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# file opened: omega_struct_instance_pollution.asm
 1    0000              ; this test is based on Omega (CZ demo scener) issue report, when local label defined
 2    0000              ; after structure instance did use as "main" label the last inner-field of structure
 3    0000              ; instead of the main structure name. (ie. ".data" after "test: sss" got expanded as
 4    0000              ; "test.there.data" instead of expected "test.data")
 5    0000              ; - the initial test got extended also with macro emit and structure with local name
 6    0000              ; - and SLD file, as it took some effort to get at least somewhat meaningful output
 7    0000
 8    0000                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM48
 9    0000
10    0000                  STRUCT nestS
11    0000 ~            nested1:    byte
12    0000 ~            nested2:    word
13    0000                  ENDS
14    0000
15    0000                  STRUCT sss
16    0000 ~            what:   db 0
17    0000 ~            where:  dw 0
18    0000 ~            how:    nestS {$12, $3456}
19    0000 ~            there:  db 0
20    0000                  ENDS
21    0000
22    0000                  ORG $ABCD
23    ABCD 23 DB AB 12  test: sss $23,.data,{,.data},$45
23    ABD1 DB AB 45
24    ABD4 56 D4 AB 12  .t2:  sss $56,.t2,{,.t2},$78
24    ABD8 D4 AB 78
25    ABDB EF           .data db $EF
26    ABDC
27    ABDC                  ORG $9876
28    9876                  MACRO defineStruct naam?
29    9876 ~            naam?   sss $23,.data,{,.data},$45
30    9876 ~            .naam?  sss $56,.naam?,{,.naam?},$78
31    9876 ~            .data   db $DC
32    9876                  ENDM
33    9876
34    9876                  defineStruct fromM
34    9876 23 84 98 12 >fromM   sss $23,.data,{,.data},$45
34    987A 84 98 45    >
34    987D 56 7D 98 12 >.fromM  sss $56,.fromM,{,.fromM},$78
34    9881 7D 98 78    >
34    9884 DC          >.data   db $DC
35    9885
# file closed: omega_struct_instance_pollution.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x9884   0>data
0x987D   0>fromM
0x9880 X 0>fromM.how
0x9880 X 0>fromM.how.nested1
0x9881 X 0>fromM.how.nested2
0x9883 X 0>fromM.there
0x987D X 0>fromM.what
0x987E X 0>fromM.where
0x9876 X fromM
0x9879 X fromM.how
0x9879 X fromM.how.nested1
0x987A X fromM.how.nested2
0x987C X fromM.there
0x9876 X fromM.what
0x9877 X fromM.where
0x0003 X nestS
0x0000 X nestS.nested1
0x0001 X nestS.nested2
0x0007 X sss
0x0003 X sss.how
0x0003 X sss.how.nested1
0x0004 X sss.how.nested2
0x0006 X sss.there
0x0000 X sss.what
0x0001 X sss.where
0xABCD X test
0xABDB   test.data
0xABD0 X test.how
0xABD0 X test.how.nested1
0xABD1 X test.how.nested2
0xABD4   test.t2
0xABD7 X test.t2.how
0xABD7 X test.t2.how.nested1
0xABD8 X test.t2.how.nested2
0xABDA X test.t2.there
0xABD4 X test.t2.what
0xABD5 X test.t2.where
0xABD3 X test.there
0xABCD X test.what
0xABCE X test.where