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# file opened: relocation_high_1.asm
  1   0000                      OPT --zxnext
  2   0000
  3   0000                      STRUCT RELSTRUCT
  4   0000 ~            Byte        BYTE        $11
  5   0000 ~            Word        WORD        $2233
  6   0000 ~            Tribyte     D24         $445566
  7   0000 ~            Dword       DWORD       $778899AA
  8   0000 ~            Text        TEXT        6, { "Hello", 0 }
  9   0000                      ENDS
 10   0000
 11   0000              ; first section is not part of relocation table
 12   0000              ; =============================================
 13   0000
 14   0000                      ORG $8000
 15   8000                      ; same as the relocatable block, but outside of RELOCATE_START -> RELOCATE_END
 16   8000 21 26 00                 ld      hl,label1
 17   8003 2A 26 00                 ld      hl,(label1)
 18   8006 22 26 00                 ld      (label1),hl
 19   8009 FD 21 26 00              ld      iy,label1
 20   800D FD 2A 26 00              ld      iy,(label1)
 21   8011 FD 22 26 00              ld      (label1),iy
 22   8015 11 26 00                 ld      de,label1
 23   8018 ED 5B 26 00              ld      de,(label1)
 24   801C ED 53 26 00              ld      (label1),de
 25   8020 3A 26 00                 ld      a,(label1)
 26   8023 32 26 00                 ld      (label1),a
 27   8026 CD 26 00                 call    label1
 28   8029 C3 26 00                 jp      label1
 29   802C ED 34 26 00              add     hl,label1
 30   8030 11 26 00 66              RELSTRUCT {,label1,,,{"text",0}}
 30   8034 55 44 AA 99
 30   8038 88 77 74 65
 30   803C 78 74 00 00
 31   8040 30 00 40 00              DW      s1, s1.end, s1.Tribyte, s1.Text, $
 31   8044 33 00 3A 00
 31   8048 40 80
 32   804A ED 8A 11 09              push    label2
 33   804E ED 8A 00 11              push    high label2
 34   8052 06 11                    ld      b,high label2
 35   8054 0E 11                    ld      c,high label2
 36   8056 16 11                    ld      d,high label2
 37   8058 1E 11                    ld      e,high label2
 38   805A 2E 11                    ld      l,high label2
 39   805C 26 11                    ld      h,high label2
 40   805E 36 11                    ld      (hl),high label2
 41   8060 3E 11                    ld      a,high label2
 42   8062 C6 11                    add     a,high label2
 43   8064 CE 11                    adc     a,high label2
 44   8066 D6 11                    sub     high label2
 45   8068 DE 11                    sbc     a,high label2
 46   806A E6 11                    and     high label2
 47   806C EE 11                    xor     high label2
 48   806E F6 11                    or      high label2
 49   8070 FE 11                    cp      high label2
 50   8072 ED 27 11                 test    high label2
 51   8075 ED 91 00 11              nextreg $00,high label2
 52   8079 DD 26 11                 ld      ixh,high label2
 53   807C DD 2E 11                 ld      ixl,high label2
 54   807F DD 36 7B 11              ld      (ix+123),high label2
 55   8083 FD 26 11                 ld      iyh,high label2
 56   8086 FD 2E 11                 ld      iyl,high label2
 57   8089 FD 36 7B 11              ld      (iy+123),high label2
 58   808D 11 11 00 66              RELSTRUCT {high label2,high label2,,,{"ZX",0}}
 58   8091 55 44 AA 99
 58   8095 88 77 5A 58
 58   8099 00 6C 6F 00
 59   809D 11 11 11 11              DB      high s2, high s2.end, high s2.Tribyte, high s2.Text, high $
 59   80A1 80
 60   80A2 11                       ABYTE   123 high label2-123
 61   80A3 11 00                    ABYTEZ  123 high label2-123
 62   80A5 C6 11                    add     a,l2_high
 63   80A7 21 11 00                 ld      hl,l2_high
 64   80AA 2A 11 00                 ld      hl,(l2_high)
 65   80AD 22 11 00                 ld      (l2_high),hl
 66   80B0 FD 21 11 00              ld      iy,l2_high
 67   80B4 FD 2A 11 00              ld      iy,(l2_high)
 68   80B8 FD 22 11 00              ld      (l2_high),iy
 69   80BC 11 11 00                 ld      de,l2_high
 70   80BF ED 5B 11 00              ld      de,(l2_high)
 71   80C3 ED 53 11 00              ld      (l2_high),de
 72   80C7 3A 11 00                 ld      a,(l2_high)
 73   80CA 32 11 00                 ld      (l2_high),a
 74   80CD CD 11 00                 call    l2_high
 75   80D0 C3 11 00                 jp      l2_high
 76   80D3 ED 35 11 00              add     de,l2_high
 77   80D7 11 11 00 66              RELSTRUCT {,l2_high,,,{"text",0}}
 77   80DB 55 44 AA 99
 77   80DF 88 77 74 65
 77   80E3 78 74 00 00
 78   80E7 13 00 13 00              DW      high s4, high s4.end, high s4.Tribyte, high s4.Text, high $
 78   80EB 13 00 13 00
 78   80EF 80 00
 79   80F1
 80   80F1              ; resulting relocation data
 81   80F1              ; =========================
 82   80F1
 83   80F1 4C 00 98 00          DW      relocate_count, relocate_size
 84   80F5
 85   80F5 02 00 05 00          RELOCATE_TABLE      ; provides relocation addresses pointing directly at the high byte
 85   80F9 08 00 0C 00
 85   80FD 10 00 14 00
 85   8101 17 00 1B 00
 85   8105 1F 00 22 00
 85   8109 25 00 28 00
 85   810D 2B 00 2F 00
 85   8111 32 00 41 00
 85   8115 43 00 45 00
 85   8119 47 00 49 00
 85   811D F2 0F F7 0F
 85   8121 02 11 04 11
 85   8125 06 11 08 11
 85   8129 0A 11 0C 11
 85   812D 0E 11 10 11
 85   8131 12 11 14 11
 85   8135 16 11 18 11
 85   8139 1A 11 1C 11
 85   813D 1E 11 20 11
 85   8141 23 11 27 11
 85   8145 2A 11 2D 11
 85   8149 31 11 34 11
 85   814D 37 11 3B 11
 85   8151 3C 11 3D 11
 85   8155 4C 11 4D 11
 85   8159 4E 11 4F 11
 85   815D 50 11 51 11
 85   8161 52 11 81 13
 85   8165 83 13 86 13
 85   8169 89 13 8D 13
 85   816D 91 13 95 13
 85   8171 98 13 9C 13
 85   8175 A0 13 A3 13
 85   8179 A6 13 A9 13
 85   817D AC 13 B0 13
 85   8181 B3 13 C2 13
 85   8185 C4 13 C6 13
 85   8189 C8 13 CA 13
 86   818D
 87   818D 01 00 04 00          RELOCATE_TABLE +1   ; provides relocation addresses pointing one byte ahead of the high byte
 87   8191 07 00 0B 00
 87   8195 0F 00 13 00
 87   8199 16 00 1A 00
 87   819D 1E 00 21 00
 87   81A1 24 00 27 00
 87   81A5 2A 00 2E 00
 87   81A9 31 00 40 00
 87   81AD 42 00 44 00
 87   81B1 46 00 48 00
 87   81B5 F1 0F F6 0F
 87   81B9 01 11 03 11
 87   81BD 05 11 07 11
 87   81C1 09 11 0B 11
 87   81C5 0D 11 0F 11
 87   81C9 11 11 13 11
 87   81CD 15 11 17 11
 87   81D1 19 11 1B 11
 87   81D5 1D 11 1F 11
 87   81D9 22 11 26 11
 87   81DD 29 11 2C 11
 87   81E1 30 11 33 11
 87   81E5 36 11 3A 11
 87   81E9 3B 11 3C 11
 87   81ED 4B 11 4C 11
 87   81F1 4D 11 4E 11
 87   81F5 4F 11 50 11
 87   81F9 51 11 80 13
 87   81FD 82 13 85 13
 87   8201 88 13 8C 13
 87   8205 90 13 94 13
 87   8209 97 13 9B 13
 87   820D 9F 13 A2 13
 87   8211 A5 13 A8 13
 87   8215 AB 13 AF 13
 87   8219 B2 13 C1 13
 87   821D C3 13 C5 13
 87   8221 C7 13 C9 13
 88   8225
 89   8225              ; second section does test relocation
 90   8225              ; ===================================
 91   8225
 92   8225                  RELOCATE_START HIGH
 93   8225                      ORG $0000
 94   0000                      ; relocation cases - word immediate instructions (relocation points at high byte)
 95   0000 21 26 00                 ld      hl,label1
 96   0003 2A 26 00                 ld      hl,(label1)
 97   0006 22 26 00                 ld      (label1),hl
 98   0009 FD 21 26 00              ld      iy,label1
 99   000D FD 2A 26 00              ld      iy,(label1)
100   0011 FD 22 26 00              ld      (label1),iy
101   0015 11 26 00                 ld      de,label1
102   0018 ED 5B 26 00              ld      de,(label1)
103   001C ED 53 26 00              ld      (label1),de
104   0020 3A 26 00                 ld      a,(label1)
105   0023 32 26 00                 ld      (label1),a
106   0026              label1:
107   0026 CD 26 00                 call    label1
108   0029 C3 26 00                 jp      label1
109   002C ED 34 26 00              add     hl,label1           ; z80n extras
110   0030 11 26 00 66  s1          RELSTRUCT {,label1,,,{"text",0}}
110   0034 55 44 AA 99
110   0038 88 77 74 65
110   003C 78 74 00 00
111   0040              .end:
112   0040 30 00 40 00              DW      s1, s1.end, s1.Tribyte, s1.Text, $
112   0044 33 00 3A 00
112   0048 40 00
113   004A
114   004A                      ORG $0FF0
115   0FF0                      ; super special z80n extra, not working in regular full-word relocation mode
116   0FF0 ED 8A 11 09              push    label2              ; but these are possible in HIGH mode
117   0FF4 ED 8A 00 11              push    high label2
118   0FF8
119   0FF8                      ORG $1101
120   1101                      ; relocation cases - byte immediate instructions (relocation points at immediate (high byte))
121   1101 06 11                    ld      b,high label2
122   1103 0E 11                    ld      c,high label2
123   1105 16 11                    ld      d,high label2
124   1107 1E 11                    ld      e,high label2
125   1109              label2:
126   1109 2E 11                    ld      l,high label2
127   110B 26 11                    ld      h,high label2
128   110D 36 11                    ld      (hl),high label2
129   110F 3E 11                    ld      a,high label2
130   1111 C6 11                    add     a,high label2
131   1113 CE 11                    adc     a,high label2
132   1115 D6 11                    sub     high label2
133   1117 DE 11                    sbc     a,high label2
134   1119 E6 11                    and     high label2
135   111B EE 11                    xor     high label2
136   111D F6 11                    or      high label2
137   111F FE 11                    cp      high label2
138   1121 ED 27 11                 test    high label2         ; z80n extras
139   1124 ED 91 00 11              nextreg $00,high label2     ; z80n extras
140   1128                          ; IX block
141   1128 DD 26 11                 ld      ixh,high label2
142   112B DD 2E 11                 ld      ixl,high label2
143   112E DD 36 7B 11              ld      (ix+123),high label2
144   1132                          ; IY block
145   1132 FD 26 11                 ld      iyh,high label2
146   1135 FD 2E 11                 ld      iyl,high label2
147   1138 FD 36 7B 11              ld      (iy+123),high label2
148   113C 11 11 00 66  s2          RELSTRUCT {high label2,high label2,,,{"ZX",0}}
148   1140 55 44 AA 99
148   1144 88 77 5A 58
148   1148 00 6C 6F 00
149   114C              .end:
150   114C 11 11 11 11              DB      high s2, high s2.end, high s2.Tribyte, high s2.Text, high $
150   1150 11
151   1151 11                       ABYTE   123 high label2-123
152   1152 11 00                    ABYTEZ  123 high label2-123
153   1154
154   1154                          ; test EQU "transitiviness" and test word instruction with high byte only
155   1154                      ORG $1380
156   1380              l2_high     EQU     high label2
157   1380 C6 11                    add     a,l2_high           ; is equ transitive (keeping high/regular knowledge)?
158   1382 21 11 00                 ld      hl,l2_high
159   1385 2A 11 00                 ld      hl,(l2_high)
160   1388 22 11 00                 ld      (l2_high),hl
161   138B FD 21 11 00              ld      iy,l2_high
162   138F FD 2A 11 00              ld      iy,(l2_high)
163   1393 FD 22 11 00              ld      (l2_high),iy
164   1397 11 11 00                 ld      de,l2_high
165   139A ED 5B 11 00              ld      de,(l2_high)
166   139E ED 53 11 00              ld      (l2_high),de
167   13A2 3A 11 00                 ld      a,(l2_high)
168   13A5 32 11 00                 ld      (l2_high),a
169   13A8 CD 11 00                 call    l2_high
170   13AB C3 11 00                 jp      l2_high
171   13AE ED 35 11 00              add     de,l2_high           ; z80n extras
172   13B2 11 11 00 66  s4          RELSTRUCT {,l2_high,,,{"text",0}}
172   13B6 55 44 AA 99
172   13BA 88 77 74 65
172   13BE 78 74 00 00
173   13C2              .end:
174   13C2 13 00 13 00              DW      high s4, high s4.end, high s4.Tribyte, high s4.Text, high $
174   13C6 13 00 13 00
174   13CA 13 00
175   13CC
176   13CC                      ORG $2200
177   2200                      ; no relocation cases
178   2200 CF                       rst     $08
179   2201 09 3C 4C 3F              DB      low label2, low s2, low s2.end, low s2.Tribyte, low s2.Text, low $
179   2205 46 01
180   2207 01 E3 10                 ld      bc,label2 - label1
181   220A 3E 09                    ld      a,low label2
182   220C 3E 11                    ld      a,high label2 - high label1
183   220E 36 11                    ld      (hl),high label2 - high label1
184   2210                          ; IX block
185   2210 DD 36 09 7B              ld      (ix+low label2),123
186   2214 DD 36 7B 09              ld      (ix+123),low label2
187   2218 DD 86 09                 add     a,(ix+low label2)
188   221B DD 8E 09                 adc     a,(ix+low label2)
189   221E DD 96 09                 sub     (ix+low label2)
190   2221 DD 9E 09                 sbc     a,(ix+low label2)
191   2224 DD A6 09                 and     (ix+low label2)
192   2227 DD AE 09                 xor     (ix+low label2)
193   222A DD B6 09                 or      (ix+low label2)
194   222D DD BE 09                 cp      (ix+low label2)
195   2230 DD CB 09 46              bit     0,(ix+low label2)
196   2234 DD CB 7B 4E              bit     7&low label2,(ix+123)
197   2238 DD CB 09 86              res     0,(ix+low label2)
198   223C DD CB 7B 8E              res     7&low label2,(ix+123)
199   2240 DD CB 09 C6              set     0,(ix+low label2)
200   2244 DD CB 7B CE              set     7&low label2,(ix+123)
201   2248                          ; IY block
202   2248 FD 36 09 7B              ld      (iy+low label2),123
203   224C FD 36 7B 09              ld      (iy+123),low label2
204   2250 FD 86 09                 add     a,(iy+low label2)
205   2253 FD 8E 09                 adc     a,(iy+low label2)
206   2256 FD 96 09                 sub     (iy+low label2)
207   2259 FD 9E 09                 sbc     a,(iy+low label2)
208   225C FD A6 09                 and     (iy+low label2)
209   225F FD AE 09                 xor     (iy+low label2)
210   2262 FD B6 09                 or      (iy+low label2)
211   2265 FD BE 09                 cp      (iy+low label2)
212   2268 FD CB 09 46              bit     0,(iy+low label2)
213   226C FD CB 7B 4E              bit     7&low label2,(iy+123)
214   2270 FD CB 09 86              res     0,(iy+low label2)
215   2274 FD CB 7B 8E              res     7&low label2,(iy+123)
216   2278 FD CB 09 C6              set     0,(iy+low label2)
217   227C FD CB 7B CE              set     7&low label2,(iy+123)
218   2280
219   2280                      ORG $4400
220   4400                      ; unstable/can't be relocated by +offset mechanics
relocation_high_1.asm(221): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
221   4400 D3 11                    out     (high label2),a     ; exception: out (imm8),a is never relocatable
relocation_high_1.asm(222): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
222   4402 DB 11                    in      a,(high label2)     ; exception: in a,(imm8) is never relocatable
relocation_high_1.asm(223): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
223   4404 ED 91 11 00              nextreg high label2,$00     ; z80n extras - register number is never relocatable
relocation_high_1.asm(224): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
224   4408 ED 92 11                 nextreg high label2,a       ; z80n extras - register number is never relocatable
225   440B                          ; 16bit relocation should be warned against when only high-byte is possible
relocation_high_1.asm(226): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
226   440B 06 26                    ld      b,label1            ; even if the label is 8bit value like $0026
relocation_high_1.asm(227): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
227   440D 0E 26                    ld      c,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(228): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
228   440F 16 26                    ld      d,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(229): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
229   4411 1E 26                    ld      e,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(230): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
230   4413 2E 26                    ld      l,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(231): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
231   4415 26 26                    ld      h,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(232): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
232   4417 36 26                    ld      (hl),label1
relocation_high_1.asm(233): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
233   4419 3E 26                    ld      a,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(234): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
234   441B C6 26                    add     a,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(235): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
235   441D CE 26                    adc     a,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(236): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
236   441F D6 26                    sub     label1
relocation_high_1.asm(237): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
237   4421 DE 26                    sbc     a,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(238): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
238   4423 E6 26                    and     label1
relocation_high_1.asm(239): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
239   4425 EE 26                    xor     label1
relocation_high_1.asm(240): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
240   4427 F6 26                    or      label1
relocation_high_1.asm(241): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
241   4429 FE 26                    cp      label1
relocation_high_1.asm(242): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
242   442B ED 27 26                 test    label1              ; z80n extras
relocation_high_1.asm(243): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
243   442E ED 91 00 26              nextreg $00,label1          ; z80n extras
relocation_high_1.asm(244): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
244   4432 26 33 22 66  s3          RELSTRUCT {label1,,,,{"ZX",0}}
244   4436 55 44 AA 99
244   443A 88 77 5A 58
244   443E 00 6C 6F 00
relocation_high_1.asm(245): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
245   4442 26                       DB      label1
246   4443                          ; IX block
relocation_high_1.asm(247): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
247   4443 DD 26 26                 ld      ixh,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(248): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
248   4446 DD 2E 26                 ld      ixl,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(249): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
249   4449 DD 36 7B 26              ld      (ix+123),label1
relocation_high_1.asm(250): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
250   444D DD 36 11 7B              ld      (ix+high label2),123
relocation_high_1.asm(251): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
251   4451 DD 86 11                 add     a,(ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(252): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
252   4454 DD 8E 11                 adc     a,(ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(253): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
253   4457 DD 96 11                 sub     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(254): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
254   445A DD 9E 11                 sbc     a,(ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(255): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
255   445D DD A6 11                 and     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(256): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
256   4460 DD AE 11                 xor     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(257): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
257   4463 DD B6 11                 or      (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(258): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
258   4466 DD BE 11                 cp      (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(259): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
259   4469 DD CB 11 06              rlc     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(260): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
260   446D DD CB 11 0E              rrc     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(261): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
261   4471 DD CB 11 16              rl      (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(262): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
262   4475 DD CB 11 1E              rr      (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(263): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
263   4479 DD CB 11 26              sla     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(264): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
264   447D DD CB 11 2E              sra     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(265): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
265   4481 DD CB 11 36              sli     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(266): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
266   4485 DD CB 11 3E              srl     (ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(267): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
267   4489 DD CB 11 46              bit     0,(ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(268): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
268   448D DD CB 7B 4E              bit     7&high label2,(ix+123)
relocation_high_1.asm(269): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
269   4491 DD CB 11 86              res     0,(ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(270): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
270   4495 DD CB 7B 8E              res     7&high label2,(ix+123)
relocation_high_1.asm(271): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
271   4499 DD CB 11 C6              set     0,(ix+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(272): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
272   449D DD CB 7B CE              set     7&high label2,(ix+123)
273   44A1                          ; IY block
relocation_high_1.asm(274): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
274   44A1 FD 26 26                 ld      iyh,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(275): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
275   44A4 FD 2E 26                 ld      iyl,label1
relocation_high_1.asm(276): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
276   44A7 FD 36 7B 26              ld      (iy+123),label1
relocation_high_1.asm(277): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
277   44AB FD 36 11 7B              ld      (iy+high label2),123
relocation_high_1.asm(278): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
278   44AF FD 86 11                 add     a,(iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(279): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
279   44B2 FD 8E 11                 adc     a,(iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(280): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
280   44B5 FD 96 11                 sub     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(281): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
281   44B8 FD 9E 11                 sbc     a,(iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(282): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
282   44BB FD A6 11                 and     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(283): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
283   44BE FD AE 11                 xor     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(284): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
284   44C1 FD B6 11                 or      (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(285): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
285   44C4 FD BE 11                 cp      (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(286): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
286   44C7 FD CB 11 06              rlc     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(287): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
287   44CB FD CB 11 0E              rrc     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(288): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
288   44CF FD CB 11 16              rl      (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(289): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
289   44D3 FD CB 11 1E              rr      (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(290): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
290   44D7 FD CB 11 26              sla     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(291): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
291   44DB FD CB 11 2E              sra     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(292): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
292   44DF FD CB 11 36              sli     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(293): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
293   44E3 FD CB 11 3E              srl     (iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(294): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
294   44E7 FD CB 11 46              bit     0,(iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(295): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
295   44EB FD CB 7B 4E              bit     7&high label2,(iy+123)
relocation_high_1.asm(296): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
296   44EF FD CB 11 86              res     0,(iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(297): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
297   44F3 FD CB 7B 8E              res     7&high label2,(iy+123)
relocation_high_1.asm(298): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
298   44F7 FD CB 11 C6              set     0,(iy+high label2)
relocation_high_1.asm(299): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
299   44FB FD CB 7B CE              set     7&high label2,(iy+123)
300   44FF                          ; can't be relocated by +offset
relocation_high_1.asm(301): warning[reldiverts]: Expression can't be relocated by simple "+offset" mechanics, value diverts differently.
301   44FF 21 12 22                 ld      hl,label2+label2
relocation_high_1.asm(302): warning[reldiverts]: Expression can't be relocated by simple "+offset" mechanics, value diverts differently.
302   4502 21 84 08                 ld      hl,label2>>1
relocation_high_1.asm(303): warning[reldiverts]: Expression can't be relocated by simple "+offset" mechanics, value diverts differently.
303   4505 3E 22                    ld      a,high label2 + high label2
304   4507                          ; transitive EQU
305   4507              l1_regular  EQU     label1
relocation_high_1.asm(306): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
306   4507 C6 26                    add     a,l1_regular
307   4509
308   4509                          ; ABYTE variants should report unstable when relocatable value is used for "offset" argument
relocation_high_1.asm(309): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
309   4509 01 02                    ABYTE   high label1 1, 2
relocation_high_1.asm(310): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
310   450B 03 00                    ABYTEZ  high label1 3
311   450D
312   450D                  RELOCATE_END
313   450D
relocation_high_1.asm(314): error: HIGH mode can't be mixed with regular mode
314   450D                  RELOCATE_START      ; check if regular-mode emits error about mixing modes
315   450D
# file closed: relocation_high_1.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0026   l1_regular
0x0011   l2_high
0x0026   label1
0x1109   label2
0x004C   relocate_count
0x0098   relocate_size
0x0000 X RELSTRUCT.Byte
0x0006 X RELSTRUCT.Dword
0x0003 X RELSTRUCT.Tribyte
0x0001 X RELSTRUCT.Word
0x0030   s1
0x0030 X s1.Byte
0x0036 X s1.Dword
0x0040   s1.end
0x003A   s1.Text
0x0033   s1.Tribyte
0x0031 X s1.Word
0x113C   s2
0x113C X s2.Byte
0x1142 X s2.Dword
0x114C   s2.end
0x1146   s2.Text
0x113F   s2.Tribyte
0x113D X s2.Word
0x4432 X s3
0x4432 X s3.Byte
0x4438 X s3.Dword
0x443C X s3.Text
0x4435 X s3.Tribyte
0x4433 X s3.Word
0x13B2   s4
0x13B2 X s4.Byte
0x13B8 X s4.Dword
0x13C2   s4.end
0x13BC   s4.Text
0x13B5   s4.Tribyte
0x13B3 X s4.Word