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error: Syntax option not implemented yet: L
# file opened: syntax2_ABFL.asm
 1    0000              ; SYNTAX option "aBFL":     (used to be "ABFL", but "A" was removed)
 2    0000              ;  L is "unimplemented yet" (comments below are for future implementation)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(3): error: Fake instructions are not enabled: ld      bc,hl
 3    0000                  ld      bc,hl       ; error
syntax2_ABFL.asm(4): error: Fake instructions are not enabled: ld      bc,hl
 4    0000                  ld      bc,hl       ; still error even with "fake" in this comment
 5    0000 90               sub     a,b         ; sub b
 6    0001 97 90            sub     a,,b        ; sub a : sub b
syntax2_ABFL.asm(7): error: Unexpected: ``b
 7    0003 97               sub     a``b        ; error
 8    0004 44 4D            ld      b,h,,c,l    ; ld b,h : ld c,l
syntax2_ABFL.asm(9): error: Unexpected: ``c,l
 9    0006 44               ld      b,h``c,l    ; error
syntax2_ABFL.asm(10): error: Unexpected: , c,l
10    0007 44               ld      b,h, c,l    ; error
11    0008              hl:                     ; error
12    0008 3E 08            ld      a,(hl)      ; expression error  ; with "L" unimplemented this actually works as LD a,8
13    000A 7E               ld      a,[hl]      ; memory reference
14    000B
15    000B                  ; some specifics of B mode - I/O instructions still work only with round parentheses
syntax2_ABFL.asm(16): error: Label not found: c
16    000B C3 00 00         jp      (c)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(17): error: Illegal instruction:     jp      [c]
17    000E                  jp      [c]
syntax2_ABFL.asm(18): error: Label not found: C
18    000E C3 00 00         jp      (C)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(19): error: Illegal instruction:     jp      [C]
19    0011                  jp      [C]
20    0011                  OPT --zxnext
21    0011 ED 98            jp      (c)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(22): error: Illegal instruction:     jp      [c]
22    0013                  jp      [c]
23    0013 ED 98            jp      (C)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(24): error: Illegal instruction:     jp      [C]
24    0015                  jp      [C]
25    0015
26    0015 ED 78            in      a,(c)
27    0017 DB FE            in      a,(254)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(28): warning[out0]: 'out (c),0' is unstable, on CMOS based chips it does `out (c),255`
28    0019 ED 71            out     (c),0
29    001B ED 41            out     (c),b
30    001D D3 FE            out     (254),a
31    001F
32    001F DB FE            in      a,254       ; or without parentheses at all (new syntax variant)
33    0021 D3 FE            out     254,a
34    0023
35    0023                  ; but square brackets will not work (errors)
syntax2_ABFL.asm(36): error: Syntax error: [c]
syntax2_ABFL.asm(36): error: Unexpected: [c]
36    0023 DB 00            in      a,[c]
syntax2_ABFL.asm(37): error: Syntax error: [254]
syntax2_ABFL.asm(37): error: Unexpected: [254]
37    0025 DB 00            in      a,[254]
syntax2_ABFL.asm(38): error: Syntax error: [c],b
38    0027                  out     [c],b
syntax2_ABFL.asm(39): error: Syntax error: [254],a
39    0027                  out     [254],a
40    0027
# file closed: syntax2_ABFL.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0008   hl