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coverage1.asm(2): warning[fwdref]: forward reference of symbol: IF 0 < fwdLabel
coverage1.asm(3): warning[fwdref]: forward reference of symbol: IFN 0 < fwdLabel
# file opened: coverage1.asm
coverage1.asm(1): error: Syntax error: &
coverage1.asm(1): error: Unexpected: &
 1    0000                  IF &
coverage1.asm(1): error: Syntax error: &
coverage1.asm(1): error: Unexpected: &
 1    0000                IFN &    ; syntax errors
 2    0000                  IF 0 < fwdLabel
 2    0000                ENDIF
 3    0000                  IFN 0 < fwdLabel
 3    0000                ENDIF
 4    0000              fwdLabel:
 5    0000                  IF 0 < fwdLabel
 5    0000                ENDIF     ; should be OK here
 6    0000                  IFN 0 < fwdLabel
 6    0000                ENDIF    ; should be OK here
 7    0000
coverage1.asm(8): error: ELSE without IF/IFN/IFUSED/IFNUSED/IFDEF/IFNDEF
 8    0000                  ELSE
coverage1.asm(9): error: ENDIF without IF/IFN/IFUSED/IFNUSED/IFDEF/IFNDEF
 9    0000                  ENDIF
10    0000
11    0000                  ; create "AHOY!" in "coverage1.bin" by using all output modes
12    0000                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",T
12    0000 78 78          DB "xx"
13    0002                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",A
13    0002 78 59          DB "xY"
14    0004                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",R
15    0004 79               DB "y"
15    0005                FPOS 2
15    0005 4F             DB  "O"
15    0006                FPOS -2
15    0006 48             DB  "H"
15    0007                FPOS +2
15    0007 21             DB  "!"
coverage1.asm(15): error: [FPOS] Syntax error: &
15    0008                FPOS &
16    0008                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin", R   ; try with space after comma (new bugfix)
17    0008 41               DB "A"
18    0009                  ; syntax errors (should not fallback to "truncate", would destroy current output)
coverage1.asm(19): error: [OUTPUT] Invalid <mode> (valid modes: t, a, r): OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",
19    0009                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",
coverage1.asm(20): error: [OUTPUT] Invalid <mode> (valid modes: t, a, r): OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",
20    0009                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",     ; with spaces after comma
coverage1.asm(21): error: [OUTPUT] Invalid <mode> (valid modes: t, a, r): OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",&
21    0009                  OUTPUT "coverage1.bin",&
22    0009                  OUTEND
23    0009
coverage1.asm(24): error: [DEFINE] Illegal <id>: 1nvalidId value
24    0009                  DEFINE 1nvalidId value
coverage1.asm(25): error: [UNDEFINE] Illegal <id>: 1nvalidId
25    0009                  UNDEFINE 1nvalidId
26    0009
27    0009                  DEFINE validDefine 1nvalidId
28    0009                  UNDEFINE validDefine
coverage1.asm(29): warning: [UNDEFINE] Identifier not found: validDefine
29    0009                  UNDEFINE validDefine        ; warning not found (second undefine)
30    0009
coverage1.asm(31): warning: [UNDEFINE] Identifier not found: fwdLabel
31    0009                  UNDEFINE fwdLabel           ; labels can't be removed any more (since v1.14.0)
32    0009                      ; not that it worked correctly before?? (removed because IMO broken beyond repair + undocumented!)
33    0009                      ; makes little sense in 3-pass, fix the source to not rely on such weird feature
34    0009
35    0009                  ; bomb everything with "UNDEFINE *"
36    0009                  IFDEF _SJASMPLUS    ; still defined
37    0009 01                   DB 1
38    000A                  ENDIF
39    000A                  UNDEFINE *
40    000A                  IFNDEF _SJASMPLUS   ; and it's gone
41    000A 02                   DB 2
42    000B                  ENDIF
43    000B
coverage1.asm(44): error: [ENDS] End structure without structure
44    000B                  ENDS
45    000B                  ASSERT 1            ; valid
coverage1.asm(46): error: [ASSERT] Syntax error:  &
46    000B                  ASSERT &            ; syntax err
47    000B
> DISPLAY has silently skipped options /L and /T. 0x000F 15
48    000B                  DISPLAY "DISPLAY", /L, " ", /T, "has silently skipped options /L and /T. ", 15, " ", /D, 15
coverage1.asm(49): error: Syntax error: "
49    000B                  DISPLAY "
50    000B
51    000B                  SHELLEXEC "echo -n Ahoy! "
52    000B                  SHELLEXEC '"echo"', "\ from SHELLEXEC"
bash: my_invalid_filename: No such file or directory
coverage1.asm(53): error: [SHELLEXEC] non-zero exit code: 127
53    000B                  SHELLEXEC "bash", "my_invalid_filename"
54    000B
# file closed: coverage1.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0000   fwdLabel