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# file opened: tricky_syntax.asm
 1    0000                  OPT -Wrdlow ; test various tricky cases of syntax, enable rdlow warning
 2    0000 CE 07            adc     a , (   ( 3 ) + ( 4 )   )
tricky_syntax.asm(3): warning[rdlow]: Reading memory at low address: 7
 3    0002 3A 07 00         ld      a , (   ( 3 ) + ( 4 )   )   // extra warning about if low address is ok
 4    0005 3E 07            ld      a ,     ( 3 ) + ( 4 )
 5    0007 3E 07            ld      a ,     ( 3 ) | ( 4 )
 6    0009 3A 07 00         ld      a ,       ( 3 | 4 )         // rdlow-ok. (warning suppressed by comment)
tricky_syntax.asm(7): warning[rdlow]: Reading memory at low address: 7
 7    000C 3A 07 00         ld      a,((3|4))       // fake (should NOT suppress warning about low address)
 8    000F 3A 07 00         ld      a,(+(3|4))      //rdlow-ok (should suppress)
 9    0012 3E 07            ld      a,+((3|4))
10    0014
11    0014                  ; test all IXY variants recognized by parser
12    0014 DD 7C DD 7C      ld      a,hx, a,xh, a,ixh, a,HX, a,XH, a,IXH, a,high ix, a,high IX, a,HIGH ix, a,HIGH IX
12    0018 DD 7C DD 7C
12    001C DD 7C DD 7C
12    0020 DD 7C DD 7C
12    0024 DD 7C DD 7C
13    0028 DD 7D DD 7D      ld      a,lx, a,xl, a,ixl, a,LX, a,XL, a,IXL, a,low  ix, a,low  IX, a,LOW  ix, a,LOW  IX
13    002C DD 7D DD 7D
13    0030 DD 7D DD 7D
13    0034 DD 7D DD 7D
13    0038 DD 7D DD 7D
14    003C FD 7C FD 7C      ld      a,hy, a,yh, a,iyh, a,HY, a,YH, a,IYH, a,high iy, a,high IY, a,HIGH iy, a,HIGH IY
14    0040 FD 7C FD 7C
14    0044 FD 7C FD 7C
14    0048 FD 7C FD 7C
14    004C FD 7C FD 7C
15    0050 FD 7D FD 7D      ld      a,ly, a,yl, a,iyl, a,LY, a,YL, a,IYL, a,low  iy, a,low  IY, a,LOW  iy, a,LOW  IY
15    0054 FD 7D FD 7D
15    0058 FD 7D FD 7D
15    005C FD 7D FD 7D
15    0060 FD 7D FD 7D
16    0064 DD E5 DD E5      push    ix, IX
17    0068 FD E5 FD E5      push    iy, IY
18    006C
19    006C E9 E9 DD E9      jp      (hl), hl, (ix), ix, (iy), iy        ; valid
19    0070 DD E9 FD E9
19    0074 FD E9
20    0076                  ; invalid
tricky_syntax.asm(21): error: Label not found: hl
21    0076 C3 00 00         jp      ((hl))
tricky_syntax.asm(22): error: Label not found: ix
22    0079 C3 00 00         jp      ((ix))
tricky_syntax.asm(23): error: Label not found: iy
23    007C C3 00 00         jp      ((iy))
24    007F
25    007F                  ; ld r16,nnnn vs ld r16,(nnnn) heuristics in default syntax mode
26    007F 01 34 12 01      ld      bc, $1230 + 4  , bc, ($1230) + (4)  , bc,+($1230 + 4)
26    0083 34 12 01 34
26    0087 12
27    0088 ED 4B 34 12      ld      bc,($1230 + 4) , bc,(($1230) + (4)) , bc, [$1230 + 4] , bc,[($1230  +  4)]
27    008C ED 4B 34 12
27    0090 ED 4B 34 12
27    0094 ED 4B 34 12
28    0098
29    0098 11 34 12 11      ld      de, $1230 + 4  , de, ($1230) + (4)  , de,+($1230 + 4)
29    009C 34 12 11 34
29    00A0 12
30    00A1 ED 5B 34 12      ld      de,($1230 + 4) , de,(($1230) + (4)) , de, [$1230 + 4] , de,[($1230  +  4)]
30    00A5 ED 5B 34 12
30    00A9 ED 5B 34 12
30    00AD ED 5B 34 12
31    00B1
32    00B1 21 34 12 21      ld      hl, $1230 + 4  , hl, ($1230) + (4)  , hl,+($1230 + 4)
32    00B5 34 12 21 34
32    00B9 12
33    00BA 2A 34 12 2A      ld      hl,($1230 + 4) , hl,(($1230) + (4)) , hl, [$1230 + 4] , hl,[($1230  +  4)]
33    00BE 34 12 2A 34
33    00C2 12 2A 34 12
34    00C6
35    00C6 DD 21 34 12      ld      ix, $1230 + 4  , ix, ($1230) + (4)  , ix,+($1230 + 4)
35    00CA DD 21 34 12
35    00CE DD 21 34 12
36    00D2 DD 2A 34 12      ld      ix,($1230 + 4) , ix,(($1230) + (4)) , ix, [$1230 + 4] , ix,[($1230  +  4)]
36    00D6 DD 2A 34 12
36    00DA DD 2A 34 12
36    00DE DD 2A 34 12
37    00E2
38    00E2 FD 21 34 12      ld      iy, $1230 + 4  , iy, ($1230) + (4)  , iy,+($1230 + 4)
38    00E6 FD 21 34 12
38    00EA FD 21 34 12
39    00EE FD 2A 34 12      ld      iy,($1230 + 4) , iy,(($1230) + (4)) , iy, [$1230 + 4] , iy,[($1230  +  4)]
39    00F2 FD 2A 34 12
39    00F6 FD 2A 34 12
39    00FA FD 2A 34 12
40    00FE
41    00FE 31 34 12 31      ld      sp, $1230 + 4  , sp, ($1230) + (4)  , sp,+($1230 + 4)
41    0102 34 12 31 34
41    0106 12
42    0107 ED 7B 34 12      ld      sp,($1230 + 4) , sp,(($1230) + (4)) , sp, [$1230 + 4] , sp,[($1230  +  4)]
42    010B ED 7B 34 12
42    010F ED 7B 34 12
42    0113 ED 7B 34 12
43    0117
44    0117 4E 23 46 2B      ld      bc,(hl), de,(hl)                    ; valid fake instructions
44    011B 5E 23 56 2B
45    011F DD 6E 01 DD      ld      hl,(ix+1), hl,(ix-128), hl,(ix+126)
45    0123 66 02 DD 6E
45    0127 80 DD 66 81
45    012B DD 6E 7E DD
45    012F 66 7F
46    0131 FD 6E 01 FD      ld      hl,(iy+1), hl,(iy-128), hl,(iy+126)
46    0135 66 02 FD 6E
46    0139 80 FD 66 81
46    013D FD 6E 7E FD
46    0141 66 7F
47    0143                  ; invalid
tricky_syntax.asm(48): error: Illegal instruction:     ld      hl,(hl)
48    0143                  ld      hl,(hl)
tricky_syntax.asm(49): error: Illegal instruction:     ld      sp,(hl)
49    0143                  ld      sp,(hl)
tricky_syntax.asm(50): error: Illegal instruction:     ld      ix,(hl)
50    0143                  ld      ix,(hl)
tricky_syntax.asm(51): error: Illegal instruction:     ld      iy,(hl)
51    0143                  ld      iy,(hl)
tricky_syntax.asm(52): error: Offset out of range
52    0143                  ld      hl,(ix+127)
tricky_syntax.asm(53): error: Offset out of range (-129)
53    0143                  ld      hl,(ix-129)
tricky_syntax.asm(54): error: Offset out of range
54    0143                  ld      hl,(iy+127)
tricky_syntax.asm(55): error: Offset out of range (-129)
55    0143                  ld      hl,(iy-129)
56    0143
57    0143 EB               ex      de,hl
58    0144 EB               ex      hl,de
59    0145 08               ex      af
60    0146 08               ex      af,af
61    0147 08               ex      af,af'
62    0148
63    0148 7D               ld      a  ,  low  hl
63    0149 7D             ld a,l
64    014A 58               ld      e  ,  high  bc
64    014B 58             ld e,b
65    014C 7D               ld      a  ,  LOW  hl
65    014D 7D             ld a,l
66    014E 58               ld      e  ,  HIGH  bc
66    014F 58             ld e,b
67    0150 3E 52            ld      a  ,  low  h
68    0152              h:
69    0152 3E 54            ld      a  ,  low  label
70    0154              label:
tricky_syntax.asm(71): error: Label not found: Low
tricky_syntax.asm(71): error: Unexpected: hl
71    0154 3E 00            ld      a  ,  Low  hl   ; error
72    0156 3E 01            ld      a  ,  high  d
73    0158              d:
74    0158
75    0158 E3               ex      (sp),hl     ; #E3
76    0159 E3               ex      hl,(sp)     ; #E3
77    015A DD E3            ex      (sp),ix     ; #DDE3
78    015C DD E3            ex      ix,(sp)     ; #DDE3
79    015E FD E3            ex      (sp),iy     ; #FDE3
80    0160 FD E3            ex      iy,(sp)     ; #FDE3
81    0162                  ; invalid
tricky_syntax.asm(82): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      af,
82    0162                  ex      af,
tricky_syntax.asm(83): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      af,hl
83    0162                  ex      af,hl
tricky_syntax.asm(84): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      af,(sp)
84    0162                  ex      af,(sp)
tricky_syntax.asm(85): error: Unexpected: ',af
85    0162 08               ex      af',af      ; does leak `ex af,af` machine code, but also reports error
tricky_syntax.asm(86): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      de,bc
86    0163                  ex      de,bc
tricky_syntax.asm(87): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      hl,bc
87    0163                  ex      hl,bc
tricky_syntax.asm(88): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      sp,hl
88    0163                  ex      sp,hl
tricky_syntax.asm(89): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      (sp,hl
89    0163                  ex      (sp,hl
tricky_syntax.asm(90): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      de,(sp)
90    0163                  ex      de,(sp)
tricky_syntax.asm(91): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      (sp),de
91    0163                  ex      (sp),de
tricky_syntax.asm(92): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      hl,sp
92    0163                  ex      hl,sp
tricky_syntax.asm(93): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      ix,sp
93    0163                  ex      ix,sp
tricky_syntax.asm(94): error: Illegal instruction:     ex      iy,sp
94    0163                  ex      iy,sp
95    0163
# file closed: tricky_syntax.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0158   d
0x0152   h
0x0154   label