ORG 0x8000 : OUTPUT "all_fake.bin"
OPT reset --zxnext=cspect --syntax=f ; fakes warning ON
break ; CSpect emulator breakpoint (was used to verify all fakes below in debugger)
rl_bc rl bc
rl_de rl de
rl_hl rl hl
rr_bc rr bc
rr_de rr de
rr_hl rr hl
sla_bc sla bc
sla_de sla de
sla_hl sla hl
sll_bc sll bc
sll_de sll de
sll_hl sll hl
sli_bc sli bc
sli_de sli de
sli_hl sli hl
sra_bc sra bc
sra_de sra de
sra_hl sra hl
srl_bc srl bc
srl_de srl de
srl_hl srl hl
ld_bc_bc ld bc,bc
ld_bc_de ld bc,de
ld_bc_hl ld bc,hl
ld_bc_ix ld bc,ix
ld_bc_iy ld bc,iy
ld_bc_#hl# ld bc,(hl)
ld_bc_#ix_nn# ld bc,(ix+$77)
ld_bc_#iy_nn# ld bc,(iy+$77)
ld_de_bc ld de,bc
ld_de_de ld de,de
ld_de_hl ld de,hl
ld_de_ix ld de,ix
ld_de_iy ld de,iy
ld_de_#hl# ld de,(hl)
ld_de_#ix_nn# ld de,(ix+$77)
ld_de_#iy_nn# ld de,(iy+$77)
ld_hl_bc ld hl,bc
ld_hl_de ld hl,de
ld_hl_hl ld hl,hl
ld_hl_ix ld hl,ix
ld_hl_iy ld hl,iy
ld_hl_#ix_nn# ld hl,(ix+$77)
ld_hl_#iy_nn# ld hl,(iy+$77)
ld_ix_bc ld ix,bc
ld_ix_de ld ix,de
ld_ix_hl ld ix,hl
ld_ix_ix ld ix,ix
ld_ix_iy ld ix,iy
ld_iy_bc ld iy,bc
ld_iy_de ld iy,de
ld_iy_hl ld iy,hl
ld_iy_ix ld iy,ix
ld_iy_iy ld iy,iy
ld_#hl#_bc ld (hl),bc
ld_#hl#_de ld (hl),de
ld_#ix_nn#_bc ld (ix+$77),bc
ld_#ix_nn#_de ld (ix+$77),de
ld_#ix_nn#_hl ld (ix+$77),hl
ld_#iy_nn#_bc ld (iy+$77),bc
ld_#iy_nn#_de ld (iy+$77),de
ld_#iy_nn#_hl ld (iy+$77),hl
ldi_bc_#hl# ldi bc,(hl)
ldi_bc_#ix_nn# ldi bc,(ix+$77)
ldi_bc_#iy_nn# ldi bc,(iy+$77)
ldi_de_#hl# ldi de,(hl)
ldi_de_#ix_nn# ldi de,(ix+$77)
ldi_de_#iy_nn# ldi de,(iy+$77)
ldi_hl_#ix_nn# ldi hl,(ix+$77)
ldi_hl_#iy_nn# ldi hl,(iy+$77)
ldi_#hl#_bc ldi (hl),bc
ldi_#hl#_de ldi (hl),de
ldi_#ix_nn#_bc ldi (ix+$77),bc
ldi_#ix_nn#_de ldi (ix+$77),de
ldi_#ix_nn#_hl ldi (ix+$77),hl
ldi_#iy_nn#_bc ldi (iy+$77),bc
ldi_#iy_nn#_de ldi (iy+$77),de
ldi_#iy_nn#_hl ldi (iy+$77),hl
ldi_a_#bc# ldi a,(bc)
ldi_a_#de# ldi a,(de)
ldi_a_#hl# ldi a,(hl)
ldi_b_#hl# ldi b,(hl)
ldi_c_#hl# ldi c,(hl)
ldi_d_#hl# ldi d,(hl)
ldi_e_#hl# ldi e,(hl)
ldi_h_#hl# ldi h,(hl)
ldi_l_#hl# ldi l,(hl)
ldi_a_#ix_nn# ldi a,(ix+$77)
ldi_b_#ix_nn# ldi b,(ix+$77)
ldi_c_#ix_nn# ldi c,(ix+$77)
ldi_d_#ix_nn# ldi d,(ix+$77)
ldi_e_#ix_nn# ldi e,(ix+$77)
ldi_h_#ix_nn# ldi h,(ix+$77)
ldi_l_#ix_nn# ldi l,(ix+$77)
ldi_a_#iy_nn# ldi a,(iy+$77)
ldi_b_#iy_nn# ldi b,(iy+$77)
ldi_c_#iy_nn# ldi c,(iy+$77)
ldi_d_#iy_nn# ldi d,(iy+$77)
ldi_e_#iy_nn# ldi e,(iy+$77)
ldi_h_#iy_nn# ldi h,(iy+$77)
ldi_l_#iy_nn# ldi l,(iy+$77)
ldd_a_#bc# ldd a,(bc)
ldd_a_#de# ldd a,(de)
ldd_a_#hl# ldd a,(hl)
ldd_b_#hl# ldd b,(hl)
ldd_c_#hl# ldd c,(hl)
ldd_d_#hl# ldd d,(hl)
ldd_e_#hl# ldd e,(hl)
ldd_h_#hl# ldd h,(hl)
ldd_l_#hl# ldd l,(hl)
ldd_a_#ix_nn# ldd a,(ix+$77)
ldd_b_#ix_nn# ldd b,(ix+$77)
ldd_c_#ix_nn# ldd c,(ix+$77)
ldd_d_#ix_nn# ldd d,(ix+$77)
ldd_e_#ix_nn# ldd e,(ix+$77)
ldd_h_#ix_nn# ldd h,(ix+$77)
ldd_l_#ix_nn# ldd l,(ix+$77)
ldd_a_#iy_nn# ldd a,(iy+$77)
ldd_b_#iy_nn# ldd b,(iy+$77)
ldd_c_#iy_nn# ldd c,(iy+$77)
ldd_d_#iy_nn# ldd d,(iy+$77)
ldd_e_#iy_nn# ldd e,(iy+$77)
ldd_h_#iy_nn# ldd h,(iy+$77)
ldd_l_#iy_nn# ldd l,(iy+$77)
ldi_#bc#_a ldi (bc),a
ldi_#de#_a ldi (de),a
ldi_#hl#_a ldi (hl),a
ldi_#hl#_b ldi (hl),b
ldi_#hl#_c ldi (hl),c
ldi_#hl#_d ldi (hl),d
ldi_#hl#_e ldi (hl),e
ldi_#hl#_h ldi (hl),h
ldi_#hl#_l ldi (hl),l
ldi_#ix_nn#_a ldi (ix+$77),a
ldi_#ix_nn#_b ldi (ix+$77),b
ldi_#ix_nn#_c ldi (ix+$77),c
ldi_#ix_nn#_d ldi (ix+$77),d
ldi_#ix_nn#_e ldi (ix+$77),e
ldi_#ix_nn#_h ldi (ix+$77),h
ldi_#ix_nn#_l ldi (ix+$77),l
ldi_#iy_nn#_a ldi (iy+$77),a
ldi_#iy_nn#_b ldi (iy+$77),b
ldi_#iy_nn#_c ldi (iy+$77),c
ldi_#iy_nn#_d ldi (iy+$77),d
ldi_#iy_nn#_e ldi (iy+$77),e
ldi_#iy_nn#_h ldi (iy+$77),h
ldi_#iy_nn#_l ldi (iy+$77),l
ldd_#bc#_a ldd (bc),a
ldd_#de#_a ldd (de),a
ldd_#hl#_a ldd (hl),a
ldd_#hl#_b ldd (hl),b
ldd_#hl#_c ldd (hl),c
ldd_#hl#_d ldd (hl),d
ldd_#hl#_e ldd (hl),e
ldd_#hl#_h ldd (hl),h
ldd_#hl#_l ldd (hl),l
ldd_#ix_nn#_a ldd (ix+$77),a
ldd_#ix_nn#_b ldd (ix+$77),b
ldd_#ix_nn#_c ldd (ix+$77),c
ldd_#ix_nn#_d ldd (ix+$77),d
ldd_#ix_nn#_e ldd (ix+$77),e
ldd_#ix_nn#_h ldd (ix+$77),h
ldd_#ix_nn#_l ldd (ix+$77),l
ldd_#iy_nn#_a ldd (iy+$77),a
ldd_#iy_nn#_b ldd (iy+$77),b
ldd_#iy_nn#_c ldd (iy+$77),c
ldd_#iy_nn#_d ldd (iy+$77),d
ldd_#iy_nn#_e ldd (iy+$77),e
ldd_#iy_nn#_h ldd (iy+$77),h
ldd_#iy_nn#_l ldd (iy+$77),l
ldi_#hl#_nn ldi (hl),$44
ldi_#ix_nn#_nn ldi (ix+$77),$44
ldi_#iy_nn#_nn ldi (iy+$77),$44
ldd_#hl#_nn ldd (hl),$44
ldd_#ix_nn#_nn ldd (ix+$77),$44
ldd_#iy_nn#_nn ldd (iy+$77),$44
adc_de_bc adc de,bc
adc_de_de adc de,de
adc_de_hl adc de,hl
adc_de_sp adc de,sp
add_de_bc add de,bc
add_de_de add de,de
add_de_hl add de,hl
add_de_sp add de,sp
sbc_de_bc sbc de,bc
sbc_de_de sbc de,de
sbc_de_hl sbc de,hl
sbc_de_sp sbc de,sp
sub_de_bc sub de,bc
sub_de_de sub de,de
sub_de_hl sub de,hl
sub_de_sp sub de,sp
sub_hl_bc sub hl,bc
sub_hl_de sub hl,de
sub_hl_hl sub hl,hl
sub_hl_sp sub hl,sp
; ZXNext section - there are no true regular fakes yet, but some specials
zxn_mul mul ; no warning "correct" syntax: "mul d,e" and "mul de"
; no message when in --zxnext=cspect mode
zxn_csp_break break ; CSpect emulator only: breakpoint instruction
zxn_csp_exit exit ; CSpect emulator only: exit instruction
OPT --zxnext ; do 2x error stating the requirement (using nops to advance labels)
zxn_csp_break2 break : nop
zxn_csp_exit2 exit : nop
; debug snapshot for Cspect
; DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM48 : CSPECTMAP : SAVESNA "all_fake.sna", 0x8000