;Note: the sjasmplus now supports the unofficial 3 letter extensions as described by Dart_Alver
;A TR-DOS filename is max. 8 characters, with a single-character extension. http://zx-modules.de/fileformats/hobetaformat.html
device zxspectrum128
org #8000
label1 db 'text1'
org #8100
label2 db 'text2'
org #8200
label3 db 'text3'
EMPTYTRD trd.trd
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label1.txt",label1,5 ; new warnings about 3-letter extension
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.txt",label2,5
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label3.txt",label3,5
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label4.txt",label2,5 ; ok ; warning suppressed
; test the "invalid extension warning" and if it can be suppressed
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.B",label2,5 ; no warning
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.J",label2,5 ; warning
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label3.J",label2,5 ; ok ; warning suppressed
; test the new warning about saving same file second time (v1.15.1+)
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.B",label2,5 ; warning
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.B",label2,5 ; ok ; warning suppressed
; test the new warnings about "B" extension allowing only single letter
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.BAS",label1,5 ; 3x warning (3 letter ext, ".B" enforces 1 letter, duplicate file)
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label2.BAS",label1,5 ; ok ; warnings suppressed
; test deletion of duplicate files when in replace/add modes
SAVETRD "trd.trd",|"label2.B",label2,5
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label3.J",label2,5 ; ok
SAVETRD "trd.trd",&"label3.J",label2,5
SAVEHOB "trd.$t","labels.txt",label1,end-label1
; TODO add some check to validate resulting files
; some more syntax error tests for better code coverage
SAVEHOB "trd.$t"
SAVEHOB "trd.$t",
SAVEHOB "trd.$t",,
SAVEHOB "trd.$t","labels.txt",label1,end-label1
SAVETRD "trd.trd","label1.txt",label1,5