ORG $8000
; generally speaking, the `{<adr>}` operator is cancelling relocation
; of <adr> expression and operates in absolute way with the assembling-time
; address and memory content - seems this way it yields most logical outcomes
label1: DW 0x1234
label2: DW label1 ; should be relocated
IF 0x1234 == {label1} ; should be true
ld hl,label2 ; should be relocated
IF label1 == {label2} ; should be true (relocation unstability doesn't matter)
ld de,label1 ; should be relocated
ld hl,{label1} ; regular 0x1234 value (reads the correct one always)
; ! this lost "needs relocation" property by indirection: be careful when using {adr}
ld de,{label2}
; this should always evaluate to true (not affected by relocation juggling)
DB 0x1234 == {label1}
DW {label1} + label1 ; should be relocated (0x1234 + label1)
DB low ({label1} + label1) ; should warn (byte(0x1234 + label1) is affected)
; byte-reading variants use the same technique
DB 0x34 == {b label1} ; should be true
DW {b label1} + label1 ; should be relocated
DB low ({b label1} + label1) ; should warn