OUTPUT "labels_syntax_and_find.bin"
MODULE mod1 : ORG $3130
dec hl
inc l
dw label
dw .local
dw label.local
dw mod1.label.local
dw @mod1.label.local
; global one!
dw @label
dw @label.local
dw @unique
dw unique
; mod1 unique
dw mod1unique
dw mod1.mod1unique
dw @mod1.mod1unique
; mod2 unique
dw '!!'+mod2unique ; should be error, searching only: mod1.mod2unique, @mod2unique
dw mod2.mod2unique
dw @mod2.mod2unique
; mod1 nested
dw nested.label
dw nested.label.local
dw mod1.nested.label.local
dw @mod1.nested.label.local
dw '!!'+nest1unique ; should be error
dw nested.nest1unique
dw mod1.nested.nest1unique
dw @mod1.nested.nest1unique
; mod2 nested
dw mod2.nested.label
dw @mod2.nested.label
dw mod2.nested.label.local
dw @mod2.nested.label.local
dw '!!'+nested.nest2unique ; should be error
dw mod2.nested.nest2unique
dw @mod2.nested.nest2unique
MODULE nested
dec l
MODULE mod2 : ORG $3332
add hl,hl
dw label
dw .local
dw label.local
dw mod2.label.local
dw @mod2.label.local
; global one!
dw @label
dw @label.local
dw @unique
dw unique
; mod2 unique
dw mod2unique
dw mod2.mod2unique
dw @mod2.mod2unique
; mod1 unique
dw '!!'+mod1unique ; should be error, searching only: mod2.mod1unique, @mod1unique
dw mod1.mod1unique
dw @mod1.mod1unique
; mod2 nested
dw nested.label
dw nested.label.local
dw mod2.nested.label.local
dw @mod2.nested.label.local
dw '!!'+nest2unique ; should be error
dw nested.nest2unique
dw mod2.nested.nest2unique
dw @mod2.nested.nest2unique
; mod1 nested
dw mod1.nested.label
dw @mod1.nested.label
dw mod1.nested.label.local
dw @mod1.nested.label.local
dw '!!'+nested.nest1unique ; should be error
dw mod1.nested.nest1unique
dw @mod1.nested.nest1unique
MODULE nested
inc h
dec h
ORG $3534
dec hl
inc l
dw label
dw .local
dw label.local
dw @label.local
dw mod1.label.local
dw @mod1.label.local
dw mod2.label.local
dw @mod2.label.local
; uniques
dw unique
dw @unique
dw '!!'+mod1unique ; should be error
dw mod1.mod1unique
dw @mod1.mod1unique
dw mod1.nested.nest1unique
dw @mod1.nested.nest1unique
dw '!!'+mod2unique ; should be error
dw mod2.mod2unique
dw @mod2.mod2unique
dw mod2.nested.nest2unique
dw @mod2.nested.nest2unique
; nested
dw '!!'+nested.label ; should be error
dw '!!'+nested.label.local ; should be error
dw mod1.nested.label
dw @mod1.nested.label
dw mod2.nested.label.local
dw @mod2.nested.label.local
dec l
1nvalidLabelName: jr nz,1B
100 equ should not work
101 = should not work
102 defl should not work
103: equ should not work
104: = should not work
105: defl should not work
EquLineRemnants1: EQU $+1-$100 cpl ; error
EquLineRemnants2: EQU $+2-$100 : cpl ; valid
DeflLineRemnants1: DEFL $+3-$100 cpl ; error
DeflLineRemnants2: DEFL $+4-$100 : cpl ; valid
DeflLineRemnants3: = $+5-$100 cpl ; error
DeflLineRemnants4: = $+6-$100 : cpl ; valid
; the ones without colon are reported as errors since v1.17.1, because without colon
; this is total "gotcha":
noColonProblemDemonstration EQU $ and 7
; ^^ the expression parser will eat whole "$ and 7", no instruction/error here
; obviously *this* does NOT report error even after change, it's valid expression...
; v1.18.2 - added "exist" operator for expressions
ASSERT exist label && exist label.local && exist mod1.label && exist mod1.label.local && exist mod1.mod1unique
ASSERT exist mod1.nested.label && exist mod1.nested.label.local && exist mod1.nested.nest1unique
ASSERT exist noColonProblemDemonstration ; should preserve "unused" flag!
ASSERT !exist MissingLabel && !exist @MissingLabel && !exist .MissingLabel
IFUSED MissingLabel : ASSERT 0, "MissingLabel should NOT exist + NOT be used" : ENDIF
; do another module setup to test the EXIST searching from inner blocks
MODULE mod3 : ORG $4156
; check global ones (outside of current module)
DB -(exist label + exist label.local + exist unique + exist mod1.label + exist mod1.label.local + exist mod1.mod1unique) ; == 6 (no error)
DB -(exist @label + exist @label.local + exist @unique + exist @mod1.label + exist @mod1.label.local + exist @mod1.mod1unique) ; == 6 (no error)
DB -(!exist mod2unique + exist mod2.mod2unique + exist @mod2.mod2unique) ; == 3 (no error) (does not find mod2unique w/o module!)
DB -(exist m3label + exist mod3.m3label + !exist @m3label + exist @mod3.m3label) ; == 4 (no error)
DB -(exist .local + exist m3label.local + exist mod3.m3label.local + !exist @m3label.local + exist @mod3.m3label.local) ; == 5 (no error)
; check nested-module from parent
DB -(!exist m3nlabel + exist nested.m3nlabel + exist nested.m3nlabel.local + exist mod3.nested.m3nlabel.local + exist @mod3.nested.m3nlabel.local) ; == 5 (no error)
MODULE nested
; parentheses form
DB -(exist(m3label) + exist(mod3.m3label) + !exist(@m3label) + exist(@mod3.m3label)) ; == 4 (no error)
; errors reporting for exist
exist: ; warning about reserved keyword (at top of listing, because early pass)
DW exist ; no error, but assembles as label
DW exist 3xist ; unexpected "3xist"
DW exist e\ist ; unexpected "\ist" ("e") is picked up as label to check existence = 0
DW exist exi$t ; unexpected "$t" ("exi") is picked up as label to check existence = 0
DW exist @@exi ; unexpected "@@exi"
DW exist() ; invalid label name + unexpected
DW exist(3xist) ; invalid label name + unexpected
DW exist(e\ist) ; unexpected "(e\ist)" - fails as argument for exists, fallback to symbol eval + extra chars
DW exist(exi$t) ; unexpected "(exi$t)" - fails as argument for exists, fallback to symbol eval + extra chars
DW exist(@@exi) ; invalid label name + unexpected
exist: ; error Duplicate label: another code path exercised for test coverage