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# file opened: cspectmap.asm
 1    0000                          DEVICE NONE         ; set "none" explicitly, to avoid "global device" feature
cspectmap.asm(2): error: CSPECTMAP only allowed in real device emulation mode (See DEVICE)
 2    0000                          CSPECTMAP           ; error about non-device mode
 3    0000                          DEVICE ZXSPECTRUMNEXT
 3    0000                SLOT 6
 4    0000                          CSPECTMAP "cspectmap.sym"   ; default-name variant is tested only manually
 5    0000              ;             CSPECTMAP ; default-name is source name with ".map" appended (tested manually)
 6    0000                          LABELSLIST "cspectmap.lbl"
 7    0000
 8    0000                          ; create test labels in various areas of memory (and by various means)
 9    0000
10    0000              EquLabel    EQU     $1234
11    0000
12    0000              DeflLabel   DEFL    $12+1
13    0000
14    0000                          STRUCT Struct
15    0000 ~            Field1      BLOCK   5
16    0000 ~            Field2      DW      $5678
17    0000                          ENDS
18    0000
19    0000                          ORG $C000, $00
20    C000 27           Page00:     daa
21    C001              .local:
22    C001                          ORG $C001, $01
23    C001 37           Page01:     scf
24    C002              .local:
25    C002                          ORG $C00A, $0A
26    C00A 3F           Page0A:     ccf
27    C00B 07           .local:     rlca
28    C00C              .codeEqu    EQU $+1             ; is like simple EQU => "wrong" physical address
29    C00C
30    C00C              .local.local:       ; TODO this will be incorrectly marked as local at second dot
31    C00C                  ; but it will stay so, because A) not simple to fix B) works often better for UX
32    C00C
33    C00C                          ORG $DFFE, $0B      ; also raise difficulty by adding extra dots in labels
34    DFFE 2F           Page0B.A:   cpl
35    DFFF              .local.b:
36    DFFF                          ORG $C0DF, $DF
37    C0DF 1F           PageDF.A.B: rra
38    C0E0              .local.c..d:
39    C0E0
40    C0E0                          ORG $C030, $30
41    C030                  MODULE Module
42    C030 17           Page30:     rla
43    C031              .local:
44    C031                  ENDMODULE
45    C031
46    C031                          ORG $C031, $31
47    C031                  MODULE Module_two_
48    C031 0F           Page31..A.: rrca
49    C032              .local..c.:
50    C032                  ENDMODULE
51    C032
52    C032                  ; exporting of struct-emit labels should contain the correct physical address too
53    C032 00 00 00 00  s1          Struct { 0x1234 }
53    C036 00 34 12
54    C039
# file closed: cspectmap.asm

Value    Label
------ - -----------------------------------------------------------
0x0013 X DeflLabel
0x1234 X EquLabel
0xC030 X Module.Page30
0xC031 X Module.Page30.local
0xC031 X Module_two_.Page31..A.
0xC032 X Module_two_.Page31..A..local..c.
0xC000 X Page00
0xC001 X Page00.local
0xC001 X Page01
0xC002 X Page01.local
0xC00A X Page0A
0xC00D X Page0A.codeEqu
0xC00B X Page0A.local
0xC00C X Page0A.local.local
0xDFFE X Page0B.A
0xDFFF X Page0B.A.local.b
0xC0DF X PageDF.A.B
0xC0E0 X PageDF.A.B.local.c..d
0xC032 X s1
0xC032 X s1.Field1
0xC037 X s1.Field2
0x0007 X Struct
0x0000 X Struct.Field1
0x0005 X Struct.Field2