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luaincS.asm(19): warning: [LUA] Pass updated to 1, device: NONE
# file opened: luaincS.asm
 1    0000              ; test include paths on command line and their priorities, there are multiple steps:
 2    0000              ; luainc.asm       = no extra include path, should include from working directory
 3    0000              ; luaincS.asm      = +include paths "luaincSSSS_v"
 4    0000              ; luaincSS.asm     = +include paths "luaincSSSS_i"
 5    0000              ; luaincSSS.asm    = +include paths "luaincSSSS_v", "luaincSSSS_i"
 6    0000              ; luaincSSSS.asm   = +include paths "luaincSSSS_i", "luaincSSSS_v"
 7    0000
 8    0000              ; The following code is intentionally mischievous and damaging assembling process, and
 9    0000              ; the results of the assembling will very likely change in the future, as the work
10    0000              ; on consolidation of sjasmplus will continue, this is NOT example how to use lua scripts!
11    0000              ; it's more like anti-example, how to NOT use it.
12    0000
13    0000                  LUA PASS1
14    0000 ~                    pass = 0
15    0000                  ENDLUA
16    0000                  LUA ALLPASS
17    0000 ~                    pass = pass + 1
18    0000 ~                    if pass == 1 or pass == 3 then
19    0000 ~                      sj.warning('Pass updated to ' .. pass .. ', device: ' .. sj.get_device())
20    0000 ~                    end
luaincS.asm(19): warning: [LUA] Pass updated to 3, device: ZXSPECTRUM1024
21    0000                  ENDLUA
22    0000
23    0000                  DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM1024
24    0000
25    0000                  ORG     $8000
26    8000
27    8000                  INCLUDELUA luaincSSSS.lua   ; this will load local version (defining two functions)
28    8000
29    8000                  INCLUDELUA <luaincSSSS.lua> ; this may load "system" version depending on -I options
30    8000
31    8000              loopyLoop:
32    8000
33    8000 CD 0C 80         call    forwardyLabelo
34    8003
35    8003                  LUA ALLPASS
36    8003 ~                inc_ld_local('A', pass + 10)    -- defined only in local LUA script (never changes)
37    8003 3E 0D        LD A,13 ; function only in local include
37    8005 3E 0D        LD A,13 ; function only in local include
37    8007 3E 0D        LD A,13 ; function only in local include
37    8009                  ENDLUA
38    8009
39    8009                  LUA ALLPASS
40    8009 ~                inc_ld_system('A', pass)        -- defined in all includes, the one with priority wins
luaincSSSS_v/luaincSSSS.lua(3): warning: [LUA] Accessing low memory address 0x0003, is it ok?: LD A,(3) 
luaincS.asm(41): ^ emitted from here
41    8009 3A 03 00     LD A,(3) ; overloaded funcion (system-valid variant)
41    800C                  ENDLUA
42    800C
43    800C 18 F2            jr  loopyLoop
44    800E
luaincS.asm(45): warning: Label has different value in pass 3: previous value 32780 not equal 32782
45    800E              forwardyLabelo:
46    800E C7               rst 0
47    800F
luaincS.asm(48): warning: Negative BLOCK?
48    800F                  ds  stretchItEvenMore-forwardyLabelo-1, 201
49    0000
50    0000                  ALIGN 256
51    0000              stretchItEvenMore:
52    0000 D7               rst 16
53    0001
# file closed: luaincS.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x8000   loopyLoop
0x800E   forwardyLabelo
0x0000   stretchItEvenMore