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# file opened: op_next_syntax.asm
 1    0000                  OPT --zxnext=cspect --syntax=af
 2    0000                  ORG     $0405
 3    0405              label:
 4    0405                  ; test *OTHER* syntax of various instructions
 5    0405                  ; (only variants, multi-arguments and error messages)
 6    0405
 7    0405 ED 23            swapnib a                       ; #ED23
op_next_syntax.asm(8): error: [SWAPNIB] Illegal operand (can be only register A):     swapnib b
 8    0407                  swapnib b
op_next_syntax.asm(8): error: Unexpected: 5
 8    0407 ED 23          swapnib 5
op_next_syntax.asm(8): error: Unexpected: label
 8    0409 ED 23          swapnib label
op_next_syntax.asm(8): error: Unexpected: ,,a
 8    040B ED 23          swapnib a,,a        ; syntax errors
 9    040D
10    040D ED 24            mirror a                        ; #ED24
op_next_syntax.asm(11): error: [MIRROR] Illegal operand (can be only register A):     mirror b
11    040F                  mirror b
op_next_syntax.asm(11): error: Unexpected: 5
11    040F ED 24          mirror 5
op_next_syntax.asm(11): error: Unexpected: label
11    0411 ED 24           mirror label
op_next_syntax.asm(11): error: Unexpected: ,,a
11    0413 ED 24          mirror a,,a           ; syntax errors
12    0415
op_next_syntax.asm(13): warning: value 0x405 is truncated to 8bit value: 0x05
13    0415 ED 27 05         test label                      ; #ED2705
op_next_syntax.asm(14): error: Operand expected
14    0418 ED 27 00         test
op_next_syntax.asm(14): error: Label not found: a
14    041B ED 27 00       test a
op_next_syntax.asm(14): error: Label not found: b
14    041E ED 27 00       test b
op_next_syntax.asm(14): error: Unexpected: ,,5
14    0421 ED 27 05       test 5,,5                          ; syntax errors
15    0424
16    0424 ED 30            mul de
op_next_syntax.asm(16): warning[fake]: Fake instruction: mul
16    0426 ED 30          mul                    ; #ED30 (w/o arguments shows "warning: Fake")
op_next_syntax.asm(17): error: Z80N MUL exist only with "D,E" arguments: mul h,l
17    0428                  mul h,l
op_next_syntax.asm(17): error: Z80N MUL exist only with "D,E" arguments: mul hl
17    0428                mul hl
op_next_syntax.asm(17): error: Z80N MUL exist only with "D,E" arguments: mul 5
17    0428                mul 5
op_next_syntax.asm(17): error: Z80N MUL exist only with "D,E" arguments: mul label
17    0428                mul label
op_next_syntax.asm(17): error: Unexpected: ,,d,e
17    0428 ED 30          mul d,e,,d,e         ; syntax errors
18    042A
19    042A ED 31 ED 32      add hl,a,,de,a,,bc,a            ; #ED31 ED32 ED33
19    042E ED 33
20    0430 ED 34 02 01      add hl,$102,,de,$304,,bc,$506   ; #ED340201 ED350403 ED360605
20    0434 ED 35 04 03
20    0438 ED 36 06 05
21    043C
22    043C ED 8A 01 02      push $102,,label                ; #ED8A0102 ED8A0405
22    0440 ED 8A 04 05
23    0444
op_next_syntax.asm(24): error: Unexpected: a
24    0444 ED 90            outinb a
op_next_syntax.asm(24): error: Unexpected: 5
24    0446 ED 90          outinb 5
op_next_syntax.asm(24): error: Unexpected: label
24    0448 ED 90          outinb label                          ; syntax errors
25    044A
26    044A ED 91 04 05      nextreg $04,$05,,$03,a          ; #ED910405 ED9203
26    044E ED 92 03
op_next_syntax.asm(27): error: Illegal instruction:     nextreg $0E,b,,a,$0F                                        ; syntax errors
27    0451                  nextreg $0E,b,,a,$0F                                        ; syntax errors
28    0451
29    0451 ED 93            pixeldn hl                      ; #ED93
op_next_syntax.asm(30): error: Unexpected: de
30    0453 ED 93            pixeldn de
op_next_syntax.asm(30): error: Unexpected: ,,hl
30    0455 ED 93          pixeldn hl,,hl                                 ; syntax errors
31    0457
32    0457 ED 94            pixelad hl                      ; #ED94
op_next_syntax.asm(33): error: Unexpected: de
33    0459 ED 94            pixelad de
op_next_syntax.asm(33): error: Unexpected: ,,hl
33    045B ED 94          pixelad hl,,hl                                 ; syntax errors
34    045D
op_next_syntax.asm(35): error: Unexpected: a
35    045D ED 95            setae a
op_next_syntax.asm(35): error: Unexpected: 5
35    045F ED 95          setae 5
op_next_syntax.asm(35): error: Unexpected: label
35    0461 ED 95          setae label                             ; syntax errors
36    0463
op_next_syntax.asm(37): error: Illegal instruction:     jp      [c]                                                 ; syntax errors
37    0463                  jp      [c]                                                 ; syntax errors
38    0463
# file closed: op_next_syntax.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0405   label