17 bytes block of "default" memory values
 4    8000 41 42 43 44      db      "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPZ"
 4    8004 45 46 47 48
 4    8008 49 4A 4B 4C
 4    800C 4D 4E 4F 50
 4    8010 5A
 5    8011
dir_align.asm(6): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align: 0
 6    8011                  ALIGN   0       ; error
dir_align.asm(7): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align fill-byte: 1,-1
 7    8011                  ALIGN   1,-1    ; error
dir_align.asm(8): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align fill-byte: 1,256
 8    8011                  ALIGN   1,256   ; error
dir_align.asm(9): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align: 3
 9    8011                  ALIGN   3       ; error
dir_align.asm(10): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align: 5,10
10    8011                  ALIGN   5,10    ; error
dir_align.asm(11): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align: $10000
11    8011                  ALIGN   $10000  ; error
12    8011
13    8011                  ; re-run over the initial values again with different ALIGN directives
14    8011                  org     $8000
15    8000 61               db      'a'     ; [8000] = 'a'
16    8001                  ALIGN   1       ; effective nothing should happen here
17    8001                  ALIGN   1, '!'  ; and neighter here
18    8001 42               ALIGN   2       ; this should advance to $8002 + preserve memory
19    8002 62 62            ALIGN   4, 'b'  ; [8002] = [8003] = 'b'
dir_align.asm(20): error: [ALIGN] Illegal align: 7, '!'
20    8004                  ALIGN   7, '!'  ; error
21    8004 45 46 47 48      ALIGN   8       ; advance to 8008, preserve memory
22    8008 63 63 63...      ALIGN   16, 'c' ; [8008..800F] = 'c'
23    8010                  ALIGN           ; should not make any difference (already at MOD 4 address)
24    8010
25    8010                  ; the final result should be "aBbbEFGHccccccccZ"
26    8010
27    8010                  SAVEBIN "dir_align.bin", $8000, 17  ; modified area is saved into BIN file
28    8010
dir_align.asm(29): error: [ALIGN] fill-byte expected after comma: ALIGN   1,
29    8010                  ALIGN   1,      ; error
30    8010
# file closed: dir_align.asm

Value    Label
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