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# file opened: relocation_disp_inside.asm
 1    0000                  ; init ZX48 device, put machine code at $8000
 2    0000                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM48
 2    0000                ORG $8000
 3    8000
 4    8000                  RELOCATE_START
 5    8000
 6    8000 02 00            dw      relocate_count
 7    8002 04 00            dw      relocate_size
 8    8004
 9    8004              vram_routine_bytes:                 ; relocatable label
10    8004                  ; like use case: "helper routine to be displaced at runtime to ULA VRAM"
relocation_disp_inside.asm(11): error: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, use non-relocatable values only
11    8004                  DISP    vram_routine_bytes      ; error, no DISP for relocatable labels
12    8004                  DISP    $4000
13    4000              vram_routine:                       ; absolute label (and "$" should be absolute here too)
14    4000 21 00 3D         ld      hl,$-$300               ; should not relocate
15    4003 11 03 48         ld      de,$+$800               ; should not relocate
16    4006 DD 21 04 80      ld      ix,vram_routine_bytes   ; should give relocate data for the physical location ($8000+ address)
17    400A C2 00 40         jp      nz,vram_routine         ; should not relocate
18    400D C3 25 80         jp      absolute1               ; should not relocate
19    4010
relocation_disp_inside.asm(20): error: End the current DISP block first
20    4010                  RELOCATE_END    ; error - can't finish relocate block with DISP block open
21    4010
22    4010                  ENT             ; end displacement routine
23    8014              vram_routine_bytes.size EQU $ - vram_routine_bytes  ; should be length
24    8014
25    8014                  ; use case: "dislocating the subroutine to target memory at runtime"
26    8014 21 04 80         ld      hl,vram_routine_bytes   ; should relocate
27    8017 11 00 40         ld      de,vram_routine         ; should not relocate
28    801A 01 10 00         ld      bc,vram_routine_bytes.size  ; absolute size (not relocate)
29    801D ED B0            ldir
30    801F CD 00 40         call    vram_routine            ; should not relocate
31    8022 C3 25 80         jp      absolute1               ; should not relocate
32    8025
33    8025                  RELOCATE_END
34    8025
35    8025              absolute1:
36    8025 C3 25 80         jp      absolute1               ; should not relocate
37    8028
relocation_disp_inside.asm(38): error: ENT should be after DISP
38    8028                  ENT                             ; error ENT without DISP
39    8028
40    8028 0C 80 15 80      RELOCATE_TABLE
41    802C                      ; 0C 80 15 80 ($800C, $8015)
42    802C
43    802C                  ; verify the actual machine code was placed at $8000 in virtual device memory
44    802C                  SAVEBIN "relocation_disp_inside.bin", $8000, $ - $8000
45    802C
46    802C                  ASSERT 2 == relocate_count
47    802C                  ASSERT 2*relocate_count == relocate_size
48    802C                  ASSERT 3 == 3
49    802C                  ASSERT 0 == 0
50    802C
# file closed: relocation_disp_inside.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x8025   absolute1
0x0002   relocate_count
0x0004   relocate_size
0x4000   vram_routine
0x8004   vram_routine_bytes
0x0010   vram_routine_bytes.size