STRUCT substr1
sm00 text 5, { "12!" } ; last byte fills remaining size, i.e. `12!!!` (in definition)
STRUCT substr2
byte '3'
sub0 substr1 { { "4", "5", "67" } } ; `4567!` - init value does only replace definition values
byte '8'
sub1 text 3, { '?' } ; `???`
byte 'A'
STRUCT str, 1
m00 byte 'B'
m01 text 10, { "CDEFG", "H", $40+9, "JKL" } ; `CDEFGHIJKL`
m02 block 1, 'M'
m03 TEXT 5, { 'N' } ; `NNNNN`
m04 defs 1, 'O'
m05 substr2 { 'P', { {"QRSTU"} }, 'V', { 'W', "XY" }, 'Z' }
m06 substr2
m07 substr1
m08 substr2 { 'a', 'b', 'c' } ; texts are skipped with default initializer
m09 substr2 { 'd', {}, 'e', {}, 'f' } ; texts are skipped with default initializer
ORG 0x8000
ds 0x4000, '_' ; fill memory with '_'
ORG 0x8000
;; first set testing init-values list structure parsing
d01 str : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNOPQRSTUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
d02 str {,,,{'#'}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#QRSTUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
d03 str {{},{}{'#'{{"Q##"}}}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#Q##TUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
d04 str {{},{},{'#',{{"Q##"}}}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#Q##TUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
d05 str {{},{},{{}},{'#',{},,{"."}}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#4567!8.??A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
;; identical test cases as d02..d05, but without the top-level enclosing {}
;; but then these need initial comma for 'B' byte, to force first {} to "CDEFG.." text
dx2 str ,,,{'#'} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#QRSTUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
dx3 str ,{},{}{'#'{{"Q##"}}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#Q##TUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
dx4 str ,{},{},{'#',{{"Q##"}}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#Q##TUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
dx5 str ,{},{},{{}},{'#',{},,{"."}} : DB "\n"
; "_BCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#4567!8.??A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
;; initial 'B' explicitly modified
dy2 str 'g',,,{'#'} : DB "\n"
; "_gCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#QRSTUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
dy3 str 'h',{},{}{'#'{{"Q##"}}} : DB "\n"
; "_hCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#Q##TUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
dy4 str 'i',{},{},{'#',{{"Q##"}}} : DB "\n"
; "_iCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNO#Q##TUVWXYZ34567!8???A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
dy5 str 'j',{},{},{{}},{'#',{},,{"."}} : DB "\n"
; "_jCDEFGHIJKLMNNNNNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#4567!8.??A12!!!a4567!b???cd4567!e???f\n"
parse1 substr1 {{'0'|1,'0'|2,'0'+3}} : DB "\n"
; "123!!\n"
; BIN is produced only from valid emits (skipping the following error checking part)
SAVEBIN "field_type_text.bin", 0x8000, $-0x8000
;; too long text initializer
err1 substr1 {{"abcde!"}}
;; too long text initializer (defined by single bytes)
err2 substr1 {{'a','b','c','d','e','!'}}
err3 substr1 {{'a','b','c','d','e',$21}}
; error in text field definition
text 2 ; valid (zeroed)
text 1, {'1'} ; valid
text 1, { } ; valid (zeroed)
text 128, {'2'} ; valid ; 128 was old maximum, now it is 8192 (not testing)
; invalid ones (some error should be reported):
text 0, {'3'}
text -1, {'4'}
text 8193, {'5'}
; next line emits 00 00
text 2 @
; next line emits 00 00
text 2,
; next line emits 00 00
text 2, {,
; next line emits 00 00
text 2, {'
; next line emits 36 00
text 2, {'6
; next line emits 37 00
text 2, {'7'
; next line emits 00 00
text 2, "89"
; next line emits 00 00
text 2, { @, @ }
emitE1 S_ERR1
texts 30, { "invalid type" } ; but looks similar
TEXTS 30, { "invalid type" } ; but looks similar