OPT --zxnext
Byte BYTE $11
Word WORD $2233
Tribyte D24 $445566
Dword DWORD $778899AA
Text TEXT 6, { "Hello", 0 }
; first section is not part of relocation table
; =============================================
ORG $8000
; same as the relocatable block, but outside of RELOCATE_START -> RELOCATE_END
ld hl,label1
ld hl,(label1)
ld (label1),hl
ld iy,label1
ld iy,(label1)
ld (label1),iy
ld de,label1
ld de,(label1)
ld (label1),de
ld a,(label1)
ld (label1),a
call label1
jp label1
add hl,label1
RELSTRUCT {,label1,,,{"text",0}}
DW s1, s1.end, s1.Tribyte, s1.Text, $
push label2
push high label2
ld b,high label2
ld c,high label2
ld d,high label2
ld e,high label2
ld l,high label2
ld h,high label2
ld (hl),high label2
ld a,high label2
add a,high label2
adc a,high label2
sub high label2
sbc a,high label2
and high label2
xor high label2
or high label2
cp high label2
test high label2
nextreg $00,high label2
ld ixh,high label2
ld ixl,high label2
ld (ix+123),high label2
ld iyh,high label2
ld iyl,high label2
ld (iy+123),high label2
RELSTRUCT {high label2,high label2,,,{"ZX",0}}
DB high s2, high s2.end, high s2.Tribyte, high s2.Text, high $
ABYTE 123 high label2-123
ABYTEZ 123 high label2-123
add a,l2_high
ld hl,l2_high
ld hl,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),hl
ld iy,l2_high
ld iy,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),iy
ld de,l2_high
ld de,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),de
ld a,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),a
call l2_high
jp l2_high
add de,l2_high
RELSTRUCT {,l2_high,,,{"text",0}}
DW high s4, high s4.end, high s4.Tribyte, high s4.Text, high $
; resulting relocation data
; =========================
DW relocate_count, relocate_size
RELOCATE_TABLE ; provides relocation addresses pointing directly at the high byte
RELOCATE_TABLE +1 ; provides relocation addresses pointing one byte ahead of the high byte
; second section does test relocation
; ===================================
ORG $0000
; relocation cases - word immediate instructions (relocation points at high byte)
ld hl,label1
ld hl,(label1)
ld (label1),hl
ld iy,label1
ld iy,(label1)
ld (label1),iy
ld de,label1
ld de,(label1)
ld (label1),de
ld a,(label1)
ld (label1),a
call label1
jp label1
add hl,label1 ; z80n extras
s1 RELSTRUCT {,label1,,,{"text",0}}
DW s1, s1.end, s1.Tribyte, s1.Text, $
; super special z80n extra, not working in regular full-word relocation mode
push label2 ; but these are possible in HIGH mode
push high label2
ORG $1101
; relocation cases - byte immediate instructions (relocation points at immediate (high byte))
ld b,high label2
ld c,high label2
ld d,high label2
ld e,high label2
ld l,high label2
ld h,high label2
ld (hl),high label2
ld a,high label2
add a,high label2
adc a,high label2
sub high label2
sbc a,high label2
and high label2
xor high label2
or high label2
cp high label2
test high label2 ; z80n extras
nextreg $00,high label2 ; z80n extras
; IX block
ld ixh,high label2
ld ixl,high label2
ld (ix+123),high label2
; IY block
ld iyh,high label2
ld iyl,high label2
ld (iy+123),high label2
s2 RELSTRUCT {high label2,high label2,,,{"ZX",0}}
DB high s2, high s2.end, high s2.Tribyte, high s2.Text, high $
ABYTE 123 high label2-123
ABYTEZ 123 high label2-123
; test EQU "transitiviness" and test word instruction with high byte only
ORG $1380
l2_high EQU high label2
add a,l2_high ; is equ transitive (keeping high/regular knowledge)?
ld hl,l2_high
ld hl,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),hl
ld iy,l2_high
ld iy,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),iy
ld de,l2_high
ld de,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),de
ld a,(l2_high)
ld (l2_high),a
call l2_high
jp l2_high
add de,l2_high ; z80n extras
s4 RELSTRUCT {,l2_high,,,{"text",0}}
DW high s4, high s4.end, high s4.Tribyte, high s4.Text, high $
ORG $2200
; no relocation cases
rst $08
DB low label2, low s2, low s2.end, low s2.Tribyte, low s2.Text, low $
ld bc,label2 - label1
ld a,low label2
ld a,high label2 - high label1
ld (hl),high label2 - high label1
; IX block
ld (ix+low label2),123
ld (ix+123),low label2
add a,(ix+low label2)
adc a,(ix+low label2)
sub (ix+low label2)
sbc a,(ix+low label2)
and (ix+low label2)
xor (ix+low label2)
or (ix+low label2)
cp (ix+low label2)
bit 0,(ix+low label2)
bit 7&low label2,(ix+123)
res 0,(ix+low label2)
res 7&low label2,(ix+123)
set 0,(ix+low label2)
set 7&low label2,(ix+123)
; IY block
ld (iy+low label2),123
ld (iy+123),low label2
add a,(iy+low label2)
adc a,(iy+low label2)
sub (iy+low label2)
sbc a,(iy+low label2)
and (iy+low label2)
xor (iy+low label2)
or (iy+low label2)
cp (iy+low label2)
bit 0,(iy+low label2)
bit 7&low label2,(iy+123)
res 0,(iy+low label2)
res 7&low label2,(iy+123)
set 0,(iy+low label2)
set 7&low label2,(iy+123)
ORG $4400
; unstable/can't be relocated by +offset mechanics
out (high label2),a ; exception: out (imm8),a is never relocatable
in a,(high label2) ; exception: in a,(imm8) is never relocatable
nextreg high label2,$00 ; z80n extras - register number is never relocatable
nextreg high label2,a ; z80n extras - register number is never relocatable
; 16bit relocation should be warned against when only high-byte is possible
ld b,label1 ; even if the label is 8bit value like $0026
ld c,label1
ld d,label1
ld e,label1
ld l,label1
ld h,label1
ld (hl),label1
ld a,label1
add a,label1
adc a,label1
sub label1
sbc a,label1
and label1
xor label1
or label1
cp label1
test label1 ; z80n extras
nextreg $00,label1 ; z80n extras
s3 RELSTRUCT {label1,,,,{"ZX",0}}
DB label1
; IX block
ld ixh,label1
ld ixl,label1
ld (ix+123),label1
ld (ix+high label2),123
add a,(ix+high label2)
adc a,(ix+high label2)
sub (ix+high label2)
sbc a,(ix+high label2)
and (ix+high label2)
xor (ix+high label2)
or (ix+high label2)
cp (ix+high label2)
rlc (ix+high label2)
rrc (ix+high label2)
rl (ix+high label2)
rr (ix+high label2)
sla (ix+high label2)
sra (ix+high label2)
sli (ix+high label2)
srl (ix+high label2)
bit 0,(ix+high label2)
bit 7&high label2,(ix+123)
res 0,(ix+high label2)
res 7&high label2,(ix+123)
set 0,(ix+high label2)
set 7&high label2,(ix+123)
; IY block
ld iyh,label1
ld iyl,label1
ld (iy+123),label1
ld (iy+high label2),123
add a,(iy+high label2)
adc a,(iy+high label2)
sub (iy+high label2)
sbc a,(iy+high label2)
and (iy+high label2)
xor (iy+high label2)
or (iy+high label2)
cp (iy+high label2)
rlc (iy+high label2)
rrc (iy+high label2)
rl (iy+high label2)
rr (iy+high label2)
sla (iy+high label2)
sra (iy+high label2)
sli (iy+high label2)
srl (iy+high label2)
bit 0,(iy+high label2)
bit 7&high label2,(iy+123)
res 0,(iy+high label2)
res 7&high label2,(iy+123)
set 0,(iy+high label2)
set 7&high label2,(iy+123)
; can't be relocated by +offset
ld hl,label2+label2
ld hl,label2>>1
ld a,high label2 + high label2
; transitive EQU
l1_regular EQU label1
add a,l1_regular
; ABYTE variants should report unstable when relocatable value is used for "offset" argument
ABYTE high label1 1, 2
ABYTEZ high label1 3
RELOCATE_START ; check if regular-mode emits error about mixing modes