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# file opened: relocation_struct.asm
  1   0000                  ORG $1000
  2   1000                  RELOCATE_START
  3   1000                  ASSERT 2 * relocate_count == relocate_size
  4   1000                  ASSERT 17 == relocate_count
  5   1000 11 00            dw      relocate_count
  6   1002 22 00            dw      relocate_size
  7   1004
  8   1004                  STRUCT st1
  9   1004 ~            x       BYTE    $12
 10   1004 ~            y       WORD    absolute1
 11   1004 ~            relInit WORD    reloc1          ; the default init value should be relocated
 12   1004 ~            noRel   WORD    reloc2-reloc1
relocation_struct.asm(13): warning[reldiverts]: Expression can't be relocated by simple "+offset" mechanics, value diverts differently.
 13   1004 ~            badRel  WORD    2*reloc1        ; warning about not simple "+offset"
 14   1004 ~            badRel2 WORD    2*reloc1        ; reldiverts-ok ; suppressed warning
relocation_struct.asm(15): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
 15   1004 ~            warn1   BYTE    high reloc1     ; warning because unstable
relocation_struct.asm(16): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
 16   1004 ~            warn2   D24     reloc1          ; warning - D24 is not supported for relocation
relocation_struct.asm(17): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
 17   1004 ~            warn3   DWORD   reloc1          ; warning - D24 is not supported for relocation
 18   1004 ~            Swarn1  BYTE    high reloc1     ; relunstable-ok ; suppressed warning
 19   1004 ~            Swarn2  D24     reloc1          ; relunstable-ok ; suppressed warning
 20   1004 ~            Swarn3  DWORD   reloc1          ; relunstable-ok ; suppressed warning
 21   1004                  ENDS
 22   1004
 23   1004              reloc1:
 24   1004
 25   1004                  ; instancing the struct in relocatable block
 26   1004 12 DC 87 04  .t1 st1     {}                  ; default "relInit" value is to be relocated
 26   1008 10 06 01 08
 26   100C 20 08 20 10
 26   1010 04 10 00 04
 26   1014 10 00 00 10
 26   1018 04 10 00 04
 26   101C 10 00 00
 27   101F 12 04 10 DC  .t2 st1     {,reloc1,absolute1} ; "y" to be relocated, "relInit" NOT (absolute value)
 27   1023 87 06 01 08
 27   1027 20 08 20 10
 27   102B 04 10 00 04
 27   102F 10 00 00 10
 27   1033 04 10 00 04
 27   1037 10 00 00
 28   103A                  ; warning about non-word members
relocation_struct.asm(29): warning[relunstable]: Relocation makes one of the expressions unstable, resulting machine code is not relocatable
 29   103A 10 12 34 56  .t3 st1     {high reloc1, $3412, $7856}
 29   103E 78 06 01 08
 29   1042 20 08 20 10
 29   1046 04 10 00 04
 29   104A 10 00 00 10
 29   104E 04 10 00 04
 29   1052 10 00 00
 30   1055 10 12 34 56  .t4 st1     {high reloc1, $3412, $7856}     ; relunstable-ok ; suppressed warning
 30   1059 78 06 01 08
 30   105D 20 08 20 10
 30   1061 04 10 00 04
 30   1065 10 00 00 10
 30   1069 04 10 00 04
 30   106D 10 00 00
 31   1070                  ; warning about unrelocatable value
relocation_struct.asm(32): warning[reldiverts]: Expression can't be relocated by simple "+offset" mechanics, value diverts differently.
 32   1070 12 DC 87 08  .t5 st1     {,, 2*reloc1}
 32   1074 20 06 01 08
 32   1078 20 08 20 10
 32   107C 04 10 00 04
 32   1080 10 00 00 10
 32   1084 04 10 00 04
 32   1088 10 00 00
 33   108B 12 DC 87 08  .t6 st1     {,, 2*reloc1}       ; reldiverts-ok ; suppressed warning
 33   108F 20 06 01 08
 33   1093 20 08 20 10
 33   1097 04 10 00 04
 33   109B 10 00 00 10
 33   109F 04 10 00 04
 33   10A3 10 00 00
 34   10A6
 35   10A6 DD 21 04 10      ld      ix,reloc1.t1        ; to be relocated (address of instance)
 36   10AA FD 21 1F 10      ld      iy,.t2              ; to be relocated (address of instance)
 37   10AE
 38   10AE                  ; using the struct offsets - no relocation data needed (offsets are relative values)
 39   10AE DD 7E 00         ld      a,(ix+st1.x)
 40   10B1 DD 7E 01         ld      a,(ix+st1.y)
 41   10B4 DD 7E 03         ld      a,(ix+st1.relInit)
 42   10B7 DD 7E 05         ld      a,(ix+st1.noRel)
 43   10BA 3E 1B            ld      a,st1               ; struct length is absolute
 44   10BC
 45   10BC                  ; using struct addresses - to be relocated
 46   10BC 3A 04 10         ld      a,(reloc1.t1.x)
 47   10BF 2A 05 10         ld      hl,(reloc1.t1.y)
 48   10C2 ED 5B 07 10      ld      de,(reloc1.t1.relInit)
 49   10C6 ED 4B 09 10      ld      bc,(reloc1.t1.noRel)
 50   10CA 3A 1F 10         ld      a,(.t2.x)
 51   10CD 2A 20 10         ld      hl,(.t2.y)
 52   10D0 ED 5B 22 10      ld      de,(.t2.relInit)
 53   10D4 ED 4B 24 10      ld      bc,(.t2.noRel)
 54   10D8
 55   10D8                  ; using absolute struct instance = to be ignored
 56   10D8 3A DC 87         ld      a,(absolute1.t1.x)
 57   10DB 2A DD 87         ld      hl,(absolute1.t1.y)
 58   10DE ED 5B DF 87      ld      de,(absolute1.t1.relInit)
 59   10E2 ED 4B E1 87      ld      bc,(absolute1.t1.noRel)
 60   10E6
 61   10E6                  ; using alias instance placed at particular address
 62   10E6              akaT1   st1 = .t1               ; transitive relocation - to be relocated
 63   10E6 3A 04 10         ld      a,(akaT1.x)
 64   10E9 2A 05 10         ld      hl,(akaT1.y)
 65   10EC ED 5B 07 10      ld      de,(akaT1.relInit)
 66   10F0 ED 4B 09 10      ld      bc,(akaT1.noRel)
 67   10F4 DD 21 04 10      ld      ix,akaT1
 68   10F8
 69   10F8                  ; same alias test, but with absolute instance = no relocation data
 70   10F8              akaA1   st1 = absolute1.t1
 71   10F8 3A DC 87         ld      a,(akaA1.x)
 72   10FB 2A DD 87         ld      hl,(akaA1.y)
 73   10FE ED 5B DF 87      ld      de,(akaA1.relInit)
 74   1102 ED 4B E1 87      ld      bc,(akaA1.noRel)
 75   1106 DD 21 DC 87      ld      ix,akaA1
 76   110A
 77   110A              reloc2:
 78   110A                  RELOCATE_END
 79   110A
 80   110A                  ORG $2000
 81   2000 07 10 20 10      RELOCATE_TABLE
 81   2004 A8 10 AC 10
 81   2008 BD 10 C0 10
 81   200C C4 10 C8 10
 81   2010 CB 10 CE 10
 81   2014 D2 10 D6 10
 81   2018 E7 10 EA 10
 81   201C EE 10 F2 10
 81   2020 F6 10
 82   2022
 83   2022              ; no relocation area (no warnings, no relocation data)
 84   2022                  ORG $87DC
 85   87DC              absolute1:
 86   87DC
 87   87DC                  ; instancing the struct in absolute block - NOTHING to be relocated
 88   87DC 12 DC 87 04  .t1 st1     {}
 88   87E0 10 06 01 08
 88   87E4 20 08 20 10
 88   87E8 04 10 00 04
 88   87EC 10 00 00 10
 88   87F0 04 10 00 04
 88   87F4 10 00 00
 89   87F7 12 04 10 DC  .t2 st1     {,reloc1,absolute1}
 89   87FB 87 06 01 08
 89   87FF 20 08 20 10
 89   8803 04 10 00 04
 89   8807 10 00 00 10
 89   880B 04 10 00 04
 89   880F 10 00 00
 90   8812                  ; no warning about unstable values or value being different
 91   8812 10 DC 87 04  .t3 st1     {high reloc1}
 91   8816 10 06 01 08
 91   881A 20 08 20 10
 91   881E 04 10 00 04
 91   8822 10 00 00 10
 91   8826 04 10 00 04
 91   882A 10 00 00
 92   882D 12 DC 87 08  .t5 st1     {,, 2*reloc1}
 92   8831 20 06 01 08
 92   8835 20 08 20 10
 92   8839 04 10 00 04
 92   883D 10 00 00 10
 92   8841 04 10 00 04
 92   8845 10 00 00
 93   8848
 94   8848 DD 21 04 10      ld      ix,reloc1.t1        ; not to be relocated even when using relocatable instance
 95   884C FD 21 F7 87      ld      iy,absolute1.t2
 96   8850
 97   8850                  ; using the struct offsets - no relocation data needed (offsets are relative values)
 98   8850 DD 7E 00         ld      a,(ix+st1.x)
 99   8853 DD 7E 01         ld      a,(ix+st1.y)
100   8856 DD 7E 03         ld      a,(ix+st1.relInit)
101   8859 DD 7E 05         ld      a,(ix+st1.noRel)
102   885C
103   885C                  ; using struct addresses (relocatable ones and absolute ones - either should be NOT relocated)
104   885C 3A 04 10         ld      a,(reloc1.t1.x)
105   885F 2A 05 10         ld      hl,(reloc1.t1.y)
106   8862 ED 5B 07 10      ld      de,(reloc1.t1.relInit)
107   8866 ED 4B 09 10      ld      bc,(reloc1.t1.noRel)
108   886A 3A F7 87         ld      a,(absolute1.t2.x)
109   886D 2A F8 87         ld      hl,(absolute1.t2.y)
110   8870 ED 5B FA 87      ld      de,(absolute1.t2.relInit)
111   8874 ED 4B FC 87      ld      bc,(absolute1.t2.noRel)
112   8878
113   8878                  ; using relocatable alias (not outside of block = no relocation)
114   8878 3A 04 10         ld      a,(akaT1.x)
115   887B 2A 05 10         ld      hl,(akaT1.y)
116   887E ED 5B 07 10      ld      de,(akaT1.relInit)
117   8882 ED 4B 09 10      ld      bc,(akaT1.noRel)
118   8886 DD 21 04 10      ld      ix,akaT1
119   888A
120   888A                  ASSERT 0 == 0
121   888A                  ASSERT 6 == 6
122   888A
# file closed: relocation_struct.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x87DC   absolute1
0x87DC   absolute1.t1
0x87E3 X absolute1.t1.badRel
0x87E5 X absolute1.t1.badRel2
0x87E1   absolute1.t1.noRel
0x87DF   absolute1.t1.relInit
0x87EF X absolute1.t1.Swarn1
0x87F0 X absolute1.t1.Swarn2
0x87F3 X absolute1.t1.Swarn3
0x87E7 X absolute1.t1.warn1
0x87E8 X absolute1.t1.warn2
0x87EB X absolute1.t1.warn3
0x87DC   absolute1.t1.x
0x87DD   absolute1.t1.y
0x87F7   absolute1.t2
0x87FE X absolute1.t2.badRel
0x8800 X absolute1.t2.badRel2
0x87FC   absolute1.t2.noRel
0x87FA   absolute1.t2.relInit
0x880A X absolute1.t2.Swarn1
0x880B X absolute1.t2.Swarn2
0x880E X absolute1.t2.Swarn3
0x8802 X absolute1.t2.warn1
0x8803 X absolute1.t2.warn2
0x8806 X absolute1.t2.warn3
0x87F7   absolute1.t2.x
0x87F8   absolute1.t2.y
0x8812 X absolute1.t3
0x8819 X absolute1.t3.badRel
0x881B X absolute1.t3.badRel2
0x8817 X absolute1.t3.noRel
0x8815 X absolute1.t3.relInit
0x8825 X absolute1.t3.Swarn1
0x8826 X absolute1.t3.Swarn2
0x8829 X absolute1.t3.Swarn3
0x881D X absolute1.t3.warn1
0x881E X absolute1.t3.warn2
0x8821 X absolute1.t3.warn3
0x8812 X absolute1.t3.x
0x8813 X absolute1.t3.y
0x882D X absolute1.t5
0x8834 X absolute1.t5.badRel
0x8836 X absolute1.t5.badRel2
0x8832 X absolute1.t5.noRel
0x8830 X absolute1.t5.relInit
0x8840 X absolute1.t5.Swarn1
0x8841 X absolute1.t5.Swarn2
0x8844 X absolute1.t5.Swarn3
0x8838 X absolute1.t5.warn1
0x8839 X absolute1.t5.warn2
0x883C X absolute1.t5.warn3
0x882D X absolute1.t5.x
0x882E X absolute1.t5.y
0x87DC   akaA1
0x87E3 X akaA1.badRel
0x87E5 X akaA1.badRel2
0x87E1   akaA1.noRel
0x87DF   akaA1.relInit
0x87EF X akaA1.Swarn1
0x87F0 X akaA1.Swarn2
0x87F3 X akaA1.Swarn3
0x87E7 X akaA1.warn1
0x87E8 X akaA1.warn2
0x87EB X akaA1.warn3
0x87DC   akaA1.x
0x87DD   akaA1.y
0x1004   akaT1
0x100B X akaT1.badRel
0x100D X akaT1.badRel2
0x1009   akaT1.noRel
0x1007   akaT1.relInit
0x1017 X akaT1.Swarn1
0x1018 X akaT1.Swarn2
0x101B X akaT1.Swarn3
0x100F X akaT1.warn1
0x1010 X akaT1.warn2
0x1013 X akaT1.warn3
0x1004   akaT1.x
0x1005   akaT1.y
0x1004   reloc1
0x1004   reloc1.t1
0x100B X reloc1.t1.badRel
0x100D X reloc1.t1.badRel2
0x1009   reloc1.t1.noRel
0x1007   reloc1.t1.relInit
0x1017 X reloc1.t1.Swarn1
0x1018 X reloc1.t1.Swarn2
0x101B X reloc1.t1.Swarn3
0x100F X reloc1.t1.warn1
0x1010 X reloc1.t1.warn2
0x1013 X reloc1.t1.warn3
0x1004   reloc1.t1.x
0x1005   reloc1.t1.y
0x101F   reloc1.t2
0x1026 X reloc1.t2.badRel
0x1028 X reloc1.t2.badRel2
0x1024   reloc1.t2.noRel
0x1022   reloc1.t2.relInit
0x1032 X reloc1.t2.Swarn1
0x1033 X reloc1.t2.Swarn2
0x1036 X reloc1.t2.Swarn3
0x102A X reloc1.t2.warn1
0x102B X reloc1.t2.warn2
0x102E X reloc1.t2.warn3
0x101F   reloc1.t2.x
0x1020   reloc1.t2.y
0x103A X reloc1.t3
0x1041 X reloc1.t3.badRel
0x1043 X reloc1.t3.badRel2
0x103F X reloc1.t3.noRel
0x103D X reloc1.t3.relInit
0x104D X reloc1.t3.Swarn1
0x104E X reloc1.t3.Swarn2
0x1051 X reloc1.t3.Swarn3
0x1045 X reloc1.t3.warn1
0x1046 X reloc1.t3.warn2
0x1049 X reloc1.t3.warn3
0x103A X reloc1.t3.x
0x103B X reloc1.t3.y
0x1055 X reloc1.t4
0x105C X reloc1.t4.badRel
0x105E X reloc1.t4.badRel2
0x105A X reloc1.t4.noRel
0x1058 X reloc1.t4.relInit
0x1068 X reloc1.t4.Swarn1
0x1069 X reloc1.t4.Swarn2
0x106C X reloc1.t4.Swarn3
0x1060 X reloc1.t4.warn1
0x1061 X reloc1.t4.warn2
0x1064 X reloc1.t4.warn3
0x1055 X reloc1.t4.x
0x1056 X reloc1.t4.y
0x1070 X reloc1.t5
0x1077 X reloc1.t5.badRel
0x1079 X reloc1.t5.badRel2
0x1075 X reloc1.t5.noRel
0x1073 X reloc1.t5.relInit
0x1083 X reloc1.t5.Swarn1
0x1084 X reloc1.t5.Swarn2
0x1087 X reloc1.t5.Swarn3
0x107B X reloc1.t5.warn1
0x107C X reloc1.t5.warn2
0x107F X reloc1.t5.warn3
0x1070 X reloc1.t5.x
0x1071 X reloc1.t5.y
0x108B X reloc1.t6
0x1092 X reloc1.t6.badRel
0x1094 X reloc1.t6.badRel2
0x1090 X reloc1.t6.noRel
0x108E X reloc1.t6.relInit
0x109E X reloc1.t6.Swarn1
0x109F X reloc1.t6.Swarn2
0x10A2 X reloc1.t6.Swarn3
0x1096 X reloc1.t6.warn1
0x1097 X reloc1.t6.warn2
0x109A X reloc1.t6.warn3
0x108B X reloc1.t6.x
0x108C X reloc1.t6.y
0x110A   reloc2
0x0011   relocate_count
0x0022   relocate_size
0x001B   st1
0x0007 X st1.badRel
0x0009 X st1.badRel2
0x0005   st1.noRel
0x0003   st1.relInit
0x0013 X st1.Swarn1
0x0014 X st1.Swarn2
0x0017 X st1.Swarn3
0x000B X st1.warn1
0x000C X st1.warn2
0x000F X st1.warn3
0x0000   st1.x
0x0001   st1.y